Root Maker: Tree Cultivation

Chapter 47: Deal Sealed

Year 11, Day 42

Fhenzi Region of the Coazin Continent, Demonic Fields, Endless “Desert”.

Root gazed upon the Flareburn family, each and every single one of them had a Fate Thread that mirrored Elder Ránshão Flareburn, this was meant to happen. Root once more dreaded the fact that he could not see his own fate thread, but he dismissed his emotions about fate and decided to focus on the now- A simple soft mold green colored paper appeared in front of his spiritual form, golden letters started to flow through it and he spoke the words as they were appearing: “I, [REDACTED], hereby declare: I will provide assistance to the Flareburn Family, create a good environment for them to cultivate and grow safely. In return, the entire Flareburn family and those that join it will serve me, the Patriarch of the Heavenly Spirit Forest Sect, to the best of their ability. By signing this contract, you and the Flareburn will be bound to me and shall never- willingly or unwillingly -betray me. Furthermore, you will follow the rules of the sect and become part of the Fire Branch of the Heavenly Spirit Forest Sect.” With a twirl at the end of the T, a straight line appeared at the bottom of the contract.

A soft pale green leaf floated towards Elder Flareburn and so did the contract. He stared at it for a while as Root stood still as well, his hands holding and molding the bright and powerful ball of Fire Qi that once was the Fire Cloud the Flareburns foolishly chased after, becoming even a symbol of their mockery: “If you wish to stay and cultivate, no longer needing to chase after a cloud, sign the contract- But be aware that once you sign it, your family shall serve mine. Your children will grow and cultivate in a still environment, no longer needing to go after the source of their cultivation… You will be free from your foolish chase, but shackled to this place. Choose now, Flareburns, to be free or to be free?” If you stop and think about it, both options were shackles and both options were freedom. In one side you had the option to follow a cloud wherever it went and being shackled to it but also at the same time having the freedom of movement- On the other side, you had the option to be free from the burned of having to always follow this cloud wherever it goes and not having enough time to safely cultivate, but also being shackled in one place and no longer being able to continuously explore the same path you've taken.

To be free (the ability of being constantly on the move) or to be free (having the safety of cultivation).

Which one would they choose? Well, obviously, the second one.

Elder Ránshão Flareburn picked the leaf given to him by Root, turned to look at his family and signed the moss green paper- The moment he finished writing his family name on it, the contract and the leaf on his hand swiftly turned into this golden light- Like a lightning bolt, this thin glowing golden light shot out and penetrated Ránshão Flareburn's heart, shocking everyone. Immediately after, the same line went through his body and broke off into several other lines that also connected to every single Flareburn's heart. “A deal is signed in the heart and soul, welcome Flareburns, to my sect. From now on, you are to report to Fiero, my son-” Fiero just looked like a deer caught in headlights, pointing to himself to make sure his dad didn't magically sprout out another stronger Fire Qi Spirit known as Fiero: “-yes son, you. The Flareburn family is now under you, they share the same Qi Affinity as you, I'd like you to learn from them as well as they will learn from you.” Root softly pulled the sphere of red that sat on his hand and sighed.

“Ahteus.” Calling out to his son, Root watched as the ground before him slowly crawled upwards and his son emerged: “Yeah, pops?” On his shoulder rested Goldy, his Golden Qi Fox, that was Ahteus’ best little buddy: “What do you think of helping me make a mountain?”

…did they hear him right?

Endless Desert, Fhenzi Region

Far Away from Root's Forest.

“So, you're rather strange, young man.” Holding the cracked pot in his hands, the young man took a sip from his tea as the caravan rested still in the endless desert. Although a little claustrophobic, everyone was able to fit in the carriages that Jhin De Zhi had. The entire Rottenwoods family alongside Jhin's crew and this mysterious cultivator were able to use the carriages as shelter against the sandstorm outside. The Rottenwoods had made a temporary shelter to the big beasts that pulled the carriages to make sure they would not be hurt by the sandstorm as they awaited its end: “Your Qi seems to be almost collapsing, yet your foundation resists it.” Elder Rottenwoods chuckled softly as her hands held her own cup of tea, the soft scent of mint and vanilla flowing out of the cup.

His black tail swished from one side to the other as his yellow sunken eyes stared at the old lady: “...” He said nothing, deciding to just drink his tea and rest, he could feel the Qi within him. It felt almost like it was trying to break free from his control, and he hated it. They were all forced to wait the sandstorm away, so why not socialize just a little? He hasn't spoken to anyone for such a long time… How the fuck do you speak to people!? “”

“Yes. Weather.” The old lady nodded sagely: “It is very weather outside.” There was a soft snicker from the little kid holding the glowing green bunny- Soon other Rottenwoods joined in on the “conversation” by talking about the sandstorm outside: “It's not the first time that we have seen such a thing… I know you also have seen your fair share of the weather outside-” The old lady looked at him once more: “-I'm sure you know how bad it could get, don't you?” Dread filled his heart for a split second before he nodded-

Nobody likes a Sandstorm Devil.

What is a Sandstorm Devil? Well, it is a rather quick and aggressive change of weather where a simple sandstorm suddenly catches a lot of speed and strength, turning into this enormous swirling force of sand and wind. The sand flows and spins so quickly that it can tear the flesh out of the body from cultivators, tear the walls of homes, and even tear your soul out! Or so say the stories. Everyone has seen a Sandstorm Devil at least once, even if from afar. If you haven't seen one, it means you are a blessed person, destined to live a good life- or so the stories say.

“Elder Rottenwoods, how about we talk about the weird sensations your family has been feeling?” Jhin De Zhi said, his eyes nervously looking around at the sandstorm: “It's better not talk about Sandstorm Devils while being in a sandstorm- It brings bad luck.” Elder Rottenwoods sighed as she looked at the few of her family around her, she also looked at the weird cultivator that they rescued… Elder Rottenwoods is old enough and superstitious enough to know that if something weird happens to you, it was meant to happen from the very beginning. Well, everyone believed in fate to a degree, but Elder Rottenwoods? She believed that a leaf would never fall from a tree if it was not destined to. Everything is connected to fate, in her eyes at least. “Very well, little Jhin.” the old woman stretched out her hands and groaned as they cracked like branches, which was not surprising considering she looked like a bunch of sticks together.

“My family and I have been feeling nature bloom… The Boundless Bountiful is starting.” As she finished her words, Jhin De Zhi sighed in relief for a moment: “However, every single person in my family, including me, started feeling this… Pull.” All together, the Rottenwoods turned and looked towards a single direction- The same direction the glowing green bunny had been floating towards. “We can feel it- A call, deep in our very soul, nature itself is calling us, nature is calling their children back to them… We need to follow, we need to, it's a necessity.” She placed her hand where her heart would be, as did every single Rottenwoods in the carriage alongside her: “It's weird… We feel the pull, we know where to go, but for some reason the pull feels lighter… it's almost fading away-” But as she was about to finish her sentence, all Rottenwoods in the carriage groaned. Their hands clenched around their chests and they heaved: “-and it suddenly pulls. It grows stronger, and then… weakens.” Elder Rottenwoods chuckled, her pale white skin seemed to almost crumble and crack as she did, but it was more a trick of light than anything concrete: “I already know what awaits us, my children- What calls us, what pulls our souls.”

There was a silence as even the weird cultivator they rescued was listening to her words curiously.

“-a Natu-”

Sadly, she couldn't finish her sentence as the carriage started to tremble. Everyone looked anxiously around as suddenly this explosion of sand jumped out. There was the sharp sound of one of their heavy beasts of burden screaming: “Shit.” Jhin De Zhi covered himself in this thin golden glow as he exited the carriage, his Golden Qi flashing as it protected him from the sharp particles of sand. He couldn't see very far, but he saw one of the beasts that were known to attack- A Demonic Beast known as the Giant Black Pearl Scorpion. “...Fuck!” Did it have to be this one!? Why couldn't they be attacked by a, i don't know, a Wind Scrapping Killer Eagle, or a fucking five or so little swarm of Buzzing Deaths!? This thing is annoying to deal with…

You know why?

With a shrill shriek and an angry clacking noise, the large black scorpion let opened itself up- From the tip of the stinger on the tail to the weird fangs it had, the scorpion seeming was cut in half before several small little black scorpions also started to come out of it.

They are all female, and they reproduce in a weird way… Like a clam keeping a pearl, they kept their eggs within themselves and whenever it hatched, they would feed themselves and in turn, they would feed their young. However, whenever they are fighting or hunting something, they would release their children upon their prey so the children could attack it too. They relied on the mother to digest the food while they were still babies, but in a few weeks they'd be just like her and thus would produce their eggs within themselves. Since this is a female species, they just needed to get the sperm to fertilize their eggs. How do they get it? Well, they don't use sperm or any other gametes, instead they use their own blood to fertilize their own eggs.

Like that, this species thrived due to their large population and their fast spreading. However, they had a major weakness and flaw… they had a large weakness against Fire Qi. So strong, in fact, that in sunlight it would simply burn! So they made these caverns in the ground very deep and waited for prey to fall into their pits or for when the sun sets, making this species a nocturnal one.

But would you look at that- the sandstorm blocked the sun.

“...why the fuck is my luck so bad?” Jhin De Zhi couldn't help but say. Well, he has no choice other than to fight.

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