TF Amethyst

TFA2 16.2 – Wind of Change

TFA2 16.2 – Wind of Change


Yesterday, King Buriek XII already saw the performance of Molotov catapult, which would replace the ballista as an artillery element. As for today, the menu was the rapid-loading ballista.

As soon as King Buriek XII arrived at the Weapon Testing Quarter, Grand Commander Keraz immediately handed over a sample of a rapid-loading crossbow to him. Wasting no time, King Buriek XII studied it with curious eyes.

Broadly speaking, the rapid-loading crossbow had the same shape as the standard-issued crossbow used by Buriek Guard, but it was slightly smaller and lighter. The noticeable difference that could be recognized by naked eyes was that it did not have a stirrup cocking for foothold to help the crossbowmen when they pulled the serving cable, and its limb could also be folded to each side of the barrel.

The rapid-loading crossbow also had a vertical foregrip, while right in front of the trigger cage a small tube was tightly attached to the barrel. And the most important thing was, it had an optic and wind-reading device to help the crossbowmen increase their accuracy in long-range shooting.

“Uncle Keraz, please show me how this crossbow works,” King Buriek XII said as he returned the rapid-loading crossbow in his hand to Grand Commander Keraz.

“At once, Your Majesty,” Grand Commander Keraz then pointed the small tube under the barrel as he continued, “This small tube is a magazine, some kind of container to hold ten ready-to-loose crossbow's bolt."

In an instant, a question mark popped out on King Buriek XII's forehead as he couldn't imagine how the bolt in the magazine would be moved to the arrow track, but he wisely didn't interrupt Grand Commander Keraz's explanation.

“When we want to reload the crossbow, we have to press the small button in the vertical foregrip using our thumb, and then pull back the serving cable and place it into bolt retention spring.”

Grand Commander Keraz then showed King Buriek XII how to pull back the serving cable, and as he did it, a bolt was also dragged out of the magazine. Then, right when Grand Commander Keraz placed the serving cable on the retention spring, a crossbow bolt was also perfectly loaded on the arrow track.

"What a marvelous mechanism." King Buriek XII truly admired the loading mechanism on the rapid-loading crossbow, but he also had some doubts. "Uncle Keraz, it seems the serving cable is too light. So, does this crossbow have enough power to be useful in combat?"

After a smile, Grand Commander Keraz said, “Your Majesty, this serving cable is very strong. It is made of elastic steel, and to pull it all the way to the retention spring, crossbowman have to press the button on the vertical foregrip in order to unlock the rolling wheel on each end of the limbs."


As a big question filled his mind to the brim, King Buriek XII took another sample of rapid-loading crossbow from the table. Then, he tried to pull its serving cable without pressing the button on the vertical foregrip. As a result, the serving cable didn't budge at all, no matter how hard he tried.

"What the…"

“Your Majesty, only a horse can pull the serving cable without pressing the unlock button first."

“I see,” replied King Buriek XII as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Grand Commander Keraz then proudly continued his explanation, “For direct shooting, this rapid-loading crossbow is able to penetrate the thickest chestplate we had at 30 meters, light-armored target at 60 meters, and non-armored target at 130 meters.

As for a volley, it will easily reach a distance of 300 meters."

“That statistics…" After a slight gasp, King Buriek XII continued, "is far superior compared to both our crossbow and longbow."

“Indeed,” Grand Commander Keraz proudly replied. “Moreover, with six weeks of proper training, a crossbowman will have a rate of fire up to 40 bolts per minute. It’s two times higher than longbowmen who have properly trained for five years."

“That’s…. a freaking…”

Seeing King Buriek XII helplessly running out of words, Grand Commander Keraz immediately said, "When I found out the superiority of this crossbow, I also ran out of words like you, Your Majesty."

“I see.” 

After he managed to calm the turmoil in his heart, King Buriek XII then fell into contemplation. With such a weapon that was so lethal, but the training time to master it was very short, Buriek Guard's offensive capability would surely soar to the sky.

Not to mention, TF Amethyst would also provide Buriek Guard with better body armor, help Buriek Navy upgrade their warships, help Buriek Rider establish new combat doctrine, and provide other various assistances.

After taking a deep breath King Buriek XII then asked, "Uncle Keraz, how will Buriek Guard adopt this crossbow?”

"Along with a shortsword for elite infantry and a long saber for elite cavalry, we will also equip them with rapid-loading crossbow.

Of course, Buriek Guard will also change its doctrine. We will not fight in the open by using large formations anymore."

“I see.” In a steel determination tone, King Buriek XII then continued, "I will fully support this transformation, but it must not be easy for Amethyst Merchant to massively produce this crossbow."

Colonel Harper who so far only stood in silence while maintaining a light smile, decided to join the conversation. "Your Majesty, Amethyst Merchant has 500 thousand ready-stock rapid-loading crossbows, and out of 300 thousand ordered by Buriek Guard, 200 thousand will arrive tomorrow."

"I see." 

King Buriek XII had a hard time imagining how Amethyst Merchant could massively produce the rapid-loading crossbows, but he didn't think about it further. King Buriek XII then cheerfully began the training to operate the rapid-loading crossbow, his new favorite toy.


In the new system adopted by Kingdom of Buriek, Duke Phelite occupied the highest position in the executive body as a prime minister. While King Buriek XII was busy following the reformation of the Buriek Guard, Duke Phelite was busy rebuilding the kingdom’s economic power.

This morning, Duke Phelite and Julia would attend Milkfish’s production presentation. Once the two arrived at the milkfish’s hatchery, Kubo Yamazaki, the Head Chief of Aquaculture Research and Development Group immediately welcomed them. 

After giving his guests a slight bow Kubo cheerfully said, “Prime Minister Phelite, Assistant Head Chief Julia, welcome to our humble hatchery."

Wasting no time, Duke Phelite returned Kubo’s bow and said, “Ser Kubo, I heard a lot of your great achievements and exploits. It’s a huge honor to finally meet you personally."

“Prime Minister Phelite, the honor is all mines.”

Seeing the two old men before her taking their time in an empty flattery, Julia immediately said in a flat tone, “Head Chief Kubo, please start the presentation.”

“As you wish, Milady.”

Without delay, Kubo took his guest to a big hatchery pool, where an 80-cm-long milkfish was swimming leisurely.

“What a huge milkfish,” Duke Phelite said in astonishment.

Kubo smiled before explaining, “This eight-year-old female milkfish is captured fourteen months ago in the nearby coastal water, and now it’s ready to produce 3-4 million eggs.”

“It's an insanely huge number of eggs."

“Actually, it’s not that huge, and this hatchery already secures a few hundred similar female milkfish.”

Aquaculture was new territory for Duke Phelite, so in an instant, a big question mark appeared in his forehead, “With that hundred million milkfish's eggs, how will this hatchery handle it?"

Kubo casually replied, “Well, the detail is rather long and boring, but in summary, we can handle the hatchery and nursing phases with a 70% survival rate easily. The problem is that we don't have enough land to build the growing-out facility.

Out of the hundred million milkfish fry we produce, we can only raise about five million and release the rest into shallow coastal water.”

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, but I had to condemn every action in throwing away a massive source of food." Complicated emotion tore apart Duke Phelite's mind as he recalled how Buriek’s people suffered food shortages for years. 'Even though it's only finger-sized fish, if the amount is hundreds of millions, it will be sufficient to feed Buriek's people for a while.'

At the same time, Kubo who hadn’t realized Duke Phelite’s inner thoughts casually said, “The main purpose of Aquaculture Research and Development Group is to provide the best variety of freshwater and saltwater seedlings. 

Therefore, when we have a surplus of seedlings, we will release them into the wild and let them fend for themselves.”

“I understand.” Duke Phelite painfully managed to reply. Then, after taking a deep breath he continued, “May I presume that the growing-out facility will be built in Kingdom of Buriek?”

Julia answered, “Yes, to be precise, it will be built in a group of empty rocky islands, 5 km north of Buriek Continent.”

“May I know the reason why we chose these lifeless islands?” Duke Phelite asked curiously.

And Kubo happily explained, “The growing-out facility that we will build is basically an artificial deep canal with flowing water from and into the sea. This canal will also support the ecosystem for various seaweed, algae, rotifers, brine shrimp, and other small marine cultures that will provide enough food for the main product.

In short, we will turn this empty rocky island into a giant canal network. And milkfish is only a starter. In the long run, we will also include king crab, giant lobster, oyster, cockles, salmon, grouper, and snapper.”

“I see.” Duke Phelite nodded three times vigorously before continuing, “And where will the processing facility for the final product be built?"

Julia immediately replied, “For Buriek Continent’s market, we will build it in the closest coastal city. As for Amstell Continent’s market, we will build it in Sandhur Region. We already started the construction of the processing facility in Sandhur Region.”

“Lady Julia, may I know the projection on the harvest cycle, the quota of production, and the marketing price?”

“From hatchery to harvesting, it will take about 2 years, but we will schedule the harvest cycle on a monthly basis.

As for the selling price, we will produce as much as we need with several grades, so even a common family of four with only one adult working force is able to afford it.

Meanwhile, Amethyst Merchant’s high-class restaurant will turn the first grade harvest into a high-end product specifically designed for noble families or other wealthy buyers.”

“I see.” 

Duke Phelite calmly replied, but inwardly he couldn’t help but admire Amethyst Merchant's capability to target low-end, mid-end, and high-end markets from one production facility.

After visiting hatchery for other marine cultures, Julia then took Duke Phelite to have lunch. The menu was milkfish curry stew, grilled milkfish roll, sourdough bread, and apple yogurt. And even if, on many past occasions Duke Phelite had enjoyed various delicious dishes that Amethyst Merchant could offer, the milkfish set he just enjoyed still amazed him deeply.

After downing the last gulp of his apple yogurt, Duke Phelite cheerfully turned his gaze towards Julia. “Lady Julia, as usual, every dish offered by Amethyst Merchant's chef is remarkably delicious."

After a super rare charming smile, a steel determination flashed in Julia's eyes, “I’m glad that this menu set is up to your taste. 

In three years, we will make sure every common household in Kingdom of Buriek can afford it as a daily menu.”

“Wait…” as his eyes widened, Duke Phelite asked, “Lady Julia, do you mean this delicious menu set is one of the milkfish mass products?"

“Correct, and Amethyst Merchant has already prepared hundreds of menu sets for the same class and will give them to every tavern owner in Kingdom of Buriek for free."

“I see.”

As his heart was shocked until its deepest corner, Duke Phelite recalled Julia's words when they met for the first time. 

At that time Julia flatly said, ‘Kingdom of Buriek is a weak link in TF Amethyst’s defensive network. The Kingdom is weak economically and also doesn’t have food stability, basic industry capacity, or minimum military capability to protect its national interests.

But together, step by step, we will change it, and I will put my life on ensuring its people's prosperity.’

And now, Duke Phelite was once again convinced that Julia was dead serious with her words.



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