Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #96

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Chapter 96

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Healer’s Chamber, Asgard

–Odin Borson–

He had never actually expected his father to leave behind an imprint of sorts that could be activated with the help of the Odin Force. It was doubly shocking since it was kept sealed near the hiding place of arguably the most dangerous Infinity Stone out there. 

Growing up, he had seen that while his father did have a commendable grasp on the arts of seidr, he more often than not preferred to use his sheer physical might, and his Godhood granted Domain to slay his enemies, something that Thor did today. He would have never expected his father to have both the foresight and magical capability necessary to leave behind an imprint, especially since he was aware of the unexpected nature of his death. This level of planning meant that he might have been more aware of his upcoming death than most people believed him to be.

He loved his father, no matter how many flaws he had. So, when he sensed that the energy imprint of his father that was somehow inside that mortal Jane Foster’s body had some sort of message as well, he had to go and check it. He was sure that his sons, with the help of the singularity, would be more than enough to handle anything that could invade Asgard. If not, Frigga was there for any emergency anyway.

Thinking so, he allowed for the mental imprint to connect with his mindscape, fully aware that it could be a trap thus he left behind a warning message that only Frigga could decipher so she knew what to do if he remained under the energy’s influence for too long.

–Frigga Freysdottir–

She landed gracefully on the balcony nearest to the Royal Healing chamber and looked behind to see all the other members landing using their various methods. 

The Guardian of the Singularity, Alfred, was able to command the surrounding ambient energy effortlessly to his will. His command of the mystic forces truly was on a whole other level. While he lacked the sheer repertoire of ancient magic that she herself possessed that gave her the title of the most dangerous Witch of Asgard, Alfred’s control was such that even without knowing the spells, he would be able to replicate the effects of those spells eventually. The less spoken about his talent in runes, the better. She had never thought that anybody could approach the level of her husband when it came to runes without the interference of Yggdrassil but Alfred proved her wrong. As he was now, he was just on the threshold of becoming as proficient as her husband in the subject of runes and once he was able to decode the Dark Elven technology, he would most probably attain Odin’s level.

The demonhost, Toby, on the other hand, was someone who she had never thought she would see ever in her remaining life. His kind had long since disappeared from the known universe and while he himself displayed powers that would have placed himself at the top of the echelon, his mental state left much to be desired.

And the Elephant in the room, The Singularity itself, Ed. Honestly, she didn’t know why Odin along with all the older mystically attuned species made such a big deal about the Singularity arriving in their universe until she came face to face with him or rather, his extraordinary soul. 

She had to hand it to Toby, shouldering the weight of such a heavy soul probably made him lose the majority of his powers.

The Singularity’s soul shone with something otherworldly. It shined almost like a beacon. Like it was signalling for something that was on its way and the Singularity’s soul was like a lighthouse showing it the way.

She didn’t know what was going to happen to the universe but she had been forewarned by her ancestors that Ed was going to be the center of it all.

Her mind ran a million miles a second as they arrived at the entrance of the Healer’s chamber. The entire palace had long been evacuated due to the sudden attack so there was nary a soul in the entire palace.

Not even her husband’s personal guards had stayed behind, probably due to Eir’s harsh commands otherwise they wouldn't have budged even if Thor himself had ordered them to move from their King’s side as they considered it their birthright and honor to die defending their King. 

It was considered the highest of honors for an Einherjar to die defending his King.

All of them stopped right in their tracks once she sensed Odin’s energy around the boundary of the room, acting as a beacon for him. She also noticed a spell cast over the invisible barrier of the room.

She took a step forward and placed her open palm over seemingly thin air but as soon as her hand made contact, a golden barrier became visible to everyone. Swiftly unraveling it, she decoded the message Odin had left for her.

Her brows furrowed as she read the bizarre message that was encoded for her.

“In Contact with Bor’s remaining will? Brace for mental impact? What is that supposed to mean?”

Her neck snapped towards Alfred as he looked at a magic circle that was slowly unraveling itself on his left palm, having decoded her husband’s message effortlessly. Truly, having him as their ally would be the best choice her husband would make today.

Sighing, she flicked the message spell away, Alfred followed suit out of respect. “Unfortunately, that is between me and my husband. Now, I suggest we go in and see what exactly is happening.”

Everyone nodded and followed her as they came upon a truly bizarre scene.

Odin was covered in his Odin Force shroud which she could sense halfway across Asgard if need be because of the sheer energy output of that monstrous cloak. His left arm was making contact with Jane Foster’s arm. The point where Odin’s finger was making contact was a strange pulsating mixture of Golden and Dark Reddish energy that seemed to pull and push each other periodically.

The most horrible of all was the scene of Jane Foster bleeding from all her orifices as whatever was happening with Odin was wreaking havoc inside her body. 

The telltale signs of thunder arriving gave her just enough time to cast a spell that would disrupt whatever connection Odin had with the Golden energy that Jane housed. Many would have called her foolish for risking her husband’s, King Odin’s, health for some mortal but she was smart enough to realise that her husband would never stay in such a compromising position for long, even if it was his father’s last message.

There must have been something Odin felt that was wrong otherwise he would not have felt the need to leave behind a message specifically for her.

“Jane!” Right as Thor came barreling through one of the intact walls, the spell took effect and a Golden light shone through the room while an overwhelmingly dark wave of magic was released through the ground, withering the stone marble of the palace within seconds.

Marble that was steeped in so much magic that not even Thor hitting it with all his force could have broken it, withered by the sheer presence of the dark magic.

Before she could do anything to heal Jane, Alfred stepped forward and emptied a bottle of a golden glowing liquid right into Jane’s open mouth. The mouth which was bleeding just like her entire body.

Soon, a sizzling sound could be heard as Jane’s entire body seemingly healed itself nearly instantly due to the effect of whatever it was that Alfred gave her. 

She smiled as she felt the overwhelming relief and gratitude that poured out of Thor and as she was about to do something about the wave of dark magic since it was starting to actually bother her now, Alfred mumbled something under his breath before his entire body was covered in a thin white sheet of white magic. A magic that she was very familiar with.

The White Magic of the Vishanti. It would seem that Alfred was going to be the new Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.

She smiled upon sensing Loki’s presence in the room with him discreetly casting spells to ascertain Odin’s condition even though to people like her, Toby, and Alfred, it was as if he was standing in pitch black darkness waving a flashlight in his hand.

Before anybody could say anything though, Alfred opened up a portal on his right, and a small spider-like bot shot out of it and ended up floating right on top of Odin’s head.

“Oh, yeah. I know about them. They are the healing masters of Midgard,” Thor mumbled to the room even as more of the spiderlings shot out of the portal and began surrounding her husband.

She would have protested and she was pretty sure that Eir would have raised hell by now but she could sense concentrated life force in all of the spiderlings in front of her. What Alfred gave Jane was probably the most concentrated life force extract he could make and the machines in front of her would bathe her husband in concentrated life force for better recovery.

“While so much CHI can be fatal to humans, for Asgardians? It’s like a slightly bigger than normal meal.” Alfred explained to the room, his eyes glazing over the corner of the room where Loki was hiding from everyone.

‘I am sensing a bit of backlash on his body. Probably due to the spell interference or was it something else?” Alfred asked her as multiple magical rings appeared around Odin, showcasing multiple advanced diagnostics that not even their best Soul Forge could find.

Truly, Eir would be equal parts outraged and equal parts fascinated with what was happening in her chambers. Allowing Odin to be healed by people who were basically outsiders was grounds for treason but she knew better than most, at what level Alfred had reached when it came to healing.

‘After all,’ she thought while glancing at the puppet Ed was inhabiting, ‘Alfred probably had to heal Ed hundreds of times in the little time they have been together.’

“Mother! What happened to Father? A-And Jane?” Thor boomed as he marched towards the concentric rings that surrounded the forms of Jane and Odin, concern etched on his face.

She explained, “Nothing to worry about, dear. We will figure out some other way to make sure Jane is fine and your Father is fine as well.”

“Yeah, it will take more than that for that old man to fall. We still have yet to fight to our heart’s content. After all, he is the only one who can challenge me.” Toby interjected without even thinking about what was coming out of his mouth.

She sighed internally. Childrens. Everyone.

Just then, a squad of Einherjar tore through the remaining walls using their enchanted weaponry and surrounded them with their weapons drawn in hostility. She audibly sighed at their stupidity as well.

Once they recognised who was in the room though, they hastily bowed and kneeled.

“My Queen, what happened here?” One of the soldiers asked but before she could respond,

“What the hell is going on here?” 

Eir had arrived.

The moment she arrived and spotted the magic being used on Odin, her eyes widened as she all but screamed at them.

“By Odin’s beard, what sort of untested magic is being used on my King in my chambers?!

Frigga winced internally. This was going to take such a long time to sort out.


Word Count - 1969

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