Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #95

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 95

Technomancer in MCU


“I need better training than everybody,” Aditi pouted at Alfred(Partition).

“Huh?” Was his only response.

Kamar Taj, Earth 

–Alfred (Partition) –

What did this girl eat for her to get so much energy? He knew that it was partly due to her physique but the effect of that must have been mitigated by the weighted bands he had her wear all the time. He knew from the beginning that she would be a heavyweight in the physique department so he had her handicapped right from the beginning so the rest of her peers don’t feel overwhelmed but the development he was seeing here was phenomenal.

It made him think about something he had gleaned from Ed’s memories. 

Humanity’s DNA is the most malleable DNA in the entirety of the universe. Human DNA could probably be sliced with most of the DNA in the universe and the end result had a very high chance of being a better product than the two source materials.

Case in point.

Aditi had the DNA of three different species of varying intensity. For all intents and purposes, she should have been a walking talking mass of cancer yet here she was, a perfectly functioning, if a bit hyperactive, person with extraordinary powers that neither Kree nor the Demon could have expected her to have.

He mused that the Kree would even kidnap her to study her in hopes of accelerating their evolution to the next stage since they have been stagnant in their evolutionary stages for a long time now and that has been a problem for their Supreme Intelligence (Just thinking that makes Alfred nauseous because that is not a very intelligent AI, in his opinion) had been trying to solve longer than countries have existed on Earth. That was also the primary reason they have been trying to go after Captain Marvel, in hopes that studying her genetic material could allow them to evolve their species to the next level.

“Alfred…..ALFRED!” Aditi shouted at him to gain his attention back to her. This has been a problem that he was going to report to the main partition once he came back from his stint in Asgard. Any partitioned copy contained almost all the knowledge of the main one but not the overwhelming processing capability that came with it.

It was almost as if there was a lag, a latency issue if you will, that came with creating a partition. He(Partition) had access to information but not the sheer processing power thus he(Partition) always found himself going on tangents that had little correlation to his original thoughts.

“Yes? What were you saying?” He asked Aditi, acting as if the earlier distraction was fake.

Aditi pouted which was weird since she was almost 19 years old now, “You always say that I have the potential to become one of the strongest, and yet when I defeated everyone else, you berated me. That was not cool,”

“Hmm, I see. You are upset about that. Well, Aditi, strength is good, very good in fact. Strength will allow you to make sure that you don’t have to do something you don’t want to. This universe is a very treacherous place and without strength, you will always have to rely on the strong ones and listen to them.”

Aditi made a face at that. Understandable since she wouldn’t listen to anyone but her mother, on whose insistence she came here.

“Right, I know you would not like that at all so you need to be strong but on the other hand, as a strong person, you get certain responsibilities as well.”

She made a grimace at that as well. Well, young people and all that.

“Now, don’t make a fact at that. Responsibilities come part and parcel with Strength. As someone might or might not say in the future, With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.”

As soon as he said those words, something changed in the air. Aditi’s hari started standing up due to the static build-up. He looked around and conjured a shield around Aditi and got ready to sound the alarm for hostile entry when he heard a giggle behind him and then the presence disappeared as if it never existed at all.

He slowly looked behind him only to see a small pug that was now standing on Aditi’s chest as she lay flat on the ground.

His eyes narrowed as he immediately cast a multitude of spells on both the puppy and Aditi to see what was happening but he could spot no spell residue on either of them that could indicate spatial movement.

“Take care of him for me,” He whipped around, his entire body lit up with magic circles ready to unleash hell on whoever it was only to see nothing, feel nothing in the immediate surroundings.

Hearing another fit of giggles from Aditi followed by cooing noises, he rolled his eyes and turned around to see her playing with the Pug in a Spiderman costume.

That was odd.


She looked up at him, pausing briefly from playing with her new pet. “Yes?”

“You want to keep him?” Alfred(Partition) said while gesturing to the Pug.

“Yes,” Aditi said while snuggling the sniffing dog closer to her chest.

He sighed internally at that. He could not take it away from her now. Not after he could see her clearly being attached to it. Well, then he would have to use it for something that would be useful to both of them.

So, he made a show of thinking and said, “Very well. You can keep him,” Aditi’s celebrations were cut short as he continued, “but you have to take a mandatory course on the Ascendancy. Yes, it is about your powers and how to use them responsibly.”

“Yay!” Aditi said while going back to her pug.

“As for the training you requested.”

Seeing that he had her attention, he continued, “I will increase the weights you have to wear along with weaving another spell in them that will try to create disruptions when you try to mold dimensional energy. That should help you reach optimal control. Got it?”

Aditi, the training freak that she was, said, “Yes!”

And then promptly bounced away, chattering excitedly with her pug, totally forgetting that he was supposed to cast the spells before she went away.

He snapped his fingers as Aditi’s bouncing form stopped midway as she must have sensed the spells being cast on her weights. Then, after taking a moment’s pause, Aditi shrugged and went on her way.

He sighed dramatically and cursed the main partition that tasked him with this. Unlike other power systems, he didn’t even have the choice of dispelling himself, and his body was way too hardy to be destroyed by some passerby.

The Royal Palace, Asgard


Well, that was anticlimactic.

He had not expected Toby to just come out and unleash hellfire in the middle of the battle. That stuff was dangerous even for Asgardians.

Thankfully, Frigga had both the mind and the capacity to safely contain the fire before banishing it away since Toby did not. His solution to that was just to let it “burn itself out”.

The weird thing was that Odin himself had not come out yet.

“Are you alright?” He asked Alfred once the area had been cleared of all rubble from both the Palace and the ships that the Dark Elves had brought with them. Alfred, in particular, was very much curious about the code that was on the ships as it seemed to have been made with the help of the Reality Stone, making it unique in the entire universe.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Being in an energy-rich environment like Asgard helps a lot,” Alfred said while casting some spells on the nearby rubble he had salvaged, hoping to gain something out of it.

“Where is Odin anyway?” He asked Alfred, hoping that his superbody’s senses would have an accurate answer for once.

“He is in the healer’s chamber with Jane. Something happened with the Reality Stone and he is in there doing something. I have no idea what it is because the sheer amount of Odin Force in that chamber makes it impossible for any spells to work.”

“It would seem we can only wait for my husband to come out then,” Frigga said while she was casting her own spells.

“Can I go and check?” Toby, the resident fire-slinging powerhouse asked.

“NO!” To which he got a resounding no from all three of the other people present.

Loki had snuck out of the battlefield who knows when and Thor had gone ahead to check up on his Father even though everybody present knew that he was only concerned about Jane.

Speaking of Loki, he had to know what had happened to him in Asgard. Between the two odd years that he had seen him in New York, Loki’s behaviour had changed completely. Not just that but the people of Asgard too looked differently at Loki somehow.

That was something that did not happen at all. Even when Loki died, he did not get the same amount of love and respect that Thor did, despite arguably sacrificing the same or more than Thor, for Asgard.

He was about to ask Frigga about it but Alfred’s gasp took everybody’s attention at the same time.

“What is it?” Toby asked in an uncharacteristically serious voice.

Alfred paused a bit before replying, “It is about the Infinity Stones.”

He looked at Alfred in confusion. Why would he mention the Infinity Stones when we already knew the approximate locations of every Stone out there?

“What about them?” Frigga asked.

“The Aether is the Reality Stone.”

Frigga nodded, unsurprised. Ofcourse, it would make sense that Asgard knew about their enemies’ weapons but he didn’t expect records to exist that Frigga could have read through.

Alfred then continued. “Malekith knew that there was a chance he would not be able to get the Reality Stone from Odin’s hands and in that case, he had preprogrammed a message that was to be broadcasted to all bounty hunters throughout the galaxy.”

His eyes widened in alarm at the piece of information. Damn it!

There was a reason that even Odin didn’t keep an Infinity Stone on Asgard. They attracted the wrong kind of attention and while he himself was more than confident about keeping them hidden, he was not so sure about defending them from an unending stream of Bounty Hunters who would want to try their luck at getting the payday of a lifetime.

Now, the Ravagers would be the least of their worries since there were plenty of other players who would gladly conduct an assault on Asgard in hopes of getting the Reality Stone.

He could already foresee tremendous pressure being applied on Asgard by the other superpowers of the universe to either give up the Reality Stone to some other civilisation or hide it so nobody has access to it.

With Asgard already in possession of the Space Stone, it would be even more risky to keep the Reality Stone with them but he could not let them give it to Tivan. Tivan would not last a second against Thanos.

“Let them come then,” Frigga said before her eyes snapped towards the left wing of the Palace. The place where the Royal healing chambers were located.

“It would seem my husband is done. Come, let’s see what exactly happened that made it so he was unable to come to our aid.”

Everybody nodded before they went to the Royal Chamber.

Being wrapped in a suit of dimensional energy and being essentially carried to the chamber because he would not be able to fly in his current state, was humiliating, to say the least.

“Did you retrieve anything from the code you were able to salvage?” Ed asked Alfred once they were in the air.

Alfred nodded distractedly since he was still looking at strange symbols that continued to glitch in and out of view, that were trapped in a magic circle on his palm.

“I am not sure if I have something concrete but we definitely do have something. If it is useful or not, only time will tell. I will need more time to process everything but if it does turn out to be successful, it would help me write literally unbreakable code and-”

“And turn you into the defacto Master of Runes. I wish you all the best in your endeavour.” Frigga said as she looked right at them, hearing their conversation even through the sound barrier that Alfred must have cast.

Man, Frigga was on a whole other level when it came to magic.

Word Count - 2143

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