Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #93

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 93

Technomancer in MCU

Kamar Taj, Earth

–Alfred (Partition) –

Looking at the dozens of people he had gathered from the different corners of the Earth, Alfred (Partition) nodded in acceptance. He could see that all of them had gotten the hang of manipulating dimensional energy and molding the energy into constructs for various utilitarian purposes, such as whips, pans, and even bats for playing sports.

Yeah, his training methods were a bit unorthodox as most of the Masters would agree but the end results of the aforementioned training left the same Masters grumbling in reluctant acceptance.

It didn’t help that he had broken a tradition of sorts and had taken all of the 30 initiates he had found under his personal tutelage. Traditionally, the Sorcerer Supreme was not supposed to take so many personal students at once. Being taken under the direct wings of THE Sorcerer Supreme meant that you were taken into consideration for becoming the next Sorcerer Supreme, barring exceptional circumstances, of course.

Suffice it to say, he had been grumbled at multiple times during all of his meetings when he had declared the intent to groom the entirety of the next batch of initiates, especially since the last attack on Kamar Taj had left its forces short by a margin that had not been seen since the time The Ancient One took charge.

A short cough brought his attention back to his surroundings, even though he was never really unaware of his surroundings, he just liked to dump those background sensory tasks on a secondary(or tertiary?) partition that he created for menial tasks like listening in on background noise or maintaining spatial awareness.

“How long are you going to stay there and keep the other Masters waiting, Sorcerer Supreme?” He could literally feel the sarcasm dripping from Wong’s tone even though his tone remained flat, for all intents and purposes.


“Master Wong, how many times have I told you? You can just call me Alfred,” He turned around and smirked at Wong as he said that. 

The timing of his smirk was well placed because, according to his partition that was responsible for 360-degree awareness, the moment he turned his back on them, all of the initiates abandoned the strict-looking training they were doing and had conjured up swords, shields, batons, and what not to strike at each and everybody in their sights.

It didn’t help that some of them had gotten really creative with their uses and now were able to create “blasts” with just pure dimensional energy which was just a creative way of expanding their conjurations with extreme force. Then due to the size of the conjurations, there was now an orange afterglow that could easily be seen on Wong’s face.

His smirk threatened to turn into full-blown laughter when he saw the twitching of Wong’s eyebrows. 

Ah, how he loved teasing all the Masters that were a part of Kamar Taj. It helped that, even in this diminished state, he was stronger than almost all of them put together and they had witnessed that multiple times in the short time he had been Sorcerer Supreme, allowing him to do as he pleased even when he could visibly see their reluctance with a particular decision of his.

When the twitching vein on Wong’s face looked like it would burst, he said, “Fine. You know you are no fun, Master Wong. I will be there in a few minutes. Alright?” 

There seemed to have been a winner in the fight going on behind him because the orange glow on Wong’s face had died down, returning their surroundings back to the semi-dark environment that Kamar Taj was known for.

“Very well, we will all be waiting for the big announcement that you were supposed to do today. Just for the next time, there is an emergency, 

Master Wong nodded and left, not even bowing for the sake of it.


It would seem that even the people who had initially supported his position as Sorcerer Supreme due to the direct say-so of the Ancient One had begun having second thoughts.

Well, time to extinguish those thoughts then. 

But first, he had some unruly brats to discipline.

Turning around, he was greeted by the sight of Aditi, the youngest of the new batch, standing on top of a floating platform, holding a conjured orange sword high up in the air, smirking at him triumphantly.

He smiled indulgently at her as Aditi lowered the platform she had conjured for herself and then jumped back down on the ground amidst a sea of groans of pain. He could even see a couple of them unconscious.

Internally, he was loathe to punish Aditi for doing exactly what Sorcerers were supposed to do, become the strongest version of themselves, but, doing so by beating up their peers was not exactly a practice that he would call acceptable, even back in the Ascendancy combat halls.

So, “-Why exactly are you smiling, Aditi?” 

Aditi’s smile faded as she looked at you in confusion. Her confusion was warranted since she had heard multiple stories of him defeating every single Master present in Kamar Taj single-handedly, without even moving from his place.

“Do you feel proud?” He said as he started walking towards them, walking on the very air.

“Feel proud defeating a bunch of weaklings?” He said as a ball of orange light was conjured right on top of the defeated group by him.

All the initiates that were now awake, including Aditi, were looking at him and the overhanging orange ball in the air, with wariness. Unsurprising since this was the first time he had conversed with them in this tone.

“Because that is what you all are, a bunch of weaklings,” Alfred (Partition) said as the dense ball of conjured dimensional energy was unceremoniously dropped on top of them.

They screamed and tried to cover their heads with their hands while some had the foresight to try to conjure barriers, including Aditi, but all of them were surprised to see that the ball of light didn’t hit them like a solid. Instead, it burst like a ball of water and covered all of them in a thick orange slurry.

None of them could do anything to resist because of how fast things happened but soon enough, all of them were now awake and standing after being healed by his spell that he had discretely enchanted onto the ball of dimensional energy.

“Get in formation, will you?” He commanded even as he felt the rising discontent within the meeting chamber where all the Masters except the Sanctum Heads had gathered.

“Now, with the way you all have been practicing with all the freedom I have given you, I think we need to have an exam of sorts. Since all this freedom has been getting to your head a bit lately, we will now be having a joint battle simulation with the trainees at Ascendancy.”

Everybody looked at him in surprise and awe since most of them were always talking about going to the moon base of Ascendancy.

Only Aditi was the one looking at him with increased wariness. Something that would make sense since she was the only one who had approached him about the different training methods that he employed in Ascendancy to train literal heroes and since she wanted to become one when she grew up, she had been trying to emulate the standard training regimen that every Ascendancy member followed.

Of course, she could not follow it perfectly since she was not enhanced up to the standards and also did not have access to the same CHI solution that the organisation had. Something that would soon be rectified once he had everything sorted out in the meeting that he had called with the other Masters.

A meeting he was very much late for.

Keeping that in mind, he said, “Guys, I hope you will perform better than today because the trainees there are a lot stronger than Aditi. Hell, some of the top students that graduated from there had gone on to form a team within the organisation that could collectively threaten even the Hulk or even Thor.”

Before they could bombard him with any more questions, he snapped his fingers and left the area, teleporting directly into the meeting chamber.


Most of the Masters who were not yet acquainted with his unique brand of working, gasped and leaned away from the center of the chamber as he floated there effortlessly. It didn’t help that he exerted an invisible pressure just by virtue of being as mystically attuned as his new body was. It couldn't be felt by most people as they were not touched by dimensional energy but by the people present inside the room? It was as if there was a pressure pressing down on their entire body from all sides.

“Ladies, Gentlemen and otherworlders-” It was important to acknowledge the lone Sorcerer Skrull in the Masters’ Council, “-As stated in the missives, I have an announcement to make,”

Most of the Masters scoffed in indignation since his “missive”, as he called it, was just a scroll that appeared directly in front of them, at midnight, according to their respective timezones. He had done that in hopes that they would recognize his ability to perform delicate spells but it just ended up offending most of them since it rattled them to their core, especially because of the recent attack on Kamar Taj.

It was his fault but he was not about to apologize for them being jumpy.

“As you may or may not know, I have been a founding member of the organisation known as “Ascendancy”. At Ascendancy, we have groomed and nurtured multiple S-tier powerhouses that have been instrumental in saving the planet from multiple threats that you all obviously know all about. If you are unaware of it, there will not be a kiosk installed outside the entrance of the library that would answer any questions you might have or you could just log in using your Alfred GPT account and ask your questions there, I have made sure that you all have the necessary clearances.”

There was a loud row of whispers in the chamber as they all clamored about tradition, him being a complete unknown to most of them, his tradition-breaking policies, and how he had no respect for his elders. He just smiled and kept his hands behind his back, waiting for them to stop talking to each other in hush tones.

When it seemed that they would not be stopping anytime soon, he floated above their seats and let go of the tight leash he kept on his mystical presence.

The very air in the chamber crackled as the air became heavy to breathe in. His presence towered over all of the Masters present in the room as they all looked up at his unsmiling visage floating high above them.

Most of them tried to do something to reduce the pressure on them but whatever mystical methods they tried to perform, failed in the face of his disrupting presence.

If he so-willed, he could stop any sorcerer weaker than him from molding dimensional energy in his presence. Such was his strength now that he had gotten his new body made in accordance with his needs.

With his mastery in runes, he could probably just seal someone’s mystical ability outright permanently. Something that he would employ in the near future against Mordo if he turned out the way he did in the future that the Ancient One foresaw.

“Alright, Enough!” Master Albert, one of the three eldest Masters of Kamar Taj shouted. 

He stopped and floated back down in the chamber in respect of his words. He was one of the rare few Research-oriented Masters left who mostly kept to himself but was probably the most dangerous of the lot due to his inherent understanding of the old spells that Kamar Taj had. He had read some of his research that allowed him to cast partial Asgardian spells in exchange for extreme amounts of dimensional energy, allowing him to not lose his life force in a single spell. It was an extremely promising field that he had pioneered all by himself.

“Enough, we will listen to you. It is clear we have no option other than listening to you and I for one, am tired of all the constant bickering that goes on in the background, especially after the Sorcerer Supreme had already proven himself to be the best fit for the job. I don’t know about you all but I have better things to do than be dragged here for every small decision that the Sorcerer Supreme cannot take officially due to your grumblings. Wake up, he is going to do what he wants anyway so why bother?”

Saying so, he scoffed at everyone and just walked out of the chamber, none of the people present had the courage to stop him.

“So,” Everybody looked at him as he said, “Shall we begin?” He continued with a smirk on his face as the sound of the doors closing could be heard.


Word Count - 2215

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

Thank you for reading!



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