Survival in Akame ga kill

Chapter:1 New life at capital




[Leo's pov]


“Aahh! Leo my cute baby !!”

Inside a broken down apartment a woman was hugging her baby, while squealing happily. The woman was graceful with long black hair cascading down to her waist and definitely a beauty. Her smile was bright as sunshine, soothing the hearts of those who saw it, but she was wearing clothes that were stitched in various places although it was very clean and Neat.

“Sit here and play with your toy like a good boy, i will cook some puree for you to eat”


As i watch Liya go inside the kitchen happily ,I started wondering what kind of incidents happened to me during these months. I still sometimes think that what is happening to me is a dream. Although I have accepted my new reality, it has now changed from a horror to somewhat tolerant and sometimes a happy dream.

I mean suddenly waking up and coming to realization that you are in a child's body could unleash an existential crisis in any sane person's mind , and if any insane person calmly accepts the situation as it is… may god bless them dude (They should definitely have some few loose screws).

AHEM!! Leaving my previous comment. These past few months surely have been a hell of a ride, memories with my new family(basically my mom) have been created ,some good memories and some which have thoroughly destroyed my pride as a man……

ANYWAY! What was I saying ahh,yes I had struggled to learn to crawl and to say small words….. Certainly not something a grown up should be proud of but it was damn difficult to adapt in a child's body as the legs and arms are short and chubby. And while speaking my mouth would only produce sounds as “gugaa ga” …..…. Yes it was certainly embarrassing and humiliating but seeing me struggle and try again and again, my mother would giggle happily thinking her son was a fast learner.(Certainly I made sure to do the learning process in moderation so as to not scare her.)

It was certainly weird to act as a baby at first but as people say time washes away the pains (In my case shameful memories)

After some months I started learning this new language and i was pleasantly surprised to see some similarities of a language I remember before in my previous life but I can't remember the letters of my previous life's language, I do have a vague feeling though . So i easily learned this new language within two months of my arrival in this new environment.

Also it seems like i have reincarnated in the mediaeval era because of lack of electricity and other modern equipments that i can vaguely remember but also it is confusing that i can only remember most of their appearances and what they can do, 

I can't remember most of their names and their inner workings .

Any ways back to my new family's situation, 

 I came to learn about Liya's situation by listening to her conversation with our neighbours, She and her husband(my Dad) came from a village and both had married before coming to the capital.

Ron was a man with average looks and an easy going personality and liya said that they were childhood friends. Ron proposed her and she accepted marriage proposal 

Now I understand how he managed to get a wife several times higher than his league.

Both of their parents are dead so they had no lingering attachments to the village except a few of their relatives and friends.

They came in Capital in search of better job opportunity as the taxes were increasing day by day and the crops were not enough to sustain them for longer periods while also giving high rate taxes,

 In hopes of a better future for them they sold their ancestral land at a cheap price barely enough for them to travel and sustain 2 months in capital.

Nevertheless the reality is often disappointing , after Liya and Ron came to the capital things did not go smoothly. As when they searched for a job in almost every district the payout for was too low for sustaining themselves and the jobs that were a little profitable were too shady, as they were also informed by village elders about dangers lurking in the capital they were definitely vigilant against any fraud and suspicious people. 

As the month was coming to a close and money was running out, Ron secured a job at a smithy. However, his role was not as a smith, but rather as a worker who moved items in the shop.

After cutting their expenses they managed to get an apartment in the slums near the smithy, But there was a problem as it was near the gambling den.

 I came into their life a year after as my mother became happy and my father drank beer with his working peers all night that day.

When weeks passed by I came to learn more about Liya, Her nature and attitude towards other people. 

Liya's living conditions don't dampen her spirits; she's a truly optimistic woman. Others would struggle to maintain the same level of optimism in her situation

Out of nowhere, she peeks from the kitchen to see if I'm playing or doing my daily practices, her emerald color eyes scanning me. In response, I immediately started playing to hide my dazed state. Our eyes meet and she gives me a warm smile, which I happily return.

Seeing that smile, something akin to a warm feeling envelopes my chest and also makes me laugh alongside her. 

….I think that i was a lonely person in my previous life because although at first i was going haywire at opening my eyes for the first time in this world but it became easy just in a day when my mother hugged me in her arms and sang me a lullaby to sleep…,it was very comforting as my restlessness came to still and i had a very good sleep as i woke up after my slumber for the first time i thought that my situation may be not that bad.


“I am home honey!”

“welcome home honey”

“Hey how are you doing junior “

I simply raise my hand as a greeting and say in a child like manner

“Welcoomee HOME ”

“Ha haa that's my boy always well behaved” Ron says before proceeding to ruffle my hair that match his own hair colour (Brown)

We rarely see each other but I know that he works hard for this family, for liya and me and I respect that, and also because of his work ethics he managed to get promoted from helper to apprentice black smith.

While Ron goes to kitchen to meet liya i watch snowflakes that were slowly starting to fall outside the window, 

After opening my eyes as a baby it was my first winter. Although I can't confirm if I witnessed snowfall in a previous life, I'm certain it wasn't as breathtakingly beautiful as this.

Initially, my interactions with my new parents were quite uncomfortable, but with time, I've been able to gradually overcome my awkwardness.

And while there is surely freezing cold outside it surely is warm and cosy in this home

it seems there will surely be a heavy winter this year.



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