Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 171: Clingy Seraphina

Seraphina, touched by Isabella's gesture, felt a warmth spreading through her, unlike anything she had experienced before.

Isabella's embrace and tears, filled with joy for her, softened the knot of unfamiliar emotions in her chest.

For so long, Seraphina had only known emotions through their soul bond, but this—this was her own.

She was beginning to understand the meaning of feeling something purely from within herself.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she relaxed into Isabella's arms, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you big sister," Seraphina whispered, her voice barely audible, but full of emotion.

Adrian watched the two women with a tender smile. He moved closer, placing a gentle hand on Seraphina's shoulder.

"You've always been strong, Aunt," he said, his voice low and sincere. "But this... this is something different. You're not just strong because of what you can do, but because of who you are. It makes me proud."

Adrian moved closer, his expression softening as he knelt down beside them.

He placed a gentle hand on Seraphina's back, rubbing slow circles, trying to comfort her as she experienced this rush of newfound emotion.

Seraphina’s heart swelled at Adrian’s words, and a small, almost shy smile tugged at her lips. She nodded, feeling the strange emotion from earlier—the jealousy—begin to melt away.

It was replaced by warmth and gratitude. “Thank you…” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Adrian stood and helped the two women up, his tone playful as he tried to lighten the mood. "Now, how about we wash up and get some sleep? We’ve had quite the eventful night."

They made their way to the bath, a large, luxurious room with steaming hot water that shimmered under the soft glow of magical lamps.

The three of them bathed together, the atmosphere far more relaxed and intimate now.

Seraphina was still quiet, but there was a noticeable change in her demeanor—a softness that hadn’t been there before.

After their bath, they all collapsed into bed, exhausted yet content. Adrian pulled both women into his arms, holding them close as they drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.

The next morning, Adrian stood near the exit portal of the training chamber, preparing to return to Mortimer's castle, then move towards his Manor in Everhart territory.

His mind was already focused on the tasks ahead—managing his forces, handling the political games at play, and ensuring the safety of his family.

He reached for the item that would take him out of the chamber when he suddenly heard Seraphina’s voice behind him.

“Adrian… wait.”

He turned to see her standing there, her eyes steady but filled with something different—vulnerability.

“Can I come with you?” she asked, her voice quiet yet firm. “I want to spend some time with you… outside of this place.”

Adrian blinked, surprised by her request. It wasn’t like Seraphina to ask for things. She usually stayed within her role, confident and assured, never needing anything from anyone.

But this—this was different. He remembered the night before, the way she had felt jealous, the way she had opened up emotionally.

He smiled softly, touched by her request. "Of course," he replied without hesitation. "I’d be more than happy to have you with me."

Seraphina’s face lit up ever so slightly, and Adrian could see the relief in her eyes. But before they could leave, he mentally asked the system if the item could transport both of them out of the chamber.

As always, the system’s voice responded in a greedy, mocking tone.

"Host must be an idiot, is there any descrption on item that suggests that it can transport two people huh? You must purchase an additional item to transport a second person."

Adrian sighed inwardly but didn’t hesitate. He had more than enough Seduction Points. With a quick purchase, he acquired the necessary item, and soon, both he and Seraphina were ready to leave.

As they stepped out of the portal, they arrived at the castle grounds of Mortimer. The air was crisp, and the morning sun cast a golden glow over the vast expanse.

They made their way toward the meeting spot where Asmodeus should be waiting with the mercenaries who were meant to escort Adrian.

As they walked, Seraphina clung to his arm, crossing her arm with his and leaning into his shoulder.

She didn’t speak, but her closeness was palpable, a silent but intimate connection as they strolled together.

Waiting for them, as promised, was Asmodeus, along with the mercenaries who were to serve as Adrian’s escort.

"Master, you have arrived," Asmodeus said, bowing low, his voice filled with respect. The mercenaries followed suit, their postures rigid as they prepared to fulfill their duties.

Adrian nodded, but before he could give any further orders, he noticed Seraphina stepping forward.

Her eyes flashed with an intensity he hadn’t seen in a while, and before anyone could react, she released a powerful aura, pressing down heavily on the mercenaries and Asmodeus alike.

"You weaklings… leave," Seraphina commanded, her voice sharp and unyielding. "I don’t need any of you to escort my man. I’ll do it myself."

Adrian shook his head with a small smile, watching the transformation in Seraphina.

“Aunt, please stop releasing your aura. They’ll be crushed to death at this rate,” he said gently. “Like my dear aunt said, it’ll just be us, okay?” he added with a smile.

Seraphina blinked, her eyes softening as she heard his words. She released the pressure immediately, a small smile playing on her lips as she turned back to Adrian.

"Like I said," she whispered, "it’ll just be us."

Adrian smiled, deeply touched by her words. "Alright, just us then."

Adrian turned to Asmodeus, who was still catching his breath. “Compensate the mercenaries double for their trouble,” Adrian ordered.

With that taken care of, Adrian turned to Seraphina and said, “Let’s get moving, my dear aunt.” He prepared to straddle one of the horses nearby, but as he mounted the horse, Seraphina didn’t follow.

Instead, she climbed up behind him on the same horse, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her face against his back.

Adrian was taken by surprise. “Aunt, if we ride on the same horse, it might slow us down. We might not make it to the manor in time.”

Seraphina chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, dear husband. I’ll buff the horse. You just enjoy the ride with me,” she whispered, her voice low and teasing.

“And stop calling me aunt when we’re alone. Call me... your wife.”

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