Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 43: Magus Versus Beast

When these dozen wolves appeared the sad atmosphere disappeared as it became one of fear instead. They were still recovering from the shock of killing the first wolf when a dozen others had already appeared.

Villin and Kayley were the first ones to recover as they pointed their wands toward the pack of wolves. Villin casted Icy pike once more, he aimed for a wolf's eye but missed as it was moving too fast. As for Kayley, she had a higher amount of spells, she cast silently for a full second before a golden orb appeared in the air slightly in front of the pack of wolves.

Seeing this a few wolves changed course to go around as they felt a threat coming from the orb. But not all wolves were born equal and there were still three that ran straight underneath. As soon as they did the orb sped downward crashing straight into the torso of one of the wolves. It drilled right into it and just when the orb could no longer be seen, the wolf's body exploded, heavily wounding the two other wolves in the area.

In a normal situation, Villin would've complimented Kayley on her use of magic, but this was no normal situation. The wolves were only sixty meters away now and approaching fast. Rei joined in with the second round of attacks. Villin felt extremely useless as the best he could do for now was send more icy pikes, with how enraged the wolves were he would have to cast Drowse multiple times to temporarily take out a single enemy.

His second pike hit a wolf in the breast, barely missing its heart. Even though it fell to the ground at first it quickly got up again following its pack, blood seeping out of his chest.

Kayley's spell wasn't so useful either this time around, a fiery line similar to the one Pompei used in his tests shot toward the wolves. But since even Villin could jump over it in time the first time he saw it, the wolves naturally had no problems with this. The only exception was the wolf Villin had wounded just before, he tried to jump over the line but didn't quite make it. Its front legs were now only hanging onto the main body by a bit of skin as the wolf fainted, soon to bleed out.

The person that really made a difference was Rei this time around. The wolves were only forty meters away and if they kept going as they did the group would be lucky if they got one more spell in.


He pointed his wand at the frontmost wolf. Both the tip of his wand as well as the wolf's eyes turned a light pink. A moment after the wolf stopped before looking to its side, he then jumped at the wolf in second place using its sharp claws to rip open its belly.

Nearly all of the wolves got caught up in confusion as the alpha of their pack suddenly attacked one of their own.

Just as Villin thought they might be able to do this something happened, one of the tiny paper airplanes flying around about twenty meters behind them had hit something.

He hurriedly turned around before spotting a big black bear.


Villin uttered this word causing Kayley to also notice the threat.

Suddenly the bear's charge slowed down, as did the movements of the confused wolves. Or well, rather then the things around him slowing down, Villin's thoughts had suddenly sped up.

He felt his mind calm down as his fear disappeared deep into his head. He thought about the current situation. He noticed a drop of blood was leaking out of one of Rei's eyes, it was unlikely he would be able to keep controlling the alpha wolf for long. All of them still had their saved spells as far as he knew. Himself and Kayley should have two each while Rei still had the basic wand.

After being able to look at the entire situation calmly for a moment Villin knew what to do. He turned toward, the now terrified, Kayley beside him. He quickly took the time to shake her before speaking clearly. "You take care of the bear, I'll deal with the wolves."

She was about to yell at him saying how ridiculous that was but before she could he already sprinted toward the wolves. Rei also lost focus as Villin ran in his line of sight straight for the wolves. If he hadn't lost focus he would've been able to keep the spell up for another twenty seconds. It was now that he heard a roar coming from his right. It was the bear who roared out loud when being his by one of Kayley's attacks.

The beast was only ten meters away now so he had to focus on it if he wanted a chance at survival. He could only remember Villin in his heart, swearing he would treasure his sacrifice.

This left Villin on his own against a pack of wolves. Right now there were still seven of them left. The one attacked by the alpha was dead while the alpha itself was heavily wounded. The alpha was still growling at the other wolves since, in his eyes, they were questioning his leadership, when a human entered within twenty meters of them.

All of the wolves turned toward Villin at once, who was still running at full speed. Thanks to the earlier commotion, they were all grouped up together, trying to find out while there was a fight among their own.

The wolves looked at him vigilantly now, wondering why a human would run toward them, it simply didn't make sense. But when he was ten meters away one of the wolves' bloodthirst got the better of them as they leaped toward the boy.

Villin had obviously expected an attack, he had already prepared another Icy Pike spell. Since the wolf leaped high into the sky its entire belly was exposed. The Pike went straight through even breaking its spine, this killed the wolf near instantly.

Instead of getting enraged by the death of their comrade, the wolves got smarter because of it. They had seen what would happen if they decided to leap and so they lowered their head growling while staying close to the ground. Since the human seemed to be coming toward them they might as well let him. They were even smart enough to leave an opening in the front of the pack, making it so that if he entered he would swiftly get surrounded and killed.

Normally a human obviously wouldn't fall for such a clear trap, yet instead of avoiding it, Villin ran straight into it. But a moment had passed before he was in the middle of a group of wolves, all of which were looking at him while growling. They would all attack together with the alpha, that was the general rule, at this point they had already forgotten what happened just before.

Yet just before the wounded alpha was about to commence his attack. Something happened to the boy before them. He put one of his hands before him and as he flicked his finger a blue circle shot out from within him. Usually, this is all that would happen but Villin poured in as much magic power as possible, something possible with this spell.

Villin felt like sleeping almost instantly, but knowing that death would await him if he actually did, kept him awake for multiple seconds. Instead of a thin circle like usually the spell this time around just kept coming, all the wolves were engulfed in the blue aura that had now formed around him. The only wolf that could somewhat resist was the heavily wounded alpha, whose wounds kept him from actually falling asleep.

The two of them were in a similar situation, and they met a similar end as they dropped to the floor at the same time.

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