
Chapter 13

I open my eyes after a fruitful meditation session. I had managed to unblock the shikai form of my zanpakuto! Amazing.

I wasn't able to stay in there for long, but I was pleasantly surprised at the attitude of the zanpakuto. Don't get me wrong, the guy might seem to be flirting and joking with me, but I never forget what kind of monster he truly is. But that takes me to other problems, such as why he is so approachable. Shouldn't he be at least indifferent, yet he is treating me like a friend or something. I am not gonna complain. It's better this way, but it's still surprising, especially since I was ready for a fight to determine if I'm worthy, not some 'oh nice, here is a shikai. Good luck'. All my expectations went down the drain.

My entourage basically left me here. Only Unohana remained while the other two went to who knows where. I would have preferred if they told me where they went.

"So, how it went."

The voice of my skeleton friend standing nearby brought me back from my thoughts.

Currently we are inside a nice and neat office containing chandeler, desk, a few chairs and sofa. From what Ainz said it is 'guild master's office'. I was never really used since the guild was not run like that and you didn't have to fill paperwork for it to function, but they made it anyway for roleplay purposes.

"Too easy and too good. I was ready and prepared for problems, but he just said hello and gave me shikai."

His mouth lowered, showing how unprepared he was for such a thing.

"Yeah, weird. Anyway, where is Albedo? She should already be here."

We asked her to come and see us after she was done slaughtering some lizardmen. We didn't stop her because it's beneficial to my zanpakuto and myself, while those beings are completely unrelated to us. I would rather have him stronger at the cost of some random guys rather than a weakling because we are stupid pacifists. My past made me understand that killing is a viable option for power or wealth. It's not 'if someone is willing to kill', but 'how much you need to give or force them'.

We hear two gentle knocks on the door followed by them opening reavealing Albedo along with one of the homonculous maids. Albedo is wearing her standard outfit which is no longer stained by blood of her victims while the maid is wearing... maid uniform, shocking.

They enter; Albedo stands near the door while the maid carries a tray full of snacks and pastries, leaving it on the small table standing right next to the sofa we sit on before going out of the room.

"Albedo, come sit."

I said, inviting her to sit next to me, which she does happily. Her smiling face would never say how cold-blooded she really was and how many victims she had killed to feed their souls to her master.

Meanwhile, I grabbed a snack from the tray that looked like some sort of a cookie with what I think is white chocolate. Before I could try it, Unohana tore a small chunk of it, scanned it, and ate the small part. Why did she... Did she just test it for poison and shit like that? You know what. I cannot really tell her anything about it without looking like spitting at their efforts, not that she would ever stop.

I sigh and look at Ainz who is just staring at me. Without any real face to determine his expression I can just hear him saying 'you will get used to it'.

I bit the cookie and realised how good it was. Very delicious and sweet with a buttery aftertaste combined with chocolate.

"So, Albedo. I heard that you are 'converting' the homunculus maids."

Yes. Some of the maids reported to us right after witnessing Albedo's ritual sacrifices. They said that Albedo was trying to convert them into fanatics like her.

"I want them to see the light and bask in its brightness like me!"

She is gone. Judging from the green light encompassing Ainz, I think he is of a similar opinion. Even then, I should ask some things to not get stabbed by a psychopathic priestess.

"Are you not angry that I have a sword in which he was sealed?"

She tilted her head and got a thoughtful expression.

"Why should I? Master allowed himself to be sealed. He wanted to be closer to you and to become weaker so that life could exist."

Wait. Tabula, did you create some sort of myth about me? Even more reasons to visit Ashurbanipal later. It is a great library of Nazarick that has a lot of books and is a place where most likely 'lore books' written by Tabula and me are located.

'Funny, isn't it? A succubus who took some vows to remain pure and dedicate her whole life to literal death that in most cases is seen and emotionless, which contradicts the nature of her species.'

Shut up. I am not the one who made her like this. By the way, you can just talk with me and see what I do even when not possesing me?

'Of course I do. It's just that I don't do that often. I prefer to give you some privacy. And don't even make me start about managing those souls here. Baldie latched onto my leg and didn't want to let go while crying all the time. Annoying necromancer, but with a lot of knowledge.'

I noticed that it had gotten quiet, and everyone was looking at me. Especially the resident succubus whose eyes are practically shining while she is hugging her own body.

"Did you hear him too?"

I got curious. Am I not the only one who can hear him talking? That would be both problematic and useful. The whole picture gets destroyed by Ainz's answer.

"No, but we can feel him."

Oh, I see.

"And what does it feel like."

Before he could answer, Albdo got back from her horny zone and started talking.

"Like a warm hug!"

We said, panting. Yeah, no way in hell I would allow her to do anything about management. Hopefully, Satoru will realise this and find a replacement for her.

The skeleton coughed into his fist.

"Yes... for me, it was more like something very dark and scary standing right next to you, invisible. It made the world seem grey, more depressing."

'Damn, that's edgy. Thankfully, you are the one that has to deal with it now.'

Said the guy who had let himself be sealed into a sword by me. Doesn't that make you a simp?

'... You won this round.'

And he went silent, making me mentally fistbump at victory. He really likes to tease, and I find it funny. Not that I would ever tell him that, or he would do it even more.

"So, what is he talking with you about, Atsune?"

I just shook my head. I don't wanna tell him that this guy is just an annoying prankster.

"He is just annoyed that the bald necromancer is weird."

They didn't know how to react. Ainz because he very well knows from the brief interaction that the man seems to have been very weird, while Albedo just simply doesn't know who we are talking about.

"Back on track. No sacrifices without permission. Get it Albedo?"

She nodded at me, hopefully remembering that.

"Great, now I need to get to Ashurbanipal. Who can show me the way?"

As if using divination, a maid opened the door and bowed to me.

"Please follow me."

I said farewell to Ainz, after which, together with Unohana, who is unusually quiet even for her, I went to the giant library.

It was as big as I remember. A place filled with shelves holding a ridiculous amount of books reading, which would take uncountable hours. I for one came here to read just a few. To be specific those written about 'lore' by Tabula. Even if you conside it being little when compared with everything here it's still a lot to read that will take long hours to even skim throuhg. Thankfully, we are technically undead beings, so we can just go for it without stopping.

I noticed the passing duo nearby, which, if I was alive, would give me a heart attack. Aizen and Demiurge are walking around and talking about perfect world domination plans. I unconsciously gulped my salvia at the sheer mayhem those two could do together.

You might be wondering how to explain to my companion that I need to read about myself to get info. The thing is, I don't. She just thought about delusion by herself and believed it. Whatever it is works for me since I don't need to think about excuses.

Let's get to start this long reading session, then.

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