Root Maker: Tree Cultivation

Chapter 48: Flare [Bonus Chapter]

Year 11, Day 42

Heavenly Spirit Forest

Mountains form where two continental plates collide. Since both plates have a similar thickness and weight, neither one will sink under the other. Instead, they crumple and fold until the rocks are forced up to form a mountain range. As the plates continue to collide, mountains will get taller and taller- Now, how does one make an artificial mountain? Back in Root's world, such a thing would've been impossible to make, but this world of cultivation has Earth Qi, Qi which controls and manipulates the ground. “Here, little one-” A small tendril of pale green Qi shot out from behind Ahteus and sank into his skull, there was a small spheres that went through the tendril and pushed itself into Ahteus' skull, giving him the knowledge that Root wanted him to have, the knowledge about tectonic plates. “-you now understand it.” Ahteus nodded, absorbing the knowledge his father had given him… It truly was something he never even thought about- The fact that the earth is under constant renewal and movement was something he found awesome.

“Now, let us work-” Ahteus followed his father's idea and they both began to work. Ahteus, still with that pale green tendril touching his skull, stood in the middle of the forest alone. The trees suddenly started to move and unearth themselves, their roots snapping out of the ground- Leaf helped their father move the trees out of the way to make way for the new mountain they were going to make. His other siblings soon appeared, Namis and Chaos began to pull and drag the trees away as well, and soon even Da Huren started to help move the earth and carry trees on his back.

It took a while until they had the surrounding area completely free from trees.

“Now, remember-” Root gathered his focus as he began to push Earth Qi into Ahteus’ body and controlled the Earth Qi around him too: “-push.” Root gave Ahteus knowledge of tectonic plates because they were going to imitate the collision of two continental plates to create the mountain. Ahteus and Root required to enter a state of resonance to push the earth together in complete harmony so as to use the same strength so the earth would rise. It took Ahteus a few seconds to get used to the sheer amount of Earth Qi he was receiving, the purity of the Qi was heavy and his golden veins glowed with a pale brown color as he concentrated. One jagged rock pushed its way out of the ground, the portions of the ground that they were pushing against one another started to heat up and melt. Ahteus’ eyes glowed as he began to push more and more, and so did Root.

The ground became lava and started emanating Fire Qi so strong that the Flareburns couldn't help but be awed by such a feat. Ahteus’ body started cracking under the pressure of using much Earth Qi, Root started to heal his body while keeping the pressure- Now, mountains will naturally form within millions and millions of years, but this mountain? “Fuuuuck-” Ahteus shouted as his gem-like eyes started to glow as his own body started to heat up from the pressure his body was going through. He raised his arms up and the large pool of lava that was artificially created by him and his father shot upwards. It was like a geyser, but instead of hot water, hot molten rock and earth shot up.

Immediately, Root took control of the situation by bending and shifting the magma that was shot upwards while Ahteus kept sending more and more earth upwards from the bottom of the lava pool. Heat exploded outwards as a large column of lava shot out with a blazing red fury. The lava started to- in the middle of the air -cool down and turn into stone, stone which started to shape itself to be a pillar-like mountain. Ahteus also began to control the lava to cool it down quickly, and like his father, he shaped the bottom of the mountain. Well, it was a mountain on the shorter side, but a 1000 feet tall mountain was still a mountain! As Ahteus relaxed and sighed, feeling the pressure in his body be released alongside this soft cloud of steam and ash, he smiled. A pure black colored mountain made entirely of igneous rock! “Woof! That took a lot outta me.” Rolling his shoulders, Ahteus groaned a little: “That was fun.” Goldie finally was able to approach his owner, jumping right into Ahteus’ arms: “Oh, hey little guy.”

The mountain was like this jagged and twisted long pillar of black stone. It had jagged tooth-like stones that melded into one another. It stood still like a skyscraper, the only difference being that it was thicker and larger than one- 1000 feet high and with a radius of 1000 feet at the bottom that narrowed as it got higher and higher until the very top had this relatively flat platform with a surface of 550 feet. It was a heaven defying mountain, because it had obsidian blades covering the entirety of the mountain! You could also see these crystals that pushed their way out of the mountain, they were formed because of the heat and the mixture between Fire Qi and Earth Qi that had turned the dirt and rock into hot magma to be controlled and used by Ahteus and Root. “There.” Root's voice echoed out for all Flareburns to hear: “Your new home… I hope it is good enough for you.” Root chuckled, knowing that the Flareburns would require more and more of his assistance to comfortably live in that unique looking mountain: “Don't worry, I shall help you make your own homes.”

“...thank you, Patriarch.” Elder Ránshão, still is awed at the sheer force and skill that Root had- he literally made a mountain right in front of their eyes! Destroying mountains? That's rather easy, because Fire Qi is destructive in nature, but making mountains? He has only of such feats in stories and myths about Earth Qi Cultivators of the past! -used to make them a new home: “We will be in your care.” He bowed towards the enormous tree once more, and his family followed his example, bowing towards the tree. “Ah, it still isn't over, Elder Ránshão.” Root informed them, his spiritual body manifesting right near them: “After all, you still need to plant your new source of Fire Qi.” A bright seed fell into Elder Flareburn's hands, it was glowing with red, orange, and yellow flames that licked his skin. Elder Flareburn was experienced enough to cover his hands in his own Fire Qi so as to not be harmed by fire and flames, so he was able to hold the seed without any sort of damage to his hands.

“To symbolize the union between our families, you shall reach the top of your new home and plant this seed.” Root pointed towards the mountain: “You can choose the way to get up there, be it by flying, climbing, or even requesting my help.” Elder Ránshão looked back at the mountain and looked at his own hands: “I might be old, Patriarch, but I think I can do it alone.” There was a soft smile on the old man's lips as he reminisced about his younger years, where he did a lot of stupid shit… “Very well.” Root nodded and stayed back to watch as the old man walked forward, his feet touching the still hot black rock that was the ground. His bare feet carried him up rocks, they glowed a soft orange color each time he needed to reach higher than he would be able to, making them spew this burst of flames to push his old man body upwards for a few short seconds. It was a rough and difficult climb, Ránshão had to hold out against many sharp rocks that did cut his skin superficially, but even his blood staining the black rocks symbolized the union between the Flareburn Family and Root's family.

It took the old man 30 minutes to finally reach the top.

He had a smile as he looked down to see the younger members of his family, his eyes could see the endless horizon in all directions, the only higher thing was the Patriarch, who was a massive tree. “Beautiful, isn't it?” Root was suddenly beside him, making Elder Ránshão nod: “Beautiful indeed… I have never seen such wide greenery before… Not even the Boundless Bountiful is able to make such a forest.” Elder Ránshão looked once more at the seed in his hands and slowly reached the center of the mountain. A small hole could be seen in the center of the mountain… “To the new union.” Saying those words, Elder Ránshão pushed the flaming seed into the hole—

It glowed.

The entire mountain glowed a soft orange color as these massive roots, like blood vessels, sank into the mountain and pushed its way into and out of the black stone. There was another wave of heat as the seed started to grow, growing into a large and beautiful glowing tree. The tree trunk had this bright orange and red glow that spread out into every single branch, the leaves, however, had this golden glow as they flourished and unfurled. Right before his eyes, Elder Ránshão saw this beautiful tree made of fire and magma rise and grow until it was 100 feet tall, the canopy of golden glowing leaves spread out around the tree in another 55 feet in all directions before it stopped growing. Looking down, he could see the roots of the tree sinking into the stone like the veins of a body, spreading and glowing with this red coloration- It was beautiful.

“...” He was speechless.

“Welcome to this world-” Root's hand softly touched the flaming hot trunk as he smiled: “-Flare, my beautiful daughter.”


Name: Flare

Race: Volcanic Spirit Tree

Cultivation Root: Sun, Fire, Earth [Excellent]

Age: 0 Years

Qi Realm: Foundation Formation [1st stage]


A Rank: [Solar Heat Exchange]

F Rank: [Volcanic Cultivation]

F Rank: [Soft Flame]

A Rank: [Magma Consumption]

Flare was his new beautiful daughter and the one who would make the Flareburns grow. Root had chosen to focus all the Fire Qi from the Fire Cloud into a single seed. His intent and desires shaped the seed, as did his Nature Qi and his understanding of the Change Dao. He focused on what he needed and modified the seed to be exactly that- The Technique [Solar Heat Exchange] was the technique that would help the Flareburns the most. Flare would absorb the Sun Qi in the day and release it, eliminating the Yin Qi from it by simply releasing it back into the atmosphere in this burst of black ash, letting go of the Fire Qi and Light Qi that would fall from her canopy like soft little flames of golden coloration under the effect of the [Soft Flame] technique. Meanwhile, [Magma Consumption] was more for Flare's own Cultivation, her roots were now connected to his own roots, but she would be able to reach beyond the earth and reach the sweet hot magma beneath them and use it to cultivate alongside her [Volcanic Cultivation] technique.

Unlike her brother Bones, Flare was more silent. She only sent this wave of emotion through their connection, making Root aware that she was sleepy. He did not talk further with her, letting her go to sleep as she was just born. “Your home can be easily built here, but if you need more space, you can build around the mountain. And if absolutely necessary, I can raise the height of the mountain.”

“Thank you Patriarch…” Elder Ránshão bowed once more: “-I cannot thank you enough, is there any way my family and I can repay your kindness?”

“There is.” Root said: “...tell me, Elder Ránshão. Tell me about the world.”

Thank you Dallas Meck, Jean, Kaleb, Esther's Blessed One, underdog121, DarksoulS,  Jared Tate, and Maxwell Joseph for your support.

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