Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 172: Traveling With Seraphina

Adrian chuckled at Seraphina's playful demand, but he couldn’t deny the warmth it brought to his heart. Seraphina, his aunt asked him to call her his wife.

Even though she called him husband from time to time, she never had asked him to call her wife.

Though the words sounded unusual at first, they felt natural, even right, in the intimacy they now shared.

With her arms wrapped securely around him, her face pressed gently against his back, Adrian felt an overwhelming sense of connection, one that went beyond the usual bond they had.

Adrian took a deep breath, his body still attuned to the electric closeness of her. “Alright, my… wife,” he said, the word tasting new on his tongue, but it brought a smile to his lips as he spoke it.

There was a softness in his tone, an affection that made the title feel less like a jest and more like an acknowledgment of the bond they were beginning to share.

He could feel Seraphina’s grin widening behind him as she nuzzled into him even further.

There was a playfulness in her actions, but also an underlying sense of joy—joy that Adrian could feel radiating from her as she pressed herself closer to him.

With a simple thought, Seraphina infused the horse beneath them with her magic. A soft, glowing light enveloped the creature, and its muscles seemed to ripple with newfound strength and stamina.

Adrian marveled at the effortless nature of her spellcasting, the way her power flowed so naturally, as if it were merely an extension of her will.

The horse shifted beneath them, its powerful legs ready to carry them faster than any ordinary steed ever could.

As they began to move, the horse galloped with such speed and grace that it felt like they were gliding through the fields.

The world around them blurred, the distant horizon shimmering as if they were suspended between realms, traveling at a speed that defied the ordinary.

The wind rushed past, carrying with it the scent of fresh earth and the cool bite of morning air. Yet despite the rush of wind, Seraphina’s warmth remained constant, grounding Adrian in the moment.

To ensure that the journey wasn’t drowned out by the howling winds, Seraphina created a barrier around them.

It was subtle, invisible to the eye, but Adrian could feel the way the wind softened as it passed through the magical shield.

The barrier was Seraphina’s way of protecting their conversation, of ensuring that nothing—not even the elements—would rob them of the quiet moments they shared.

Adrian wasn’t focused on their destination; instead, his attention remained on the woman holding him, the quiet intimacy between them.

He couldn’t help but think about how much things had changed between them in such a short time.

How had they come from being merely aunt and nephew to this—this profound connection that neither of them had expected?

“It’s strange, Adrian, but it’s also beautiful. I never thought I’d experience emotions that I thought I had lost, once again. I feel truly alive now.”

Seraphina’s voice broke the comfortable silence, her words muffled slightly as she buried her face against his back.

Her tone was soft, almost vulnerable, something Adrian wasn’t used to hearing from her.

Adrian’s heart tightened at her words, at the rawness in her confession. From the time since he met Seraphina, Seraphina had been a figure of immense power and control, someone who rarely showed weakness or doubt.

But now, she was opening up to him, revealing a side of herself that no one else had ever seen. And it made him feel more connected to her than ever.

He took a moment before responding, letting her words hang in the air as he considered them.

Then, with a soft smile, he said, “You’ve always been alive, my dear wife. You just didn’t let yourself feel it before.”

Her arms tightened around him as she heard his words, and he could sense the conflict within her.

She had spent so many years being the unshakable Royal Mage, the woman who had lost her emotions and feelings ever since certain incident in her younger days.

She was someone who should have dead but was kept alive thanks to sacrifice of Isabella. She felt grateful to her but could not express herself sincerely.

She hid behind the fake smile she always wore on her face. But now, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, she was letting herself experience something more.

“I’m not used to this,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve spent so long being in control, of myself. But here I am feeling jealous about you, losing myself.”

Adrian’s fingers tightened slightly on the reins, his heart aching for her.

But he also knew that this moment between them wasn’t about anything other than them, about the connection they had built in the midst of all the chaos in their lives.

“You don’t have to be in control all the time,” Adrian said softly, his voice gentle but firm. “Not with me. You can let yourself feel any emotion you want.”

Her silence spoke volumes, the way she held him closer, her body pressed firmly against his.

After a long pause, Seraphina whispered, “I’m scared, Adrian. I’m scared of what this means. I’m scared of what I’m becoming.”

Adrian gently reached down, covering her hands with one of his own. His thumb brushed over her knuckles, offering comfort in the only way he knew how.

“You don’t have to be scared. You’re not alone in this. I as well as others are there for you.”

Seraphina exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her body relaxing slightly against his.

She hadn’t realized how much she had needed to hear those words until now. For so long, she had carried the burden of her power and responsibilities alone, never allowing herself to rely on anyone else.

But now, with Adrian, it felt different. She felt safe, understood.

“I’m not used to relying on anyone,” she murmured, her voice barely audible.

“I know,” Adrian replied, his voice warm. “But you can rely on me. I’m here for you.”

As the horse continued its rapid pace across the fields, Seraphina allowed herself to lean into Adrian more fully, letting her guard down in a way she hadn’t in years.

She wasn’t sure what the future held for them, but for now, in this moment, she was content. Content to be by Adrian’s side, content to feel alive in a way she hadn’t in so long.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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