Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #92

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 92

Technomancer in MCU



Tch. He had forgotten about the Dark Elves.

Standing on the raised platform that Alfred had conjured, he took stock of the situation and saw that despite being caught off-guard, most of Asgard’s population seemed to be doing fine with the invasion.

It would seem that there were robust protocols in place in case something like this happened. Of course, he could see Loki’s magical signature being tracked by Alfred on their shared HUD and what he was doing was very confusing for him.

From time to time, in the sea of darkness, there would be flashes of green whenever a Dark Elf got too close to civilian lines, and after the green flash was gone, there would only be dead bodies of Dark Elves strewn around. The citizens too now looked at Loki with a much more favourable gaze than he had expected along with Loki’s newfound concern for the powerless (According to him).

Something had happened to Loki in Asgard that had changed him on such a fundamental level and he did not like it. It was disturbing to see so much character development in such a short period of time, especially when it came to long-lived races like the Asgardians.

Nevertheless, that was a topic for another time. Preferably after the Dark Elves are properly driven to extinction this time.

“Alfred, any luck cracking their encryption codes?” He asked while he sat on the platform because his new body would not be able to help in the situation, at all. He was also worried about the inexplicable absence of Toby on a raging battlefield.

That was very much unlike him. Last he had heard, all of them were getting ready for the banquet with the mandatory dresses that were provided to them by Frigga and nobody had wanted to argue with her on that topic since it seemed that she had made up her mind and if there was one thing he knew about Frigga then it was her absolute determination when it came to something she liked. He knew not even Odin himself would be able to recuse himself from wearing something his wife chose for him, all-powerful King of Asgard or not.

“No, their shields are bizarre. It was as if they wrote the code using the Reality Stone as the compile engine. The code keeps shifting and adapting to anything I throw at it. If it was not a battle, I would have loved to study that piece of code. Alas, it is bound to destroy anything that it comes in contact with due to its very nat-Ugh”

Alfred grunted as the shield bore the brunt of the darkness attack one more time, tiny cracks showing up on them that were healed nearly immediately but he could see the strain it was putting Afred under because in his HUD, he could see his energy levels and they were not looking good. Sooner or later they would have to prioritise a single section of the Palace instead of covering it in an omnidirectional shield. That was why he was waiting for Toby to show up since, even with his depowered form due to him bearing the strain of keeping Ed alive, he could probably slaughter all of them, the same as Odin.

“Alfred, where is everybody?” he asked as the wave of darkness came alarmingly close to breaking the barrier, Alfred’s energy reserves taking another dip due to it.

Thor was doing an admirable job destroying any stragglers that the main ships seemed to shit out every once in a while but with his current strength, he was unable to shatter the barriers that surrounded the ships which was not his fault since he could see that all of them seemed to be in a shield formation of sorts, just like they did back in New York during the Chitauri Invasion, and he knew from experience just how compounded the effect was when it came to force field generators.

Loki was killing off any Dark Elf on the ground level, with unbelievable grace and efficiency, almost like a perfect assassin. This was not in his skill set the last time they met or at least not something that he liked to use in battles. Something was seriously wrong with how Loki was acting.

Anyway, moving on, why have none of the three absolute powerhouses (Odin, Frigga, and Toby) moved since the palace has come under attack?

*Sigh*..he felt so useless. He didn’t even have most of his emergency tech on hand since he built that with so many stupid authentication procedures that if he were to use it now, it would more likely kill him than the other guy he was trying to kill.

“Alfred, any update on Odin?”

“He is currently in the Royal Healing Chamber with Jane Foster, both of whom are shrouded in an energy cloak so thick that even the ships in front of us would not be able to breach it. Toby and Frigga are nowhere to be found but I have found a barrier around Toby’s assigned quarters that has stopped all of my attempts at finding out what’s going on inside.” Alfred rapidly fired at him.

He was also trying to see if any of his spell combos worked or not since all of the spells he was able to send through the shield seemed to bounce right off the shield, without it even registering as threats to the Dark Elves and all the spells that have the right firepower behind them require time to prepare, a luxury they don’t have at the moment.

An ominous creaking noise brought his attention back to the ships and as if all of them seemed to have lost their patience, 3 identical cannons came out of the ship’s bellies, aimed directly at Alfred and consequently, him.

The cannons glowed an ominous red, possibly built using the Aether. The power buildup he was seeing on his HUD was unreal. This level of energy being gathered in a single item without it blowing up should only be possible using the cheating abilities of an Infinity Stone.

“Uh, Alfred, I think we should change our position to any place else?” he asked while bracing for impact since he knew Alfred would take this as a personal challenge to his Mystic skills if nothing else. Especially since the entire Palace had since been evacuated and the only ones inside were able to easily protect themselves from an attack that would most probably be weakened immensely after going through Alfred’s shields.

It will go through Alfred’s shields because he had seen the energy output it takes to break Alfred’s dimensional energy shields and this was far above that.

“Not now, Old man. I’m in the middle of something,” Saying so, the platform they were standing on, was fractured in two and he was literally sent away to the Palace, as if he were some helpless civilian that Alfred needed to protect.

Oh, this was infuriating!

A low whining sound brought his attention back to Alfred’s shields as the absolutely gargantuan shield that covered the Palace now began to gain a golden-greenish tint to it, signifying the activation of one of Alfred’s patented spells.

Well, as much as you could patent a spell in the Mystic World.

The stragglers, as if sensing the danger of Alfred’s spell, began converging around the barrier and attacking it, increasing the strain on the shield and subsequently, Alfred.

Almost as if it was choreographed, the cannons’ glow and Alfred’s shields reached a crescendo at the same time.

With a final roar, the magic circle that had manifested in front of Alfred was completed and the shield flashed a brilliant white that soon began to take a red tint as the spell began absorbing the energy fired by the cannon.

The platform beneath him fizzled out of existence as all of Alfred’s energy went into maintaining the shield spell.

“Will it hold?” he asked a thoroughly exhausted Alfred as he used his repulsors to stay afloat instead of flexing his natural mystical control over the local environment’s magic.

Alfred didn’t need to answer because soon, they were bathed in a red glow as the once pristine white shield was now entirely red.

Alfred sighed and snapped his fingers, causing the shield to break apart and the beams of energy to head directly towards the Palace’s pristine golden walls.

“Welp, we did all we could. The rest is in Odin’s hands, I guess?” He quipped even though internally, he was worried about how this could reflect in any agreement they might make with Asgard in regards to healing him or bilateral protection agreements.

Smaller shields flared up to halt the energy beam but they broke apart like glass upon contact. They must have been a part of the secondary defense system.

The attack had almost reached the palace when a blazing fire broke out of the palace and pounced on the wave of darkness, consuming it entirely.

Silence reigned on the battlefield as Toby came out of the melted palace walls, clad in his signature clothing, hellfire burning all around him which warped the sheer air around him. Frigga took calm steps beside him, unfazed by all the heat that Toby was generating.

“Get off my lawn!” Toby smirked and sent out concentrated blasts of hellfire at the three large T-shaped ships. Sensing the imminent threat that Toby’s attacks represented, their shields disengaged and as if a lock had been opened, the ships disentangled from each other and began fleeing in different directions, throwing stragglers behind them in the way of the hellfire attack, hoping to gain some time before they can flee.

They probably were counting on their otherworldly stealth systems to flee from Asgard since nobody was able to sense them coming to Asgard in those ships and if they were built with the help of the Reality Stone, they probably were capable of masking their presence from even the best of the watchers in the universe, just like they hid from Heimdall.

“Not on my watch,” Toby growled and as if a brake had been applied, all of the three ships halted in place. He could see their jets burning with ever-increasing intensity, even turning red due to the strain but the ships never moved an inch.

He looked at Toby and then his shadow and realised what he had done. Apparently, Toby was able to “lock” on their shadow, for lack of a better term, and hold them there using his extreme darkness affinity.

“I have a new trick I want you guys to see,” Toby said to them before the hellfire that was shrouding his form concentrated around his hand before he thrust them down. The flames burst into his shadow as if it was a portal and their destination was the shadows of the three ships.

Immediately, the shields on those ships activated, however flimsy they might be, in an effort to combat the onslaught of the hellfire that was now on their ship and eating through it.

Even from this far away, he could hear the screams of the dying Dark Elves before two of the ships burst apart in the center and 4 huge Dark Elves came barreling straight towards Toby, while the third ship began trying to get away.

That ship was the one that probably housed Malekith.

“Allow me,” Frigga said before she stepped in front of Toby and simply waved her hands, a burst of yellow wave coming out of her hand and hitting all of the Accursed Dark Elf warriors. All of them stiffened midway and by the time they crashed in front of Frigga, they were not alive anymore and soon turned into ashes.

He shuddered as he saw the aftermath of her spell. She was never really that powerful in the MCU or was she simply not using her powers?

Even Toby seemed shocked even though he hid his reaction very well.

“Time to end this,” With another mental flex, hellfire burst from the third ship as well and all of them could hear Malekith’s screams as he and his entire ship turned to ash.

And so it would seem that the Dark Elves were truly extinct now.


Word Count - 2070

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

P.S. - Sorry for the late release. I was a little busy with bank chores. 


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