
Chapter 23: Layers of Secrecy

When the Rothester Plan was put into motion by the American president, the possibility of exposure was a worrying threat. An elusive and unknown goal pursued by EIA operatives in a foreign nation would raise red flags for anyone stumbling across the plan’s existence. For this, it warranted a cover story. Not just any cover story, but a practical story that couldn’t be disproven or twisted. And what better cover than the harmless research of recently discovered continents and civilizations?

Luckily, the Rothester Plan provided just the right circumstances to portray such a superficial cover story. The Directorate of Exotic Development, abbreviated as DED or Dead, was created as a classified joint CIA/EIA administrative body to oversee the Rothester Plan. The Dead’s board of directors, who are a mix of Entesian and American intelligence officers, thereafter created a subordinate unit to provide a convincing narrative for its field operations—the Field Research and Assistance Group. FRAG, as it’s abbreviated, is the unit that Ringleader belongs to. They are currently the only team in FRAG.

All this gives extra layers of protection to Ringleader’s activities. If anyone asked, they are researchers. Given that field research in unknown lands would be highly dangerous, military backgrounds were desired for all members of the research teams. It’s also beneficial if Dead command ever required any specific military operation to be conducted.

Now, it looks like Ringleader might have to make use of their cover story.



Dawn. In the Egwater district, Eleanor exits her home wearing her Ardai uniform as always. She is followed by Caleb and Solomon, who are both wary of their surroundings. They close and lock the door and make their way towards the city gate to enter the central district.

In the distance, a seemingly inconspicuous homeless beggar lifts his head to take notice of the three people. He observes Eleanor, Caleb, and Solomon leave the area before standing up to follow them. He keeps a sizable distance between himself and the group as he tries to remain unseen.

“They’re on their way,” he whispers into his shirt.

No one suspects the man as he blends into the desperate background of Egwater. Eleanor, Caleb, and Solomon continue blatantly unaware despite their heightened cautiousness. 

“Are you sure he’s trustworthy?” Solomon asks.

“I think he’s trustworthy enough,” Eleanor says.

“We don’t know who he is or where he’s from.”

Eleanor, Caleb, and Solomon go through the gate and continue their way towards the Casiem, utterly unaware that they are being followed. Throughout the time Eleanor spent working for Ken, she has concluded that despite everything he hid, he seems to have good intentions, and she decided to have some trust in him. The decision was further solidified after Ken chose not to shoot her when she was caught investigating his office. She thinks that by not killing her, Ken showed some faith in her words, leading her to believe that she can come clean about her activities.

Eleanor’s decision was criticized by Caleb and Solomon, who instead want to cut ties and leave the city. However, Eleanor insists she continues working with Ken. Taking the risk of revealing themselves and learning more about Ken, they agreed to meet him at the Casiem.

Though Eleanor never found anything conclusive or damning in her investigations of Ardai Industries, she did find various hints that didn’t make sense or suggested a hidden origin.

“Any thoughts on who he could be?” Caleb asks.

“We can rule him out from being Venesian,” Eleanor responds. “It wouldn’t make sense for a Venesian to fight with the STC.”

“I think that’s the bigger question. Those STC dogs are notoriously ruthless. If he’s resisting them so much, he’s clearly up to something,” Solomon says.

“What about Nanatia? Those elves hate the Venesians more than anyone else.”

“I don’t think it’s them either. It doesn’t make sense for them to send a human agent to do their bidding. They are more likely to send the Royal Rangers. Besides, we have a pact with them. They would notify us about something like this.”

The three approach the intersection where the Casiem is located and can quickly feel something off. It’s minutes before sunrise, and some people are already out in the streets, but they are few and sparse. The three get closer to the intersection, and Eleanor notices that they are being watched by three individuals spread out throughout the street. Surprisingly, Eleanor recognizes them as Ardai’s chief engineers. Though Ken was her primary focus, she also had suspicions about the engineers. This only confirms that they work as a group.

“They are going to encircle us,” Caleb says with worry, “are you confident about this?”

“Yes. Let them. They are just cautious.”

The three reach the front door but look around instead of entering. They want to observe what the three engineers are going to do before they enter. Everyone’s heartbeat starts to rise as they grasp what was going on.

Solomon looks behind them and notices that a fourth person has shown up. He is wearing clothes resembling that of a beggar and realizes that he must have come from Egwater. Now they are surrounded and are blocked from exiting the intersection.

“They were following us,” Solomon says at the sudden realization.

“Damn. Since when?” Caleb says as he is also alerted at the new arrival.

“Probably since we left home.”

“They had to ensure we didn’t escape somehow,” Eleanor interrupts. “They were likely observing our house throughout the night. Let’s go inside.”

The three enter the building and are met with an empty reception area. Ken isn’t there, and they are momentarily confused.

Matt, disguised as the homeless beggar who followed them, enters the building behind them with gun in hand.

Threatened by Matt’s firearm, Solomon reaches for a flintlock pistol hidden in his dirty, worn coat but is quickly stopped by Eleanor, who shakes her head in disagreement. Solomon lets go and relaxes his nerves as he is still wary of Matt. Meanwhile, Eleanor remains calm as she tries to show Matt that they won’t be a threat.

Shortly after, Reed, Cayde, and Jax enter the building behind Matt and spread out around the room to surround Eleanor, Solomon, and Caleb. All of them have their Glock 19s out.

“Take out any weapons you have and set them here,” Jax demands and motions towards the receptionist’s desk.

“Do it,” Eleanor whispers to Solomon and Caleb.

They each take out a flintlock pistol and a dagger and set them on the desk as instructed. Solomon is visibly cautious as he continues to glare at the Ringleader members.

“He’s in his office. Eleanor, you know the way,” Matt says.

Eleanor nods and leads Caleb and Solomon further into the building, going towards Ken’s office. The Ringleader members follow behind them as they traverse the building, making sure they don’t do anything they shouldn’t.

The door to Ken’s office opens, and everyone enters to find Ken already sitting at his desk. Solomon and Caleb glance around out of caution and notice a large green metallic box behind Ken near the window. None of them know what the box is, but it’s the least of their concerns.

“All right, Eleanor,” Ken says with a neutral facial expression. “You didn’t skip town after all. So then, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Eleanor takes a deep breath in and says, “As I said yesterday. I’m working against the STC, and I want to help you.”

“Why would you want to help me?”

“Because I believe your feud with them is not a coincidence. Your refusal to submit tells me that you are also aiming to oppose them.”

Ken sighs and leans back in his chair. “So you’re not their spy sent to spy on me? Could you be a whistleblower?”

Eleanor shakes her head.

“Then who are you? And what exactly are you doing here?”

“We can ask you the same thing, can we not?” Solomon interrupts.

“That’s not how it’s going to work.”

“Why the hell not? You think you—”

Eleanor turns to Solomon to stop him from arguing, giving him a disapproving glance before turning back to Ken.

“My name is Eleanor Ross. I’m actually employed by the Ravenians to observe the STC and their activities in Scorcia.”

Ken stares at Eleanor before taking out a small object from within his pocket and setting it on the desk. It’s the black metallic bird he now suspects is connected to Eleanor.

“Could this be yours?” Ken asks. “I’ve come to learn that this thing is connected to some Ravenian espionage organization.”

Eleanor looks at the object she had long lost and knows that she’s been exposed. She must have dropped it the day they met in Egwater. She can’t hide anything anymore.

“Yes, that’s us. Solomon and Caleb are not my brothers; they are my colleagues. We are undercover agents of the Ravenian Security Service. We are Ravens sent to observe the Venesians.”

“Ravenian spies, huh? Now it all makes sense. So then, if you’re here for the Venesians, why were you snooping around my office?”

“Since the day I met you, you’ve been different from everyone else. You always gave me a feeling that you had more going on than just business. So I thought I could uncover something if I looked around, and I think I did.”

Ken’s eyes become hostile at her words. He already went through the documents he thinks she read and didn’t find anything potentially confidential. At least, that’s what he initially thought.

“What did you find?” Ken asks.

“Central Ardai Scorcian Intelligence - Morgan. ‘CASI-M’. That’s where the name ‘Casiem’ comes from, isn’t it?”

“That implies you’re spies as well, correct?” Caleb questions calmly.

Ken stares and remains quiet. He didn’t expect them to have discovered anything and is surprised that Eleanor found anything at all. The rest of the Ringleader members tense up, still gripping their guns.

“Let’s assume you are correct. What do you want from us?”

“Cooperation,” Eleanor says. “If you genuinely are fighting against the STC and the Venesians, I think we can help each other reach our goals. With a common enemy, cooperation is invaluable.”

“And what exactly are your goals?”

“I think it’s clear to us all that the Venesians are accumulating far too much power, especially after they started colonizing the new world. They threaten political and economic stability, even among the other Great Powers. Our government wants to stop the spread of their power and influence.”

“Okay, but why are you specifically here in Scorcia? Just to observe the STC’s activities?”

“There’s been a problem that’s increasingly becoming a national crisis,” Solomon interrupts. “An endless stream of drugs is somehow making its way into the hands of every Ravenian and Migtian citizen. Coincidentally, the STC started aggressively expanding its business here. Naturally, we think they have something to do with it, so we’re here to find out how. Does that answer your question?”

Ken simply nods in silence as he thinks. It’s improbable they are lying. Admitting they are spies just proves how much Eleanor believes Ken isn’t a threat to them, making Ken have more faith in her words.

As of now, Ringleader has been working by themselves. Though they have thought about requesting assistance from the EIA, it wasn’t likely to happen as they’ve been fine without it. Working with a foreign intelligence agency was at some point proposed by Entesian intelligence officers but was dismissed because reliability couldn’t be discerned. Now that Ringleader has been exposed, it might be worth a shot working with foreign organizations.

Ken nods at Reed, who is standing near him. Without anyone speaking, Eleanor, Solomon, and Caleb watch as Reed walks behind Ken towards the green metal box they saw earlier. Ken continues to stare at them while Reed fiddles with the box and lifts something to his ear. Eleanor, Caleb, and Solomon don’t know what Reed is doing, but they can just barely listen to what he whispers.

“You got that?… Yeah… Roger.”

Reed turns around and says to Ken, “We got the go-ahead.”

“All right, we’ll cooperate,” Ken says.

“That’s relieving to hear. Thank you, Ken,” Eleanor says, ignoring Reed’s odd interaction. “Can we finally know who you are?”

“Yeah. We’re with the EIA, or Entesian Intelligence Agency. From the Federal Republic of Entesia.”

“Entesia? I’ve never heard of such a country.”

“That’s because it’s located on Renera. One of the three continents of the new world.”


All three Ravens are taken back by the sudden revelation. Jaws drop, and thoughts run wild.

“T-that can’t be. The new world?”

“That’s right. We’re from the new world.”

“How is that possible? I thought the Venesians were the only ones who could travel across the oceans? Have they not brought war upon your borders?”

“No. We’re relatively isolated. They have yet to discover us.”

“I-I still don’t under—”

“That’s beside the point. The five of us are an EIA team codenamed Ringleader.”

“Sounds a bit suggestive to call yourselves Ringleader. Tell me something, if you are conducting espionage, won’t creating Ardai Industries attract too much attention? What exactly are you doing here?” Solomon asks.

“We are not spies. Our team belongs to something called the Field Research and Assistance Group. The name should give you an idea of what we are.”

“An academic research group? Please,” Solomon scoffs, “what are you supposed to research?”

“Nothing less than an unknown world. We’re from the other side of the world, remember? Naturally, we’d want to explore what this place has to offer.”

“And what are you assisting?” Caleb asks.

“Everyone. Ardai Industries is meant to assist native civilizations progress in technology.”

“Ah, those are your true colors, isn’t it? If you ‘assist’ Scorcia, you create division amongst Venesian vassals. Smart strategy.”

Ken doesn’t say anything at Solomon’s conclusion. It turns out he’s smarter than he looks.

“What about CASI-M?” Eleanor questions.

Ken sighs. “Central Ardai Scorcian Intelligence - Morgan is an EIA surveillance station as well as a safe house. It’s just a base of operations.”

“For your ‘research’ group?”


“So then, we’re friends now, are we?” Solomon says. “How are we moving forward knowing each other’s identity? It’s not like our respective organizations know of each other yet.”

“We should just go about business as usual,” Ken says. “Since we both have issues with the STC, it’s in our best interest to aid each other. Our problem right now is the STC’s attempts to shut us down. Since you three live in Egwater, we’d like if you keep us updated on what goes on in the underworld.”

“What about you? How will you help us?”

“The EIA has plenty of resources and information. I’m sure your government would want to know about what goes on in the new world and any other information we gain from them. We’ll be your connection to the new world. Now, I think we should end our meeting here. Employees should be arriving any second now.”

“Ken,” Eleanor says, “what about me? Am I fired from Ardai?”

“No. I’d prefer you still show up. That way, I can make sure you’re still trustworthy.”

“Thank you,” she responds with a smile.



In the next few days, business goes about business as usual. Eleanor continues to come in for work as she would any other day. Both parties keep their promise to cooperate and now interact with each other more openly.

While Ringleader quickly informs the EIA, the Ravens also attempt to contact the Ravenian Security Service. They do this by sending an encoded letter to Ravenia through a series of messengers. All they have to do is wait for a response.

In Ken’s office, he’s yet again working. At this moment, he is preparing to distribute select blueprints to the public. Having stolen blueprints in the STC’s hands means that Ardai would have been at their mercy had Ken not decided to release those blueprints himself. The technologies he will be making available to everyone will be several designs for industrial equipment: blast furnaces, ovens, and Bessemer converters. Along with the designs are many academic documents that detail scientific and engineering concepts that will hopefully create a situation in which native businesses will experiment with their own inventions.

Having completed a review of what will be released, Ken massages his aching neck and stretches his limbs.

A visitor should be coming by pretty soon. Through Knox Brookse’s recommendation, Ken expects representatives from the SouthHeim Mining Company to come and conduct business.

To bypass being blacklisted from Venesian imports, Ken plans to do everything he can possibly do to mold SouthHeim into loyal customers. Doing so should allow him direct access to the mining industry and help defeat the STC’s attempts to suppress him. All he can hope for is for Graham to uphold his promise and keep bounty hunters off his back. If all goes well, the STC can do nothing more to fight against him. The only thing that could threaten him at this point is if they force Duke Dente to outlaw his company which is unlikely to happen.

As Ken nearly falls asleep in his office, a knock comes from the door.

“Come in!”

A well-dressed man enters his office and greets him.

“Good day, Mister Kai. My name is Edward Rutland. I’m with SouthHeim Mining Company.”

“Ah, a pleasure to meet you, Mister Rutland.” Ken stands up to extend his hand.

Edward firmly shakes Ken’s hand and says, “The pleasure is mine. I heard from Mister Brookse about your inventive endeavors. What have you got to offer?”

“Well, I know you’re in the mining industry. One of our most recent inventions is something called a steam engine.” Ken begins his pitch. “Just imagine for a moment that you mine lots of ore and need to transport it out of the mines. You can  probably have workers push carts full of ore, but what if I told you that the steam engine would take the need to push out of the equation?”

“It sounds like a miracle, Mister Kai. How exactly would this work?”

“It’s a lot to explain with words. How about you follow me to one of the drafting rooms so you can take a look at some blueprints?”

“I would love to, Mister Kai.”

Both men walk out of the office and go towards one of the drafting rooms where the blueprints are stored. Ken first intends to show Edward a steam engine that runs on tracks. By using tracks, the carts wouldn’t be bogged down with the friction that comes by traveling over dirt or rock. Ken also wants to show Edward blueprints for a pump since he knows that miners may sometimes encounter the issue of a mine becoming flooded with water from various causes. In addition to a generator, Ken also wants to show Edward a variety of other machines that might help expand SouthHeim’s mining operations. Basically, Ken will hold nothing back in order to reel in such a big fish in the industry.

As expected, Eleanor follows behind them to assist in any way she can, fulfilling her role as Ken’s assistant.

Many hours later and Edward leaves the Casiem satisfied with what he has seen. Thoroughly impressed by Ken and Ardai Industries, he agreed to build up a partnership, and Ken couldn’t be more delighted.

Returning to his office, Ken lets himself fall upon his chair with a thud. Feeling sleepy from exaggerating his business pitches, he feels like he could close his eyes for the next twelve hours.

Eleanor then comes into the office with a slightly different aura than what she usually has. Ken has noticed that her mannerisms changed ever so slightly since Ringleader and the Ravens admitted each other’s identities.

“How did it go?” Eleanor asks.

“It went well. I think a partnership with SouthHeim is a guarantee at this point.”

“Your pitch certainly helped. I’ve never seen someone so fluent in conducting business. Makes me wonder how you learned all that. Couldn’t it have been from your treasure hunter parents, could it?” Eleanor says suggestively, to which Ken only gives a hostile glare.

“Sorry,” Eleanor says.

“All that matters is that we have a partnership with SouthHeim. As long as we continue to impress, we will grow exponentially.”

“You think so? Have you considered what they might think about your feud with the STC?”

“I try not to think about it. If anything happens, I’ll just have to compensate them for the trouble and hope they still work with us.”

Eleanor smiles and thinks to herself without saying anything. Ken reads through some papers that are on his desk as an awkward silence grows. Eleanor just stands in front of his desk and watches him work.

“Uh… do you need something else?” Ken finally asks.

“I’ve been thinking, were you and the other four engineers responsible for the turmoil you made in Egwater?”

“What do you mean?”

“The Bourkee gang’s destruction. You’ve told me that you hired mercenaries, but… Caleb and I went to the scene when the news spread. It looked too intense and efficient for mercenaries to do. We dug around and found many metal pieces in the rubble. It couldn’t have been from the gun you have, could it?”

Ken leans back in his chair and smiles at Eleanor’s analysis. He then takes out his Glock 19 from under his coat and sets it on the desk, which causes Eleanor to step back.

“Yeah, that was us.”

“I wouldn’t have thought a spy would be trained as a soldier. Oops, sorry, a researcher.”

Ken sighs at Eleanor’s continued innuendos. “We are, in fact, a paramilitary unit. The EIA has a division called SAD, an acronym for the Special Activities Division. That’s what Ringleader is.”

“Paramilitary? So you’re not a spy or a professional soldier?”

“SAD recruits from our military, so we are former military.”

“So what of the ‘Field Research and Assistance Group’? How many organizations do you belong to?”

“Yeah, it’s complicated,” Ken says. “It’s all under the umbrella of the EIA. FRAG’s parent organization is the Directorate of Exotic Development, a directorate within the EIA. They are our direct superiors, headquartered in Entesia. They are the administrative body, while FRAG is their operational arm. We conduct research, as I already said. But because this place is thought to be highly dangerous, FRAG teams need to have combat experience and training. So FRAG only recruits teams from the Special Activities Division.”

“That is a lot to follow,” Eleanor scratches her head, trying to understand the complicated structure of Ken’s group. “There’s one thing I don’t yet understand. If the STC is causing you so much trouble and your people are so capable, why doesn’t your ‘EIA’ send more of these ‘SAD’ paramilitary teams to help? Or why not even your military?”

Ken scratches his head and sighs. “We already requested help, but they rejected it. They cited that we are doing just fine and that sending any more people is risky.”

“But surely the risk their spies and soldiers go through is enough—”

“Look,” Ken interrupts Eleanor. “I have to emphasize—we are a civilian research group. Our military isn’t allowed to be here for that exact reason. The Directorate of Exotic Development is a civilian research organization, and so is FRAG. Can’t have a research group be associated with the military. And the way our military works would require it to formally establish a regional combatant command if it were to send any assets here, that would basically force our government to acknowledge our presence here. That’s why Ringleader is from the Special Activities Division. We are paramilitary, not military. The Directorate functions with autonomy, independently from our government.”

Eleanor sighs in frustration. “Why are there so many layers of order and control? Are all people from the new world this complicated?”

“I think it’s just our country. It’s all about semantics. We can only get in trouble for being something we claim to be, never for something we never were.”

“Your government is bizarre,” she says.

“You have no idea…”

Ken stands up and takes the pile of designs and documents with him. Having finished reviewing them, he is now on his way to distribute them. He walks towards the door while Eleanor follows behind.

Ken and Eleanor exit the office only for Ken to suddenly turn around and push Eleanor against the wall, which surprises Eleanor with his forceful action.

“I can trust you, right?” Ken quietly but firmly asks.

Eleanor is confused by the sudden question but can see Ken is serious. She thinks that maybe he is still shaken and concerned about her identity. All she can do is nod in response.

“Good.” Ken backs off and continues on his way, with Eleanor following behind.

“Prepare the staff for my extended absence.”

“You’re leaving? Again?”

“Yeah. I’m going to accompany Edward to the Heimfara mountains.”



The next day, a massive convoy has formed in the Stonegate district. As part of the partnership between SouthHeim Mining and Ardai Industries, a large convoy of A1 Coaches, B1 Carriages, and C1 Wagons hauling large amounts of machines and machine parts accumulated and are preparing to leave Efielge. The convoy will follow Edward Rutland towards the Heimfara mines that SouthHeim owns.

Ken stands alongside Knox, watching as the convoy gets ready to leave. Ken himself has decided to accompany the convoy towards the Heimfara mountains to oversee the successful implementation of his machines and ensure that SouthHeim stays committed to their partnership.

Another reason for his travels is to investigate a piece of information that the EIA had given him a while ago—opium smuggling. Long had he intended to investigate but never had the chance as Ardai Industries had priority. Now that Ringleader will cooperate with the Ravens, Ken now has an incentive to investigate the information. After he visits the Heimfara mines, he will pass through Scorrest on his way back to Efielge.

Hired guards will accompany Ken, but he will be the only Ringleader member to go. The other members will stay behind to keep Ardai going and keep an eye on Eleanor, Caleb, and Solomon. Their suspicions are still a bit high, and they want to make sure that the Ravenians are truly worth working with.

“So you are really going to Scorrest, huh?” Knox says as they both watch workers load up wagons with machine parts.

“Yeah,” Ken replies, “I want to make sure nothing goes wrong. Can’t afford to lose SouthHeim Mining.”

“I’m sure your machines will impress them. They impressed me, after all.”

“I’ll take that as praise,” Ken laughs.

“Mister Kai,” says a worker who comes up to Ken, “we’re ready to leave.”

“Good. Well, Knox, looks like I’m leaving.”

“You be careful now.”


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