TF Amethyst

TFA2 21.1 – Saving A Settlement

TFA2 21.1 – Saving A Settlement


Under the morning sky, Brigadier Ugla took his Cloud Hawk to the closest target. Next to him, Lieutenant Ollek faithfully followed his lead. Their destination was a small settlement located on the northwest of Buriek Continent.


Previously, they detected six unidentified blips that circled the settlement before lowering their altitude in a sharp dive, and then disappeared from the display tablet. Brigadier Ugla and Lieutenant Ollek concluded these unidentified blips were Makai Riders. Currently, they must be harassing the unfortunate villagers.


With a calm gaze, Brigadier Ugla checked the distance to the settlement. It was less than three minutes, and the sky in the area was also clear of unidentified blips. In short, it was a perfect situation to launch an ambush.


Brigadier Ugla calmly pressed the PTT button. “Alpha 0-1 to Alpha 2-0, do you read me?”


[Loud and clear.]


“I will bait them to the east. Get into position to nail them.”




Wasting no time, Lieutenant Ollek took his Cloud Hawk to maximum altitude and then executed a wide flank to the east. As for Brigadier Ugla, he took his Cloud Hawk to an altitude of 50 meters above the ground. Then, he flew straight to the settlement while increasing his Cloud Hawk’s speed.


Meanwhile, the Makai Riders who were having fun with the villager didn’t realize that two hostile Riders were coming for them. Therefore, when an unknown Cloud Hawk suddenly screamed while flying above their heads, it startled them to the dead. Some of them even fell on their butt.


Without further thought, Makai Riders scrambled and chased the unknown Rider in fury. They had only one thing in mind, regain their honor by killing the damnable Rider who had shamed them in front of ordinary villagers.


In a gleeful tone, Weapon Officer Berrik then informed Brigadier Ugla, "Six tails, 100 meters behind, in a tight formation."


"Good, let’s hope Ollek and Farrai wipe them out in one go."




With a calm gaze, Weapon Officer Berrik then observed how Lieutenant Ollek approached the six Makai Riders from above. When he reached an altitude of 200 meters above the Makai Riders, Lieutenant Ollek tilted his Cloud Hawk to the side. Wasting no time, Weapon Officer Farrai aimed at Makai Riders and fired a 40 mm submunition round.




As a loud explosion was suddenly heard from above their position, the six Makai Riders raised their heads to check it, but it was too late. There was nothing they could do to avoid the incoming death. The rain of steel darts coated in neurotoxin hit them fatally and ended their life in a blink of an eye. 


The Makai Riders and their Cloud Hawks then powerlessly fell. Their bodies crashed to the ground, rolled a few times and made a cloud of dust, before finally stopping and lying motionlessly. Until their last moment, the Makai Riders didn't know what had sent them to the afterlife.


"All tails have been neutralized," Weapons Officer Berrik informed Brigadier Ugla in a casual tone.




Wasting no time, Brigadier Ugla took his Cloud Hawk to check on the downed Makai Riders. After making sure they were all dead, he then flew to the settlement. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Ollek stayed in the sky and circled the settlement in a gliding flight.




Even after the Makai Riders left them, the villagers were still sitting in the settlement's square. Horror and despair were clearly visible in their eyes, especially the children. When Brigadier Ugla Cloud Hawk landed not far from their position, some of the villagers instantly flinched while some parents hugged their children tightly. Wasting no time, Brigadier Ugla hopped down from his Cloud Hawk and approached the villagers.


“Don’t be afraid. We are Buriek Riders.” As the villagers looked at him with wary eyes, Brigadier Ugla continued, “We had eliminated the Makai Riders. You all are safe now.”


Most of the villager remained wary of Brigadier Ugla and stayed in silence, even though he had tried his best to be polite. Therefore, Brigadier Ugla didn't know how to continue. Moreover, this was the first time he talked to ordinary villagers. Slowly but surely, awkward silence was descending upon the settlement's square. 


Fortunately, an old man stood up and walked forward. The old man didn't recognize Brigadier Ugla's combat outfit, and it also looked very strange to him. Not to mention, he had never seen a Rider who was famous for their haughty attitude talk to commoners politely. However, he recognized the small symbol of Buriek Rider on Brigadier Ugla's chest, and the rank on the edges of his jacket's collar.


In a respectful tone the old man said, "Ser Brigadier, this humble villager, Wallak, represents the villagers to express their gratitude as Ser Brigadier has saved this settlement from Makai Riders's atrocities."


“No worries, it’s our job.” Brigadier Ugla replied as he observed the old man with a well-built body before him and concluded, “Wallak, are you a former Buriek Guard?”


“Yes, but this useless old man couldn’t save this settlement, or at least was brave enough to put up a fight.”


‘Well, unless you are TF Amethyst’s personnel, you will need a Rider to kill another Rider,’ muttered Brigadier Ugla before saying, “The most important thing is that you are alive. Now, can you introduce me to the chief of this settlement?"


“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Wallak replied as he pointed his finger to a half-eaten body in the middle of the square. 


“What an unfortunate fate." After heaving a deep sigh Brigadier Ugla continued, "I hope he enters eternal rest in peace."


Throughout his life, Brigadier Ugla never imagined that one day he would have a sense of disgust toward a military unit that indifferently attacked civilians. Moreover, in the military academy, he was taught to treat civilians of the opposing kingdom as legitimate targets. However, after he attended the officer course held by TF Amethyst, he understood the importance of adopting a strict rule to prevent a combatant from transforming into an animal.


Brigadier Ugla was also grateful because TF Amethyst who was much stronger than Kingdom of Buriek did not treat Buriek people as a legitimate target. It was easy to conclude that half of the Buriek people would be dead, while the rest would become slaves if TF Amethyst had a nasty disposition towards civilians from opposing kingdoms.


After heaving a deep sigh one more time, Brigadier Ugla then said, “In that case, I will appoint you to lead this settlement.”


In reflex Wallak pointed at his own nose. “Me, Ser Brigadier?” 


"Yes, you." Without second thought Brigadier Ugla ignored the big question mark on Wallak's forehead. "You have to bring every villager to the nearest city and stay over there until everything is safe. I suggest you pick Lumark City as your first option."


After a moment of silence, Wallak hesitantly said, “In the current situation, the villagers will not mind leaving their house and taking shelter in Lumark City.


However, we are worried that Lumark City's authority will reject us. In a war, they will reserve the food supply for combatants who defend the city, and receiving additional useless mouths like us is not a wise decision in their view."


Brigadier Ugla immediately said, “I assure you. Food supply is the last thing Lumark City's authority had to worry about. They will gladly let you in.”


After he recalled that lately the basic price for daily necessities and staple food in Lumark City was very cheap, and the city itself became more lively, Wallak immediately decided, "This old man will follow Ser Brigadier's suggestion.”




Wasting no time, Brigadier Ugla gave additional suggestions. After burying the former settlement's chief, the villagers had to pack lightly before hiding in their cellar. They had to stay as quiet as possible in the cellar to give the impression that they had left the settlement. Then, after sunset they could start the journey to Lumark City.


Brigadier Ugla also told them that they could take some meat from the dead Cloud Hawks and eat them. However, because the Cloud Hawks were killed using steel darts coated in deadly neurotoxins, their meat must be properly cooked first.


“Well, I have to continue the hunt for Makai Riders, so good luck and have a safe journey.”


Wallak firmly nodded and said, “Yes Ser, and I pray the gods who reside in heaven be with you.”




After looking at the relief and hope that filled the villagers' faces to the brim, Brigadier Ugla then climbed into his saddle. A moment later, he already flew side by side with Lieutenant Ollek. The two went to their next target at full speed.


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