Tale of Discovery

Chapter 42: Adorable Vampire (Slightly *NSFW*) ; Headquarters found

Whenever a new ability is displayed in the System, there will be a "(NEW)" beside it. As for the increase of parameters, tiering up and any numerical changes, there will be a ">>" indicating it.


She doesn't react to my words in any way and just lies on the ground.

Her injuries are still healing...

Oh, right!

Hey, Irene. Will my Holy Essence do her any harm if I use Healing Factor to help her recover?

{No. The Holy and Darkness elements don't oppose each other. They're different sides of the same coin. No god can be exempt from misdeeds.}

As I had guessed, her powers are related to darkness and destruction, or else Irene wouldn't have explained it like this.

Now that I know that it wouldn't harm her, I circulate my Holy Essence, then begin using Healing Factor on her and myself.

"You're eccentric," she asserts.

I don't know what to make of what she just said. Whatever, I'll just continue healing.

"Very well. That would be your reward," she abruptly says when her body has mostly recovered.

Although her overbearing tone kind of irritates me, I get that it might just be a part of her personality after having lived for so long. I wonder if I would've been the same if I had my memories. Most likely - yes.

Veronica gets up from the ground and abruptly dashes into me.

Not expecting such an action, I fall back on my rear as she positions herself on my lap. Before I could berate her, I felt a soft sensation on my lips.

---Slightly NSFW---

For the first few seconds, it was a messy kiss, but it started to get better.

Her tongue intertwines with mine as she holds onto my neck with her small arms and her legs wrapped around me.

Not willing to waste such an opportunity, I place my left hand on her thigh while placing the other one on her thin waist and holding her closer to myself.

I caress her smooth thigh and continue returning her aggressive kiss. As I do so, I feel a pair of fangs with my tongue. Loving the sensation, I play with them using my tongue.

After a while, I break the kiss and move from Veronica's lips to her neck while shifting my left hand to her almost non-existent breasts.

She softly moans in response to my tender caressing and says in a low voice,

"Let's stop here, okay?"

I would've liked to continue, but I won't do so if the other party is unwilling.

She backs off from me with her hands still on my shoulder. She moves my shirt, revealing my skin before she abruptly bites into it.

It doesn't hurt at all. All I can feel are her soft lips pressed against my shoulder as she sucks.

I move my right hand under her skirt and gently squeeze her butt.

She flinches a little in response to my actions before she continues with what she was doing.

---NSFW (Slight) Ends---

Having sucked enough of my blood, she gets up from my lap and begins to swing her arms around.

She seems to be... checking them out?

She begins to throw punches and kicks at the air with a smile plastered to her face.

After a while, she stops and moves to where I am still sitting, and once again sits on my lap. However, instead of taking any abrupt actions, she just places her head against my chest and closes her eyes.

She seems way more adorable now for some reason...


Early in the morning, Emily tells me that she will take me over to where the rest of her group is at.

I follow her and meet up with a bunch of teens. I kindly told them that I would be plundering their powers, to which the majority objected and needed some "disciplining" before they shut up.

After I'm done, I take a look at what I have gained,



Name: Yu Otosaka (Victor -)

True Name: ????

Title: -SEALED-

Age: 8,953 Years

Code: Exousia {Berserk | Destruction (-) | Holy}

Race: Human - 61%>>57%

Energy Left: 100%


Str: 47>>48 (10) - {Strength}

Agi: 44>>46 (10) - {Agility}

Dex: 45 (10) - {Dexterity}

Int: 50 (10) - {Intelligence}

Def: 49>>53 (10) - {Defence}

Vit: 50>>56 (10) - {Vitality}



Berserk: Hunter | Tormenter (NEW) | God's Wrath

Destruction (-): -SEALED-


-Holy Slash II [V]

A slash that utilizes divine energy as an armament. 10 meters. Low energy consumption.

-Paragon's Eyes I [III]

Grants vision to judge one's soul. Low energy consumption.

-Godspeed II [V]

The ability to travel at a great speed. The user can perform air-jumps. Low energy consumption.

-Blink I [III]

The ability to blink to any area within 5 meters. Medium energy consumption.

-Light Manipulation I [VI]

The ability to influence light by their will. 10 meters. Low energy consumption.

-Healing Factor II [III]

Regeneration. Low energy consumption.

-Transmutation (-)

The ability to temporarily transform matter into light. Very high energy consumption.

-Divine Retribution I [V]

Judgment from the souls. 30 meters. High energy consumption.

-Clairvoyance (Passive) I [III]

The ability to freely control the angle and location of one's vision.

-Illusion I [III]

The ability to manipulate light in a state that affects others' vision. Medium energy consumption.


Plunder II [V]

{The maximum distance is 15m. | Possession time - 4 seconds. The maximum amount of abilities that could be used simultaneously is 3.}

--- Primary Ability (1/1) ----

- Telekinesis I>>II [V]

{Unlimited usage. | User can only lift objects with similar or less mass to themself. | Maximum velocity is 172m/s >> 180 m/s. | Maximum range is 5m >> 8m.}

--- Secondary Abilities (5/5) ---

- Permeation I [III]

{Can be used up to four times a day.}

- Location I [III]

{Can be used up to five times a day. | Range limit - 5 km. | Accuracy = 46%}

- Hypnotism I [V]

{Can be used up to three times a day. | Requires direct eye contact.}

- Collapse

{Can be used up to two times a day. | Requires a stressed brain to trigger. | Range limit - 50 m.}


{Unlimited usage. | Requires at least 50% of brain focus to keep active.}

--- Tertiary Abilities (∞) ---

-Spiritualism I [IV]

{Can be used up to three times a day. | Maximum duration of 3 minutes.}

-Insight I [VI]

{Can be used once a day. | Maximum duration of 10 minutes.]

-Indoctrination I [III] (NEW)

{Can be used on 5 individuals at most. | Maximum range of 30m. | Lasts 2 minutes.}

--- Irregular (6/?) ---

- Flight I [III]

{Unlimited usage | Maximum speed is 40 km/h. | Maximum acceleration is 5 km/s.}

- Memory Erasure I [IV]

{Unlimited usage | Requires physical contact | Time needed to initiate the erasure process is five minutes.}

- Imperfect Invisibility I [X]

{Unlimited usage | Can become imperceptible for one target.}

- Time-Leap (?)


-Ability Erasure

{Unlimited usage | Maximum range is 5 m}

-Gift I [V]

{Unlimited usage | Maximum range is 15m | Lasts for 5 minutes.}

-Organic Constructs

{Unlimited usage. | Maximum duration of 5 minutes. | 10-second cooldown. | Maximum amount of contracts that can be active at once is 2.}

-Regeneration I [V] (NEW)


-Absolute Evasion (NEW)

{Requires unawareness to activate.}

-Vector Manipulation (NEW)

{Maximum range of 5m. | Requires 80% of brain focus to keep active. }

--- Unassigned ---

- Thoughtography


My parameters have increased! Could it be the result of the battle between Veronica and me? My humanity has also decreased once again.

I've gotten a good amount of abilities. Although I had to erase a lot, I still managed to get four. I asked them about the uses of their abilities "nicely" and they gave me an explanation.

Regeneration is basically healing oneself. I thought that it would be useful if combined with Gift.

Absolute Evasion is as the name says, absolutely evading something. According to the previous owner of the ability, it seems like time is slowed down according to the speed of the incoming projectile. In other words, reflex speed is boosted a lot, for a certain time period.

Vector Manipulation... This one is the most interesting one. Through the manipulation of vectors, one could possibly become impossible to kill. You could redirect any attack, increase the speed of projectiles, and much more. It has a lot of applications but needs a lot of focus to be used.


"We've found their main headquarters," Emily says in a serious tone.

We are all currently in a conference room of sorts inside of the mansion she lives in. Veron- no, Krul is sitting to my right, while the elegant silver-haired guy who gives off some weird vibes is sitting to my left. He introduced himself as a noble vampire going by the name Ferid.

The two girls Krul had sired in the facility are also present, sitting close to us.

As for the human faction, they're sitting away from us. What I find slightly vexing is that the purple-haired girl, Shinoa has been staring at me nonstop.

The black-haired guy that I had punched - Yoichiro - is also glaring at me. Meh.

I used Clairvoyance to see if there is something wrong with me but didn't find anything.

"If you can get rid of their main headquarters, it would probably delay whatever they're up to a lot," Emily continues to explain.

"The location of the headquarters is somewhere in the USA. The reason it took us so long to find it is due to its unusual name..." her voice trails off as she looks my way with a weird expression on her face.

She pauses for a few seconds before continuing,

"Its name is... 'Beloved Victor'."

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