Tale of Discovery

Chapter 43: Travel ; (Spoiler Title at the End)

"Your ex?"

"No!" I instantly reply to Krul's inquiry.

Why do they even suspect that it has something to do with me in the first place? There are tons of people with the same name.

Who am I even kidding? It's definitely related to me...

This Unknown is rather weird. I can tell through their naming sense.

Also, do Unknowns get all the information about me as soon as they appear in a Platform? I mean, this one already knows my real name even though I started using it yesterday.

I'm pretty sure this organization is more than a day old.

Ughhh... Everyone is now looking at me as if they are waiting for some sort of explanation.

What should I even tell them? I have no idea who the Unknown is. All I know is that they're troublesome and need to be gotten rid of.

I will just go with a simple explanation,

"I am suspecting that the leader of Legion knows me and has followed me here. The problem is that I don't have a single idea of who they could be."

I hope that works. I explained in a thought-provoking manner so that they would speculate on their own instead of questioning me. I would rather avoid dealing with pointless ordeals.

After a while of discussion, we come to the conclusion of heading over to the USA immediately. Regarding how we would get there, Emily said she would deal with it.

As expected of the young lady of a modern noble family.


Isn't this just great?

I am already sitting inside a plane in between Krul and Shinoa. I am grateful that Shinoa isn't staring at me and is just looking outside of the plane through the window.

I am quite annoyed by the glare being sent my way by a certain dumbass.

I feel like I should just finish Yoichiro off as soon as we're done with Legion and the Unknown...

Going back to the topic of our flight, the current one is a direct flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles.

This would've normally taken us about 10 hours, but I found an interesting way to decrease the time taken.

Vector manipulation.

Apparently, the vectors of the object I can manipulate don't necessarily have to be within 5m of me. If the object is large, I can manipulate it fine by just being in direct contact with it. It's pretty handy.


"Finally!" shouts Mitsuba as soon as we get down from the plane.

I take a look at her then take a look at our group and see how many of us are there.

First of all, the human faction, which consists of Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichiro, Mikaela and Yoichi. I'm amazed by how silent Yoichi has been ever since I've seen him. The only time I've heard him talk is when he introduced himself to me.

After that, there is the vampire faction. They are Krul, Ferid, Yuriko, and Chikako.

Like Yoichi, Chikako has been rather silent. It might be because she is just a 13-year-old girl.

I had heard from Krul that the two of them were experimental subjects in the facility that Juno and I destroyed. Krul wouldn't let the two of them go back to their families as that would endanger them in various ways.

Also, speaking of Juno, she decided to stay behind as she had a matter to attend to. She said she will get here once she's done with whatever she's doing. I asked her about the matter, but she wouldn't tell me anything no matter how much I pressed her for an answer.

Anyways, Emily couldn't come with us as well as it was simply too dangerous for her. The same could be said about the human faction, but they're remarkably stubborn.

And so, here we are looking for a means of transportation to get to the base.

Based on the intelligence provided, it's not that heavily armed as one would expect it to be. However, we can't ignore the possibility that they could have some irregular weapons.

I've gotten tired of looking for a way to get there... Oh, a bus!

Observing an orange bus in the distance with only the driver in it, I feel like I can finally get be done with this.


We are here.

The cannon fodders get off from the bus first, then the vampire faction and myself. I wave at the bus driver as he speeds away.

He wasn't willing to drive us here in the beginning, but after I had asked him "nicely", he complied.

Man... we sure are in the middle of nowhere. The only thing I can see is fences and a road leading inside, which is restricted.

I see a sign with a warning claiming that anyone who trespasses will be shot on sight.

"Where are we again?" Mitsuba dubiously asks.

"Area 51," replies Shinoa.

What an interesting name.

Two men in military clothes are guarding the entrance. Okay, let's do this.

As I approach them, one of them nudges the other and points at me with his M4A1. They both move towards me and are about to perform their standard procedure of inquiry before I use Indoctrination on them.

They immediately stop what they are doing and just stand there like statues.

"Get vehicles," I order them.

"Yes, my lord," they both reply monotonously before going away.

Indoctrination - the ability to brainwash people into believing anything the user wishes.

As it falls under the tertiary category, it's been weakened so that I can only make them do my bidding.

After a while, they return with two Humvees.

Once everyone has gotten inside, I order them to drive off.


Wow. No wonder it was so hard to find...

All I can see is a huge-ass building surrounded by mysterious artilleries. Totally not conspicuous!

As soon as we step out of the Humvees, I use Hypnotism on the two militants. I motion for the group to stick close together and tell the cannon fodders to walk in front of us.

They seem to be rather confident. Well, I understand why they would be, after all, I spent some time yesterday making them battle each other with Organic Constructs. I found it enjoyable the first time I did it, so I repeated it yesterday.


My instincts kick in again as I sense three energy beams shot at us from the ordnances.

"Get back!" I shout as I move in front of them, use Vector Manipulation to return the beam, which blows the three artillery pieces that fired the shot away.

An eerie siren sounds out as the building begins to shift forms revealing several men armed with weapons that I have yet to see.


-Organic Constructs


-Absolute Evasion



Having gifted the special abilities, I prepare for the men to fire their weapons, which they do a second later.

Streaks of blue form as weird projectiles are shot out from the weapons. I use Vector Manipulation to reflect the ones that are going towards me.


I can't feel my legs. Looking at the ground, I can see that some bullets have hit it. Wait. It's exuding some kind of force?

My Location ability is acting weirdly, so I focus my eyes and instantly notice that there seems to be a barrier of sorts formed around where the projectiles had hit.

I observe the men who have had the projectiles shot back at them and notice that they aren't moving at all.

I don't see signs of injuries or them being covered in ice for them to be immobile. Don't tell me... Time-Stop?!

"Everyone spread out and avoid the places that the bullets hit!"

They affirm and do as I say.

As for me, I immediately use Godspeed and Blink to get away from the area. However, my legs are now numb.

-Paragon's Eyes.

Pitch-black. They're revolting men. Through my senses, I can tell that most of them are within the range of my Divine Retribution. Here goes nothing.

Using Holy Slash and Light Manipulation I form a circle of light. I then proceed to snap the fingers on my right hand.

-Divine Retribution.

The circle of light seems to "explode" as a bright light covers everything. Screams of agony immediately follow as the men begin to "burn away".

"Finish them off!" I order my group.

They need my orders and move in. They are fighting brilliantly. I'm pleasantly surprised.

Huh? The men who were a little deeper into the building seem to be unaffected by Divine Retribution. Not only that, but they're getting other irregular weapons. This is bad.

Looking at the humans and vampires ripping the men to shreds and the weapons aimed at them, I prepare to use Holy Slash.

However, before I can make my move, a pillar of colourful flames burn the men and one side of the building down, while effectively avoiding our group.

"I knew that something was amiss," Juno's voice resounds within my ears as she appears behind me floating.

"What we're dealing with isn't an Unknown," she continues "instead, it's an Anomaly. Isn't that right, Yuno?"

As soon as her words fade out, I sense a deformation in the space in front of the building as a pink-haired girl who seems to be about fourteen years old takes form.

The girl, Yuno, has a wide grin on her face as she cheerfully exclaims,

"It's been a while Evelin!"

She then looks my way before the already wide grin widens even further as she softly exclaims,


{WARNING: Maximized Code Detected.}

Irene's voice suddenly resounds withing my head with a sense of urgency to it.


Full Title: Travel ; Yuno

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