TF Amethyst

TFA2 16.3 – Strategic Weapon in War Trade

TFA2 16.3 – Strategic Weapon in War Trade

Isla Eleka Islands

11:15, 27 Oct 2025


The Buriek Continent was surrounded by hundreds of island chains. One of those was Isla Eleka. It was located 3 km north of Buriek Continent, consisted of five islands, 730 square kilometers each, or the size of the main island of Singapore. In these five empty and rocky islands, Amethyst Merchant and Kingdom of Buriek built their first growing-out facility for marine aquaculture.

As Mobile Construction Group was currently focusing their resources on construction in Bluefin and Sandhur Region, they couldn't spare their heavy equipment for the project in Isla Eleka. Fortunately, Kingdom of Buriek could provide 3.5 million manual labors with ease.

These 3.5 million workers were not forced labor or slave workers, but legitimate workers. They received proper treatment, and worked on shifts 24/7. Therefore, the construction on Isla Eleka could run smoothly and swiftly.

Only six days after Duke Phelite's visit to ARDG's hatchery, a canal at Eleka One was ready to receive milkfish fry as big as a child's pinky finger. This first canal was indeed only 1 km long, a minuscule size compared to the total length of the whole canal. However, it had all the good signs needed to determine the continuation of the project.

And today, King Buriek XII would become the first person to put the milkfish fry in the canal.

'Who would have thought that humans could build a milkfish farm like a chicken farm?' muttered King Buriek XII as he looked at a plastic bag containing 200 milkfish fry in his hand.


Then, Julia suddenly asked, "Your Majesty, is there a problem with the milkfish fry?"

"No, not at all." As he turned his sparkling gaze towards Julia, King Buriek XII said, “Ms. Julia, do you know that milkfish fry is very tasty when you fry it dry? You can even eat its bones."

In an instant, Julia raised her left eyebrow. “Your Majesty, can you stop wasting our time?

There are 200,000 milkfish fries we have to release to the canal, and standing under this scorching sun is hell."

“U-ughh… I mean… at once, Ms. Julia.” 

Wasting no time, King Buriek XII released the first milkfish fries into the canal. Meanwhile, Lt. Colonel Slane, Kubo, Colonel Harper, Duke Phelite, Grand Commander Keraz, Admiral Errez, and other high-ranking officials skillfully pretended as if they didn't see how Julia reprimanded King Buriek XII.


Then, the other honored guests immediately released their share, followed by representatives of the workers who released the rest of the milkfish fries. After that, a lunch party to introduce various milkfish cuisines began.

Wasting no time, Lt. Colonel Slane took Colonel Harper and Kubo into a quiet corner to enjoy Amur Beer. After cheerfully sipping his Amur Beer, he then said, “Finally, after some delays, now we have our first aquaculture growing-out facility.”

“Yupe,” Kubo replied as dark memories resurfaced in his mind, “Damn black-stripped shark! Destroy both our floating cage for milkfish and the seabed cage for oysters.”

“Well, we ended up with a better growing-out facility, so let’s cheer up,” Colonel Harper tried to lighten the mood.

“Yes, and fortunately we can also start the projects to produce raw cocoa, almond, vanilla, and olive in Isla Eleka."

After hearing about the other projects in Isla Eleka, Colonel Harper curiously asked, “I know nothing about cocoa, almonds, or vanilla except that these three are important commodities in the food and beverage industry.

But I know a little about olive trees. It needs six years before starting to bear its first flower, and another 24 years before its harvest reaches proper economic value.

Also, other than the abundant sunlight and sea breeze that are suitable for olive trees, Isla Eleka does not have the soil and freshwater reservoirs needed to support farmland.

So, is this a trial, a real project, or research?"

“It's a real one.” Kubo then pointed his finger at a row of potholes that looked like a one-meter fire pit. “First, we used the excavated rocks to build these potholes. Then, we fill it with fertile soil and provide a dropping watering system that connects into a medium-size seawater desalination facility."

Meanwhile, the Agriculture Development Group has already prepared tens of thousands of mature tree seedlings for each plant."

“I see. The farming project is as big as the growing-out facility. You guys are truly workaholics."

“Well, it's because we have no choice,” Lt. Colonel Slane casually said. "From the beginning, TF Amethyst has decided that the first line of our defense is economic power.

Therefore, we don’t have time to slack off as we have to enter the inter-continental phase before we fully put Amstell Continent's economy and trade under our control."

Colonel Harper slightly nodded before saying, “I heard Amethyst Merchant also sped up the manufacturers' project with Northern Coalition, Merry Gold Union, and neighboring regions."

“Yes, we do. Other than the ones we built in Tuscan Region, so far we have built 27 small-scale manufacturing plants for various products."

“I see,” replied Colonel Harper briefly.

Then, King Buriek XII suddenly approached the three and asked, “Ser Slane, may I ask you something?”

“Of course you may, Your Majesty," replied Lt. Colonel Slane.

“Ser Slane, I heard Ms. Julia say that in the state where she comes from, other than rivers, ponds, and canals, the prawn farmer also uses a rice field as a growing-out facility."

“Yes, it’s true,” Lt. Colonel Slane replied as he recalled that Louisiana, the place where Julia lived after she arrived in US of A with his parents, was the biggest prawn producer on earth.

“Can the prawn farming on the rice field be implemented in Buriek Continent, so that Kingdom of Buriek will also produce rice as a staple food?"

“It’s possible, but it’s not the best option we can adopt and apply,” Lt. Colonel Slane calmly replied.

As a question mark appeared on King Buriek XII's forehead, Kubo immediately explained, “Your Majesty, the layer of soil on the Buriek Continent is too thin and unfertile. The number of natural water reservoirs is also too small.

Those conditions are not challenges without a solution, but the cost will be huge and a waste of resources. Meanwhile, the canal system is ready to be implemented from the get-go, along with the farming project for high-end commodities.”

“Yes, I understand.” King Buriek XII strengthened his resolve as he continued, “But if this project will also produce staple food for Kingdom of Buriek, then I will gladly provide the budget in case Amethyst Merchant does not interested in taking part."

As he deeply looked at King Buriek XII, Lt. Colonel Slane concluded that King Buriek XII must have already taken his idea to Julia and Duke Phelite, but it got rejected. At the same time, he could also guess the reason behind King Buriek XII's request.


“Your Majesty, are you worry Kingdom of Buriek will lose its food stability again?"

“Sort of, I mean, I believe in Amethyst Merchant's good intentions to provide staple food for the Kingdom, but we can't underestimate Merry Gold Union and Yuuri the Damnable Witch.

Especially, because right now we stop the supply of iron ore to Amstell Continent."

“Your Majesty, please rest assured, I never underestimate Merry Gold Union and Lady Yuuri,” Lt. Colonel Slane calmly replied. “From the dozens of manufacturer projects that Amethyst Merchant runs with Merry Gold Union, I met Pavel Terrek, Lady Yuuri’s stepson, along with other capable figures from Merry Gold Union, and I’m convinced that only one hell of a capable person will be able to lead them.”

As concern reflected in his eyes, King Buriek XII asked, “I know Viscount Pavel is a capable man. As for Lady Yuuri’s other subordinates, are they really highly capable people?”

Lt. Colonel Slane firmly replied, “Yes, they are. Six of them are at least on the level of Duke Phelite.”

“I see.” In an instant, a dark cloud filled King Buriek XII's mind to the brim.

Then, Lt. Colonel Slane added, “Moreover, it seems that Lady Yuuri deliberately avoided me. Therefore, I can't gauge her character or sniff her true ability. Meanwhile, she can leisurely gather my profile through his stepson and subordinates."

“What a sly witch,” King Buriek XII said as the dark cloud in his mind thickened.

“One more thing, two days after the excavation at Ellek Islands began, Pavel personally visited and asked me about the possibility of Merry Gold Union having a similar project. And apparently, they are able to provide a better location than Isla Eleka.”

A chill instantly ran through King Buriek XII's spine. If in order to request a similar project, Merry Gold Union didn't mind to reveal the presence of their information networks in Kingdom of Buriek, it meant the growing-out facility must be very highly valuable for them. 

“Ser Slane, will Amethyst Merchant give Merry Gold Union a similar growing-out project?”

“No, we don’t. I have already politely refused their request.”

“Thank you. Ser Slane, you have Kingdom of Buriek’s deepest gratitude.”

“Your welcome, Your Majesty,” Lt. Colonel Slane cheerfully replied, and he could see that King Buriek XII still didn't understand the true value of marine aquaculture growing-out facilities.

In Amstell Continent, where the internet, music, movies, and other forms of modern entertainment were not yet available, wealthy people would spend their money on basic entertainment such as sex, delicious cuisine, luxurious commodities, and art.

These wealthy people may be reluctant to pay for iron ore in gold, but they wouldn’t have second thoughts about using their gold to liven up their boring and monotonous daily lives. Therefore, in the past they didn't care when Kingdom of Buriek stopped the supply of iron ore to Amstell Continent. They would just retaliate by refusing to sell staple food and the game of endurance began.

However, if Kingdom of Buriek had commodities that support luxurious cuisine and suddenly stopped its chain of supply, then the wealthy people in Amstell Continent would become the first and most suffered victims. And because these people have high influence but low endurance in almost anything, even Merry Gold Union wouldn’t dare awaken their anger.

Moreover, the reaction of noble families in Walluo City when the supply of ice was suddenly gone because of Osvik's actions, had confirmed the hypothesis that commodities which supported luxurious cuisine were strategic weapons in order to conquer Amstell Continent economically. 

But in the end, Lt. Colonel Slane decided not to explain it to King Buriek XII further. Then, as the four enjoyed Amur Beer along with some light conversation, a captain from IDG suddenly approached Colonel Harper and handed over a piece of message. 

After reading the message, Colonel Harper calmly said, “Gentlemen, Chief Nate sent us some messages. First, he congratulated the Kingdom of Buriek on its first growing-out facility, and apologized because he could not attend today's event.

Secondly, he has some updates. Battle Group B will soon enter Sandhur Region’s southern waters, while Battle Group C will soon enter Kingdom of Buriek's eastern waters. The estimated time of arrival is at midnight or in the early morning.”

Wasting no time, King Buriek XII asked, “Do we have to hold an immediate meeting?"

“No, we don’t, Your Majesty,” Colonel Harper casually replied. “TF Amethyst and Buriek Guard had been on combat alert since two days ago. Let’s enjoy today's event to the fullest. After that, we will proceed as we plan.”

“I see,” King Buriek XII gave a light nod three times, and then continued enjoying his Amur beer as if the arrival of two battle groups from Kingdom of Makai was nothing.



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