Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 74: Preparations(2)

Chapter 74: Preparations(2)

"I've been thinking about the range of jobs we need to finish before the enemy arrives. We have much to do, so let's get down to it," Alpheo declared, finishing the cup of wine and fixing his gaze on the group. "Now, the first thing we have to change is the layout of the city. Tell me, what's the easiest and most effective way to prepare for a siege?"

"Hoarding food and manning the walls?" Laedio offered promptly.

"Exactly, but there's more to it," Alpheo acknowledged. "You build them in front of a city. They're easier to construct and bothersome to deal with. What is it?"

The group exchanged glances, silently deliberating. It was Jarza, among them, who had the most experience with warfare and sieges, who spoke up. "Moats."

"Exactly. I see someone's dealt with one or two sieges before," Alpheo remarked with a nod.''THose would certainly be stories I hope you will share with us. Now returning to the topic Moats are easy to dig. You can hoard as many as you want, and if the enemy wants to have a chance at assaulting the city, he first needs to fill up a path with dirt or wood." Turning to Clio, he continued, "You are in luck, this job is yours. Take as many men as you need and have them build moats around the city. Now, if you see the men finishing the moat, I want you to build another, and on top of it, another. If you see the laborers stopping to take a breath, you whip them and tell them to dig moats. And if by the end, you fill the whole country with moats, you know what you have to do?"

"Build another moat?" Clio ventured, sounding somewhat perplexed.

"Exactly. You build another moat, yes. You can never have enough of them," Alpheo affirmed, sipping from his refilled cup. "You can start working from now. Remember, the more you build, the better it is.As for the workers promise them three full meal per working day "

With a nod and a smile , Clio exited the room, prepared to undertake the task .

"Now, I have three other great jobs for three great men," Alpheo announced, taking another sip of wine. He glanced around the room before addressing Laedio, a tall and bald man. "Laedio, I want you to gather some men and go around the city demolishing whatever you can dismantle. We need debris to throw down the walls. Also, send some men to the nearby forest to chop trees into throwable pieces."

Laedio's grin widened at the task. "You're not worried about the damage?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice ''I believe the forest is property of the king ''

''Just like the city'' Egil added

Alpheo shrugged nonchalantly. "Is the city mine? I couldn't care less if the prince received a ghost or a shell of it As long as it stands, the condition doesn't matter," he admitted, his lazy smile mirrored by the group. After all, the prince had fucked them hard, so would they be in the wrong if they attempted to pay him back.As long as they city remained in their hand , he did not care the state in which he returned them to his employer.

"Now, onto our tall, big, and kind giant," Alpheo continued with a small smile turning his gaze to Jarza. "Among us, you have the most experience in these matters. Organize our men to patrol the wall at all times. Additionally, recruit fifty men from the city and teach them how to use slings. While the stones may be too small to kill, they'll still be perfect ammunition for them."

Jarza met Alpheo's gaze with a thoughtful expression. "I think I should tell you something. Slingers aren't very useful in a siege. They can't shoot people close to the walls, and they need space to rack up the force to throw the stones."

Alpheo's brows furrowed in consideration. "I see," he acknowledged. "But they'll still be of some use to shoot down some enemies. The orders still stand: teach them how to use it."

With a resigned sigh, Jarza nodded. "Very well." He then turned and left the room with Laedio, leaving Alpheo and Asag alone .

"Now, I have a job for you too, my friend," Alpheo's tone turned serious, the jovial attitude from before nowhere to be seen. There was a weight to his words that caught Asag's attention, prompting a sense of alarm.

"What is it?" Asag inquired, his concern evident as he noted the change in Alpheo's demeanor.

Alpheo remained silent for a moment, refilling his cup before fixing his gaze on Asag, who met his stare with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"I don't trust Fahil," Alpheo finally spoke, his voice tinged with caution. "Soon, we will be besieged, and many will be worried about saving their own skins. Honestly, I think our dear captain wouldn't hesitate to jump ship."

"You sure about that?" Asag questioned, his brow furrowing in thought.

"It's a possibility," Alpheo affirmed. "He was demoted, albeit temporarily, and denied further advancements. For some men, climbing the ranks is everything... Honestly, I don't want to have our backs exposed to someone who could stab us in the back. Men have betrayed for far less, and if the enemy prince offers a noble title and a fief to whoever opens the gate, I fear our city will be swarming with traitors."

"And where do I come in all of this?" Asag asked, taking a seat and leaning in attentively.

"I need someone discreet and patient for this task," Alpheo explained, taking another sip from his cup. "And honestly, among the group, you're the only one I can think of who could handle it."

"Just tell me what I need to do," Asag replied, his resolve evident in his tone.

"I want you to observe him," Alpheo instructed, his gaze unwavering. "Keep an eye on Fahil, note who enters his room, and position men around the walls to inform you of his movements. If he leaves the city, don't have them follow him—just report to me the time and frequency of his departures. We don't want him to suspect anything. Clio's mention of a possible informant has resonated with me deeply."

Asag observed Alpheo silently, his expression betraying a bit of fear . "I will do my best, but I won't promise anything," he finally stated.

"It's alright," Alpheo reassured him with a nod. "I cannot expect you to do a perfect job.Just make sure to have the men be loyal to us and have them report to you daily. If he goes out of the city, I want to be the first to know it," Alpheo instructed, his tone serious as he emphasized the importance of the task.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go then," Asag said, preparing to depart.

Alpheo remained silent, offering only a nod in response as he watched Asag leave the room. Once alone, he reclined in his chair, his thoughts lingering on what to do for the impending siege. With a sigh, he took another sip of his wine, thinking about the fact that the wine of others always taste better.

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