Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 626 599-The Ambiguity of the Quest

Chapter 626 Chapter599-The Ambiguity of the Quest

?John found himself at a loss for words in response to the question posed by the NPC before him, who had finally shown a hint of joy.

He had indeed encountered the legendary warrior Aike in the illusionary realm and had exchanged a few words with him.

Aike had shared some information about the Mystery Sage with him.

However, John felt these details were of little consequence.

His encounter with the Mystery Abyss seemed irrelevant to his impending battle with the Mystery Sage, offering no apparent advantage.

It seemed the quest had concluded here, with John gaining neither rare weapons nor experience points as rewards.

Nor had he acquired any vital information about the Mystery Sage from this quest.

John was slightly disappointed but prepared to answer since he had been asked.

"I did meet him. He shared some information about the Mystery Sage with me, but I didn't find it particularly crucial."

Upon hearing John's words, the woman in white showed a trace of disappointment.

She quickly pressed John, "Didn't he mention me at all? Didn't he ask about my current situation?"

John's mind raced with speculations upon hearing her questions.

He sensed a deep connection between the woman in white and Aike.

After a moment's hesitation, he decided to tell the truth, still unaware of the woman's true identity.

Fabricating a story might jeopardize his future prospects.

"He didn't mention you, nor did he inquire about your situation. Apart from the Mystery Sage's information, he didn't engage in any superfluous conversation with me."

Upon receiving John's answer, the woman in white's expression turned even more distressed than before.

If her initial look was one of loss, it had now transformed into one of despair.

"That's impossible! He couldn't have just forgotten about me! He promised he would come back for me no matter what!"

The woman seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown, retreating towards the coast while voicing her despair.

John, witnessing this, sensed something amiss.

He readied himself for combat, with all his Sacred Relics prepared for immediate action.

Despite his readiness, John chose not to attack.

He understood that the woman's actions posed no significant threat to him at that moment and that she might provide more information.

Once she reached the coast, the woman calmed down and gazed towards the vast sea, seemingly lost in thought.

"You should head to Storm City immediately! I have a feeling Aike is waiting for you there!"

After these words, she plunged into the sea.

John, taken aback by this turn of events, rushed to the shoreline.

The woman had vanished without a trace.

Even when John activated his highest-level Detection spell, he couldn't gather any information related to the woman in white.

"It seems I must hurry to Storm City. This quest is evidently not over yet; the ancient battlefield illusion must be just a part of it. The real challenge likely lies within Storm City. But if I head there now, could it alert Duke Arsena? If the Duke gets wind of this, could it worsen my situation?"

John quickly assessed the situation, realizing that the woman's words indicated the next phase of the quest necessitated a journey to Storm City.

However, this move could immediately alert Duke Arsena.

Although John and the Duke maintained a cooperative relationship, recent events had introduced a slight strain between them.

John decided against informing Duke Arsena about this additional quest, anticipating the Duke's inquisitive nature could complicate matters.

After some hesitation, John activated his communication channel, planning to contact Adam and Blue Sea to distract the Duke's attention.

"I'm about to head to Storm City for a crucial quest. This mission must not be interrupted by others. I need you two to interfere with Duke Arsena's actions during my quest, at least to ensure he remains unaware of my return to Storm City."

John shared his plan openly. Adam and Blue Sea didn't respond immediately as they were dealing with their respective guild issues.

After a few minutes, Adam replied, "No problem at all. I'll quickly get in touch with Blue Sea, and we'll start our operation. We'll inform you once we've successfully executed our plan."

With Adam's assurance, John began preparing for his next quest.

He surmised that his return to Storm City would inevitably lead him to the underground regions of the city.

From his experience in the ancient battlefield illusion, John learned that the underground area of Storm Lake, now transformed into Storm City, was very close to the Mystic Abyss.

Entering the Mystic Abyss meant facing significant threats from the Mystic faction.

Even with the Mystic Sage possibly in the Dark Realm, John couldn't underestimate their danger.

John knew he had to inventory all his Sacred Relics and retrieve all the divine scrolls he had stored away in preparation for the impending battle.

Meanwhile, Adam and Blue Sea met outside Duke Arsena's palace.

Blue Sea was particularly perplexed about the task assigned by John.

He didn't understand why they needed to distract Duke Arsena, especially since they had previously cooperated perfectly with the Duke.

Upon meeting Adam, Blue Sea immediately voiced his confusion and concerns.

"I just can't grasp what quest John is on. Is it something that pits us against Duke Arsena and the Northern Myst Empire? If there's no hostility with the Northern Myst Empire, why is John so worried about Duke Arsena interfering with his actions?"

Adam shared Blue Sea's concerns but believed that completing John's quest should be their priority.

They could always ask John for explanations after the quest was completed.

"Let's not waste time here. John's plans have always succeeded in the past; we must trust him unconditionally. I've already prepared a reason for meeting Duke Arsena. As the strongest adventurers, we certainly have the right to discuss potential cooperation between adventurers and Storm City with its lord, Duke Arsena. Our guilds should be ready to assist in bolstering Storm City's defenses. This way, we can ensure Duke Arsena listens to our plans patiently."

"Only by doing so can we ensure that Duke Arsena does not notice John's return to Storm City."

Adam's plan was indeed the most prudent approach.

Blue Sea offered no objections, as he could not conceive a more perfect strategy.

Following a succinct exchange of ideas and considerations, the consensus was to make their way straight to Duke Arsena's imposing palace.

Meanwhile, ensconced within the ornate walls of his regal abode, Duke Arsena was deep in contemplation, his thoughts consumed by the pressing challenge of locating the enigmatic Mystery Protector.

He regarded this elusive figure as the paramount threat looming over Storm City, a puzzle that demanded an immediate and strategic solution to safeguard the well-being of his domain and its inhabitants from the potential dangers that the Mystery Protector's unchecked presence could entail.

"Your Grace, the guild leaders of two adventurer guilds have arrived and wish to see you," a servant in Duke Arsena's palace reported the arrival of Adam and Blue Sea.

Duke Arsena gently placed the letter he had been perusing on his desk, his attention shifting towards the grand entrance of the palace.

With the strategic timing of a seasoned tactician, he invoked a Detection spell, a subtle weave of magic designed to unveil the true identities of the figures approaching.

The spell's results didn't surprise him; the two adventurers making their way to his presence were none other than Adam and Blue Sea, names not unfamiliar to him.

Their reputations and exploits had reached his ears long before this moment, marking them as individuals of significant interest and potential value to his own intricate plans and machinations within the realm's ever-shifting tapestry of alliances and rivalries.

Thus, Duke Arsena was not surprised. He nodded to his servant and said, "I am aware, they have previously assisted in bolstering the defenses of Storm City. Since they wish to see me, let them come. I will wait for them in the drawing room."

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