Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 45: Long Time No See!

Looking at the wolves' bodies, the silver-haired beauty was turned away from Villin when he charged. He did make quite a bit of sound though as he had no spell in his arsenal capable of silencing his own actions.

As soon as Villin began his sprint, the silver-haired enemy knew something was wrong. She pointed her wand over her shoulder, shooting off a spell before ever turning around. This was the quickest way to get an attack in after all.

But Villin saw it coming and barely managed to duck underneath it. The lady was only eight meters away from him by the time she turned around. She then instantly cast another spell without even properly looking at her opponent, she saw Kayley and Rein were also casting spells while she seemed to be distracted.

Villin however, did see his enemy's face properly. He seemed to be shocked for a moment causing him to miss the window to dodge the attack. This made it so that he didn't have a choice but to use his final saved spell. Instead of the basic spell, Villin had actually chosen the derivative spell of Reverto, this caused the blue mist to instantly appear on his body, surrounding him.

The silver-haired beauty turned to deal with Kayley and Rein's spells as soon as she shot one in Villin's direction.

A dark-blue streak reached the blue mist surrounding Villin's body, Villin could see lightning seemed to be contained within the spell. He focused all of the mist that surrounded his body to congregate into one point, exactly where the spell hit.

Villin kept running as the light-blue mist and the purple streak seemed to fight each other. Both parties seemed to be trying to use up the other party's magical energy and surprisingly the two energies seemed to be about equal, they would soon cancel each other out.

Still, it would take about three seconds until the battle between the spells would be concluded and so Villin decided to keep charging. He pulled out his wand and aimed it forward. He could see a shine on the opponent's body and figured a spell right now would be easily deflected by it and so he simply kept moving, without shooting off another spell.

When the sixth-grader finally understood her previous spell had failed, there were only two meters left between herself and Villin, his wand breaching the one-meter gap.

In a panic, she swung around her wand-arm extended as was normal when casting a spell. Yet this was the most ideal thing she could've done in Villin's eyes. Now that she had her arm extended towards him, his wand could reach her hand. Normally they would've both been able to send a spell at the same time but when the girl looked at Villin's face she seemed shocked and hesitated.

This made it so that only a single spell shot out. From the sides, Kayley and Rein could only faintly see a blue glow on Villin's wand before blood shot out of the girl's hand as she dropped her wand.

Villin had just cast Icy Pike, shooting her hand point blank, nearly severing one of her fingers. Her arm shot back as she cried out in pain for a moment, stumbling back a tiny bit, after which she paused. She felt something against her neck.

Villin had taken the opportunity when she cried out to further close the distance and he was now using his wand to touch her neck.

"Hey Silver, so can we leave now?"

Villin felt extremely tense but at the same time, he felt like relaxing now that he saw this friend of his. He wasn't exactly sure what to say. He had just nearly cut off one of her fingers, but then again her lightning spell probably would've hurt him quite badly as well. The difference was that Villin had recognized her earlier causing him to have to use his saved Reverto. Silver on the other hand, only recognized him a few seconds before, when his wand had reacher her hand.

Silver swallowed once as she tried to push back her adrenaline a bit.

"Yeah Villin, I'm sure this will be a satisfactory ending." Despite knowing Villin wouldn't just hurt her right now, Silver still felt extremely tense knowing that a wand was touching her neck, her lives in the hand of a young first-grader.

Despite being reunited with Villin she felt terrible. No matter what this would have negative consequences for herself. She messed up in a huge manner, not only did she not detect the third enemy in the arena, she even let him come close enough to do actual damage.

Villin lowered his wand as Kayley and Rein approached, they looked at the two in surprise, it seemed like they knew each other.

But, even though she was kind and believed in hard work and overcoming all odds, this was still a difficult pill to swallow for Silver. "Villin, how did you manage to block my spell just now? It should've had anti-magical properties allowing it to go through practically all defensive spells in the first-grade library."

Villin didn't mind the fact she asked about his spell, even though it was normally somewhat impolite, he felt close enough to Silver to tell the truth.

"It's reverto, or rather a derivatory version of that spell. It did drain me from practically all my magical energy though, it is extremely expensive to cast."

Silver nodded at his reply but felt weird when he said it drained him from nearly all of his magical energy. She decided to check his energy with her own to see if he went overboard but was surprised to notice he was rapidly regaining the lost energy.

This made her think of a bloodline at first but she knew he came from a mortal family. She decided not to pry as it might be a secret of himself. Villin had no idea more powerful magic could try to sense his magical power if they were closeby, otherwise he would've never been connected to some nodes right now.

Right now nobody really knew how to act. Villin figured he'd get to meet Silver again after the school year ended and imagined this meeting to be heartwarming, meeting up and talking about their experiences. Maybe even talk about some abstract magic theories.

But instead, they stood here, Silver silently healed the wounds on herself and Kayley before also treating Villin, who had a few wounds on his back from Kayley's spikes.

Finally, Kayley was the one to speak up. "So, miss Silver, what is going on here?"

Silver looked at the group and even though she wanted to say 'I don't really know either.' she didn't want to make them worried and gestured for them to follow her as she headed to the middle of the arena. She put her hand onto the sandy floor before inserting a massive amount of magic power. The entire floor seemed to light up before the platform started going down, it seemed like they were on some sort of elevator.

After moving down for two meters there were now twelve golden doors around them. Even though it was an improvement from the cages earlier, it still worried the trio as they felt tense again, ready to grab their wands if necessary. Silver, on the other hand walked toward one of the doors. She had a professional air around her now and Villin didn't think it would be right to ask about personal affairs now so he kept quiet.

They moved through the door and as expected they got teleported away. Rein moved to the wall behind them looking as if he had to puke but Villin and Kayley seemed to be more-or-less okay.

It was finally time to find out what in the living fuck was going on.

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