Ten thousand shadows and flying snow in Douluo continent

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Wu Yingkong came to Tianyun City for the first time. After breakfast, he began to think about what he was going to do. Finally, after much deliberation, he still felt that reading in the library was the best choice.

Then...Wu Yingkong stayed in the library all day, didn't eat lunch, because for Wu Yingkong, there are too many books that Wu Yingkong is interested in here, making him addicted to study and unable to extricate himself, He was still a little bit reluctant until the library closed at night.

Then Wu Yingkong went back to the hotel and meditated all night. The next morning, after six o'clock in the morning, Wu Yingkong got up just after the light was turned on. He simply washed up, changed his clothes, and went out to Tianyun Academy is gone, so I didn't even eat breakfast.

After walking for nearly 10 minutes, Wu Yingkong came to the front of the forest. Wu Yingkong could clearly see that at the end of the path, the gate of Tianyun Academy had been opened.

Wu Yingkong walked into the woods, it was the time for the birds to forage in the morning, and the birds were singing everywhere in the woods, which was melodious to the ears.

Five minutes later, Wu Yingkong walked through this path and entered Tianyun Academy.

As soon as you enter Tianyun College, you will see a huge fountain, which is five meters high and 20 meters wide. 20 meters away from the fountain, there are two rows of weeping willows. The willow branches are dancing under the breeze. Behind the weeping willows, Some common common trees.

Going forward for about [-] meters, you will see buildings. On the left and right sides of the road are rows of two-story huts, which seem to be made of stone.

Going down again, you will come to a fork in the road. There is a sign row beside the intersection. It says, 500 meters to the left is the teaching building and the teacher's office building for each grade, 800 meters is the No. 1000 cafeteria, [-] two hundred meters For the academy fighting arena and fighting arena.

Walking 500 meters to the right is the shopping mall and event square, 800 meters is the high-end treasure exchange office of the college, 1000 meters is the No. 500 canteen, and [-] meters is the student dormitory.

And walking in the middle means that it will lead to the lake, but there is no explanation as to how many meters to walk.

"Lake? How dare this Tianyun Academy build an artificial lake in the academy?" Wu Yingkong said in surprise, but soon he was relieved. After all, it is normal for a wealthy academy that uses marble as the fence for the academy to build an artificial lake. .

After that, Wu Yingkong planned to go to the teaching building. Although it was still early, it was better to go to the classroom first.

The road was full of trees of all kinds, and Wu Yingkong began to guess how much the principal of the college liked trees. He also understood why the map he bought and the inside of the college were all green. It's a tree!
The distance of 500 meters is neither long nor short. In about 3 minutes, Wu Yingkong arrived in front of the teaching building.

This teaching building is not like other ordinary teaching buildings. It is only three floors high, and each floor has only one classroom. If Wu Yingkong hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Wu Yingkong would never believe that there is such a miniature teaching building .

Wu Yingkong's first-grade classroom is on the first floor, and it looks no different from an ordinary classroom.

At this time, the classroom door was not closed, and Wu Yingkong pushed it lightly, and the sandalwood classroom door opened.

As soon as the classroom door was opened, a gust of fresh air rushed in, catching Wu Yingkong off guard.

"This... these chairs and this podium are also made of incense sandalwood?" Wu Yingkong said in surprise, then went in, felt the table, and kicked the table legs.

"The table top and chairs are made of sandalwood, and the table legs are made of iron wood. It's really a big deal! This set of tables and chairs won't wear out after a hundred years." Wu Yingkong said.

After looking at the classroom, Wu Yingkong looked at the classroom and office building next to him.

This classroom and office building is larger than this mini teaching building, but it is not much bigger, it has changed from three floors to five floors, and one room on each floor has become two rooms on each floor.

After leaving the teaching building and the classroom office building, Wu Yingkong continued to walk towards the centimeter.

After walking another 400 meters, Wu Yingkong saw a cafeteria with a huge seating area, conservatively estimated to be at least [-] square meters, made of translucent glass as a whole, with a total of two floors.

Wu Yingkong didn't understand why there were only more than 100 people in the whole college, not to mention building two cafeterias, why did one cafeteria have to be so big and have two floors?
When Wu Yingkong walked into the cafeteria, the chefs had already started making today's breakfast.

Wu Yingkong rubbed his stomach and remembered that he hadn't had breakfast yet, so he just ate here.

Because he didn't know if there was any meal so early, Wu Yingkong asked a master chef: "Master, have you prepared your breakfast yet?"

Because the chef is an old man in his 60s, Wu Yingkong politely called him Master Chef.

The old master showed a kind smile and said, "Yes, there is breakfast, what do you want to eat?"

Wu Yingkong thought for a while, and said, "Just come here, as long as you can eat enough."

"Okay." The master chef replied, and then went to the back kitchen to get it.

After about a minute, the master chef held a large iron plate in his hand, and on the iron plate were two buns, a bowl of porridge, an egg and a side dish.

Wu Yingkong took the iron plate, and couldn't help but asked the master: "Master, the number of people in our college should be no more than 100 at most, and the canteen is so big, let alone, why do we need a second floor?"

The old master replied: "This! As a freshman of this year, it's normal for you not to know, because ah, this second floor is specially prepared for those rich people."

"Rich people?"

"Yes! Rich people, but the money referred to here is not federal currency, but gold dots." The old master said.

"Golden dots? Aren't golden dots very rare?" Wu Yingkong asked in surprise.

The old master nodded and said: "Yes, gold dots are very rare, but gold dots are also the common currency of this college, some things that cannot be bought with federal currency in the college can be bought with gold dots It's like the second floor of this cafeteria, the ingredients alone are all top-notch! Moreover, the chefs on the second floor are all the top chefs in Tianyun City!"

The corners of Wu Yingkong's mouth trembled slightly. After thanking the teacher, he found a seat and sat down, and finished breakfast in 5 minutes.

After breakfast, Wu Yingkong originally wanted to go to the fighting arena, but changed his mind temporarily and decided to go to the lake first. He always felt that with Tianyun Academy's wealth and wealth, it was impossible for it to be as simple as an artificial lake.

And just opposite the cafeteria, there is also a stone road leading to the lake, about 500 meters away.

Three minutes later, Wu Yingkong saw what the entire lake looked like, which also confirmed Wu Yingkong's conjecture that it was indeed not as simple as just one artificial lake.

The size of the lake, even Wu Yingkong, who has excellent eyesight, can't look down on the other side, and can only see a blurry area. Wu Yingkong began to wonder if half of the entire academy is used to build this lake, let alone The price of building this is astronomical.

Moreover, not only the lake, there are more than a dozen small three-story buildings beside the lake. Outside the small buildings, there are also some seniors who stayed in school doing morning exercises.

However, it is not the dozen or so small three-story buildings that attract the attention, but two villas built in the lake, more than 200 meters away from the shore.

The two villas are about five stories high, six times the size of the three-story small building on the shore, and they are conspicuous from a distance. There is only a long boardwalk connecting the shore.

In an office in the college.

Principal Wu smiled and looked at Wu Yingkong on the screen in front of him. In this college, except for the student dormitory and the few huts and villas, the whole college is covered with extremely hidden cameras. Spiritual power is impossible to discover.

Principal Wu said with a smile: "I just like to see these new students who have never seen the world. It's just that I can never get tired of watching them! Hahaha."

While smiling, he cut the camera to the trail in the woods at the entrance of the college.

There was no one on that path, but outside the woods, some new students of this class appeared one after another. Most of them were stunned when they saw a piece of woods, and then turned and left. It was so dark that they couldn't see Tianyun Academy across the path at all.

Ten minutes later, at about 10:[-], a blue-haired girl appeared. After seeing the woods, she didn't move too much, and went directly into the woods.

She was Liu Tianxue, and she was still bouncing around, feeling very excited. After a month, she was able to see Wu Yingkong again.

Then he entered Tianyun College in this way, becoming the second freshman to arrive at the school after Wu Yingkong.

(End of this chapter)

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