Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 636 609-The Deity's Meticulously Set Trap

Chapter 636 609-The Deity's Meticulously Set Trap

As John, Duke Arsena, and the legendary warrior Aike ventured once again towards the possible location of the Saint of Mystery, the influence they felt from the Saint of Mystery grew ever stronger.

Even Aike, a legendary warrior, heard the voice of the Saint of Mystery in his mind.

"Give up, you mere mortals! Mortals cannot defeat a deity! Your continued advance will only lead you into a dead end!"

The voice of the Saint of Mystery incessantly swept through the minds of John and his companions.

Despite their hopes to use their focused minds to block out the voice of the Saint of Mystery, they ultimately failed to do so.

After all, the Saint of Mystery had successfully revived and had become the most powerful deity.

John and his companions quickly crossed the Styx, and before them lay a labyrinth within the Dark Realm.

This labyrinth was once inhabited by a Devil, but the Devil that resided within had already been eliminated by the Saint of Mystery.

"Should we enter the labyrinth directly? I have a feeling that there must be traps set by the Saint of Mystery inside," Duke Arsena, leading the way, hesitated slightly.

Although he was the most eager to eliminate the Saint of Mystery, he was also the most cautious among them.

As a Paladin, his sensitivity to magical energies was not exceptionally keen.

However, Duke Arsena still sensed the powerful mysterious force possessed by the Saint of Mystery, indicating significant danger within the labyrinth.

"We've already come this far; surely we can't turn back now? Our goal is to eliminate the Saint of Mystery! Are we to fear the traps he has set?"

The legendary warrior Aike stepped ahead of Duke Arsena and entered the labyrinth without hesitation.

Given that the legendary warrior Aike had ventured into the labyrinth, it was natural for John and Duke Arsena to follow suit.

Upon entering the labyrinth, John suddenly noticed a significant decrease in his attribute values.

"Wait! Are you guys feeling alright? My attributes have dropped significantly! Could there be a trap or magic circle here that we haven't detected?"

Prompted by John's observation, Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike realized that their powers had also diminished considerably.

"Indeed, there is a trap magic circle here! We must find it quickly; our strength is rapidly waning! We need to destroy the trap magic circle!"

Not only had the legendary warrior Aike noticed a substantial decline in his condition, but he also felt his power continuing to decrease.

Following Aike's suggestion, John and Duke Arsena split up to search for the trap magic circle, each taking a different path within the labyrinth.

John decided to head towards the deepest part of the labyrinth.

As a highly experienced player, John knew that maintaining composure was crucial in unexpected situations.

If he were the Saint of Mystery, he would undoubtedly place the trap magic circle at the deepest part of the labyrinth, where it would be hardest to find.

John continually used blink spells to hasten his advance through the labyrinth.

Although this tactic accelerated the depletion of his MP, John was more concerned about the rapid decline of his attributes than his MP consumption.

After all, MP could be replenished with potions, but restoring diminished attributes swiftly was not feasible.

As John delved deeper into the labyrinth, the presence of the mysterious force grew increasingly potent.

Finally, before a grand door deep within the labyrinth, he encountered a projection of the Saint of Mystery.

However, this projection differed significantly from those he had encountered elsewhere.

Unlike the enormous projections of the Saint of Mystery John had previously faced, regardless of their strength or intent, the one within the labyrinth was the size of an ordinary person.

"You seem quite perplexed. Did you not think I would place a projection of my own power here?"

The voice of the Saint of Mystery emanated from the projection.

John glanced at the projection of the Saint of Mystery.

"Of course, I knew you would set traps for us here. But this projection lacks the immense power of Mystery! Do you really believe that this projection alone can stop me from advancing?"

"Of course, I wouldn't harbor such naive thoughts! You indeed are the most talented spellcaster I've encountered, and the mortal who has caused me the greatest trouble. However, you can't proceed any further. For I have placed before you an obstacle that you cannot overcome," declared the projection of the Saint of Mystery.

As the words of the Saint of Mystery's projection faded, terrifying giant faces began to emerge from the labyrinth's walls on either side, which in an instant transformed into monstrous creatures of Mystery.

"So, resorting to ambush is the only way you can think of to try and eliminate me! As a deity, you still have to rely on setting traps to defeat a mere mortal like me. This just shows that your power is not as formidable as it seems!"

John retorted, prepared for battle against the sudden appearance of the Mystery creatures.

The moment he encountered the projection of the Saint of Mystery, John knew there had to be a greater trap in place.

Thus, when faced with the assault of the Mystery creatures, he was more than ready to engage in combat.

The projection of the Saint of Mystery did not vanish, indicating that the deity continued to observe the battle.

John, without any mishaps, effortlessly eliminated all the Mystery creatures.

Furthermore, to ensure that the mystical energy from the defeated creatures wouldn't coalesce into new threats, he eradicated all traces of the Mystery power as well.

"You've indeed reached your limit of what you're capable of! However, the traps that remain in the labyrinth are not intended for you; the traps I've set here are aimed at your allies!"

With these final words, the projection of the Saint of Mystery revealed a sinister smile before vanishing into thin air.

John was well aware that the words spoken by the Saint of Mystery might not be true, but he also couldn't be certain that the deity was deliberately deceiving him.

Therefore, John decided to try and contact Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike.

As expected, within the labyrinth, his attempts to communicate with Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike were once again severed.

"As I thought, the Saint of Mystery can indeed do things akin to the game system itself!"

John muttered in frustration, then immediately began to contemplate his next move.

Venturing through the labyrinth to find Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike posed a significant risk.

Given the likelihood of other traps and Mystery creatures lurking within the maze, it was perilous.

Yet, if John did not seek out Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike, he couldn't ensure their safety.

While John believed the legendary warrior Aike's strength was more than sufficient to withstand attacks from Mystery creatures, Duke Arsena did not possess such formidable power.

Lacking the formidable power, John pondered deeply for a while before finally devising a potential solution.

He took out the Book of the Astral Realm that he carried with him.

He didn't intend to use the book for teleportation; he merely hoped that the power of the Book of the Astral Realm could sense the whereabouts of Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike.

As John tapped into the power of the Book of the Astral Realm, his eyes began to shimmer with a silver glow.

He found that he could pinpoint the exact locations of Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike within the labyrinth.

Just as John had anticipated, the legendary warrior Aike had encountered some Mystery creatures, but he had already vanquished them. On the other hand, Duke Arsena was surrounded and under siege by Mystery creatures, and his situation was dire.

"Do you really think you can break us one by one with such tactics?! I will absolutely not allow your plan to succeed!"

John declared resolutely.

Closing the Book of the Astral Realm with a thud, he immediately used a Teleport Spell in conjunction with the book's power, instantly appearing before Duke Arsena.

"John, you've finally arrived! Please help me quickly; I can no longer withstand the onslaught of these Mystery creatures!"

Duke Arsena exclaimed with immense relief upon seeing John.

He had begun to believe that he might never escape the labyrinth, but John's arrival reignited his hope for freedom.

"Your Grace, you must stay on the defensive! We are short on time, and I refuse to waste it battling these Mystery creatures!"

John knew all too well that the longer they lingered in the labyrinth, the stronger the Saint of Mystery would become.

To confront the Saint of Mystery as swiftly as possible, John needed to eliminate all surrounding creatures immediately.

John pulled out a divine scroll and, with the aid of the Book of the Astral Realm, unleashed its power in an instant.

The formidable force of the divine scroll obliterated all the Mystery creatures in the vicinity, even impacting Duke Arsena, who had braced for defense.

"It's good that you're alright! We must hurry to regroup with the legendary warrior Aike!"

After briefly assessing Duke Arsena's condition and ensuring he was not severely harmed, John swiftly led him to find the legendary warrior Aike.

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