Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter: 18 Hope

During my 20 years of service, spanning both my time in the Imperial Army and now with the Revolutionary Army, I’ve witnessed countless spectacles, but none quite like what I saw unfold before me.

The sheer power and ferocity emanating from the child’s aura were enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine, capable of overwhelming even the strongest of the revolutionary Army’s veteran soldiers.

Yet, despite this raw force, the child displayed his remarkable control over his mental state, swiftly quelling the dangerous aura that threatened to consume him.

Bernard, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, tensed up, his earlier nonchalant demeanour replaced by a sense of urgency.

He instantly assumed a defensive stance, like his life depended on this situation.

Meanwhile, I remained hidden at a safe distance, observing the intense duel unfolding in the training hall, unable to shake the feeling of unease that settled over me.

Bernard, recognizing the dire situation he was in, understood that he needed to give his all in this fight if he had any hope of survival against the dangerous monster in front of him.

With lightning speed, Leo launched himself at Bernard, leaving cracks in the ground beneath him as he moved with a swiftness that defied comprehension.

His dagger aimed at Bernard’s neck, but Bernard managed to evade the lethal strike, though the fear of the poison was evident in his movements.

Refusing to give Bernard a moment’s respite, Leo unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast punches towards his opponent.

Despite Leo’s incredible strength, his movements still betrayed the amateurishness of his combat skills,

a fact that Bernard exploited to evade each blow with practised ease.

After evading Leo’s punches, Bernard seized the opportunity to retaliate, delivering a powerful kick that sent Leo hurling towards the sand-filled training dummies.

Wanting to end the duel, Bernard dashed forward, intent on delivering a decisive blow to end the duel.

However, Leo refused to surrender, summoning his last reserves of strength to charge at Bernard once more.

In a shocking turn of events, Leo aimed his dagger directly at Bernard’s abdomen, emanating a palpable aura of lethal intent.

Realising the gravity of the situation, Bernard knew he had to act swiftly to avoid imminent danger.

With a decisive strike, he severed Leo’s palms, knowing that the child’s regenerative abilities would allow him to heal.

While it was a harsh move against a child, Bernard understood that in the heat of battle, mercy could not be afforded, regardless of the opponent’s age.

As Leo’s dagger clattered to the ground along with his severed palms, he remained undeterred, launching a ferocious punch aimed at Bernard with enough force to incapacitate him.

However, Bernard swiftly countered, using his blade to deflect Leo’s punch and immobilise him by skewering his shoulder joints, ensuring the strike would avoid any vital organs.

Yet the kid’s determination remained unyielding. Seizing the opportunity, he hurled sand into Bernard’s eyes, attempting to blind him temporarily.

Anticipating this tactic, Bernard attempted to retract his sword to shield his face.

However, Leo, displaying astonishing resolve, impaled his own arms on the blade, gripping it tightly.

At that moment, a single thought raced through my mind: Could the child truly be impervious to pain?

The scene before me defied all rationality. Any ordinary person would be screaming in agony, writhing on the ground after impaling themselves with a sword.

Yet, the child remained eerily composed, devoid of even a hint of pain.

According to medical reports provided by the head physician, the child’s pain receptors were fully functional, meaning he should be experiencing excruciating pain.

Could it be that the child had developed an extraordinary tolerance to pain as a result of the relentless torture endured in the laboratory?

However, it still baffled me how someone could remain stoic while inflicting such harm upon themselves.

Even I, a seasoned veteran of countless battles under the Imperial Army’s banner, would be unable to suppress my pain in such a dire situation.

As the intense duel unfolded before my eyes, I observed Leo overpowering Bernard with astonishing strength.

With a swift stomp, Leo crushed Bernard’s feet, causing him to groan in agony and bend forward in pain.

Seizing the opportunity, Leo delivered a powerful blow to Bernard’s head, rendering him unconscious.

However, Leo’s relentless assault showed no signs of abating as he mounted Bernard, repeatedly striking his masked face with relentless force.

The sound of cracking masks echoed through the training hall as blood began to flow from both combatants.

Realising the danger of the situation, I knew I had to intervene.

With swift precision, I moved behind Leo and delivered a decisive chop to his neck, aiming to incapacitate him and end the chaotic brawl before it escalated further.

With both Leo and Bernard unconscious, I carefully assessed their injuries, relieved to find no critical wounds.

Carefully, I hoisted them onto my shoulders and made my way to the medical facility.

I couldn’t help but wonder how Bernard would react upon awakening to the news of his defeat at the hands of a child.

As for Leo, his remarkable regenerative abilities continued to astonish me, his injuries healing rapidly even while unconscious.

It was clear that underestimating the child had been a grave mistake—one that I wouldn’t make again.

Leo’s strategic thinking and adaptability during the duel were truly remarkable.

By manoeuvring himself near the sand dummies, he capitalised on the environment to create a diversion and gain an advantage over his opponent.

Furthermore, his decision to utilise his regenerative powers to endure the punishment inflicted upon him speaks volumes about his resilience and resourcefulness in combat.

Undoubtedly, this child's potential is remarkable and exceeds the limits of ordinary humans.

With proper training and guidance, there’s no telling how far this kid could go.

He possesses the raw talent and determination to become one of the greatest combatants of his time.

It’s clear that he’s a force to be reckoned with, and it would be wise to harness his potential for the benefit of the Revolutionary Army.

Just the thought of Leo harnessing his full potential is enough to send shivers down my spine.

With his mastery of combat techniques, coupled with his hybrid physiology granting him unparalleled regeneration, poisonous blood, and immense strength.

Leo could easily become a formidable force and a true terror to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

His tragic past, fueled by vengeance, will serve him as a powerful motivator, driving him to exceed all expectations and become a true nightmare for the Empire.

It’s a poetic twist of fate that the very child they tortured and experimented on could rise up to become their greatest adversary, striking fear into the hearts of those who had once cruelly tortured and experimented on him.

Leo has the potential to rewrite the history of this conflict and bring about a new era of resistance to the oppressive imperial Empire.

While the Imperial Army has gained a formidable adversary, the Revolutionary Army has acquired a potential asset of immense power.

If properly guided, this child could become a force to be reckoned with, capable of turning the tide against the Empire’s tyranny.

Should this child come into possession of a Teigu suited to their abilities, his strength would reach unprecedented heights. He could ascend to the ranks of esteemed leaders like General Najenda.

I must be the one to help create this monstrous child that will destroy Honest, the root of all cruelty and corruption in the empire.

The blood of numerous innocent lives stains my hands, reminding me of the grave mistake I made while serving in the imperial army.

Even when I was offered a position in an assault unit, I immediately refused that position and joined as an assistant position in the support unit of the Revolutionary Army.

Given my reluctance to wield a sword again, I had chosen this path aimed at contributing to the downfall of the empire. However, fate had different intentions for me.

Doubts about the ethics of teaching a child the art of killing arose, but vanished when I sensed the child's resolute thirst for vengeance.

His resolve was unyielding, driving him towards his goal with a fervour that surpassed any notion of a normal life.

Instead of attempting to dissuade the child from his path, I recognized the necessity of enhancing his combat skills to ensure his survival.

Yet, my duties within the support unit posed a challenge, leaving me with limited time to dedicate to his training.

Amidst these considerations, a solution dawned on me. Perhaps I could enlist Bernard’s support to allocate some time for me to train the child.

With careful planning and adjustment of schedules, I could potentially carve out dedicated hours to impart crucial combat knowledge to the child.

As a direct combatant, my expertise lies primarily in martial skills, leaving me unable to impart certain essential abilities to Leo.

This child must acquire proficiency in assassination techniques and other skill sets crucial for his journey himself to become a formidable force.

Additionally, he must refine his utilisation and improvisation of his unique abilities to maximise their effectiveness.

While I may not be able to directly teach him these skills, I can offer guidance and advice during his training at the army camp.

As I observed the child sleeping peacefully in the medical facility, a sense of hope washed over me.

May this child find the strength to overcome the trials that lie ahead, and may divine intervention guide him on his path to greatness.

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