Technomancer in MCU

Interlude #3

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Interlude III

Technomancer in MCU

New York City

–Third Person POV–

Elsewhere, a group of students from Midtown High were getting in line to enter their respective school buses to reach their homes.

A reporter spotted them and ran towards them.

The students were intimidated at first but when the reporter asked them questions about their thoughts on the technology used during the invasion, they came into their element immediately.

“What do you think about the overall response should be to the highly advanced technology that was used to protect us?”, the reporter asked.

One of the students began to gush about the technology, nearly vibrating in place.

With his face lit up, he said, “Oh man! That was so cool. I mean, sure it was always theorized that the government was hiding a lot of stuff from us. That was probably reasonable.”

“But, this? Technology of this level doesn’t come out of nowhere. I don’t think the U.S. government has this level of technology. If they did, they would have conquered the whole planet long ago.”

“I mean just from some rough calculations I made while I had free time in the hospital, the power output from just one of those carriers will be comparable to the power usage of the entire eastern seaboard.”

“Even they needed three huge carriers and that small ship at the top to power the spaceship, we can safely assume that the energy required to power that small shield would be comparable to an entire continent’s power draw.”

“Just that alone would be impressive but floating ships? That’s huge man. Just considering the military implica–”

“Ugh, stop your rambling Ben.”, interrupted a girl standing behind the boy.

She haughtily took the mic from the reporter’s hand.

She took a breath, put on a smiling face, and said, “The military implications aside the medical technology they have shown is incredible.”

“Just from witnessing the applications of that orange light, I have theorized that continued dosages of that technology will eradicate nearly 99% of all common diseases, bankrupting the medical industry.”, she smirked at that statement.

It seemed that she had a vendetta against the American medical-industrial complex.

“I mean, just imagine, cuts and bruises healing in seconds. Feeling refreshed as if you had a very good nap within a few seconds I think continued application during pregnancy will probably also result in healthier offspring.”

“I think that is enough out of you, young lady.”, the reporter said after he finally managed to snatch the mic out of the student’s hands.


In another corner of the city, people could be seen entering their homes, their apartment buildings, and even some business owners entering their businesses.

Most of them were touching and poking at the buildings around them, still disbelieving of the fact that their homes were once again intact.

After all, who would blame them?

They witnessed with their own eyes, their houses and their livelihoods being destroyed in a fiery flash of destruction from a missile sent by their own government.

After confirming the conditions and that it was indeed reality, many members of the neighbourhood broke down into tears at their luck.

Some cried in remembrance of the fallen members of the society that they would never get back.

In this grief, the communities came ever closer, huddling together for comfort.

The neighbourhood dads took out grills and brought meat from the trucks distributing food to the city for free. They heard that Stark was paying for it.

Eventually, the atmosphere turned merrier.

In the presence of food and memories, the people got over their grief and began to look forward to tomorrow.

Eventually, they went home with their bellies full and their hearts lighter.


Such scenes happened across the city.

People realized how close they had come to instant death and for what? 


Many people noticed that the nuke did absolutely nothing to help solve the root of the problem.

After the nuke detonated inside the barriers and reduced nearly everything inside it to ashes, the portal was still open and aliens continued to pour out of it en masse.

Why did the government do it, then?

Such uncomfortable questions were brewing in everybody’s minds.


Such scenes were witnessed all over the city by the Cops and the Firefighters.

The ones with the most thankless jobs.

They had to be on duty even though the thing they wanted to do was go home into the arms of their loved ones.

Especially after their close brush with death.

They were the ones who were especially grateful to the Avengers as without their barriers and medical technology, most of them would not have made it out of this ordeal in one piece.

The same questions were also brewing inside their heads.

The question of whether their government had decided to sacrifice them in a haphazard attempt to kill the aliens, to look useful in the eyes of the public.

In the office of the president of the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, the same questions were taking root.

Finally, with a determined glint in his eye, he went home to his wife and children, vowing to not let anyone who was related to that missile go free.

To hunt down the people who tried to sacrifice his city, his people, and more importantly, his family in a failed attempt.


Come next morning, hordes of people began marching towards the Mayor’s office.

The office was surrounded by the largest Police force gathering in years.

The Mayor, fearing riots, had declared a curfew yet none of the Cops on duty were interested in following the orders more than necessary.

The police chief had given the orders to only maintain non-violence and to let the people of New York ask the questions they rightfully have the right to.

With the amount of people in attendance, the Mayor had to come out to answer their questions.

Soon, a press conference was called.

In the press conference, under pressure, the Mayor promised to personally call the White House and ask for the perpetrators of this heinous crime to be tried with the highest punishment.

The public and the press, both kept repeatedly asking about the terrorist attack after the alien invasion but the Mayor kept deflecting the questions by telling them he was focusing on restoring the city’s functions rather than chasing criminals. 

He repeatedly assured them that the FBI was onto the case.

In an attempt to deflect the attention from the uncomfortable questions being asked, he announced a hefty reward for the individual or the organisation that helped in saving New York City.

The ones who can give any credible information about them will also be rewarded.

He practically fled the press conference after.

The assurances he gave the public, turn out to be true or just empty platitudes, only time will tell.


Word Count - 1169

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