Survival in Akame ga kill



‘Hmm? What are these strange noises? And why the hell is my room so dark? I'm sure before sleeping I had dimmed the lights but let my lamp on."


As I try to wake up, I feel very weak from the inside, and confusion begins to rise.

My eyelids feel heavy, and my body has little to no power in it. I think this is what it feels like for people waking from hangovers, but I'm not an alcoholic.


‘Hmm!! Why can't I move my body? Ok, at least let me move my fingers’

‘Something is wrong with my body!’

"Wahh wahhh!!"

As my eyelids opened with much difficulty, while my mind tried to comprehend the strangeness of the voice, I saw a pair of chubby white hands.

"WTF!! Why are my hands are those of a newborn's? What happened to my voice? Why bawling my eyes and screeching out loud like a baby?’

“@#$# #$$@”

As my mind tried to comprehend the situation, a beautiful lady with hair as black as night came with a smile near me, she took me in her arms.


‘Which language is she using to communicate with me?’

‘Hmm, well, there is nothing wrong about the lady except the fact she is a giant woman, and giving me a smile was not of a woman to a man but of a mother to her child. And it seems like she is bringing me close to her b…!!’

‘Wait, what is she doing? No!!! Wait, someone please stop her, No No No Noooooo!!!!!’



After deleting the shameful memory of my previous encounter and also after seriously debating the situation I am currently in, I came to a conclusion.


‘Looks like I have been reincarnated in the body of a new born baby but how… I was justrelaxing at my house after watching some anime which was …..’

‘Hmm wait what is Anime ?’

‘ … and Wait,house? where is my house located?’


‘I am…..’

‘Who am i?’

‘what is my name? ‘

‘What is my identity?’

’ What is my family name?

As I began to freak out trying to figure out about my existence, a deep sense of unease and disorientation gripped my heart as if someone is deleting my memories all of sudden and I get a feeling of losing something, but I don't know what it is?


As my mind begins to ponder At the sudden loss of memories of my past which include my identity, 

I slowly began to struggle in my bed to make sense of my environment.

As I thought , everything around me is unfamiliar, There is no light bulbs,no fan and also the sun seems to be set.

‘Do I really have to relive my new life in a new infant body in which I have to Cry for breast milk and also …..’ 



How can I even forget that I CANNOT even go to the toilet, … do I really have to soil my underwear because I can't even move from my bed.


'RELAX Fuuu..'

'I have to analyse my situation!'

'First of all, I have….'

"Mhhh… wshh."

A soft exhale escaped from me, like a gentle breeze through a meadow, my lips parting for a silent yawn.

Damn it! Looks like this baby's body is not capable enough for long periods of physical and mental tasks.


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