Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter: 17 unleashed beast


I was tasked with a personal assignment by the support division leader to gather details about the child rescued by the infiltration unit.

The child was rescued from a harrowing place, where the Imperial scientist conducted hybrid human experimentation on innocent children.

Tragically, many of these children were found dead or transformed into mindless beasts devoid of rationality by an infiltration squad during the mission.

Actually infiltration squad received intel indicating that the Imperial scientist was away on a trip, providing an ideal window to infiltrate the laboratory.

The infiltration squad’s mission initially was to gather more crucial information on the Empire’s enhancement drugs and other unethical experiments.

But the scene that greeted the infiltration squad was beyond inhumane, with children subjected to unimaginable horrors at the hands of the sadistic scientist.

There was no hope of saving these innocent children, as their rationality was already gone.

With heavy hearts, the squad made the difficult decision to end the suffering of the pitiful children who had been cruelly experimented on by the scientist.

It was the only mercy they could offer in such a dire situation.

After liberating the children, the squad thoroughly searched the laboratory for any clues about the research or a potential cure, but their efforts yielded no results.

Just as they were about to depart, a member of the squad stumbled upon a hidden passage.

Venturing inside, they discovered a shocking sight….a child suspended in a transparent tank, connected to numerous tubes extracting the child's blood without end.

The kid had a bald head which was marred by grotesque red spots that were on his skin like a pox, but the child’s hands were smooth and milky white, contrasting with his horrific appearance.

The child appeared severely malnourished, teetering on the brink of death—a stark reminder of the Empire’s brutality and the lengths they would go to achieve their twisted ambitions

The only saving grace was the child still seemed somewhat human, so after careful consideration, the infiltration squad had made the decision to save the child from that hellhole.

After liberating the child from the cruel clutches of the slaughterhouse, the infiltration squad transported the child to one of the Revolutionary Army’s hidden bases for initial assessment.

Following a thorough examination, they transferred the child to the main headquarters for further treatment with advanced medical facilities.

Upon awakening from a comatose state, the child’s trauma related to his parents triggered a violent outburst.

It was then discovered that the child had undergone a transformation, becoming a hybrid of human and danger beast with extraordinary regenerative abilities.

As time elapsed, it became increasingly apparent that Leo’s transformation rendered him incapable of leading a conventional life, his very existence now akin to that of a living weapon.

Consequently, allowing him unrestricted freedom posed significant risks to the safety of those around him.

Despite the challenges posed by his altered state, Leo exhibited remarkable mental fortitude and intelligence.

Within a few months, he demonstrated the ability to comprehend and communicate in the common language, and swiftly delved into more complex subjects such as geography and politics, eagerly seeking information about the world and the Empire.

The question lingered in my mind: was Leo’s heightened cognitive ability a byproduct of the experimentation he endured, or an innate trait heightened by his transformation?

However, Leo’s extraordinary feats did not cease there.

He developed an insatiable appetite, consuming meals sufficient to satiate ten individuals, and engaged in rigorous exercises that persisted throughout the night.

His absurd stamina and voracious appetite surpassed even seasoned veterans, leaving me in awe.

Remarkably, Leo’s physical condition improved over time. His once gaunt physique filled out, brimming with vitality, and became honed for combat.

Driven by an unwavering desire for vengeance against those responsible for his parents’ death, Leo unknowingly emanated a palpable bloodlust during his mundane training.

After months of acclimating to the base, Leo was given the pivotal choice to steer the direction of his life by the Revolutionary Army.

To work as a civilian employee in the ration department or to enlist in the Revolutionary Army as a recruit, where he would undergo training under the guidance of regular army instructors.

But This kid Leo was smart enough to know his worth to the Revolutionary Army so instead of simply joining the army as a cannon fodder the kid relayed his terms and conditions and asked a more high-ranking individual to teach him the art of combat and stated his other demands in order to join the Revolutionary army.

He relayed his conditions to the higher ups though the medical facility’s head doctor.

After the leader's meeting, it was decided that the child would be tested in a duel to assess his worth and determine whether he deserved the special treatment he deserved.

Due to this, after a month, the higher UPS had sent infiltration units second strongest to member to check the kids’ fighting power

To ensure that nothing would go wrong, I was dispatched to the training facility in order to watch the duel between Leo and Bernard, who was a combatant good with swords.

Bernard was already informed about the child’s absurd regenerative powers, so he was prepared to test the child’s combat powers.

Although Bernard perceived the child as dangerous, he underestimated Leo’s capabilities due to his young age.

Even I believed that, despite Leo’s regenerative powers, he stood no chance against a member of the infiltration squad.

(However, I was about to be proven very wrong.)

As the duel commenced, Bernard swiftly delivered a kick to Leo’s gut, sending him crashing into a nearby wall.

The higher-ups had already instructed Bernard to push the limits of the child’s regenerative abilities, despite the cruelty of the situation.

This was deemed necessary to assess Leo’s strength and his potential value to the Revolutionary Army.

Leo staggered to his feet, refusing to yield, and assumed a battle-ready stance with his dagger in hand.

Although Bernard wielded a different weapon than usual, his skill with any blade was formidable enough to pose a significant threat.

As Bernard launched his attack, Leo surprised Bernard by successfully parrying the first blow.

However, his lack of experience became evident as he struggled to defend against Bernard’s subsequent strikes.

Despite sustaining serious injuries to his left arm, Leo maintained his focus on Bernard, demonstrating commendable determination and resilience.

After all, a skilled fighter never loses sight of their opponent, no matter the circumstances.

As Bernard’s relentless onslaught continued, Leo found himself on the defensive, either dodging or enduring the slashes from Bernard’s sword.

Bernard’s superior skill and experience clearly dominated the match, leaving Leo struggling to mount any significant offence.

After all, how could a child who had only undergone basic training for a few months hope to stand against a seasoned soldier with numerous battles under his belt?

Just as I was about to conclude the match’s inevitable outcome and leave the training hall, something utterly unexpected unfolded before my eyes, leaving me utterly astonished.

Leo began to coat his dagger with his own blood, drawn from the wounds inflicted upon him during the duel.

As he did so, his remarkable regenerative ability kicked in, and his wounds rapidly healed, restoring him to perfect health within seconds.

Nonetheless, what truly drew my focus was the tangible transformation in Leo's aura, which grew increasingly menacing.

The training hall felt like it had been invaded by a ferocious and dangerous creature.

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