Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 3: What is Common Sense?

Hey now, Don't take me for a fool. I mean, if you're in a world that has newborns with Unique Skills, then how can you think of such minor details right? And no matter how much of a genius I am, I am still a human in the end, and... well, let's just say I am, even though just to a little extent, overwhelmed by this situation.

But, [Guide], why didn't you tell me that a newborn in this world has blurred eyes?

[Master, because it is common sense.]

... Yeah, I know that you punk.

Ahem, anyway, it seems like some things in this world are still the same as in my previous one, and the Daughter of god thing is not as great as in my world, in my world if you're the child of a god you'll get to resurrect the dead and create wine out of the water, but here, as you can see, I can't even move my body properly and no matter how much I will my body I can't jus-

As I moved my body to lay on my stomach, it suddenly turned and immediately lay on it as I intended.

... Like I was saying I can move my body properly even though I'm a newborn, I also noticed that there are little snapping sounds inside my mouth the moment I open and close it when my rambling in my head with guide escaped my mouth,  I moved my hand to inspect it's inside and yeah, common sense entails that a newborn should not have a single tooth but now, I have the complete set of my molars.

[Guide], is this common sense too?

[Master, It is, the God of Undead gave you the basic foundations of a fully competent infant with some bonuses, one of which is having teeth despite being just a newborn baby.]

Oh, now it's common sense to be a god's child? Damnit, I don't care anymore.

I also looked at my crotch area and as much as I want to deny it, My Emelio Jr. is now gone and a Sophia the Second is now present, damn, I am so handsome when I am a guy... I will disown that god if I didn't become a beautiful and seductive lady when I grew up, I swear... not.

And yeah, also, as I said earlier my eyes are blurry and I can just see shapes properly but cannot properly identify them, I just identified my friends gone because there's no dangling thing between my legs.

So I did just do what I have to do before getting started I have to have normal eyesight, and so crawling my way, I found a trail of red ants they seem relatively normal, they are small and looked like ants and all.

Hey [Guide] they won't attack me, right?

[Master, yes, they will not.]

Phew, well, this world might have big ass ants and you don't know if this ant can enlarge their size or anything (I mean, this is a fantasy world and all), so yeah, I guess better safe than sorry huh?

And so with my four limbs, I approached the line of ants slowly, by the way, I can just say that they are a line of ants because I am seeing it as a line that has moving motions as my vision is like a blurred analog TV right now, so what I did is to stare at them intently and with [Guide]'s explanation this should clear my eyesight.

I continued to stare at the line of ants as surely, my eyesight became clearer, from a blurry analog tv into a blurry flat screen and finally, I heard a notification.

Notice [Continuous training has increased your DEX by +10]

Oh nays, as expected as my eyes became as clear as a normal human, my DEX stat increased and I can now see the ants clearly, and yup, they are ants all right. I backed down into them because being bitten by them with my baby skin will hurt like hell, and as I crawl, I also notice my wobbly and staggering way of crawling.

Right, Dexterity, in the newborn to toddler stages also relates to proper movements of the limbs...

Uhmm... [Guide]?

[Master, what is it?]

How do I increase my crawling Dexterity?

[Master, you have to continuously crawl.]

Is there no other way?

[Master, there is none.]

B-but it's embarrassing-

[Master, by being Dextrous in crawling you will not have any difficulties in walking meaning that you can properly transverse places without the need to crawl.]

Alright! Let's crawl and throw away my dignity as a high school teenager! It's not embarrassing at all!

And so, learning that I can skip being a wobbly walker by learning how to properly crawl, I immediately threw out my shame and started to furiously crawl around the cave, and because I exhaust stamina quickly, I have to rest for intervals, I still managed to get by this training that I will be sure to never do again as I once again received a notification.

Notice [Continuous training has increased your DEX by +3 and your AGI by +2]

And to some unexpected but not surprise, my agility also raised by two points, it is not really that impressive, more so that the MMORPG avatar that I have can contend with World Bosses, still right now I am just a newborn and getting a stat at all right at this phase of my new life is impressive, to say the least, so I am still grateful of this stats.

Anyway, as I slide out the notification, I slowly stood up, the dirt of the damp soil under me that I am just bareback laying in just a while ago slowly falling off my back, hands and feet, damn, my stupid excuse of parents didn't even put me on some blanket, I clicked my tongue and instead of a "Tsk" just a cute "Tse~" escaped my mouth.

Right, I'm newly born right no- WHAT THE HELL!?

My eyes went wide in agitation, and my teeth gritted in spite as I saw a basket of fruits just right in the spot of my laying place a while earlier, grapes, mangos ripe and raw, dragon fruit... A fruit that looks like cotton and seems to be designed by Oda and even Rambutan.

And even though I didn't expect to see one of my staple fruits in the orphanage, what I am focused on right now is the very presence of the basket itself.

It has a blanket in the bottom of the fruits to prevent the small thorns in the basket to enter the fruits and a scarf so that insects will not infest the fruits.

What in the world do they expect me to do with this!? No, I mean, what do they expect the original owner of this body will do with this bunch of fruits?

Do they expect the newborn to fucking go "Oh an apple! Let's take a bite  since my whore of a mother who abandoned me left it for me!" WELL, I FUCKING DON'T!

Damnit... It pains my heart just seeing this child that I am using the body of just be left with a basket of useless foods... No, actually no, I have had enough of me being abandoned in my short life on earth, first, my mother who got swept by a dilf's cock abandoned me because she didn't expect to get pregnant from being creampied, I got no one to adopt me despite my achievements because another whore blocks all people who show interest in being my legal parents and if all of that is not fucking enough already.

Father, the priest and the only adult I deem as a parent just have to die in a pandemic, and now, when I thought that I died and my suffering is already over, I have to get transmigrated into a body of an abandoned newborn baby with, once again assholes for a parent.

Honestly, I have enough, I have fucking enough of all of this orphan bullshit in my life that all the pain from hearing all of my supposed-to-be mother's words is already gone, I have become numb to it and all I am feeling right now is anger.

I may not have the power right now.

But I swear.

I will be stronger and make my own family.

And kill the fiends who are my parents who abandoned me in this forest.

With a gloomy expression, I took a grape out of the basket, even though I detest the basket of fruits, right now I cannot procure my resources so I have to swallow my pride and eat in this basket.

Eating is one of my past times in my past life so after thirty minutes of eating a whole clove of grapes, I calmed down from my rage, though my promise to myself is still ongoing and I will stop at nothing to give them a can of ass whooping, at least I am calm now.

But still, this is pretty messed up crap, this means that they really didn't care about me and just hoped that some random, more loving parents will take me, the message of the basket is as such.

"Hey, I have some fruits for the child, now that you have grabbed the child in your care, will you please make her eat those and all, feed her until she dies."

That's how it is.

Sigh... Anyway, I have to get out of this place first, it seems to be a hole under a tree of some sort, there is light coming from the north which seems to be the exit, and in the walls are some roots, others are small and some are as big as my arm, the ceiling is also supported tightly by roots that are bigger than me, probably those roots are those that are directly connected to the tree and the floor is damp... or fertile as you would have expected to a hole beside a tree in the middle of a forest.

And so, observing my surroundings I wrapped myself in the black colored scarf above the fruits, it is a little long just barely two feet, I mean for a newborn, it is already a big height but for the scarf, it is small so I have to fold the scarf to several parts of my body to make an impromptu overcoat of some sort and started to do all sorts of stuff.

First, I trained in agility, I started running around, or walking because of how slow I am, and as usual, I have to wait for my stamina to recover now and then, good thing there are these fruits so my stamina is recharged better than before.

After that, I want to use the basket of fruits to increase my strength but I got hurt instead because that is way too much the threshold of what I can lift, I thought it would be that easy, but I guess I have to compromise, so I looked at a stone that is not so big but heavy, but not too heavy and just a little heavier than what I can lift right now. This thing is to train my Strenght.

I don't have time to sit down and recite the pi or do geometrical theorems or something so I set aside training my INT for now and focused on Strenght, Dexterity, and Agility.

I went like this for who knows how many hours, I just knew that it is a long time because the fruits that I am using as replenishment is down to just a fourth of their original content, good thing as I was about to rest in my training, several dings of notification appeared in my head.

[3rd Person POV]

In an unknown realm full of darkness and death, a lone man enshrouded by black-colored fog is smirking, only his feet are calmly placed on his throne that have an enormous amount of skulls under it, and his hands that are tapping on a similar skull-themed throne rest are visible.

His hands and feet are riddled with tattoos and if Sophia is in front of the man, she will immediately recognize them as Batik, the cultural tattoo art of her former nation.

The man sighed in glee as he looked at a mortal using an orb, saying:

"Kuhehehe... To have sworn to kill her birth giver, fascinating, truly fascinating."

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