Side Note

Epilogue of the Others: Roll Credits

Nearly every character that wasn't an adversary, ally, or killed off appears here. Characters will appear in order of first appearance (This will be the case in the next two Epilogue chapters as well).

Side Note: One hour after this releases, the Epilogue of the Enemies will release, and an hour after that releases, Epilogue of the Allies will release.

The butler ended up living his final years in the small shack he was taken to by Lucy, who had gone away after her encounter with Madeleine. He died with a paranoid look, always watching the window, waiting for something that never arrived.

Vandar Gray mourned the death of Sally Cordozar for a day before returning to his nomadic lifestyle in search of the next holder of Entropy. He shall be forever tied to the fate of his first love's predecessors.

Chloe Darrow disappeared without a trace, leaving behind the wartorn Garwet Kingdom and her distraught Demon Lord partner. Where she went is unknown, but rumour has it that she was somehow sent to the end of existence. The source of this rumour is unknown.

Rich Ardrago was eventually freed from his status as a statue and, upon escape, decided to have a road trip across Mendass again. His guild did not appreciate that.

Jack and Iryu Johnbeck married and adopted a kid who eventually went through a rebellious stage where she hated tables and illusions.

Despacito, unfortunately, became immortal. To this day, she remains the product of arguably the most sadistic thing done by a Divine being.

Aleyn and the Lake Spirit went and had a happy life as a couple, having a child who became the God of Fish. 

Raki The Weaponslayer continued his mundane life of watering his garden. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Former Hero's party returned to Kori's farm, where they continued to enjoy their peaceful life of farming, forest trekking, and threesomes. So many threesomes. 

Go the Hobgoblin was discovered to be a hobgoblin, but he became a diplomat between the goblins and other races due to how civil he was. He's glad his brethren are less likely to die now than before, although their death rate is still high. Then again, what race's death rate isn't high in Mendass?

Leroy the Interrogator got kicked out of the Villa. Why? They found out he's bald.

Quentin Que Quade took over the church, completely rooting out the corruption problem, only to be tragically assassinated before he could completely reform it.

David The Insane went on to enjoy his life to the fullest after getting a second chance at life, all without the worries a main character would have, considering he figured out who the true main character of Mendass was. He'd also got that harem he always wanted.

Naru the Fool got out of the house on the hill and journeyed across Mendass, meeting each Arcana and evolving his Sacred Power, becoming the ruler of a new country alongside some of the Arcanas he met. He ended up becoming a shut-in again after becoming king.

The mayor of Davidstown continued ending up in Sacred Power-related incidents, causing him to start balding despite barely being over 40. William took great joy in seeing his pitiful state and added to his misery by continuously growing the mayor's grass to heights that blocked out the afternoon sun.

Valour Patras returned to his village, finding it in complete disarray. It is said that he wept for 40 days and 40 nights. No one knows where he went afterwards.

Deela was taken to a world called Ryla alongside her siblings, both those who lived and those who died.

Seida Sicht would continue leading her tribe in their unique situation, not knowing she had outlived her daughter. She would eventually meet her daughter's reincarnated form and rekindle their relationship.

Loakee was resurrected, finding himself in a world that doubled as a hidden paradise for lost souls and a prison for a certain someone. 

Jovi Alkid continued being loved by the gods, getting adopted by them when he eventually died. He may or may not have demigod children.

Carte Grande would become queen of Sacre Pla with the help of her family, whose bond grew closer even further thanks to the events of Myka's pyramid. She would officially adopt Melanie to help with the marriage process. Her daughter, Eliza, was happy to have yet another sister.

Strawberry was returned to Toxicity Itself. Due to now being content with life, the Demon Lord of Toxicity let her go free, but she remained within the former Luminescence Academy despite the Demon Lord of Toxicity's intention to destroy his castle. She perished alongside the Demon Lord and the Calamity known as Toxicity Itself.

Ashley the Pickpocket continued pickpocketing, stealing enough goods to open an orphanage in the slums of Davidstown.

Curry the Pirate Lord lost his trident after his battle against Madeleine and spent three years searching for it. He never found it and spent the rest of his life sullenly cleaning the deck of his ship.

The Library remained a library. It is not alive. It does not enjoy it when people presume it lives.

Pam remained in the Shadowrealm, continuing to offer the object of future Shadow Cloning holder's temptation. He may or may not have caught a few of them.

Ratin Krieg died in a war between the Church and Sacre Pla, being memorialised as a hero. 

Lana the Flattener was arrested for flattening the breasts of her rival Abigail. She escaped after flattening the entire prison.

Ham Berg fucking died.

Diana Anaid was one of Speedy's few allies after a particular night, surviving the Calamity that happened. She would die soon after due to natural causes, but her diary would help a future young beastkin to learn the truth.

Fanny Shocque was used as a battery for Sacre Pla's technological advancement spearheaded by Carte Grande and Maxine. Surprisingly, he liked it.

Bartholomew Clanse retired from his role as the Grand General of the Bellum Army. He lived the rest of his life reading books in a cabin he built in the remains of the former capital of Trogen alongside his radioactive pet rat.

Filia Gravitas became an honorary Caretaker under the Chaos Storm, dealing with specifically the children of Gods whose powers were handed down to them. She occasionally goes on adventures with the three overpowered lolis, along with Medya.

Clark continued his role as the smelter of the Royal Blacksmith and continued to scurry about in Sacre Pla Royal Palace's hidden tunnels.

After having her role in the whole scheme of things become redundant, Amber went on to migrate to Earth and become an idol. 

The Preventer was relieved of his duties. He went on to rest peacefully in a nest.

Vulpia opened more cafes, each managed by a God who wanted to do something peaceful after the Demon-God War.

Ignis got killed after she attempted to assassinate a target who could reflect attacks. The fireball she created in his heart was sent back to her, instantly incinerating her slime body.

Kris Cholas still lived in Darky and Rebel's house and looked after it while they went on their Multiversal journey. She still did her job as Mendass' Santa.

Lily Galligan accidentally caused Mendass to turn everything into a cute girl for a day, excluding Mendass itself (Mendass did get an avatar that was a cute girl). She proceeded to seduce quite a number of cute girls (As did some others). This somehow turned into an annual phenomenon and thus named "Lily's Day". 

The Observer continued observing. 

June occasionally helped Mayfield with her Caretaker work, having grown an attachment to the Light Wisps that often end up under her care.

Avit moved into Lilah and Nitra's museum after finding their stash of Earthen wines. She also blessed them, leading to the only case of Shadow Clone pregnancy in Mendass history. 

Ivor was still waiting for the Golemancer to come to his dungeon.

Stia handed her title of Vampire Queen to Mila and became her concubine, abandoning her harem of hot vampire butlers.

Julius became a regular opponent of the Captain to get back the harem members he lost. He lost a total of seven harems to the Captain.

Blud got revived, finding himself in a foreign world with all his younger siblings.

Fuller Stallion fucked some more leaders in Mendass. He also created Mendass' equivalent of the UN. Unfortunately, it was dissolved after the Weeping Girl's Massacre.

Erwin Kunis continued being the RO's water cooler girl, although she started taking assassination jobs, freezing the water inside her target's body. She eventually learned her ability had no range and rose to the top of the RO's Assassins branch.

Haruto continued his Isekai adventure, eventually becoming the strongest in Mendass after Marigold left for the Neo-Multiversal Council, Madeleine died, Moira disappeared, and Sherry somehow returned to Earth.

Like her siblings, Fiva was sent to Ryla alongside her hotel room.

The God of Souls was executed after his encounter with Madeleine. Despite his death, souls still functioned normally in Mendass, thanks to Tremom.

The Sultans of Swing continued swinging.

Chapter namesake: Rolls Credits by Kid Koala

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