Side Note

Chapter 201: The End

Hello, it's me, still enjoying a nice cup of tea, Madeleine here. I am watching Myka jump up and run about in this white void. She is very, very ecstatic about winning, which I find weird. She never celebrated this hard when she beat me in Go Fish. Maybe I'd celebrate that hard if I beat her in Go Fish, mainly because she cheats. Yes, I will always remember the fact that she cheats in Go Fish. It's the thing that sticks out in my mind about Myka… behind that whole weird thing that happened when we first met, that time we hired her as a maid, this whole pyramid thing… okay, maybe it isn't the thing that sticks out in my mind about Myka, but whatever.

"Okay, that's enough being happy." Aaand she's back to her neutral face. It's surprising someone could look so bored in Mendass… then again, she's a reality warper, and that's always a boring power to watch and wield. "So, do you want to hear my motivation at all or nah?"

"Hmm… I'll listen to it." It's not like I've got anything else to do… no, wait, I do. Just kidding, you thought I forgot, didn't I? "Just kidding. I want my girlfriend back."

"Oh yeah, sure thing." Myka snapped her fingers, creating a mist nearby that dissipated and revealed Mel, who was sitting on a couch and watching some television while eating some chips. She's just noticed she's here and paused with a chip about to enter her mouth. "There's your girlfriend, Maddy. That whole Michelle thing about killing her was a lie, by the way. I made her kill a Mel lookalike."

"Wow. That's fucked up." Aww… Mel still has her tongue. That's great for both conversations and cu- "Shut up Madeleine. Come and hug me instead."

Yippee! I skipped over to Mel, jumping right into her spread-out arms. Man… hugs are great. "I almost killed your reincarnated dad!"

"But did you?"


"Good to hear, you failure of a psychopath." She playfully rubbed my hand. "Anyways, did Myka explain why she did this shit?"

"You two are oddly casual about this and surprisingly not pissed at me."

"The only thing I'm angry at is the lack of selection of snacks."

"I'm pretty sure I got angry at something, but I don't remember."

"You two are unbelievable." Myka walked to the couch, sitting on the other end, while I just sat on Mel. Remember kids, if you can, sit on someone's lap. "So, my motivation, right?"

"I kind of don't care, but feel free to explain."

"I am going to ask Mel to fuck me after this."

"I fucking regret this already." Myka sighed. "I did this because I'd rather not have my existence be erased because that's how stories work, I'm pretty sure. I wouldn't know. This is my first rodeo, but yeah."

"Oh shit, we're ending already?"

"Wait, I haven't gotten all one thousand Side Notes! Or was it nine hundred and ninety-nine?"

"We shouldn't be. I think I extended our lives. You know, unless something happens like… uh…" At that moment, a door was suddenly kicked out, and through it came Rika in a police outfit alongside another police officer.

"Myka Jaspers, you are hereby under arrest! Madeleine, show the arrest warrant!" I clumsily took stuff out of my dagger dimension, taking out the paper I remember Rika giving me and the handcuffs. Before anyone could react, Rika's police partner immediately took the handcuffs from my hand and clenched them around Myka's wrists.

"Get rolled, Prisoner." Myka looked at the handcuffs, dumbfounded, before snapping her fingers… only for nothing to happen.

"What the actual fuck? What are these handcuffs? What even is my crime… aside from the kidnappings, the murders, the blackmailing, and the cheating in card games?"

"The illegal extension of a narrative!"

"What? Is that even a real crime?"

Rika walked to Myka's side, taking out a piece of paper. "The Neo-Multiversal Council's Spacetime & Narrative Anti-Shenanigans Department Featuring A Hint Of The Reality Warping Containment Unit Formerly Known As Unending Rain, or more colloquially known as the Anti-Multiversal Menaces Branch has found the individual known as Myka Jaspers guilty for the illegal prolonging of the narrative centred around the individual known as Madeleine Arcus from the world Mendass. As such, she is to be imprisoned two million years before Mendass' creation on an empty world to ensure no more interaction with narratives." Rika then leaned into Myka's ears, whispering something, which made Myka a little surprised before nodding. "Take her away, Ryla."

And Myka was taken away through the kicked-down door… now that I think about it, where did the door come from?

"Is that an actual crime you arrested her for, Rika?" Oh, Mel just asked a really good question. I wonder if there's a crime I can get arrested for?

"It isn't, at least for folks inside narratives, but I needed something big to lock away Myka with. It's important, just not for this… well, side note of our multiverse. Honestly, I'm surprised this stuff got greenlit."

"I feel like I should be really offended by that." I really do, but I don't know why.

"Well, it's not for you guys to find out." Rika walked back to the door before turning back to us. "Umm… that whole end of the world thing has been prevented, and this whole pyramid will be taken as evidence, so you'll guys will be sent somewhere in Mendass. From there, feel free to live your peaceful days in a cabin. You guys deserve it. Seriously though, have a nice ending. Many folks don't get one."

And so Rika walked out, and a second later, Mel and I found ourselves in front of a familiar house next to a tree with those disgusting yellow fruits. 

"Huh. That was… certainly something. Ain't that right, Madeleine?"

"Do you think there's a real estate agent who can sell us this house?"

"Mendass has real estate agents?" And so, Mel and I walked into the house and maybe looted it. Well, we needed to empty it… I think we'll actually settle down here. 

Chapter namesake: The End by Sisyfuss (Or by C418 for Minecraft (Or The Doors (Or My Chemical Romance (Or Skeeter Davis (Or Five Finger Death Punch (You get the joke))))))

So yeah, that's the end of Side Note... I had no idea how to end it, so sorry if it feels rather... anticlimatic. Then again, Side Note is filled with anticlimatic moments, so whatever. This won't be a long Author's Note, I'm saving that for the final epilogue chapter that I'll be releasing soon, but in the meantime, feel free to ask any question. Consider this chapter the Q&A chapter I do every 25 chapters (I actually forgot chapter 200 would be it, okay).

Oh yeah, speaking of the epilogues, there will be five epilogue chapters. The first three are going to be like those credit scenes where they show a picture of the character and what they ended up doing after the movie. Yeah, those suck, but I've always wanted to write one of those and I don't see myself ever becoming a screenwriter (Also, it fits Side Note's vibe), and those three will probably come out on the same day. The first is about nearly every character that didn't die, actually made a chapter appearance, but didn't stick around long enough to be either an ally or enemy of Madeleine. The second will be about the many bad guys that Madeleine faced in Side Note and the third will be about the friends Madeleine (And her Shadow Clones) made on the way (Or just people who are allies). The one after that will be Myka's epilogue, since she's technically our main antagonist, even thought she was a companion for more time than an actual antagonist, and the last epilogue chapter will obviously be about Madeleine and Mel. No, it will not be a smut chapter (I have no idea how to write sex).

So yeah. Uh... thanks for reading.... no wait, I'm supposed to get sappy at the very end. We ain't there yet. Oh yeah, that number 3 spot in Trending is cool. I have no idea how that thing works, though.

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