Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 44: The Hidden Threat

A bit after Villin managed to take out the wolves, the bear was also slain. Kayley and Rein then immediately ran over to the pack of wolves, they hadn't seen what had happened since they had to focus on the bear. Said bear was now lying in a pool of its own blood, half of its face was melted due to one of Kayley's saved spells.

When the duo arrived they were relieved to see Villin was still alive. Even though none of them were close to each other, they didn't want to see their teammate die.

Kayley soon recognized the fact that Villin must have used some form of Drowsed. She asked Rein to finish off the wolves one-by-one while she would focus on trying to wake up Villin. Even though Rein didn't like that she told him what to do, it made sense and so he killed the sleeping wolves one-by-one. Since he could walk right up to them and they weren't moving it was pretty easy to kill them using a single spell.

Meanwhile, Kayley was thinking of what to do in order to wake up Villin. She had played around a bit with Drowse but never did many tests with it, she preferred to have a large number of spells rather than being specialized in a few.

After a bit, she decided to use the same spell she had used earlier on the first wolf. She pointed at the ground a bit away from them and the sand moved around forming some spike. If you would move onto spikes like that quickly, you could get quite badly hurt, but if you would lay onto it calmly it would simply hurt like a bitch, even though it could pierce the skin, it shouldn't do too much damage.

She then carefully put Villin onto the spikes. Pain was one of the best ways to wake someone up, hence she decided to employ this technique. Yet when Villin had only just been put down and Rein finished off the final wolf, another gate opened.

As soon as it did, Rein sprinted toward Kayley before standing next to her. Compared to when the first wolf came out they were a lot calmer now. Some would be surprised by this as they were obviously in a situation many times worse right now. Kayley had used both of her saved spells to deal with the bear and Rein was starting to run out of magic power, furthermore, one of their teammates was knocked out.

But despite that they no longer panicked. In these last dozen minutes, they had seen so much gore and blood they didn't feel like panicking would do them any good. It just seemed like such a useless action to them right now, so they stood still, waiting for whatever would come out of the gate.

A full minute after the gate opened a figure appeared. It was a young lady with a light-purple robe. It should be the robe for either the fifth or the sixth grade, the duo wasn't completely sure. She walked onto the arena casually, looking around with a bit of curiosity.

She saw the wolves' corpses and was a little surprised. Most of the wolves were gathered in one spot, furthermore, this spot wasn't even in the middle of the arena. This meant that either the group rushed toward the wolves and dealt with them close range or they had some sort of area of effect spell that could take them all out in one go.

Finally, her gaze settled on the duo standing in the middle of the arena. The red-haired girl looked like a noble in her eyes, she had a long scratch mark on her arm but was mostly unharmed. As for the boy next to her, there was no doubt about him being a commoner with his basic wand. Other then the fact that he looked a bit disheveled, he seemed to be unharmed.

As for Villin, she couldn't see him since he was laying down behind the duo. So with two enemies before her, she devised a plan to achieve her goal.

"Shit, if we're up against someone in the fifth grade we don't stand a chance." Kayley couldn't help but let out a curse when she saw what they were up against now.

Rein gnashed his teeth. He really wanted to refute Kayley's words but was completely unable to. It would already be a miracle if they would somehow beat someone in the third grade, leave alone someone in the fifth or sixth grade.

Nonetheless, they prepared themselves. Their original plan was completely impossible at this point, but at the very least the appearance of another student affirmed they were in some sort of test. Since this was the case, the threat of death was mostly gone and they could focus on trying to survive for as long as possible.

Without exchanging a word Kayley and Rein both ran to a different side of their silver-haired enemy. Even though their enemy was many times stronger than them, they would still have to point their wand at every attack they wished to stop...probably.

The silver-haired lady just let them do as they wanted, waiting for them to get into position.

"Your plan would be decent if you were to face a magus slightly stronger then yourself, but against someone such as me, it would've been smarter if one of you focused on defense and the other on offense, staying as close to each other as possible."

As she said this, she pointed her wand in the air, at first nothing seemed to happen, but then it started getting hotter. The temperature in the arena kept rising quickly, if this kept going it would be completely unbearable within ten seconds, so Kayley and Rein both sent out a spell.

A black and a pink streak of light headed toward the silver-haired beauty, yet all she did was make a tiny circle in the air with her wand before both spells shot back toward their original owner.

Both of them were somewhat prepared for this and they were about to put up their defenses but then the situation changed. At first, it looked like their spells would simply miss them, but soon they could see what was really happening. Their spells were now rapidly making circles around themselves, always staying about a meter away from their bodies. The duo panicked as they tried to find a way to block the spell but they had nothing. It felt like whenever their opponent wanted they could simply move these spells so it could hit them.

This caused quite the comical sight as both Rein and Kayley were turning in circles trying to keep up with the spell. The silver-haired beauty laughed for a bit before speaking.

"Sometimes in order to defend you need to attack, don't tell me they haven't taught you that."

Kayley felt like cursing at the lady when she heard that. Of course she knew that sometimes offense was the best defense, this simply wasn't one of those situations. If she would stand still to shoot a spell at her enemy she could simply be hit in the back by her own spell.

Rein, on the other hand, stayed calm and soon realized what the woman meant. Instead of staying where he was, he jumped forward, punching the spell circling around him with his non-dominant hand.

Immediately lacerations appeared on his hand as he yelled out in pain, two of his fingers were nearly cut off entirely. Kayley saw this and did the same thing, causing her arm to fall to her side, unable to move it.

But the attack still wasn't over the temperature had continued to climb. The silver-haired lady walked forward, toward the group of wolves, she also stopped the temperature from rising further as long, as they didn't come any closer they'd be fine.

She simply wanted to look at the wolves to see how they were defeated and to get a better idea of the total strength of this duo.

As the silver-haired woman crouched down to check the wounds on the bodies of the wolves, she used her magical energy to keep track of her two enemies. Little did she expect that when she was crouched down another figure appeared. Villin had woken shortly after he had been laid upon the spikes, even though he still felt drowsy he could cast spells again.

The first thing he did was cast 'Chameleon' just as the duo moved to both sides of their enemy the spell had taken full effect, properly hiding him. A bit later when the temperature started to rise he also casted 'Cold-Blood' making the heat spell essentially ineffective.

He stayed in hiding, not moving an inch. He didn't dare even turn his head toward the enemy afraid it would cause his camouflage spell to falter. It was only when he heard the enemy moving something about a dozen meters away from him, he knew he had a chance.

And so he instantly got up and sprinted toward the enemy, ready to change the tide,

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