Ten thousand shadows and flying snow in Douluo continent

Chapter 94 This is fate

Chapter 94 This is fate

Wu Yingkong didn't stay too long in front of Tianyun Academy, and left after a few more glances.

After Wu Yingkong left for nearly half an hour, Liu Tianxue also came to the city center. She didn't want Wu Yingkong to dislike communicating with outsiders. Liu Tianxue took a taxi directly, but the soul guide taxi only drove to the edge of the city center. , then stopped, and he couldn't enter the next road.

Although Liu Tianxue didn't understand why, she didn't ask any further questions. She got out of the car and followed the directions on the map to walk in the direction of Tianyun College.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Liu Tianxue turned a detour that Wu Yingkong had taken, and then, like Wu Yingkong, froze in place.

She was also shocked.

Looking at the dense forest in front of him and the dark path in the forest, Liu Tianxue, like Wu Yingkong, began to wonder if he had taken the wrong map?
If it is an ordinary person, seeing this kind of scene, they will think that they have gone the wrong way, so they will leave. As for that dark path... ordinary people will not go in casually, especially those who are timid and afraid of the dark. less than.

But, can Liu Tianxue be an ordinary person?She has been extremely courageous since she was a child. Even before she was six years old and had not awakened her martial spirit, she would sneak into the woods at night when she was out on an outing, and her father was almost beaten to death by her mother.

Liu Tianxue now is the same as when she was a child, she is very courageous, so what is this dark path in the woods?Go in anyway.

The trail in the woods was pitch black, and the road ahead could barely be seen. There were birds and insects singing in the woods from time to time, and at the same time, the breeze blew past the ears, filling the trail with a sense of eerieness.

But none of these could become an obstacle to stop Liu Tianxue, and continued to walk up and down, not caring about these.

After walking for nearly 5 minutes, Liu Tianxue walked through this path, and then what caught his eye was the marble door frame and fence, the sandalwood gate, and the writing that was not easy to read, Tianyun Intermediate The plaque of Soul Master Academy, the entire academy reveals a word, Hao!

"My house doesn't even dare to build it like this. It's worthy of Tianyun Academy." Liu Tianxue touched the sandalwood door frame with her hand, and said slowly.

Then Liu Tianxue turned his attention to the marble fence.

"This... this carving technique is so delicate. If you want to hire such a good master carver, you still need to carve so many marbles... It is estimated that only Tianyun Academy in the entire Douluo Continent dares to do this." Liu Tianxue said.

Liu Tianxue didn't stay too long either. After all, Tianyun College clearly stated that the school day would start tomorrow, so it's useless to stay here too much.

Wu Yingkong didn't know that Liu Tianxue had also arrived, and he had already visited their college for the next three years. At this moment, he was considering whether to find a cheap but average hotel to stay in, or a high price but comfortable hotel. You can stay in a high-quality hotel, or you can simply find a bench in the park and get across directly.

Under Wu Yingkong's mutual balance, he decided to stay in a hotel. After all, the hotel was too expensive, so his father gave him [-] federal coins, which was not enough to spend in the hotel, and the benches were too shabby, making him look like a Like beggars.

After making the decision, Wu Yingkong casually found an ordinary hotel that was closer to Tianyun College, and walked in.

In front of the hotel counter was a woman in her 20s with a good face. She was very happy to see customers coming. After all, the hotel was built near Tianyun College, and the number of passengers was pitifully small.

But after seeing the appearance of this guest clearly, she sighed. She thought it was just that this guest was relatively short, but she didn't expect that he was really a child!
Wu Yingkong walked into the hotel, just about to ask for a common room, when he received an eviction order.

"Kids, stop messing around, go home quickly, and don't make trouble with your sister, okay?"

Hearing these words, Wu Yingkong was not happy. Although he was indeed young, it was your fault to drive him away without asking.

Although Wu Yingkong was very dissatisfied, he didn't say it directly, saying: "I didn't come to make trouble, I really came to stay!"

The woman smiled disdainfully, and said: "Little friend, you are only old enough to come to stay this year? Hurry up! Otherwise, you can let your mother pick you up, even though you may not come."

Hearing these words, Wu Yingkong couldn't bear it any longer, and released his martial spirit——Splitting Mountain Shadow Tiger Knife, and three purple soul rings, revealing the strength of his top-level soul master, and at the same time released all his aura go out.

How could an ordinary person be able to withstand the aura of a top soul master? She left and lay limp on the ground, having difficulty breathing, her whole body seemed to be filled with lead, and it was extremely difficult to move.

"Now! Can I stay?" Wu Yingkong came to the counter, looked at the woman sitting slumped on the ground, and pointed the tip of the Split Mountain Shadow Tiger Knife in front of her. As long as Wu Yingkong is willing, he can go down with the knife end the woman's life.

"Yes, yes! Absolutely!" The woman nodded frantically. She didn't expect that this little guy who looked only ten years old was actually a soul master, and a top soul master with three purple soul rings. Although she was not a soul master , but I still understand the basic knowledge of these soul masters!She understood that as long as Wu Yingkong wanted to, he could easily kill herself without leaving any traces.

Wu Yingkong didn't intend to kill people in the first place, releasing the spirit and spirit ring just wanted her to agree to stay with her. As for releasing the coercion, why did she mention her mother.

Wu Yingkong took back the spirit and spirit ring, took the key handed over by the woman with a trembling hand, and walked to his room.

After Wu Yingkong walked away, the woman finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was the first time she felt that the god of death was so close to her just now.

After 10 minutes, Wu Yingkong appeared here again, but he didn't bother her anymore and left directly.

After another twenty or ten minutes, the door was pushed open again, and a blue-haired girl walked in with a smile on her face, bouncing around.

Because of Wu Yingkong, that woman didn't dare to underestimate this girl who seemed to be about the same age as Wu Yingkong.

"Waiter, I want to stay, give me a common room, thank you." The blue-haired girl said.

The woman didn't dare to say anything, but she asked the blue-haired girl to pay one-third of the price first, and then gave her a key. I don't know if it was fate, but the key that the woman took happened to be Wu Ying. Empty room next door.

Liu Tianxue took the key, came to her room, opened the door, opened the curtains and windows, and ventilated the room that had been closed for an unknown amount of time.

"Oh! I'm so tired after driving for more than an hour!" Liu Tianxue put down her bag and lay down on the bed.

"Yingkong, where are you?"

After lying down for 10 minutes, Liu Tianxue got up and left. After all, it was the first time for him to come to the most prosperous city in the southeast of Douluo Continent. To Wu Yingkong.

Wu Yingkong didn't know that Liu Tianxue had already found the same hotel as him, even the room was next door, and he was having breakfast in a restaurant right now.

Inside Tianyun Academy.

Principal Wu was sitting in his office, watching the video of Wu Yingkong and Liu Tianxue coming to the gate of the college on the screen of the soul guide in front of him, smiled, and said: "Let me see these two little guys How much surprise can it bring me?"

(End of this chapter)

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