
Chapter 14

We've been spending some time reading those thick books. Most of them were useless without anything of importance, but for one, now I know why death was sealed to begin with.

It appears that this setting maniac made it so that the world was empty without any life due to the overpowering presence of death. I was born as a maintainer of balance and souls, and we started to fight. Ultimately, I lost, but the guy allowed himself to get sealed into the sword to travel with me. While sealing him, I made sure to allow some of his presence to leave the sword to still make death permeate the world so that no one would be immortal. You know, for balance. The whole thing made the world able to have a life that ended, leaving a place for more life to be created. A cycle.

Unfortunately, there is no explanation for why he allowed me to be sealed. It seems like he won, defeated me, and then just said, 'OK, let's go.' Looking at his personality, he might have found it interesting and funny, but it's weird, and there must be a reason.

I asked Unohana if she had found anything, but she hadn't.

"Hey, Unohana. Do you know where Zaraki ran off to?"

She answers me with her even-toned voice while organising the scattered books.

"He went to fight Cocytus, that big warrior with many hands."

Ah, right, I remember. He is supposed to be a model warrior. I thought that He and Zaraki would be against each other since he is more like an honourable knight rather than a homicidal maniac like the captain.

"Atsune, you still here?"

Ainz, who just came near us, said. Did something happen?

"What's up?"

"Nothing. You holed yourself here for two days, and I got worried."

Eh? Two days? Seriously, it felt like a few hours at most. He must have noticed what I was thinking from my expression.

"Yeah, looking at the pile nearby, it seems that you are finished."

I clicked my tongue in irritation that there were still some questions to be answered and no explanation. It is weird, to be fair; Tabula hated leaving plot holes, so it's highly unlikely that he wouldn't explain something so crucial.

"Not everything was explained."

He brought his hand under his chin in thinking. Then Unohana closed and placed her book on the table and said.

"Maybe there is more in his private quarters?"

Then, a voice that I would always recognise said something from behind Ainz. Aizen and Demiurge.

"After noticing you reading about such a specific topic, we went and brought it for you."

Let me guess: pure deduction and logical thinking. The more time I spend with him, the more I both value and dread this mind of his. Even more so that both he and the demon seem to have become great friends.

I took the book that was so thick that it scared me. It was simple, without any decorations which is weird because author of those books alway took time to make them look special. The answer to that presneted itself almost instantly when I opened it. The whole creation was barely finished in one fourth of its capacity. He most likely never finished it and abandoned the project, just like the game in general.

I quickly skimmed through the book, searching for some characteristic lines, hoping for something to catch my eye. I will read the whole thing later, anyway.

At the later part of the written content I saw the line that made me stumble, lose my balance and trip from shock. In it I hit the desk with my head destroying it.

"My lady!"

"Atsune! What's wrong."

I slowly stood up with a bump on my head. I saw Unohana looking wide-eyed at what was written in the book with the same smile on her face.

"Burn it! Burn this book!"

She got ready to fulfil her wish by casting kido, but before she could, Ainz took the book and looked it over.


And looked at me.

"Don't you dare 'Oh' me! I was ready for a lot, but... but this?! What the fuck."

Stop chuckling there, Aizen. Where are your glasses? Weren't you wearing them a while ago? Now both he and Demiurge are chuckling like retards.

I took the book from him and hid it in my inventory. The only good thing is that my zanpakuto was not looking to notice what was written.


"I am going home. If anything you know how to contact me."

I don't wait for any reply, and I just shunpo away while listening to the other two come right after me.

How about Zaraki?

I lazily send butterfly to tell him that we are going back.

When we arrive a while later, the first thing I do is ask my entourage to give a report to the old man, and I go to meet someone whom I instantly found in a tavern. Of course, he would be here, especially since Zaraki started having problems nagging everyone that his fun was cut short and was now being nagged by Yamamoto.

"Captain Kyouraku."

I said sitting right in front of him in a tavern while eating a meal I bought. All the people were looking at me not believing that I am even here. There are even some people coming into a tavern just to look. They wanted to give me food for free, but I am not some kind of tyrant and pay fully for it.

"My lady, what can I be of assistance."

I can't see your face with it covered with that hat of yours and I would rather not have all of those people overhear our conversation. Let's cast a fast kido to block out the sound.

He noticed me casting it but didn't react, either knowing what it was or trusting me completely.

"I need you to teach me how to fight."


He looks surprised, of course. Who wouldn't?

"I have no technique when it comes to swordsmanship. Pure power, speed and others, but no technique. Somehow, after the change, I changed as if forgetting how to wield a sword properly."

A waiter brought two large sakes for us, which the captain unceremoniously poured for himself and drank.

"This is certainly troubling. I will inform the old man tomorrow. He will figure it out. But why me?"

"You are the easiest to approach about the subject, and such a thing might cause a lot of panic if you are known widely."

I nodded, signifying my acceptance. I took a bottle of sake and drank a few large gulps straight from the bottle.

Even with his hat, I could see him sweatdropping at this.

"Yamaji is gonna kill me later."

I heard him whisper. Yeah I could see that, so to not make him problems I took the bottle and left to my house.

I drank it whole, noticing that I somehow had also taken Kyoraku's sake. I drank it, too.

Now starting to feel alkohol that got absobed into my body i lied on the bed and started thinking about what I saw. This will change so much, how is this supposed to even work? I never did anything like it and never had the opportunity, but deep down, I want to make it work.

Completely drunk, I closed my eyes and went to sleep, thinking about what had been written in that book.

'Despite their differences, the two conceptual entities fall for each other. Declaring each other husband and wife.'

Is it cheesy? Yep. Predictable?Very. Do I regret it? Hell naw.

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