
Chapter 22: Spies Among Us

In the end, Ken accepted Rakee’s offer. It was the only immediate option he had, and so he had to set aside the thought of relying on such a person. Rakee’s gang would now suppress other gang’s attempts to attack Ardai within Egwater.

However, Ken is still pissed. Outside the threat of gang raids, the STC has put a bounty on him and blacklisted Ardai from Venesian imports. It’s challenging to control the rage that built up, but he tries his best to remain calm. It isn’t just him either; all of Ringleader Team feels the heat.

In the Castle Ward District, Reed and Jax are accompanying Ken towards the local STC office. They decided that they would directly ask the representatives for an explanation and if they can somehow come to an agreement. What they are doing is far more than would occur in market competition.

Their footsteps audibly reverberate as people who notice them step aside. People all around them can see that Ken is furious but dared not ask.

“You sure this is fine, Kai?” Jax asks. “I highly doubt they’ll welcome you with flowers.”

“I wouldn’t care if they kneeled and kissed my shoes. I’m going to give them a piece of my mind,” he growls.

“If there’s a bounty on you, don’t you think they’ll try to kill you as soon as they see you?” Jax questions.

“That’s why you guys are coming with me.”

“It should be fine,” Reed interrupts. “We’re in the Castle Ward District. They aren’t likely to cause a scene in this place—probably.”

Surrounded by quality-built administration buildings with the Duke’s manor in sight, the three traverse their way towards the local STC office.

They quickly find the office and notice a few of their guards are standing outside. They walk up to the guards to try and get through.

“Halt,” they order, “state your purpose.”

“We’re here to speak with your representatives.”

“Who’s asking?”

“Ardai Industries.”

The two guards glance and nod at each other before letting the three Ringleader members through.

“All right, go in. We best not catch you causing trouble.”

The three of them go inside the luxurious building with a black and yellow flag indicating it as a Venesian establishment.

Once inside, they find a small reception area with a receptionist standing on the far side of the room.

“How may I be of service?” the receptionist asks.

“We’d like to speak with your highest authority,” Ken says firmly.

“Who shall I tell them is requesting for them?”

“Ken Kai of Ardai Industries.”

“One moment, please.”

The receptionist exits the room and leaves the three Ringleader members alone.

“Just two guards outside, think they’ll bring more?” Jax asks.

“Maybe, but the bounty is offered only for the Egwater gangs, isn’t it?”

“It doesn’t matter who it’s offered to. They’ll fail either way.”

The three of them stand around for a few minutes and get more nervous as time passes. They are taking too long, and a few scenarios run through their minds.

Finally, the door flies open, and the receptionist walks in. Following behind the receptionist is Lord Hyman Derek carrying the same smug face he always displays. Behind Derek comes a guard with a short sword sheathed on his waist. The guard’s appearance instantly raises everyone’s senses.

“My, my. What do we have here?” Derek says mockingly.

“Commoners coming to beg? To negotiate? What was your name again?” He points. “Ben? Was it?”


“But of course it is. Have you finally realized the mistake in refusing our offer?”

“I came here to ask just what the hell you people are thinking?”

“Oh dear, whatever could you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean,” Ken hisses. “Hiring street gangs to harass us? Are you that desperate to suppress us?”

“I think you misunderstand. We’re not trying to suppress you. We’re trying to uncover the truth.”

“What truth?”

“That you are a spy. Those technologies don’t belong to you, do they? You stole them from us.”

“I didn’t steal—”

“Of course, you wouldn’t admit it now, would you?” Derek raises his voice.

“Can you not accept that we created everything ourselves? People aren’t stupid. They research, and they learn. If not us, then someone would have eventually invented new things.”

“Ah, but that would be a problem for us if they did. You see, we at the Senvian Trading Company pride ourselves in being at the forefront of innovation. Our pride as Venesians simply won’t allow ourselves to be outdone by mere commoners.”

“So you admit that you’re just scared we’d outcompete you?”

Derek laughs and walks around the room casually. He can see that Ken wasn’t there to surrender and was just trying to probe into the STC’s actions.

“You put a bounty on me and blacklisted Ardai from imports. It’s a scummy thing to do,” Ken says. “Only cowards go that low for the sake of market competition.”

“Why have you come exactly? Are you here to negotiate?”

“It would be nice if you left us alone. It would save both of us trouble. What’s your price?”

“You should know what we want by now—Ardai Industries.”

“That’s not happening,” Ken says firmly.

“Then it appears you dogs wasted your time coming here.”

Derek turns to the guard and nods in a suggesting way. The guard nods in response and draws his sword.

The Ringleader members are alerted and step back in precaution.

“Woah, woah. Are you sure you want to do that? You’ll create a commotion in the district.”

“I’m very sure,” Derek says. “No one will bat an eye about what goes on within our premises. Kill them.”

The guard lunges forward and swings his sword down at Ken, who jumps out of the way. Jax runs and tackles the guard to the floor before he could lift the sword back up.

“Guards!” Derek yells after seeing the first guard get tackled.

As Jax subdues the guard he tackled, the two other guards from outside enter the building.

Ken quickly recovers and stands to face the remaining guards with Reed. They swing their swords but miss every time as the Ringleader members are all too familiar with their attacks.

Dereks watches on in confusion as his guards are beaten and defeated. He never expected this to happen. He thought Ken was just as defenseless as any other peasant would have been and is shocked at how well versed he is in hand-to-hand combat.

Once the guards are defeated, Ken angrily approaches a frightened Derek and punches him square in the face. Derek falls with a thud, and the receptionist runs out of the room to avoid getting involved in the brawl.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Ken yells.

Jax comes and extends his arm out in front of Ken to stop him from attacking Derek.

“Relax, Ken! Relax!”

“We should get out of here before any more of them come,” Reed tells them.

Jax pushes Ken back, who is breathing heavily from the sudden escalation.

“He’ll get his, don’t worry. Just not now,” Jax continues to calm down Ken.

“I’ve just about had it with these assholes,” Ken comments as he backs away from Derek, who was trying to crawl away.

“We’re all fed up with their bullshit, but we have to leave.”

“Fine, let’s go.”

The three of them quickly exit the building and head for home. They had hoped that they could have figured out a way to get the STC to leave them alone, but Derek refused. Negotiation was simply not possible because of Derek’s greed, who instead decided to attack them.

With the option for a peaceful resolution gone, it looks like Ardai Industries will always conflict with the STC, something that shouldn’t have happened so soon.



While Ken, Reed, and Jax were away, the remaining members, Matt and Cayde, continued to work in the Facility. Ardai’s priority at the moment is to increase precision in their manufacturing techniques. The first generation of electrical and steam-powered machines in the Facility are all primitive and unrefined. Any parts that need detail take far more work to create as the precision for small detailed parts isn’t easy. As such, most efforts are focused on rebuilding the machines with increasing accuracy. The newest machines, milling machines, have replaced blacksmiths hammering drift punches to quicken manufacturing processes and increase precision. The only issue is that the drill bits wear out fast as the proper materials don’t yet exist.

As sunset approaches, people are starting to leave work throughout the city. This also means that Ardai employees are also getting ready to finish their day and close shop. Near the streets around the intersection where the Casiem is located, Ken, Reed, and Jax walks within the crowd. They are returning from their failed negotiation attempt with their minds racing.

“Ken, you should go home and take the rest of the day to cool off,” Jax says.

“I’m fine. I’m going to my office to get my mind off of this whole mess.”

“Don’t stress yourself too much.”

When they reach the Casiem, Ken enters the building while Reed and Jax continue towards the Facility to join Matt and Cayde.

“Hello, Deana,” Ken greets the receptionist.

“Greetings, Mister Kai!” she responds.

“Getting ready to go home?”

“Yup! Some already went home. I’ll be waiting until everyone leaves.”

“All right then. I’ll be in my office for a while. Notify me when everyone has left.”

“Sure thing Mister Kai.”

Ken climbs the floors towards his office. As Deana has said, it seems plenty of people have already left and headed home.

As he traverses the building, he gets a strange feeling. It’s a feeling as if he has been exposed, almost like a premonition. He worries that Derek’s encounter could spiral further out of control, putting the entire project in jeopardy. Punching Derek wasn’t something that he actually wanted to do, but he was so heated after the guard almost chopped his face off that he somehow had to vent out his frustration.

At the moment, they will have to rely on Graham Rakee keeping his word and preventing the Egwater gangs from acting on the STC’s offers. The next course of action that they can take is to get security. To get security for all their property and maybe even security for himself.

Ringleader Team by no means are defenseless. This type of situation is precisely why the EIA chose Ringleader Team to be made up of Green Berets and Rangers.  The sheer uncertainty that was the eastern hemisphere is why this mission required combat-capable operators. Standard everyday espionage operatives were too risky to send when considering how much attention they would accumulate by operating Ardai Industries. Not to mention that it was always helpful to have an elite unit on the scene, ready to bust some heads.

Despite all this, depending on what the STC does, it might be too much for the five members to handle. Ken will have to speak with headquarters and ask for any possible aid. Having another combat-capable team here would be invaluable but unlikely to happen. Regardless, even some more equipment and money would be a big help.

While possibilities run through his mind, Ken realizes that he has been standing in place for a while. In the middle of the hallway, he has been deep in thought, trying to come up with solutions. It would have been awkward if someone came to see him in a daze, standing like a snowman.

What a mess, he thinks.

Ken starts walking again but stops himself almost immediately. He thinks he just heard something. If his mind wasn’t playing with him, he swears he just heard a thud somewhere. He slowly starts walking through the hallway but once again hears a thud. It sounds like someone dropped something. His head swivels around the hallway; maybe an employee was nearby doing something.

Ken approaches his office and hears another thud. It is louder this time and sounded like it came from the direction of his office. He wonders what the noise is and who is causing it. Is it from inside his office? The other Ringleader members should be at the Facility, so no one should be in his office.

Assuming someone snuck in and is snooping around, Ken reaches for his gun inside his coat. He firmly grips his Glock 19 and holds it behind his back. He quietly walks towards the door of his office, the noise within becoming more apparent. It is the sound of drawers being continuously opened and closed.

Someone is definitely in his office snooping around. His heart starts beating faster, and his mind races to think of who it can be. The first thing to come to mind is Hyman Derek. Could the STC have infiltrated the building? Or could it even be a mole among his employees? Another possibility can be a gang member or assassin trying to claim the bounty. These are far-fetched ideas but possibilities nonetheless.

Ken reaches for the doorknob and ever so carefully turns it. He inhales and exhales as paranoia invades his mind.

Suddenly, Ken throws the door wide open and draws his gun, finger on the trigger.

There is a silhouette crouching near one of the drawers with their back facing Ken. Several folders and papers are scattered on the floor near the intruder. In an instant, Ken notices the person’s appearance. It’s a slim figure wearing navy blue dress pants, a white blouse, and an underbust corset. Added to the long brown hair, Ken recognizes the woman.

The woman jumps on her feet and turns around as if frightened by a jumpscare. It is Eleanor, her face full of surprise and guilt.

“Ken! W-w-what—”

“What are you doing?” Ken says threateningly, still pointing his gun at her.

“I-I-I thought y-you were still—”

“Answer the question.”

Ken slowly walks around the room, locking eyes with Eleanor through the iron sights. Eleanor also slowly walks around, holding a folder in her hands. Both are walking in a circular motion.

“I-I-I was just…” Eleanor studders and frantically tries to come up with something to say. She got caught red-handed, and her heartbeat accelerates explosively.

Ken notices her hesitation and knows something is wrong. The biggest question, of course, is what she was doing and why. Paranoia causes the STC to flash across his mind, and the possibility that Eleanor is a mole invades his mind.

“Why are you looking through my documents?” Ken asks. “Did the STC bribe you to steal my stuff?”

“No! No—”

“Then why?!”

“Please! Ken! Lower your weapon!” Eleanor panics at the gun pointed at her, the same gun he used to save her life. Her hands are trembling. Clearly, she never expected to be caught.

“Not until you tell me exactly what is going on. Does the STC have anything to do with it?”

“N-no! I have no relation with them. Please, allow me to explain.”

“You have ten seconds.”

“Ken, please. I beg you.”


“I’m trying to help you!”

“By ransacking my office?”

“I know it looks bad, but I’m really trying to help you!”

“Spill it out!”

“I’m working to destroy them!”

“Destroy? The STC?”

“Yes! Can you please lower your gun? You’re making me nervous!”

“You should be.”

“Ken. Give me until tomorrow to prove it. I need to show you something.”

“Why not now?”

“It’s at home, with my brothers. Please just give me until tomorrow morning, and I’ll come and prove it to you.”

They both fall silent. Eleanor gulps and prays that Ken doesn’t shoot as she stands completely still. In comparison, Ken is in turmoil. More and more problems simply keep piling up, and he can’t seem to catch a break.

Trust for Eleanor has shattered, and the idea of moles, ironically, becomes a very real threat for him. However, Eleanor certainly seems very frightened. She’s breathing heavily, and Ken can see her face is genuine.

“You took advantage of my trust. How can I trust you this time?”

“I-I know I betrayed your trust, but I carry no ill intentions. This I promise you.”

“What intentions do you have then? What are you after?”

“I’m a spy. But not against you! Please just give me a chance. We can help each other.”

“Who do you work for?”

“I—I can’t tell you right now.”

Frustrated with a lack of answers, Ken angrily stomps forward, holding the gun out, and yells, “Why the fuck not?!”

Eleanor stumbles and backs up against the wall behind her.

“Because I don’t know if you’ll still kill me afterward!”

Ken’s finger itches to fire, but he, of course, hesitates.

Eleanor is beyond scared, and a tear almost falls from her eye as Ken threatens to shoot. She quickly remembers how deadly Ken’s abilities were when he killed the thugs who tried to molest her. She is outmatched by Ken and can’t fight back no matter how desperate she is. Now, the same gun used to save her life would be the same gun used to end it.

Ken sees and thinks Eleanor’s fear is genuine. Unlike when he first saw her confronted by thugs in the alley months ago, she isn’t faking. With some lingering faith that this situation is a terrible misunderstanding, Ken gives Eleanor a chance.

“You’ve been good for us these few months, Eleanor. I’m hoping none of it was fake. I don’t know what your intentions truly are, but I’ll give you the chance to tell me the truth. You have until tomorrow morning when work hours begin.” Ken’s face is cold, dead, and expressionless.

“Y-yes. Thank you. That’s all I ask for.”

“Do not disappoint me. Get out.”

Eleanor drops the folders on his desk and leaves in shame. Ken watches as she goes without making a sound.

After she disappears, Ken breathes a sigh of relief. He lowers his gun and begins to calm down. Logically, It might have made sense to have shot her right then and there, but he has grown a soft spot for Eleanor over time.

Hoping that she has a good reason for a potentially colossal security breach, Ken goes sit down on his desk and thinks things over. Now he’ll have to clean up the office and review all the documents she sifted through. He just hopes she found nothing major, or else he would have to do something drastic to keep her quiet.



Midnight. The Ringleader Team gathers in Ken’s home. Reed has his radio out and establishes communication with Satcom, and by extension, the Entesian mainland.

Ken has already explained everything to his teammates and will now have to report to the EIA. The topic is, of course, the roadblocks they have been facing. But now, after carefully considering Eleanor’s confession and wording, Ken has something else in mind.

“Ringleader, come in. Over,” the man on the other side of the radio says.

Ken takes the radio as he wants to be the one to speak with their superiors directly.

“This is Ringleader one-zero. How copy?”

“Copy, one-zero. What’s the situation? Over?”

“Can you patch me through directly with the Directorate? I want to ask about amending FRAG. Over.”

“Copy. Give me a sec.”

Ken is put on hold while the radio operator on the other side contacts someone else. The ‘Directorate’ Ken mentions is a small organization within the EIA whose operations are highly classified. In actuality, it’s a joint directorate operated by the Entesian EIA and the American CIA. The organization is Ringleader Team’s direct superiors, whose orders take priority over President Wilson. They are the ones who oversee the Rothester Plan.

Static comes through the radio before it clears up as Ken listens closer.

“Dead Command. Ringleader one-zero, you called?”

“Yeah. I wanted to ask a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“What’s the criterion for recruitment of native operatives?”

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