St Chaos Healer

Ch 81 – Lux Vs Damien

In the desolate cave, the magic circle hummed with energy, its glow steady as it gathered power. Damien had managed to repair the circle just in time before confronting Lux, but the situation inside was growing dire.

Benjamin’s condition had deteriorated rapidly. After being stabbed with the cursed knife, a malevolent spirit had begun to overtake his body. This dark force was transforming him into a brain-dead zombie—an undead. But Benjamin was no ordinary host. Already possessed by a divine-class spirit, a fierce tug-of-war was raging within him.

The cursed dagger, lodged dangerously close to Benjamin’s mana core, gave the malevolent spirit the upper hand in its battle against the divine spirit. The struggle left Benjamin in unimaginable agony, his body caught between two warring forces.

As the malevolent spirit gained ground, Benjamin’s once-woody body began to shed its hard, bark-like skin, revealing only torn, bruised flesh underneath. Blood oozed from every wound, pooling on the floor as the wooden shell that once protected him fell away.

His entire form was painted red, drenched in his own blood as the spirits tormented him from within. His strength was fading, and his breathing had become ragged and shallow. Each breath seemed like a desperate struggle, his odds of survival looking increasingly grim.

Meanwhile, outside the cave, the landscape had been devastated. A massive crater scarred the earth, its edges jagged and smoldering. Wildfires raged uncontrollably across the forest, the flames spreading rapidly as they devoured everything in their path. The inferno had been ignited by the explosive projectile that had struck Vex, and now it threatened to consume the entire area.

The once lush forest was now a hellish scene of destruction, thick smoke rising into the sky as trees were reduced to ash. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burning wood and scorched earth

Vex was nowhere to be seen, his fate seemingly sealed.

But a few miles away, another fierce battle was unfolding.

A severed arm lay on the ground, twitching in the dirt. Moments later, a ray of brilliant light struck it, exploding the limb into nothing but a cloud of ash that dissipated into the wind. The landscape bore the scars of an intense struggle—craters pocked the earth, trees were splintered and burned, and the air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and blood.

Damien stood before Lux, his body battered and bruised, breathing heavily as he struggled to remain upright. His vampiric regeneration was at work, but the toll of the battle had slowed its effects. Blood trickled from multiple wounds, his once-imposing figure now reduced to a shadow of its former self. His right arm was gone, severed at the shoulder, the wound still fresh and raw. Despite the damage, Damien's eyes burned with a fierce determination, refusing to back down.

Lux hovered in mid-air, his iconic light spear glowing ominously in his hand, the weapon casting an ethereal glow that seemed to radiate pure power. His expression was one of disdain, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at Damien, who was clearly struggling to stay on his feet.

"For all your big talk, you're pathetic," Lux sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.

Damien, still catching his breath, managed a weak smile, his fangs glinting in the dim light. "Well, if you want a fair fight, why not drop that glowing weapon and fight like real men—with our fists."

Lux scoffed, his lip curling in disdain. "Do you take me for a fool? You’d have the advantage with brute strength alone. That’s why I’ve kept my distance and been whittling you down," he replied coldly, the light spear in his hand shifting slightly as he prepared for the next strike.

Damien’s smile faded, his demeanor shifting to one of grim determination. The playful arrogance he had shown earlier was gone, replaced by a cold, focused resolve. "I guess it’s time to get serious," he muttered, his voice low and dangerous.

Lux, still floating at a distance, tightened his grip on the spear, the weapon glowing brighter in response. "Fine. This time, I’ll sever your head. Bring it on," he said, his tone calm yet deadly.

Bruised and missing an arm, Damien took a step forward. His remaining arm began to morph, growing and expanding until it had transformed into a massive, muscular fist, pulsing every second. With a sudden burst of power, he slammed the fist into the ground with all his might.

The impact triggered a massive explosion, the force of which sent dirt and mud flying into the air, creating a thick, impenetrable smoke screen that enveloped the battlefield. The ground shook violently, and for a moment, everything was obscured by the dust and debris that hung heavy in the air.

Lux, caught off guard by the sudden explosion, instinctively backed away, his spear morphing into a fan of light. With a swift, practiced swing, he sent a powerful gust of wind rushing through the air, clearing the smoke and debris in an instant. The battlefield was once again visible, but to Lux's surprise, Damien was nowhere to be seen.

"Nice try, but I’m not falling for that!" Lux shouted, his voice echoing through the clearing as he scanned the area for any sign of Damien. But the vampire was gone as if he had vanished into thin air.

Baffled, Lux surveyed the ground, expecting another ambush similar to the one Vex had attempted earlier. His eyes darted across the landscape, searching for any disturbance in the earth, any sign that Damien might be hiding, ready to strike. But nothing happened. The battlefield remained eerily quiet, save for the faint rustle of the wind through the trees.

After a minute of tense searching, Lux's gaze drifted to the horizon, where he noticed a dust cloud in the distance. Narrowing his eyes, he realized with a jolt of anger that it was Damien, who had turned tail and was running away at full speed.

Lux's fury ignited instantly, a hot surge of anger coursing through him. "You think you can just run away?" he snarled, his voice laced with venom.

With a quick flick of his arm, the light spear Lux held began to glow even brighter, enveloping his entire body in a radiant aura. The spear dissolved into light and merged seamlessly with his armor, the energy coursing through him like a living thing. In the next instant, Lux's form blurred, transforming into a streak of pure light that darted across the sky like a shooting star, leaving a blazing trail in his wake.

Damien sprinted through the dense forest, his expression grim, every fiber of his being focused on escaping the relentless pursuit of Lux. His entire body had morphed to maximize his vampiric strength, each muscle and sinew working in overdrive to flee from the deadly Virtue. The severed arm he had lost in the earlier battle had already regenerated, but now, all his energy was devoted to running, pushing his limits to the extreme.

He leaped over towering trees with the grace of a panther, vaulted across streams in a single bound, and dodged boulders with the agility of a seasoned warrior, never slowing his pace. Dust clouds rose in his wake, and deep footprints marred the forest floor as he tore through the wilderness. The trees and underbrush seemed to blur past him, his speed leaving the landscape a chaotic swirl of green and brown.

Within minutes, Damien had put considerable distance between himself and Lux, diving deeper into the heart of the forest in a desperate bid to lose his pursuer. The woods grew thicker, the terrain more rugged, and Damien used every trick he knew to stay ahead—zigzagging through dense patches of trees, altering his path unpredictably, and taking advantage of every natural obstacle the forest provided.

But just as Damien thought he might have a chance to escape, a brilliant ray of light descended from the sky, landing directly in his path. He tried to stop, but his momentum was too great. His feet skidded across the ground, dragging through the dirt as he struggled to slow himself down.

Lux stood there, unwavering, his hand outstretched as the light surrounding him condensed into his palm. In an instant, the light elongated into a spear, which Lux thrust forward with deadly precision. The spear pierced through Damien’s abdomen, the searing heat of the weapon burning a hole straight through his body.

Damien spat out a mouthful of blood, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and irritation. The wound was severe, and he could feel his regenerative abilities kicking in, but the process was slow, hindered by the intense heat of the spear. Without hesitation, he reached out and grabbed a nearby tree, uprooting it with a single powerful hand, and swung it at Lux with all his might.

Lux merely backed away, his spear of light cleaving through the massive tree with ease, slicing it cleanly in half. As the tree splintered and fell, Lux’s blade slashed through Damien’s hand, severing it at the wrist. Damien recoiled, quickly retreating, his eyes narrowing in anger as his hand began to regenerate.

"You are one stubborn brat!" Damien growled, his frustration evident. His voice, usually cool and collected, was now tinged with irritation.

Undeterred, Damien turned and bolted in the opposite direction, his body a blur as he resumed his desperate flight through the forest. Lux, his patience wearing thin, took to the air once more, his form shifting as his light transformed into a bow. From above, he unleashed a barrage of light arrows, each one aimed with deadly accuracy at the fleeing vampire.

Damien zigzagged through the trees, trying to avoid the arrows, but Lux’s precision was unmatched. The arrows rained down upon him, each one punching through his body, tearing through muscle and bone. Every wound forced Damien to divert precious energy into regeneration, slowing him down and sapping his strength.

Lux’s voice echoed through the forest, filled with frustration. "Stop running like a coward and face your death!"

Damien, his breath coming in ragged gasps, shouted back over his shoulder, "How about you leave me alone, and we both go our separate ways?"

Lux’s expression darkened, his patience finally snapping. "I've had enough," he growled, his voice seething with anger as he gripped his weapon tighter.

With a swift motion, Lux’s bow of light transformed back into a spear, the radiant weapon elongating as it shot toward Damien like a vengeful serpent. The spearhead twisted mid-air, honing in on its target with deadly precision. Damien, sensing the imminent danger, reacted quickly, leaping to the side and changing direction with lightning speed.

"Oh no, you don't!" Lux shouted, his voice filled with determination as he willed the spear to follow Damien’s every move.

The spear obeyed, twisting and turning through the air, relentlessly pursuing Damien as he darted through the dense foliage. Desperate to shake his pursuer, Damien leaped into the trees, weaving through the thick branches in a frantic attempt to escape. The trees provided some cover, but Lux’s spear of light was unyielding, slicing through the branches as it continued its pursuit, the glowing tip never losing sight of its prey.

Finally, the spear found its mark, striking Damien’s ankle with a searing flash of light. The force of the impact sent Damien tumbling from the tree branches, his body crashing down into a wild stream below. The current, strong and unyielding, immediately took hold of him, dragging him toward a cliff’s edge. Damien struggled against the powerful current, his limbs thrashing as he fought to regain control, but it was too late. The force of the water sent him plunging over the edge of the waterfall.

He hit the water below with a heavy splash, the cold shock of it jolting through his system. The impact stunned him, but survival instincts kicked in. Despite the disorienting fall, Damien managed to pull himself to the shore, his body battered but still functional. His breathing was ragged, every breath a struggle as he scanned his surroundings for cover.

Spotting a cave nearby, Damien made a dash for it, his legs barely carrying him. But just as he reached the entrance, a sudden flash of light struck the rocks above, causing the entrance to collapse in a cascade of stone and rubble, blocking his path and sealing off his last escape route.

Cornered and with nowhere else to run, Damien turned to face Lux, who was descending from the sky with his spear in hand. Lux’s expression was one of cold determination as he approached, the spear glowing ominously. The sound of the rushing waterfall filled the air, but even that couldn’t drown out the intensity of the moment.

"Just die already," Lux demanded, his voice cutting through the roar of the waterfall.

"I still have a lot of unfinished business. So no," Damien shot back, frustration and defiance etched across his face. Despite the odds stacked against him, there was a flicker of resolve in his eyes—he wasn't done fighting, not by a long shot.

Refusing to yield, Damien’s arms began to morph, bulging and growing in size, swelling with raw, vampiric power as he prepared for another attack. With a swift, decisive motion, he struck the surface of the pond beside the waterfall, his monstrous fist crashing down with tremendous force. The impact sent a towering wave surging toward Lux, the water rising up like a wall of destruction.

But Lux remained unperturbed, his cold eyes locked on the approaching wave. With a flick of his wrist, his spear transformed into a gleaming sword of pure light. He raised the blade high, its glow cutting through the darkness, and with a single, precise slash, he split the massive wave in two. The water parted, crashing harmlessly back into the pond on either side, unable to reach him.

Taking advantage of the brief distraction, Damien leaped up the sheer cliff walls with incredible agility, scaling the rocky surface in a few powerful leaps. His movements were swift and fluid, despite his injuries. Once at the top, he bolted into the cover of the dense forest, hoping to lose Lux amidst the thick undergrowth and shadows.

Lux, now thoroughly irritated by Damien’s cowardice, took to the air once more. His frustration boiled over, the controlled facade slipping as anger fueled his determination. "Stop running like a coward and accept your death!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the forest as he pursued his elusive target.

As Lux flew toward the cliff, the rock face suddenly gave way, sending a massive chunk of the cliffside plummeting toward him. Lux, ever graceful in battle, halted in mid-air, his light sword flashing as he effortlessly sliced through the falling debris. The rocks exploded into large fragments, showering him with rubble. But Lux, unfazed, gracefully dodged the debris as it tumbled through the air, his movements fluid and precise.

Unbeknownst to him, however, Damien had concealed himself behind one of the falling rocks. Using the descending debris as cover, Damien clutched onto a massive boulder and, with a predatory grin that revealed his sharp, gleaming teeth, lunged at Lux from the cloud of dust and rubble.

Lux's eyes widened in surprise as Damien burst forth from the debris, his iron grip seizing Lux's arm with terrifying force. The vampire's monstrous strength crushed down on the Virtue's armor, the metal beginning to crack under the immense pressure. Lux winced as pain shot through his arm, the once-impenetrable armor giving way.

“I got you now!” Damien exclaimed, his voice filled with a sadistic glee.

“You bastard, how dare you touch me!” Lux shouted, his voice tinged with fury as he struggled against Damien's grasp.

In a desperate bid to free himself, Lux channeled his mana into both hands, summoning spears of light that materialized in an instant and drove through Damien’s arms. The glowing weapons impaled Damien, but the vampire wasn’t about to let Lux go. His flesh writhed and bulged grotesquely as he grew a new set of monstrous arms from his shoulders, each as powerful as the original.

Now equipped with four powerful arms, Damien pinned Lux in place, his grip like a vise. He held Lux by the shoulders, rendering the Virtue helpless against the overwhelming strength of his opponent.

"You brought this on yourself," Damien snarled, his voice dripping with malice. "Now it’s my turn to whoop some ass."

With a surge of power, Damien yanked Lux closer and delivered a devastating knee strike to his chest. The impact was brutal, forcing the air from Lux’s lungs and causing him to cough up blood as the shock reverberated through his entire body.

Both figures plummeted toward the ground, with Damien using Lux’s body to cushion the fall. They hit the earth with a bone-shattering crash, creating a deep crater upon impact. Damien landed atop Lux, his foot pressing down on Lux’s chest with all his weight, while his four arms held Lux's shoulders tightly, like a predator pinning its prey.

"During our fight, I noticed that you need your arms to create those annoying light weapons," Damien said with a twisted smile. "If I just get close and grab them, you’re as good as useless."

Lux, gritting his teeth, tried to motion with his fingers to summon another weapon, but Damien was quicker. Sensing the movement, Damien raised his foot and fiercely stomped on Lux’s face, sending a jarring crack through the ground beneath as it caved in from the force.

“Now die!” Damien muttered, his voice low and venomous as he lifted his leg and stomped again, right on Lux’s face. Each brutal strike deepened the crater, sending shockwaves rippling through the earth. The relentless assault caused the cliffside to tremble, further crumbling from the violence of the attack.

With every stomp, the hole grew larger, and Damien’s grip on Lux’s arms tightened, holding them like handles as he continued his merciless assault. Lux struggled to stay conscious, his body battered and broken under the onslaught, each brutal stomp driving him closer to the brink of unconsciousness.

Blood and water from the nearby river mixed in the growing crater, splashing waves with each brutal strike. Lux’s vision blurred, his strength fading rapidly as he neared the edge of consciousness, the relentless assault pushing him to his absolute limit.

"Hey, don’t die so fast! Let me hear you moan in pain!" Damien taunted, his laughter echoing with cruel delight as he continued his vicious onslaught.

But just when it seemed that Lux had no more fight left in him, he mustered the last of his strength. His voice was weak, a faint whisper as he gritted his teeth and uttered a final incantation: "Manifest... in the flesh."

The words had barely left his lips when the sky suddenly darkened, and a beam of light descended from the heavens. Damien’s instincts kicked in, and he immediately leaped away, knowing he had to escape the impending danger. He sprinted at full strength, his legs morphing to propel him as fast as possible.

But the beam of light expanded rapidly, engulfing everything in its path and burning everything to a crisp. The light quickly consumed the river basin and spread across a vast area, incinerating everything in its wake. Despite Damien’s desperate attempt to outrun the beam, the pillar of light expanded too quickly, and he couldn’t escape its reach.

A massive shockwave rippled through the area, toppling trees and igniting wildfires. The sheer force of the explosion obliterated the landscape, leaving nothing but a massive crater where Lux had been.

Damien, who had barely managed to escape the full blast, lay on the ground, gasping for breath. His legs had been severed by the edge of the beam, leaving him crippled and bleeding profusely. He coughed up blood, his body wracked with pain.

"Did he just self-destruct?" Damien muttered, disbelief and shock finally creeping into his voice as he tried to comprehend the overwhelming power he had just witnessed.

The mysterious pillar of light from the sky had cleared the clouds, leaving behind a massive crater that marked the spot where Lux had unleashed his final, devastating attack. The once lush and vibrant forest was now a wasteland, the earth scorched and barren, with only the echo of Lux’s wrath lingering in the air.

Damien quickly focused on regenerating his legs, the raw power of his vampiric abilities surging through his body as he willed the lost limbs to regrow. He raised his battered body and leaned back against a nearby tree, his chest heaving with exhaustion from the fierce battle. His thoughts were grim, ‘I’ve lost a lot of blood… I might need to feast again soon.’

Just as he sensed something amiss, Damien instinctively shifted his head to the side. A spear of light shot toward him, striking the tree he was resting against, narrowly missing his head. The moment the spear made contact, it exploded with a deafening blast, sending a shockwave through the area.

Damien, still legless and unable to fully dodge, was forced to take the brunt of the explosion head-on. The force was immense, blasting him high into the air. Half of his face melted away from the intense heat, leaving raw, seared flesh exposed. His regeneration powers kicked in immediately, but the damage was severe, and the pain was excruciating.

As Damien was flung through the air, more spears of light materialized around him, skewering his body like a pincushion. The spears pierced through his chest, limbs, and even his mouth, impaling him with ruthless precision. The searing light radiating from the spears began to boil his blood as it dripped from his numerous wounds, the intense heat preventing his regeneration from working at full strength.

The spears, acting under Lux’s control, held Damien suspended in mid-air, his body limp and helpless. Slowly, the spears began to carry Damien back toward the crater where the battle had begun, drawing him closer to his tormentor.

Lux awaited him at the center of the crater, his appearance drastically changed. The armor that once protected him was gone, revealing a well-built, muscular body that seemed to radiate with raw power. His blonde hair stood on end, crackling with energy, and his body was marked with glowing runes inscribed across his skin, pulsing with light. Most striking of all was the third eye of light that had appeared on his forehead, glowing with an eerie, divine brilliance.

Towering above Lux, five massive swords made of pure light floated menacingly, orbiting him like celestial bodies. Lux’s transformation had elevated his power to an entirely new level, his aura now overwhelming and suffused with an otherworldly might.

As the skewered Damien was brought before him, Lux gazed down at his enemy with cold, unrelenting anger. The sheer power radiating from Lux’s new form was palpable, the air around him humming with energy.

“I could have killed you then and there,” Lux said, his voice calm but seething with barely contained rage. “But I wanted to watch the light fade from your eyes myself.”

Damien, despite his dire situation, looked at Lux with a bored expression, as if he had already come to terms with his fate. There was no fear in his gaze, only a weary acceptance and perhaps a trace of defiance.

Lux’s fury only grew at Damien's indifferent attitude. "I never thought I would have to resort to using this technique against mere thugs. But here we are," Lux continued, his voice tinged with frustration and disdain. “I’ll be mocked by others for utilizing this power on someone like you—and it’s all your fault!”

Damien, with the spear of light piercing through his mouth, could do nothing but accept his fate. His once formidable regeneration had slowed to a crawl, and his energy was nearly depleted, leaving him powerless to fight back any longer.

Havoc, the dark guild to which Damien belonged, had a singular, audacious goal: to take down the Heavenly Virtues, the most powerful warriors in the realm. The guild’s very existence revolved around this mission, its members dedicated to the cause with fanatical zeal. Yet, for all their ambitions, there was one ironclad rule that every member was drilled to obey: never confront the Heavenly Virtues directly. If a fight seemed imminent, the only objective was to escape. The guild knew well that, in their current state, none among them could truly stand against the overwhelming might of the Virtues.

This lesson Damien once again learned the hard way.

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