Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #12

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 12

Technomancer in MCU


“They had just tried to escort Dr.Banner out of the tent when I came here to inform you.”

I was already on a run when I heard her say Banner’s name.

I couldn’t understand what was going on in Pierce’s head.

Were they suicidal?


S.H.I.E.L.D. Cordoned-off site (NYC)

–Nick Fury–

I ran as fast as I could to reach the tent where Thor and Banner were staying.

They had refused to part with either the Cube or the sceptre and the less said about Loki, the better.

I was in a rush to meet this Ed so I thought that I would handle that particular issue later on.

After all, none of them were going anywhere without my permission anyway.

Turns out, I was wrong.

Huffing and Puffing, I reach near the area where their tent was installed.

That leg injury was clearly doing me no good.

The area was nearly empty as a precaution in case Banner went green and also because none of the agents wanted to be near Loki or Banner.

Upon getting closer, what I saw nearly made me lose my mind.

All around the tent, in a circular formation were S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers.

They had surrounded the tent in which Banner was present with all of their guns drawn.

These people were going to give me a heart attack at this rate.

As soon as I got into hearing range, I shouted, nearly hysterically, “STAND DOWN!”

“I repeat, STAND DOWN!”

The soldiers looked at each other in confusion upon seeing me, but they didn’t lower my gun, which nearly burst a vein in my forehead.

“Are you all starting a mutiny down here? I will not repeat it again, Stand down!”

This time they lowered their weapons.

But just for precaution, I spoke into my comms.

“Hill, get 2 squads here. Hold these guys and don’t let them go until you have my permission.”

“We need to get to the bottom of this.”

“Roger that, sir.”, she replied dutifully.

Glaring at the soldier that tried to get in my way, I nearly shoved him out of the way and went inside the tent.

The scene that I see inside fills with dread.

Alexander Pierce along with S.T.R.I.K.E. team leader Rumlow is standing in front of Thor, Loki, and Banner.

The worst part of it was that Rumlow was pointing an assault rifle towards them.

I nearly leapt between them.

With my back turned to them, I could still hear Banner heave a quiet sigh of relief at my arrival.

“What are you doing here, Pierce?”, I nearly growled out.

He had the audacity to say, “Doing your job, it would seem.”

“You were under express orders to contain the prisoner Loki and confiscate any 0-8-4s that you come across.”

The scent of ozone in the air was unmistakable, at that statement.

“And yet all I see is your agents collapsing due to exhaustion, Stark being gone from your custody and you gallivanting with the new and might I add, dangerous variable.”

“Someone with the strength to pull the entire world into chaos.”

“So, step aside and let me do my job.”

He tried to step past me but I got in his way.

I glared at him and replied, “ No. You need to understand that you are on thin enough ice as it is.”

“It is my job to handle this and you are overstepping your bounds by doing this.”

He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Step out of the way, Fury. That is an order.”

“If you don’t do so, I will be forced to relieve you of your position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

You don’t have the authority to do that.”, I stated with pure conviction.

The smirk that he sported however sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

“While I might not be able to do that alone, I have the entire council’s approval along with POTUS' confirmation to go ahead and arrest you on the suspicion of collusion with foreign powers who initiated a nuclear terrorist attack on U.S. soil.”

“Need I remind you that is one of the most heinous crimes you can commit, Director.”, he said mockingly.

I gritted my teeth, trying to think of a way to stop Pierce before he triggers Banner while not losing my position.

It would be a huge blow to the Avengers and their overall agenda.

Not finding anything, I was about to just warn Thor and Banner to take everything and run away, an unfamiliar voice spoke.

“Well Well Well. If it isn’t Secretary Pierce. While I would love to listen to how you have all the authority in the world to do what you want, I am not interested. So..”, spoke Alfred.

He was a projection, seemingly coming from Loki’s prison disc that they still hadn’t managed to remove.

He then continued, gesturing towards the cases containing the cube and the sceptre, “You can have the sceptre. Remember, you meaning S.H.I.E.L.D. can have that.”

A light construct comes from the disc and lifts the case containing the sceptre and hands it to me.

Pierce spoke, “You can’t do that. We are going to confiscate it and the cube for safekeeping.”

Alfred then tauntingly spoke, “Oh yeah? Who’s gonna stop me?”

“Your goons behind you?”, he mockingly said and then waved his hands.

Another light construct came from the disc and created a cube around them, trapping Pierce with them.

He could see Rumlow banging on the barrier and failing that, even shooting bullets at it but it didn't even flicker.

“Some variation of that huge shield they used outside?”, I thought in my mind.

“Listen to me because I won’t repeat anything. The cube is going with Thor as it needed to get him home and rebuild a critical piece of their infrastructure. Loki is an Asgardian Prince. He was declared dead, not exiled.”

“So, he is so far out of your jurisdiction it’s not even funny.”

“Be thankful you are at least getting something out of this deal.”

Pierce tried everything he could to regain control of the situation but Alfred kept reminding him of the simple matter of fact.

They had more power than S.H.I.E.L.D.

He even threatened Alfred, to which I had to smother a laugh because that motherfucker was not going to be cowed by anyone or anything we threw at him.

After a while of back and forth where Pierce continued to desperately stand his ground and refused to accept the situation as it was, Alfred sighed.

He seemingly gave up on convincing Pierce and displayed a screen right next to Pierce’s eyes.

It was too small for me to read but I could make out a globe and multiple red dots, probably signaling locations for something.

I don’t know what was on that map but upon seeing it, Pierce’s face rapidly paled.

He looked as if he had seen a ghost. He stumbled back two steps in shock.

I was curious as to what had happened and took a step closer for a better look but Alfred closed the display before that.

I gave him a look but he just deadpanned back at me, not budging an inch.

“Ahem, In light of recent findings, Fury, you can keep your job.”

“Make sure that the sceptre is safely stored and the two Asgardian princes are safely transported to their home.”

“Dr.Banner, I am sorry if my actions made you feel uncomfortable but please do think about all the innocents nearby that will be hurt if you do transform.”

He nodded at everyone and left along with the S.T.R.I.K.E. team.

Everyone looked incredulously at him as he nearly fled the tent, shocked at the sudden switch of his personality.

“What did you show him that made him back off?”, Banner asked Alfred softly.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.”, Alfred replied.

“I need to leave now. This drama is just so exhausting.”, he yawned.

Everyone stared at him.

“Sheesh, tough crowd.”, he sheepishly said.

“Fury, take care of the sceptre. Mind control instruments entrusted into the hands of an obscure extra-government agency doesn’t have good optics anyway but if the public finds out that you somehow lost it, well, you can imagine the rest.”, he added and then the projection disappeared from the disc it came from.

Loki looked repulsed at the thought of Alfred coming out of the disc that was attached so closely to his body.

“I am sorry for that. Don’t worry, we will do everything in our power to get you both home.”, I apologized to Thor.

He waved it off.

Loki snorted with a look of scorn at the mention of home.

Hill came into the tent after that and said, “Sir! Widow and Hawkeye have regained consciousness and are being prepped for debrief.”

“Excellent. Let’s go.”, I nodded back at her.


Word Count - 1538

Next Chapter - Doctor’s POV

Next Next Chapter - Shocking Debrief

A/N : My longest single chapter yet. :)

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