Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 99 Procurement

"Then, can you tell me what's the difference between you and other portraits?" Tabor glanced at the sleeping portraits next to him. Now even his grandfather had returned to the small house that served as the background of the portrait.

"Knowledge, everything I know, is in this small piece of soul that is separated. I can even learn new knowledge. Ordinary portraits will only follow the actions of the lifetime and will gradually lose all memories of the lifetime. If something happens to you Let them judge, and they will give the same choices as when I was alive. The answers to some questions are actually not correct in modern times." Beauxbatons obviously enjoys the feeling of being able to answer questions for his younger generations.

"Then, can you be resurrected?"

Ms. Beauxbatons looked at Tabor seriously: "No, my child, when I choose to go to the world of the dead, it is impossible to live outside the picture frame. But fortunately, I left many portraits. Apart from here, I I often stay in Beauxbatons, it’s really getting more and more beautiful there.”

"What if you don't go to the world of the dead, make a Horcrux, and then be resurrected when the main body dies? Will this mean you can live forever?"

Beauxbatons looked at Tabor with some surprise: "I didn't expect that a child of your age would have such an idea of ​​​​exploring immortality. However, unfortunately, Horcruxes cannot make people immortal. A broken soul It is destined not to live forever, it will only drive people into madness. The production of Horcruxes also requires the use of alchemy, and alchemy needs to follow the principle of equivalent exchange."

Tabor nodded. He was indeed not at the point where he needed to worry about his lifespan. Wizards could still live longer than ordinary people if nothing unexpected happened.

"So far, I don't know anyone who has succeeded in immortality, not even Nick. Although the energy in the Philosopher's Stone can help him extend his life, when his body completely decays, the Philosopher's Stone cannot save him. . But he is indeed the longest-living person I know.”

Tabor took a look at the potion in the pot and felt it was almost ready. He extinguished the flame under the crucible and poured the potion into a transparent crystal bottle.

"Well, these are indeed a bit... far away from me. However, as far as I know, Slytherin should also know how to make Horcruxes. So did he leave a portrait of Horcruxes?"

Ms. Beauxbatons touched the rune horse in her hand: "I don't know if Slytherin left any Horcruxes. After all, I established Beauxbatons later than Hogwarts. .”

Taber wasn't surprised he didn't get a precise answer.Hogwarts was established in the tenth century AD, and Nick Flamel was born in 1330. The first Triwizard Tournament was held in 1294, so Nick Flamel entered Beauxbatons in 1341. While studying, you can also meet the living Ms. Beauxbatons, which shows that Beauxbatons was probably established more than two centuries after Hogwarts.

Of course, all this is just Taber's speculation.However, Tabor still had some thoughts about the Horcruxes that Slytherin might have left behind.

If such a Horcrux really exists, Tubo thinks the two most likely places are the Gaunt family's old house and the legendary Slytherin Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts.

Lying on the soft big bed, Tabor suddenly felt that keeping Ms. Beauxbatons by his side was really useful. At least she knew a lot of secrets from hundreds of years ago.How about taking some time to learn alchemy?

Suddenly, Tabor thought in his mind that he seemed to need to take all the elective courses next semester. The course schedule would definitely be full. Coupled with the existing potions order, it would be difficult to have time to learn a new subject. of skill.

"That's all, let's wait until we see Mr. Flamel." Tabor turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, after Tubo got up in the morning and padded his stomach with the pastries he had brought back from the Malfoy house last night, he changed into a small suit, put the spare wand into the wand case, opened the door and walked out.

The morning in Spider End Alley was very noisy, with many workers in shabby clothes rushing towards the surrounding factories.

Tabor even saw many children about his own age, following other workers and running towards the factory.

When they saw what Tabor was wearing, there was a hint of envy in their eyes.

Tubber simply walked to the road next to it, where there was a bus to Cokeworth town center.

"Hey, young sir, do you want a ride? I can drive you anywhere in the city center and it only costs two shillings to hire me for the day."

Tabor looked at the old car that was about to expire, and after a moment of hesitation, he still got in it.

"Take me to the city center for a walk. There should be many large stores there, right?"

"Oh, of course. You must have come from London. Although our place is not as good as London, it is still a big town with many factories around it. Although the efficiency has not been very good in recent years, there are still a lot of things." The driver was a local from Cokeworth, and he was quite chatty when introducing his hometown.

While listening to the driver's introduction, Tabor looked around through the window.

Apparition requires the wizard to have a clear understanding of where he is going. It is precisely because of this limitation that Tabor did not directly use magic to go to the central area today.

"Look, that's the biggest Marks and Spencer department store here. Do you want to park the car or continue walking around?"

Tabor glanced at the department store outside the window and felt that the name seemed familiar. It should be a good place.

"This is it." Tabor said and threw a few coins, got out of the car and entered Marks and Spencer.

After wandering around casually and buying a bunch of uneaten canned food, Tabor walked into the public restroom of the department store naturally carrying two large bags of stuff. He walked directly to the innermost compartment and locked the door. Shuan apparated back to the room at No. 9 Spider End Alley.

If nothing unexpected happens, the bathroom stall in the department store can be used as a base for Apparition for a long time.

Tabor put down his shopping, stayed at home for a while, and then apparated to the toilet cubicle in the department store again.

After stepping out of the stall, Tabor spent the entire day browsing the store.I have almost made up for all the missing appliances in my house.Even so, it only cost less than 500 pounds, which really made Taber feel like a rich man.

Compared with the prices in London, the things in the small town of Cokeworth can indeed be said to be of high quality and low prices, especially various industrial products.

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