Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chapter 75: Preparation(3)

Chapter 75: Preparation(3)

''As you can see everything is proceeding smoothly'' Jarza spoke to Alpheo as he walked on top of the wall and surveyed the outlay of the city.The scene below was one of chaos , albeit a controlled one . Men, women, and even children worked together. For as Alpheo said 'If it got arms and it breath, then give it a shovel and make him dig' .

And sure enough they dug without pause , their muscles straining against the weight of the soil as they excavated the trench. With each scoop, dirt cascaded down into the growing mound beside them, gradually forming a barrier around the city.Honestly moat were the perfect instrument to make the enemy waste time and men to fill them.They were easy to make and important to have, after all if an enemy wanted to get over the moat , they had to fill a path with dirt, else siege engines won't get pass them .

Alpheo observed the scene with satisfaction . The work was progressing smoothly, just as Jarza had said.

Alpheo listened intently to Jarza's report, his gaze drifting across the city as he absorbed the information.

"What about your task?" Alpheo inquired, his tone measured as he turned to his companion.

"I did what I could do.Just as I had said before we encountered problems," Jarza replied,

"The slingers have no problem launching projectiles if given enough distance and space around , but as the enemy approaches, their effectiveness diminishes.The walls get on the way of their sling and they get trouble to give their stones enough force"

Alpheo nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the limitations of their defenses. "Still, the more men we have atop the walls, the better our chances," he remarked

"How are our men faring?" he then asked, shifting his focus to the state of their forces.

"Most of them are content," Jarza reported, his expression stoic. "They've been provided with enough coin to pass the night whoring, though some still grumble about not being able to raid. Albeit the civilians are starting to dislike them , many of our men forcefully get discount from their tabs in taverns, always if they pay at all''

Alpheo's lips curled into a dismissive smirk at the mention of their people's discontent. "Let them grumble," he said nonchalantly. "Soon enough, they'll be fighting for the sake of this city, and this is the least they can do to repay us."

Jarza nodded in agreement, echoing Alpheo's sentiment. 'They're subjects of Arkwatt, not mine,' he mused 'Why should we lose sleep over them?'

The prince had knowingly condemned the people of Aracina to their fate when he sent them here, and Alpheo saw no reason to dwell on the consequences. They had a city to defend, and sacrifices would need to be made to ensure its survival.

"What about our new recruits?" Alpheo inquired, recalling the recent addition of bowmen to their ranks.

"No issues there," Jarza replied with a hint of reassurance. "Their skill with the bow may be lacking, but they possess enough strength. With the sheer number of soldiers we have, they're bound to hit something. Even a half-blind man would find his mark amidst such chaos."

Alpheo nodded thoughtfully, considering the practicalities of their ammunition supply. "Do we have enough arrows?" he queried, his gaze drifting towards the horizon.

"We've stocked carts filled with them," Jarza confirmed. "I believe we'll have enough to ensure our bows are not left empty in the heat of battle."

Alpheo mulled over this information for a moment before another concern surfaced. "What about the medical tents?" he asked, shifting his focus to the welfare of their healers.

Jarza's expression soured slightly at the mention of Agalasios. "There have been some issues," he admitted begrudgingly. "He's been badgering me incessantly, complaining about the shortage of bandages and manpower. It's like he has a sixth sense for whenever I'm within earshot."

Alpheo let out a quiet chuckle at the description of Agalasios's persistent complaints. "Well, why don't you accompany me for a visit?" he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's see how our medics are faring and perhaps offer some assistance." With a nod from Jarza the two came down from the walls.

As Alpheo and Jarza strolled through the bustling streets of Aracina, the sounds of their footsteps mingled with the hum of activity that surrounded them. Alpheo's keen eyes scanned the scene, taking note of the progress being made in the city's preparations for the looming siege.

Amidst the cobblestone pathways, Alpheo observed several houses being dismantled, their wooden beams and stone bricks carefully torn down and stacked in neat piles. It was a sight that pleased him, knowing that these materials would soon serve as ammunition to be hurled from the city's walls in defense against their enemies. Workers labored tirelessly, sweat glistening on their brows as they carried out their tasks with determination.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the city, finally they came to the part of the city where dozens tents erected in orderly rows stood there for everyone to watch. Guards stood watch at the perimeter, their vigilant gaze ensuring that only those authorized were allowed entry. They finally reached the medical perimeted built by Alpheo.

As Alpheo and Jarza entered the tent, their eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of Agalasios slumbering in his chair, surrounded by remnants of food and buzzing flies. Jarza wasted no time in delivering a swift kick to Agalasios's protruding belly, sending him tumbling to the ground with a startled cry.

"W-who is it?" Agalasios stammered, panic evident in his voice as he struggled to extricate himself from the fallen chair. His expression turned sheepish as he recognized the disappointed gaze of Alpheo.

"It's Captain Alpheo," Alpheo stated coolly, his tone tinged with disapproval. "Jarza tells me you've been complaining of a shortage of hands, yet here you are, caught napping on the job."

Agalasios attempted to offer an excuse, but Jarza cut him off with a scowl of irritation. "There's no excuse for laziness when lives are at stake," he retorted sharply.

Alpheo intervened before the tension could escalate further. "What's the issue, Agalasios? Speak your piece."

Agalasios straightened up, his face reddening with embarrassment. "We're in dire need of more bandages," he confessed, his tone pleading. "And the manpower we have is insufficient to handle the influx of wounded we'll likely face during the siege."

Alpheo considered the request for a moment before responding. "Tell the women who assist with the wounded that they'll receive an extra half-portion of rations during the siege," he instructed Jarza. "As for bandages, make do with what we have. If necessary, tear up old clothing and boil them to sterilize. Do we have enough pots for boiling water?"

"Yes, captain, we do," Agalosios replied, his fat chin jiggling as he nodded in affirmation. He wasn't originally a member of the band; instead, he hailed from Retoriel, a small city nestled between the princedom of Yarzat and the empire. Once a butcher by trade, circumstances had forced him into the role of a medic. Not that the medics of this world were any different from butchers in Agalosios's eyes. He had been destitute and unemployed when Alpheo recruited him, recognizing the need for someone to tend to the wounded.

''Is it any good to waste so much water though?'' Agalosios asked in a unsure tone

''When the wounded start to come , and you see that applying my methods before closing the wounds , then you will see how the rate of deaths will go down greatly''As he said so his eyes moved to Agalosios and inquired in a brusque tone "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, well, captain, you see," Agalosios began, his expression tense with concern. "Apparently, during our stay, some of the refugees you brought in attempted to enter the tents to steal medical supplies, thinking they could make a fortune. If this happened during the siege, it could be a disaster. What if instead of a thief, it was an arsonist?"

Agalosios words were true, as in this time medicines costed a lot , and if one stole a case of them , they could make a pretty good fortune , always if they were able to find a customer to sell them to.

Alpheo cut him off before he could finish. "You need more guards?"

"If it could be possible," Agalosios confirmed.

"Very well," Alpheo conceded with a sigh. "Jarza, assign twenty more men to patrol the perimeter. If Agalosios needs more, give it to him."

"That would be everything, captain," Agalosios said gratefully. "Thank you for your time."

"Make sure to do a good job," Alpheo reminded him, his tone firm. "Train the nurses well with what I've taught you. You are as important as any soldier under my command. Make sure not to slack off." With those words, Alpheo departed from the tent, leaving Agalosios to carry out his duties .

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