Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 100 Transformation

After finishing his shopping, Tabor thought that the nearly [-] pounds he had previously exchanged for Galleons had now only been spent less than a tenth of it.Suddenly I felt an uncontrollable urge to buy something more.

I dug out the map of the UK that I bought specially in order to choose a house. There were already many spare places circled on it.There are half-wizard gatherings and pure Muggle towns.

Tabor also learned from his parents in the past few days that the Ministry of Magic has many vacant manors, many of which are aristocratic manors that no one has inherited. Although they are somewhat dilapidated, they are actually considered mansions. The price is very cheap.

For wizards and house elves, building a house is not a difficult task.On the contrary, the daily maintenance of the manor is relatively troublesome.Wizards don't seem to like renting houses for living. These vacant houses are also a big burden for the Ministry of Magic.

Tubber's eyes wandering around the map gradually stopped at Godric's Hollow and Little Whinging, Surrey. These two place names were circled by him in red ink.

Although Godric's Hollow is well-known in the British wizarding world, its population is not large. To Muggles, it is just a small village where supernatural events often occur.Whether he lives there or invests in it, Taber doesn't want any 'supernatural events' to happen around his house.

Surrey is very close to London and has many high-quality educational resources. The location related to the plot is a gathering place for the middle class, so house prices cannot be cheap.However, ordinary British people like to rent a house, so it is very suitable as an investment.

"The 999-year usage rights are pretty good."

Tabor muttered, feeling a little regretful in his heart. He had never paid attention to stocks or anything like that in his previous life, otherwise he wouldn't have only thought about buying a house.

Without hesitating for long, Tabor went to Gringotts. After exchanging enough pounds, he bought No. 4 and No. 5 Privet Drive, and then gave the house to a real estate agency for rent.

In this way, Tabor will be able to receive a stable income of several thousand pounds every month for a long time to come. It may not be a lot in gold galleons, but it is enough to allow him to earn as much as he wants during the two months of vacation. Squandered.

In addition, Tabor also wanted to know if he bought No. [-] Privet Drive and whether the Dursleys would live there in the future.

Just when Tubo had arranged everything, the long-awaited stormy weather finally came to Hogsmeade.

Axel and Inas both held up their wands and stood worriedly at a distance.

Tabor himself walked to the corner where the potion was placed, confirmed that the potion inside was indeed successful, and then returned to the basement of Axel Manor with the potion.

"Tub, come on."

Looking at the parents on the side, Duoduo was so worried that he almost cried.Tabor poured all the blood-red potion into his mouth with a very relaxed attitude.

Tabor couldn't care less about his physical discomfort. At this time, the animal image in his mind did not appear.

There is only one egg wrapped in sacred white light.

"Damn it, my Animagus hasn't been born yet." Tabor wanted to speak, but made no sound.

"Ahhh! I won't really turn into an egg, will I! A panda, a panda is better than an egg!"

Tabor didn't know if his idea was too strong. The glowing egg in his mind slowly twisted, and as his body gradually grew larger, it finally turned into the appearance of an underage panda. His body seems to be emitting a faint white light that is difficult to see with the naked eye, giving people a feeling of being sacred and not to be violated lightly.

"Oh, baby you did it."

"Yeah, but what kind of animal is this? A black and white bear? It looks so cute."

Listening to the exclamations around him, Tabor subconsciously wanted to stand up and take a look at the situation, but his foot slipped and he turned a few somersaults.

Inas immediately walked over to Tabor and took out a mirror.

"Look, our little Tabor is even cuter. Can mommy give you a hug?"

Tabor: "..."

"If you don't say anything, I'll treat it as if you agree!" After Inas said that, regardless of Tabor's resistance, she directly picked up the panda version of Tabor and rubbed it.

By the time Tabor was gently placed next to his wand, the joy of successfully casting Animagus was gone from Mengmeng's big eyes.

"Tabor, you should move back here for the rest of the summer vacation. I will personally supervise you to practice Animagus a few more times to avoid any accidents in the future due to unskilled use."

After listening to his mother's unquestionable words and looking at Axel's somewhat resentful eyes, Tabor suddenly lay on the ground helplessly.

"Well, the ground is quite comfortable. Why don't you lie down for a while."

Tabor was startled by the sudden thought in his mind. How could he feel comfortable on the cold ground?It must be the panda's instincts.

With difficulty restraining the panda's instinct, Tabor finally successfully transformed back into human form a quarter of an hour later.

At this time, only Duoduo was left watching in the basement.

Tabor returned to his room, listening to the noisy wind and rain outside the window, but he was still thinking about the egg that appeared when he transformed.

"The eggshell cannot be so malleable. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a light cocoon." Tabor muttered in his heart, and then sat up from the bed uncontrollably.

Holding the wand, Tubbo once again used Animagus transformation.

Unlike the book that can only change into a fixed form the second time, the egg appeared in Tabor's mind again.


The white light distorted for a while and gradually turned into the image of a tiger.

Tabor was not ready to stand up this time, so he directly raised his front paws and put them in front of his eyes to take a look.


The cute and cute tiger's roar echoed in the room instantly.

Tabor returned to his human form, then raised his wand, the egg still dazzling in his mind.


Seeing his black horse's hooves, Tabor was absolutely sure that his Animagus could transform into many kinds of animals.

It's just that the transformation time of each animal seems to be the same as the first transformation.

Tabor felt he needed to try a few more times.

When the light cocoon appeared in his mind again, Tubo did not rush to try new animal transformations, but continued to think about the panda he transformed into for the first time.

The image of a panda instantly appeared in Tabo's mind, and Tabo also felt the slightly familiar panda perspective.

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