Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 625 598-The Origin of the Mystery Sage

Chapter 625 Chapter598-The Origin of the Mystery Sage

?A dazzling flash of light passed, leaving John temporarily unable to see anything.

After a while, his vision gradually returned to normal.

What appeared before John was an endless expanse of serene blue water, undisturbed by even the slightest ripple, yet seemingly harboring boundless powerful forces beneath its calm surface.

John found himself at the edge of the portal, aware that he could still return to the previous area through it.

However, he chose not to retreat, as he couldn't simply abandon the quest.

After a moment of hesitation, John retrieved a scroll from his backpack, a scroll of the divine spell Detection.

While Detection is a spell possessed by a vast majority of adventurers, it varies in levels of potency.

The most basic Detection spell is incapable of uncovering hidden information.

However, a divine spell level of Detection can unearth almost all hidden details.

John had saved this scroll for such a critical moment.

He cast the scroll towards the still, azure waters.

The moment the scroll touched the water, it vanished without a trace.

John received no information from the spell scroll, indicating that even the divine-level Detection spell had no effect in this scenario.

"It seems the difficulty of this quest truly surpasses all expectations. Aike wasn't lying. But since I've come this far, there's no turning back now."

Since the Detection spell proved ineffective, John naturally considered alternative strategies.

Another approach was to use his mastery of the Detection spell to investigate what lay beneath the azure waters.

Leveraging the power of the Book of the Astral Realm, John created an invisible bridge.

This bridge ensured that John wouldn't fall directly into the blue waters below.

Although John didn't yet know what resided beneath the surface, he was certain that whatever power it contained was beyond his current ability to withstand.

At the edge of the invisible bridge, John slowly extended his finger towards the water's surface.

As his fingertip came to within a hair's breadth of the water, he felt a powerful Mystery force rapidly advancing along his finger towards his brain.

In response to this, John chose to immediately use the power of the Book of the Astral Realm to teleport himself back to the portal's vicinity.

He was acutely aware of the danger posed by the encroaching Mystery force.

Allowing it to infiltrate could not only jeopardize the completion of his quest but also potentially inflict severe damage on his own power.

The situation was perilous, and had John's reaction been even slightly delayed, his quest would have been doomed to failure.

However, the encounter also provided John with additional clues.

It was now clear that a formidable Mystery force lurked beneath the water's surface, not manifesting in the form of Mystery creatures but seemingly capable of autonomous movement.

This revelation was somewhat surprising to John.

Based on his previous experiences in battles, he had discerned that Mystery forces couldn't exist independently.

Even the Mystery force wielded by the Mystery Sage required reliance on Mystery spells to manifest its full power.

So, why was the Mystery force beneath the water able to inflict direct harm on John?

As this question lingered in John's mind, a sudden thought struck him.

He considered the possibility that this place might be the origin of the Mystery force, the so-called Mystery Abyss that the Mystery Prophet had spoken of. If this were indeed the Mystery Abyss, could it be the birthplace of the Mystery Sage?

As this idea took hold, the previously calm surface of the water underwent a dramatic transformation.

A massive silhouette emerged above the water, with a corresponding reflection appearing beneath the surface.

The figures, one above and one below the water, seemed to possess identical powers.

John needed no further clues to realize that this colossal figure was none other than the Mystery Sage.

"So, you are the Mystery Sage. You must not have been born long ago, right? If you had existed for a significant time and mastered powerful Mystery forces, you would have already launched an attack on me."

Facing the Mystery Sage, John's expression remained largely unfazed.

In his view, the purpose of his mission was to gather clues related to the Mystery faction.

Directly obtaining information from the Mystery Sage would undoubtedly be the best outcome.

John was acutely aware that if the Mystery Sage had the capability to launch a direct assault on him, there would be no hesitation.

The Sage's appearance as a silhouette implied that the power at his disposal was not yet sufficient to eliminate John.

"You should not have come here, nor should you be opposing me. I see from you the signs of my successful resurrection. Do you truly believe that standing against a deity as powerful as myself could end well for you? Stop wasting time; the power of Mystery is the origin of this world. Only by aligning with me can you ensure your own safety and the safety of the world you inhabit."

The Mystery Sage's approach was no longer evasive.

Perhaps due to his recent resurrection, or possibly because he felt an urgency to win John over quickly, his words were straightforward this time.

The Sage made it clear that he posed a threat to John's world.

Upon hearing this, John's expression grew more serious than before.

The fact that the Mystery Sage dared to threaten him directly indicated that he had made thorough preparations.

"Do you think you can intimidate me this way? I will certainly not collaborate with you easily. Moreover, I now finally understand your origin. Knowing your origin gives me enough confidence that I can utterly annihilate you! You were born from the Mystery Abyss, so all I need to do is find the Mystery Abyss, and I will find a way to eliminate you!"

After John finished speaking, the Mystery Sage did not immediately respond.

The colossal figure merely stared at John, who could feel a palpable intent to kill emanating from it.

However, John wasn't going to back down easily.

He knew that he had to confront the threats posed by evil factions not just within the game world but also needed to prevent the plans of the Mystery Sage from succeeding in the real world.

The standoff between the Mystery Sage and John didn't last long before the Sage launched an attack.

Despite not having been born for long, the Mystery Sage possessed immensely powerful Mystery forces at his command.

These forces manifested as a series of Mystery spells under his control, sweeping past John without cessation.

Although these Mystery spells were tremendously powerful, they seemed not to intend any direct harm to John.

The Mystery Sage merely watched John, apparently without any immediate plan to obliterate him.

John was profoundly perplexed by this situation. He directly addressed the Mystery Sage, "Why don't you attack me? Even if your power hasn't reached its peak, it's still sufficient to eliminate me. After all, in this illusion, all my weapons have been sealed. I can only combat you using the power of the Book of the Astral Realm, and you shouldn't fear its power."

Given his confusion, John posed his question outright.

He believed there must be a deeper reason behind the Mystery Sage's actions.

If he couldn't swiftly discern the Sage's intentions, there was a risk that the Sage might be plotting an even greater threat against him.

In response to John's question, the Mystery Sage did not offer any reply.

The two massive silhouettes formed by the Mystery Sage through the Mystery Abyss also dissipated.

As the silhouettes of the Mystery Sage vanished, John was abruptly ejected from the illusion.

He suddenly found himself back around the southern seaport, and beside him was the white-robed NPC who had provided him with this quest.

John's sudden return brought a look of great joy to the face of the white-robed NPC.

She directly asked John, "Have you completed the quest? Did you meet the legendary warrior Aike?"

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