Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 635 608-Get Rid of Distracting Thoughts In Your Mind

Chapter 635 Chapter608-Get Rid of Distracting Thoughts In Your Mind

In the Styx town of the Dark Realm, Legendary Warrior Aike was meticulously examining each building, hoping to uncover clues or find someone who could provide them.

Unfortunately, Aike's search was in vain. Apart from residual Mystery power, there were no signs of the Mystery Saint's presence, no players, and even NPCs seemed to have vanished.

John and Duke Arsena, trailing behind Aike, wore expressions of deep concern.

Aike, after surveying the surroundings, concluded, "The Mystery Saint must have foreseen our plan. He deliberately set a trap here for us. Although his trap failed to ensnare us, it also left no clues behind."

John and Duke Arsena nodded in agreement with Aike's assessment, but their focus shifted towards planning their next steps.

"Should we continue to follow the traces of Mystery power? Advancing further into the Dark Realm will certainly lead us into greater danger," Duke Arsena voiced his apprehensions candidly.

Despite their numerous ventures within the Dark Realm, Duke Arsena and John had never ventured too deeply into its treacherous depths.

The possibility of delving further posed significant risks they had yet to confront.

Their journey had only ever taken them as far as the town of Styx, which is merely one of the main cities within the Dark Realm. John remained silent, awaiting Legendary Warrior Aike's opinion.

John wasn't particularly worried; he felt confident in his ability to handle any unexpected challenges.

Even the prospect of delving deeper into the Dark Realm and facing hidden Devils didn't intimidate him.

After pacing back and forth in contemplation, Aike finally voiced his thoughts, "I believe we must push further into the Dark Realm! If we abandon our mission now, wouldn't all our previous efforts be in vain? We can't afford to give the Mystery Saint too much time; he might find a way to escape the Dark Realm at any moment!"

Aike's words ultimately swayed Duke Arsena.

Given his deep-seated resentment towards the Mystery Saint—a Dark God who posed a significant threat to his territory, Storm City—Arsena was inclined to continue the pursuit.

"Since we're in agreement, let's proceed without delay! We're bound to encounter the Mystery Saint if we venture deeper into the Dark Realm. I sense he hasn't left this realm," John confidently stated, clutching the Mystery Eye Gem in his hand.

The Mystery Eye Gem, endowed with potent Mystery power, has a unique connection to the Mystery Saint.

This connection allows its bearer, John, to approximate the Mystery Saint's location, guiding their next moves in the Dark Realm.

Resolved, the trio immediately set forth, following the main road of Styx Town towards the deeper parts of the Dark Realm.

However, their advance was soon halted by a vast river that lay before them – the Styx, a formidable barrier within the Dark Realm itself.

Even Legendary Warrior Aike and the formidable player John felt a sense of apprehension at the sight of the Styx.

"We must not fall into the Styx! Anyone who falls in will never be able to return," Aike warned John and Duke Arsena, highlighting the grave risk of the river.

John nodded gravely, understanding the severe consequences that falling into the Styx could entail, not just within the game but potentially affecting his real-world self as well.

As they cautiously prepared to cross the Styx, John suddenly experienced a severe headache, accompanied by a terrifying, hoarse voice in his mind, declaring, "All of you will die here! I will sink you all to the bottom of the Styx!"

Startled by the ominous voice, John momentarily lost his balance, nearly falling into the river, if not for Duke Arsena's timely intervention.

"What happened? Why did you lose focus all of a sudden?"

Duke Arsena asked, concerned. In his view, John had always been exceptionally vigilant and careful.

Facing an ongoing quest, it was unlike John to become distracted.

After expressing his gratitude to Duke Arsena, John recounted his eerie experience in detail, which only deepened the concern of both Duke Arsena and Legendary Warrior Aike.

"The Mystery Saint's ability to affect us suggests we're getting closer to him! The closer we are, the more cautious we must be," Aike warned John and Duke Arsena, highlighting the increased danger they faced.

The appearance of the Mystery Saint's voice indicated that he was aware of their location and possessed the capability to attack them directly.

The only reason the Mystery Saint hadn't employed more aggressive tactics was likely due to his lack of confidence in securing a definitive victory.

With a heavy heart, the trio pressed on, but John's outward calm belied the turmoil within.

He was besieged by concerns: the potential repercussions of a failed assault, the current actions of his allies, and the imperative of ensuring not only his and his allies' safety but also the security of his territory, South Harbor.

These responsibilities weighed heavily on John, complicating their already perilous journey into the heart of the Dark Realm.

Overwhelmed by the multitude of concerns, John felt increasingly irritable.

Despite his considerable strength, he found it challenging to address the myriad issues simultaneously.

Even though he had delegated many minor tasks to his allies and the NPCs within South Harbor, he couldn't help worrying about their ability to handle these responsibilities effectively.

With his mind in disarray, John's frustration grew, and he struggled to maintain his composure.

It was at this moment that he sensed an anomaly in South Harbor – the enchantments he had placed on the magical Defend Wall had been undone, indicating an attack, his worst fears realized.

"Disaster has struck! South Harbor is under attack!" John exclaimed, panic evident in his voice.

The alarmed expressions on the faces of Legendary Warrior Aike ahead and Duke Arsena behind him mirrored his own distress.

"Are you certain South Harbor is under attack? Could this not be misleading information provided by the Mystery Saint?"

Duke Arsena queried, hoping against hope that John might be mistaken and that they were not being led into a trap by the Mystery Saint's deception.

Aike's caution prompted John to re-evaluate the authenticity of the distress signal from South Harbor.

After a moment of hesitation, John attempted to reconnect with the seal he had placed on South Harbor's magical Defend Wall.

His inability to re-establish contact confirmed the worst – the seal was indeed destroyed, validating the attack on South Harbor.

"This is no false alarm! South Harbor is under attack! We need to return immediately to secure its safety!"

John's urgency to rush back to South Harbor was palpable, but Duke Arsena restrained him.

"Our primary mission is to eliminate the Mystery Saint! If you return to South Harbor now, we forfeit our mission, and the Mystery Saint wins," Duke Arsena cautioned, reminding John of the importance of their current quest.

Taking a moment to collect himself, John nodded in agreement, pushing aside the turmoil within.

"You're right. We must stay focused on the quest at hand. I will clear my mind of these distractions. Until the Mystery Saint is defeated, nothing else will take precedence," John resolved, committing himself fully to their mission despite the escalating situation at South Harbor.

John's determined gaze as he spoke those words clearly showed his resolute decision.

Duke Arsena and Legendary Warrior Aike couldn't help but feel moved by his commitment.

However, they also realized that mere words would be meaningless at this juncture.

The best way to show their appreciation towards John would be to give their all in the actions that lay ahead.

"Now that you've managed to clear your mind, let's press on! We must make the Mystery Saint pay. We need to show him that even deities cannot underestimate us mortals!"

Legendary Warrior Aike said, patting John on the shoulder.

John nodded vigorously in agreement.

His conviction was clear: even mortals could defeat arrogant deities!

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