Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 2: [Guide] Explains

I looked at all the things floating in my head and all I can say is... 

Yeah, if you take me as a person who has been swallowed by colonial mentality, then you're wrong, yes I read Japanese and American Literature but I don't fancy all of them and I mostly read romance and the Philippines loves Romance a lot, obviously making my country a horde of Romance authors, and this thing that happened to me is like those Isekai genre kinds of stuff, my first Isekai is about that slime that became a god and... Yeah, I don't like how all things always come his way.

I mean, if not because of his ability but because of Wisdom  Lord Raphael, then he's just a corporate worker who always went with the flow, if only he can become someone like Shiro who have to struggle to become a god, then I would approve to him,  though I do approve to his gentle part, that also caused some things undesirable for him.

Anyway, enough with the hot takes and face reality. First, where the hell I am and what the hell are those skills? Oh, yeah that [Guide] thing earlier sounds like... a guide(duh), let's see, Hello [Guide].

[Hello, master.]

My newborn body shook and my inside voice went "GYAAA!!" for a second but calmed down immediately, damn, that was not too manly of me, good thing I'm a girl now, HAHA!

I consoled myself as such and asked about my unique skill.

Care to explain where I am?

[Master, I will explain.

Master is currently thirty meters inside the Five-Pronged Forest ]

That's quite a lame name, but then again, who am I to judge this world's naming sense? For now, the information that I am abandoned in this forest is already confirmed and I don't want a talking voice inside my head to smother me with the fact that I am once again abandoned in my second life.

Digesting the information, I immediately proceeded to the next one.

If this world works like an Isekai one, then there should be a staple for isekai novels right?

[Guide] Show me my Status Board.

As I say that, a flash of blue appeared in front of my eyes though I am not sure if other people will see this if I flashed it elsewhere or if I am the only one who can see it.

Name: Sophia Demiurge

HP: 57/57

Race: Human (Newborn)

Mana: 20

Stamina: 15              

[Level: 1

EXP: 0


STR: 5

INT: 13

VIT: 5

AGI: 5

DEX: 5

LUK: 0

Titles: The Mortal Child of the God of Undead


Unique: [Guide], [Necromancy], [Hastened Human Evolution]


I looked at my Status Board, confused, aren't newborns supposed to be powerless? Then how can I have fives on my stats? Normally, it should have been zero because, I mean, think about it theoretically, in an MMORPG game, what would you expect if you choose to have a.. let's say three-week-old baby human as an avatar?

Right, no stats right? That's why I'm confused and thus asked [Guide] about this question.

[Master, the God of Undead has taken an interest in you, choosing you as one of his potential Hero that can represent his will in the mortal world, upon receiving the name that was given by The God of Undead, he has modified the newborn's base stats so that master can have the upper hand.]

I immediately flinched at his reply.

A god? Taking interest in me? An abandoned random child? Why?

[I am not allowed to disclose such information.]


I know that he will not answer because [Guide's] creator is the God of Undead and thus that god can make adjustments to him so that he will not give information that will leak how his mind works, well, I mean, normally, a god should be a billion folds more intelligent than a human right? 

So yeah, I have expected as much, my pops should be intelligent at least. Yeah, pops, I would have called him my father if its the former me but I am "The Cooler Emelio" now so I would call him pops from now on, I mean I have a title calling me his daughter and all so might as well take the part and call him my dad right?

Anyway, with the small thing with my cosmic dad concluded I started to ponder my skills.

And even though all of them are self-explanatory, you will not know what twists this world will make to these "self-explanatory" skills, for example, necromancy makes you think of summoning dead people but what if you can't summon them if you didn't raise them in the first place?

However, it seems like Necromancy has a more Mysterious background in this world than I thought.

[Necromancy: A new concept of power originated from the brilliant mind of the God of Undead: ???, It is a power to raise the dead and command them at the user's will, naturally generated undead will only follow the command of the wielder of the skill if the user is the Undead Monarch(King or Queen).]

I paused for a while, looking at the first verse of the explanation, I mean, why are there undead if there are no necromancers? Does this mean that the undead is just a bunch of corpses that got raised from dark magic or some crap and don't have a legion or something?

Aww, come on, that's boring and here I am thinking that I might command a legion of Undead... Damn, that would be fun, that was the reason why am I a Necromancer in an MMORPG game I played before. Ah still, all of these mysteries will be quite difficult to decipher when even the system of this world is not giving adequate information, furthermore, if Necromancy is a new concept to this place then that means that I am the first Necromancer (Even though I am yet to raise my first undead), then my task given to me by pops... Or if he even gave me one given that [Guide] just said that pops just found me interesting.

Who knows maybe he has a kink on Abandonment Play or something(Coz I am abandoned) but, if by any chance I am the center of his focus, then I am sure my role is to spread his name... Though Pops needs to give his name before I spread it. 

That was just speculation that even with my ultra super mega amazing brain cannot come to a proper conclusion.

There is also the question of why is it a new concept in the first place... And I can't have any conclusion, I am confused because all of my references are from books from my past life and all of them have different logic and of course, I cannot rely heavily on them.

I mean, by logic who wouldn't want an army of tireless soldiers right? So why did the people of this world didn't think of searching for a way to control those undead?

Geh... Confusing.

Confusion huh... What a strange feeling, this is the first time in my life that I have felt confused and honestly, I don't know how to react, First, I died from disease and then got reincarnated and am now bombarded by tons of mysteries. Its... Bizzare, I may look like an idiot but yeah, I think that's the bad side of being a genius, you unconsciously think that you know it all, and when the time comes that there is confusing shit in front of you, you cannot get past it.

Good thing I have a lot of mental strength credited to my screwed-up past life and is not despairing because of this, hell if I don't know, I just have to know it, right?

Well, enough with the inspirational monologue and time to inspect my other  Oh so Unique skills.

Well, [Guide] is already functioning right now so I do not need him to be inspected so I just inspected the other one.

[Hastened Human Evolution]: Hastens the stages of human growth, from gradual growth, from a newborn to an infant will require a certain level cap to evolve rather than years to do so.

Level for next Evolution: 10

Oh wow, how shocking that information is...

I swiped the information tab out of my vision and proceeded to question [Guide] once again. I don't like Rimuru having such an explanation cheat of a skill in him but I guess I can't say no to such a convenient skill.

Sorry for not liking you, Rimuru-sama.

Ahem, anyway, [Guide], you say these skills are unique right?

[Master, yes they are.]

Then does that mean I am the only one who has them?


[Master, That's what unique would mean...]


The skill didn't answer making me give up on giving him a stern scolding and directly asked.

Does that mean that there are also common skills? And how can I have them? And how do they affect a person's performance?

This time, without that strange silence earlier, the Unique Skill replied with his robotic and monotone voice.

[Master, yes, they are commonly called Common Skills, though some are rarer than the others because of the difficulty of acquisition that sometimes needed years of patience, all of those skills are virtually possible to obtain by a mortal.

Obtaining a common skill requires the corresponding motion of the said skill, for example, if you, Master wants to learn to throw, you have to throw objects until a notification that you have acquired the said skill came.

Having the skill [Throw] will make the system of the world help you be more accurate in your throw and also increase the damage of the said skill.

The Common Skills works as such.]

Hooh... I see, so that's how is it, so basically you just have to continue doing things until a notification pooped out, this is especially hard for humans, I mean, humans are a civilized race and thus throwing things around to get skill about throwing is severely unethical to them and will surely just have some orthodox swords, spears, shields, bows and the other weapon skills... Now that I think about it, isn't that the true reason why are humans portrayed as weak in novels?

They might be too civilized and Orthodox to survive, that's why there are usually heroes of humanity to have humans at least have one of their race to break the monotony.

I immediately took myself out of that trance and asked another question.

Then, does that means that Stats also works that way?

[Master, yes, stats can be obtained by doing tasks manually related to the stats, for example lifting heavy objects will increase the STR stat, same goes with INT, DEX, and more of the said stats, another way to increase stats is the stats that the system gives when leveling up.

This is way easier but rarer to come by for one to receive it only when he levels up.

The "training method" of acquiring stats is only available for five levels of the initial form and will never be used again.]

Oh, I see, so it does, my deduction is correct and I am out of questions... At least immediate ones, I already knew where am I and also confirmed long ago that I am once again abandoned, what I needed to do right now is to... Do what I can do, I am still a child, a  newborn baby... Though I have quite the headstart and can probably able to walk if I just put my mind to it.

So what I am gonna do right now is to evolve, damn, I didn't even drink once in my past life because I am just ten before I died and I want to drink beer or ale even once in my life so I wanna be an adult fast.

But then there is a problem, a problem that I didn't realize because the ridiculousness of the situation made it slip out of my mind.

... Newborn babies... Have blurred eyes and it seems to also be a fact, even in another world.

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