St Chaos Healer

Ch 80 – The Virtue’s Onslaught

The Twelve Heavenly Virtues are revered as the most powerful warriors in this realm. They were appointed by the Archangels themselves and are worshiped as demigods. Their influence extends far beyond mere battlefield prowess. They also established the Church of the Virtues, a powerful religious sect that has spread across nations and intertwined with political power. Even the royal families of ruling kingdoms must bow before the Virtues, knowing that these warriors could easily destroy a country in a day’s work. Indeed, there have been instances where entire kingdoms were wiped out by the Virtues' wrath.

Unfortunately for Damien and Vex, they had provoked the ire of one of the Virtues—Lux Sentinel, the Virtue of Ambition, who had managed to track them down.

Lux hovered above them, his gaze filled with scorn as if they were nothing more than filth. His pride was palpable, his posture exuding superiority as he looked down on them.

Vex’s smile widened as he aimed his weapon at Lux. "Finally, I can go all out!"

But before he could act, Damien quickly raised his hand, stopping Vex in his tracks. "Now, now! There's no need for violence. I'm sure we can come to an agreement like gentlemen, rather than fighting like barbarians."

Vex blinked in confusion. "Huh?!"

Ignoring Vex’s bewilderment, Damien continued, "How about this—we discuss our differences over tea by the lake, in the morning sun? I also have some biscuits to share that go well with tea."

"What are you talking about, Damien?! You want to share tea with our enemy! Are you out of your mind?" Vex shouted, his agitation growing.

Damien's brow twitched, but he kept his gaze locked on Lux, remaining on guard. He had no intention of risking an all-out battle that could injure Benjamin, who was already partially buried under the rubble from the cave wall blast. If Vex and Lux started fighting here, Benjamin would likely die—whether from the injuries or getting caught in the crossfire of the battle.

Lux listened to Damien's proposition with a look of utter disgust. "Just breathing the same air as you, vermin, is enough to make me sick."

Vex, now visibly more agitated, sneered back. "Don’t worry! After I’m done with you, you won’t have to worry about breathing at all."

Damien let out a resigned sigh, knowing it would inevitably come to this. "If it's a fight you want, then a fight you’ll get."

Lux allowed a small, disdainful smile to cross his lips. "Hopefully, you’re as skilled in combat as you are in running your mouths."

Damien shifted into a fighting stance, his eyes narrowing. "But I have to admit, I’m impressed you managed to trace us so quickly. How did you know we were here?"

Lux scoffed, his expression hardening. "I don’t see why I should share such information with vermin who are about to die. The only thing you’ll get from me is my blade of light cutting through your throats."

Suddenly, the rubble where Benjamin lay shifted. He was convulsing, his body caught in the throes of the operation phase, bound by handcuffs chained to the floor. He had sustained some injuries from the debris, though thankfully not severe. However, his movements had inadvertently thwarted Damien’s plan.

Lux’s eyes fell on the rubble, and he noticed a pair of feet sticking out. Damien began to sweat profusely as he realized Lux had noticed Benjamin.

In an instant, Lux vanished before them, only to reappear behind Damien and Vex. His back was turned to them, his gaze now fixed on Benjamin, who was convulsing like a wild beast while still chained to the floor.

Damien and Vex were stunned, paralyzed by the sheer speed of Lux’s movement. It was as if he had teleported, leaving them both frozen in place, overcome by a wave of fear.

"What is this repulsive creature? Is that the apostle?" Lux sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "A sacrificial ritual, no wonder I could smell this foul stench from miles away." His eyes lingered on Benjamin, filled with disgust.

But Damien and Vex didn’t hesitate. With a roar, Damien launched a powerful punch straight at Lux. At the same time, Vex’s arm transformed into glowing hot claws, aiming for Lux’s vital points.

The attack was swift, but Lux was swiffer. With a graceful step back, he dodged both attacks by a hair’s breadth. In one fluid motion, he clenched his fist, gathering a radiant energy that quickly shaped into a spear of pure light. The spear extended rapidly, aiming to impale both Damien and Vex simultaneously.

Vex reacted instantly, retracting his claws and grabbing the spear with his gauntlets, straining against its power. Damien, however, was caught off guard. He raised his other arm in a desperate attempt to block, but the spear of light sliced through his flesh with ease. Normally, Damien’s muscular arm would have resisted any ordinary blade, but this was no ordinary weapon. The spear, composed of pure energy, pierced him effortlessly.

Realizing he was at a severe disadvantage, Damien leaped back, trying to create some distance. Lux’s lips curled into a cold smile. "Oh, you think you can escape?"

With a flick of his wrist, the light spear rapidly extended from both ends, trying to skewer Damien and Vex simultaneously. Vex, positioned on one side, strained under the pressure, barely managing to hold the spear at bay with his claw gauntlets as it pushed him back. Damien, on the opposite end, was less fortunate. The spear impaled him, and in a desperate bid to stop it, he grabbed the glowing weapon with his bare hands. But as soon as his hand came in contact with the blade, his hands began to melt almost instantly under the intense energy.

The spear’s relentless force drove both of them back, slamming them against the cave walls. Damien, now skewered through the chest, could feel his life draining away as blood poured from the wound.

Thankfully, Vex, with one final burst of strength, managed to push himself free at the last second, narrowly avoiding the same fate as Damien.

Lux sighed his expression of boredom and disdain. "One down already? Pathetic."

Vex quickly scrambled to his feet, his arm morphing into a high-caliber rifle aimed directly at Lux. "Eat this!" he shouted, unleashing a barrage of mana-infused bullets that could pierce even the strongest shields.

But Lux was unfazed. With a swift flick of his wrist, the elongated light spear retracted transforming into a wall of radiant light protecting him. The bullets collided with the wall, disintegrating on impact.

"What?!" Vex yelled in disbelief.

Lux sneered, his irritation evident. "A weapon from the Techtonia nation? How cumbersome."

Undeterred, Vex fired another round, but the bullets met the same fate, dissolving as soon as they touched the light. "Dammit! Hiding behind a shield? Fine, two can play that game."

In an instant, Vex’s rifle arm transformed into a rune-inscribed mini-shield, while his right arm became a gleaming sword. With a maniacal grin, he charged at Lux, his eyes blazing with fury.

Lux found the sight distasteful, and his wall of light swiftly morphed back into a spear. He lunged at Vex, delivering a relentless barrage of thrusts. But Vex, a seasoned warrior and mage, expertly dodged the majority of the attacks, parrying the rest with his sword and shield.

Despite his temper, Vex’s battle skill was undeniable. He weaved through Lux’s relentless assaults with fluid and precise movements, steadily closing the distance between them.

Lux’s irritation grew as he realized his spear couldn’t penetrate Vex’s defenses. "Magic weapons? How annoying!" he muttered with disdain.

Vex laughed, a manic sound echoing through the cave. "To fight a spearman, always close the distance! It’s just common sense!"

As Vex drew near, Lux took a calculated step back. The light spear in his hand split into two, each half transforming into a glowing sword. "You talk too much," Lux spat, his voice cold and sharp.

What followed was a fierce exchange of swordplay between the two battle-hardened warriors. Lux moved with an almost ethereal grace, dodging Vex’s strikes and countering with precision using his twin blades. Vex, in turn, skillfully maneuvered his sword and shield, deflecting the flurry of attacks and launching counters of his own. Their movements became a blur, the clashing of blades and shields sending sparks flying in the dim light of the cave.

For a moment, it seemed as if they were evenly matched, each holding their ground in the deadly dance of combat. But as the battle wore on, the toll began to show. Cracks started to appear in Vex’s sword, the once sharp blade chipping and losing its edge with each clash. Lux’s keen eyes noticed the weakness immediately, and he pressed his advantage without hesitation, his strikes becoming more focused, targeting the fractures in Vex’s weapon with ruthless precision.

Vex gritted his teeth as Lux’s attacks grew more relentless, his sword steadily deteriorating under the onslaught. The balance of the fight was shifting, and Lux was determined to seize the upper hand.

"How cowardly!" Vex shouted in protest, his voice echoing with frustration.

Lux scoffed, his expression cold and unyielding. "That’s how a duel to the death works. Now die."

With one final, powerful thrust, Lux drove his light blade forward, and Vex’s sword shattered into pieces, fragments scattering across the cave floor.

But before Lux could deliver the killing blow, Vex’s shattered sword arm morphed into another shield, intercepting the light blade just in time. Lux’s eyes widened in surprise, a fleeting thought crossing his mind: ‘He can transform so quickly?’

A triumphant smile spread across Vex’s face as he charged at Lux with renewed vigor. Armed with twin shields, he blocked Lux’s attacks with one and punched forward with the other, like a boxer delivering a powerful blow. Lux, unable to cleave through the sturdy shields, was forced to leap back.

"I’ve had enough of these games," Lux muttered, his voice tinged with irritation. In a swift motion, he merged the two light swords into one, channeling his mana as the weapon grew in size, morphing into a massive hammer of radiant energy.

Gripping the hammer with both hands, Lux swung it at Vex with all his might. Vex braced himself, raising both shields desperately to withstand the oncoming strike.

But the moment the hammer struck, a thunderous force erupted, sending shockwaves through the cave. Vex was launched into the air, hurtling hundreds of meters away. His body smashed through trees, crashing to the ground like a ragdoll, rolling to a stop only after enduring a brutal landing. The shields in his hands were decimated instantly, shattered under the immense power of Lux’s attack.

Lowering the hammer, Lux’s face twisted with irritation. "Who are these guys, anyway?"

But before he could ponder further, Lux’s attention was drawn back to Benjamin, still convulsing amidst the rubble. "Poor soul, I'll free you from your suffering," Lux muttered, his voice cold with resolve.

Lux pointed his index finger at Benjamin, a small ray of light gathering at the tip, ready to fire. But just as he was about to release the beam, his peripheral vision caught sight of a massive, overgrown fist hurtling toward him at terrifying speed.

Lux reacted instantly, halting his attack and turning to his side. Damien, who had recovered, was charging at him with all his might, his monstrous fist primed for a devastating blow. Lux barely had time to brace himself, instinctively raising his arms to shield his face.

Damien’s powerful fist collided with Lux’s arm guard, sending a shockwave rippling through the cave. The sheer force of the impact propelled Lux backward, smashing him through the cave wall and hurtling him through the hill, bursting out the other side. His body flailed wildly in the air, thrown hundreds of meters away by the force of the punch.

Just before Lux could crash into the ground, he regained control, using his ability to fly and stabilize his momentum. He finally came to a stop, hovering in the air, his expression one of shock and disbelief.

He quickly checked his once-pristine armor, now dented from the impact. A small bruise marked his face, and his arms and legs were still trembling from the force of the blow.

How is he still alive? And what brute power... Lux thought to himself, his mind racing. If I hadn’t raised my guard in time, I’d be in a far worse situation.

Meanwhile, back in the cave, Damien’s arm slowly reverted to its normal form. He looked exhausted, his chest still bearing a gaping wound that was gradually regenerating. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, but despite the damage, he appeared better than before.

Without wasting any time, Damien rushed to Benjamin’s side and began clearing the rubble that had buried him. As he uncovered Benjamin, the full extent of his condition became horrifyingly clear. Benjamin’s breathing was shallow, and he was bleeding profusely from multiple wounds. His woody skin had cracked and fallen away, leaving raw, skinless flesh exposed and bleeding. The spasms that had once racked his body had slowed to a mere tremor, the result of severe blood loss and dwindling energy.

"Ah! How horrendous. Still clinging to life!" Damien muttered, a mix of frustration and urgency in his voice. But then something caught his eye, and his expression darkened. "Damn it! The magic circle is destroyed. I have to repaint it!"

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Damien quickly brushed away the debris surrounding the damaged magic circle. He kicked aside the remaining rubble, his movements hurried and desperate. Grabbing a bucket of paint, he began to meticulously repaint the intricate symbols, his hands steady despite the urgency.

I just hope that man doesn’t come bursting in again, Damien prayed silently, his heart pounding as he worked against time.

Outside the cave, Lux extended his hand, and a bow of light materialized in his grip. He pulled the string, an arrow of pure energy forming at the bow’s center. Lux took aim at the cave where he had just been blasted through, his eyes narrowing. "Die," he muttered coldly.

But before he could release the shot, something caught his attention. A long chain with a hooked end shot out from behind, coiling around his leg with a surprising grip. Lux had barely a moment to react before the chain yanked him into the air, spinning him around. Caught off guard, Lux’s bow and arrow dissipated as he braced himself for impact. The chain swung him through a row of trees, his body slamming into a boulder with a sickening thud.

Before Lux could recover, the chain pulled him back into the air and slammed him into the ground with tremendous force, creating a small crater on impact. Dirt and debris flew in all directions as Lux lay momentarily stunned.

Quickly regaining his composure, Lux summoned an axe of light in his hand and slashed through the chain, freeing himself. He looked up to see his attacker—Vex, standing at the other end of the broken chain.

"Chained Scythe? How many weapons do you possess!" Lux growled, his voice seething with anger.

Vex simply grinned. "Why should I share that with a worm like you who's about to die?"

Lux’s eyes narrowed in agitation. "You kill me? What a joke." Twin blades of light appeared in his hands, shimmering with lethal intent.

Vex's arms morphed into a set of mechanical set of arms, runes glowing as bolts and gears whirred into action. Steam hissed from the joints as the arms powered up. "Time to bring out the big guns!" Vex roared, his smile turning menacing.

Lux hovered in the air, eyeing the mechanical arms with mild curiosity. Those look familiar, he thought, but his musings were cut short as Vex launched himself into the air. The mechanical elbows extended outward, amplifying Vex's reach as he slammed his fist into the ground with tremendous force.

The earth beneath them erupted, a massive shockwave tearing through the landscape and sending the ground rolling toward Lux like a tidal wave of dirt and rock. Lux was caught by surprise, the force of the shockwave toppling trees and ripping apart the forest floor. He found himself tumbling in the dirt, the world spinning chaotically around him as he struggled to regain his bearings.

When the earth finally settled, Lux stood, covered in dirt but relatively unharmed. He hadn’t taken much damage, but the sudden assault had thrown off his sense of direction. His eyes narrowed in recognition. "Those are the lost mechanical arms from the Shrine of Tyolgo Monastery!" he shouted, his voice tinged with anger.

From beneath the rubble, Vex emerged, lunging at Lux with his mechanical arm cocked back for a powerful punch. Lux barely had time to react before the blow connected with his chest, sending him flying through the air. He crashed through trees and dirt, skidding to a stop hundreds of meters away.

Lux quickly recovered, his eyes falling on the dent in his chest plate—a fist imprint from Vex’s mechanical arm. His irritation flared as he muttered, "That was my favorite armor... gifted by my sister!"

Vex didn't give Lux a moment to catch his breath. He slammed his mechanical fist into the ground again, causing the earth to erupt and creating another tidal wave of earth and dirt. The wave formed a thick smokescreen of dirt and mud, shrouding the battlefield in chaos as the debris swirled around them.

But Lux remained unfazed. With a flick of his wrist, the light energy around him morphed into a giant fan. With a single, powerful swing, he sent a gust of wind through the air, instantly clearing the dust cloud and revealing the battlefield once more.

As the dust settled, Lux spotted Vex charging toward him, his mechanical fists balled up, steam hissing from their joints. The determination in Vex’s eyes was clear—he was ready to strike with everything he had.

Lux didn’t hesitate. He surged forward, meeting Vex head-on. As he flew, light began to coalesce around his right arm, solidifying in an instant. In that split second, the light enveloped his entire arm, forming a massive gauntlet of pure energy, glowing with radiant intensity.

Vex and Lux collided mid-air, their fists clashing with a thunderous impact. The force of the blow sent shockwaves through the forest, toppling nearby trees. The mechanical fist and the light gauntlet locked in a fierce struggle, neither warrior willing to give an inch.

Vex strained, pouring all his strength into his mechanical arm. Bolts twisted, and steam hissed from the overworked machinery, but he pushed on, screaming with effort.

Lux, however, merely smiled. "Is that all you’ve got?"

"What?!" Vex muttered, disbelief coloring his voice.

With a surge of power, Lux pushed back against Vex, his light gauntlet heating up and burning through the mechanical arm. The metal fingers crumbled under the intense heat, the machinery failing as Lux’s strength overwhelmed it. The molten metal dripped to the ground, forcing Vex backward.

Vex tried to resist, but the mechanical arm began to crumble under the pressure. The mana that powered it overloaded, steam burst from the joints, and gears cracked as the arm struggled to function. Unable to withstand the strain, the arm exploded in Vex’s face, sending him hurtling through the air and crashing into the bushes several meters away. His body was bruised and battered from the close-range blast.

Not letting the momentum die, Lux stretched out his arm, the light gauntlet morphing into a lance of energy. He infused it with mana and launched it at Vex’s crash site.

The lance struck with explosive force, obliterating everything in its path. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves through the area, flattening the surrounding woods. Debris flew everywhere as a fierce fire ignited in the aftermath.

Lux stood triumphantly, a smug smile on his face. "Rest in peace, impudent brat. For all your cocky talk, you put up a decent fight."

As the dust began to settle, a figure suddenly dropped from the sky and landed behind Lux. It was Damien, fully healed and seemingly having fallen from above.

"Oh, is it my turn to have fun?" Damien asked playfully, his voice laced with dark humor.

Lux turned around, already expecting him. "Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you."

"That’s sweet of you," Damien replied with a smirk.

"You’ve recovered quickly. From the looks of your pale skin, you must be one of those vile vampire species," Lux observed coolly.

"You stand correct, I am!" Damien responded gleefully.

"I thought your kind was already extinct," Lux said, flicking his arm to summon a spear of light, which rested on his shoulder. "Let’s see if you can still regenerate after I separate your head from your body."

Damien, still unfazed, continued to walk toward Lux, his smile widening. "My, how scary! I’m quivering in my boots here." He spoke in a mocking tone, showing no sign of being impressed by Lux's skill.

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