TF Amethyst

TFA2 21.2 – A Diversion

TFA2 21.2 – A Diversion

In aerial warfare, situational awareness was vital. First to detect would lead into first to kill. The very example of this scenario was what Brigadier Ugla previously did. He baited Makai Riders into a vulnerable position, while his wingman silently approached and killed them. After that, they used the assistance from Poseidon to locate and stalk their second prey.

By using his long-range scope, Brigadier Ugla observed four Makai Riders who flew 200 meters above the ground, heading to the west at speed of 250 km/h. Then, in a calm tone he said, “Berrik, the show is yours and Farrai.”

“Roger.” Wasting no time Weapon Officer Berrik pressed PTT button, “Bravo 2-0, do you copy?”

[I’m listening, Bravo 0-1.]

“Twin Hammer, 100 meter above the target, detonation at 30 meter after muzzle exit, confirm?”

[Confirm, Twin Hammer, 100 meter above the target, detonation at 30 meter after muzzle exit.]

After a smile, Weapon Officer Berrik immediately pressed PTT button one more time, “Alpha 0-1, Alpha 2-0, Let’s roll.”



Brigadier Ugla and Lieutenant Ollek could hear the radio conversation between their Weapon Officers. Therefore, they didn't need explanation about tactic they would use. Once Weapon Officer Berrik gave them a signal to attack, they immediately approached Makai Riders from behind while lowering their altitude.

In a smooth maneuver Brigadier Ugla and Lieutenant Ollek fly side by side until both of them were a hundred meters above Makai Riders. Then, they simultaneously tilted their Cloud Hawk to the side. 

Without delay, Weapon Officer Berrik and Weapon Officer Farrai took aim on Makai Riders below them. At the same time, Weapon Officer Berrik used his left hand to pressed PTT button. “Three, two, one… Now!!”

Th-Thumb…. Bl-Blaaaarrr!!

Two explosions bloomed in the air almost at the same time, sending hundreds of deadly steel darts straight to the Makai Riders and it killed them in a blink of an eye. 

As he observed Makai Riders who just crashed to the ground Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button, “Good job everyone, let’ss continue with next target.”

Brigadier Ugla and Lieutenant Ollek then took their Cloud Hawks to maximum altitude above the cloud. However, before they decided on their next target a radio call suddenly came in.

[Lima Charlie to all 71-1, ceases your hunt and romeo tango baker immediately.]


[Lima Charlie to all 71-1, I say again, ceases your hunt and romeo tango baker immediately.]

As dark lines appeared in his forehead Brigadier Ugla replied the call, “Alpha 0-1 to Lima Charlie, are you under attack?”

[Negative Alpha 0-1, but all opposing Riders had left the dry land. It’s a little too late to hunt them.]

In an instant question marks filled Brigadier Ugla's mind. "Do you mean they carry a total retreat?"

[Yes, it seems their high-command know how to adapt to the field conditions, and managed to prevent their Riders from getting wiped out.]

“In that case, I believed they will not carelessly use their Riders to launch other harassment. So, can you let 71st returns to Sommer Island and finish our job over there?”

[Negative, tomorrow we will launch a major offensive, and we need 71st to participate. So, romeo tango baker on the double. You have a lot of thing to prepare.]

“Received and understood, Alpha 0-1 over and out.”

Without delay Brigadier Ugla and Lieutenant Ollek took their Cloud Hawk to Lumark City. Actually, they wanted to know the latest situation in Sommer Island, but they chose to hold their curiosity until they arrive at Lumark City.


Lumark City was located 90 km south of Yellow Tail Naval Station. Initially, it was just a small and undeveloped town with around 20 thousand population. A natural thing if you considered that cities on the north side of Buriek Continent were a hunting ground for a pack of mid-size dragon that came in a fixed schedule.

However, Amethyst Merchant had a different view about this undeveloped town. As the only town in the most northwest part of Buriek Continent, Lumark City was suitable to be used as a hub for inter-continental trade. Therefore, the re-development of Lumark City was no less quick compared to Buriek Royal City.

From a distance, Brigadier Ugla observed Lumark City using a long-range scope. The ballista crews and bowmen on the city wall swiftly took their position, as soon as they realized his presence. However, after he passed the identification protocol, the ballista crews and bowmen immediately stood down. Then, He and Lieutenant Ollek flew directly to Castle Motte.

After a glance from the air Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button, "It seemed more than half of 71st have arrived."

[It seems so.] Lieutenant Ollek calmly replied..

Wasting no time Brigadier Ugla and Lieutenant Ollek landed on the landing pad. Then, once Brigadier Ugla got off from the saddle, an old nobleman and a Lt. Colonel from TF Amethyst approached him.

In a polite tone the old nobleman said, “You must be Brigadier Ugla."


“Please allow me, Baron Shenill, major of Lumark City to welcome you and your regiment. You all are honorable guest of this city."

“Thank you.”

Brigadier Ugla was a man of little words. Moreover, as the only son in his family, he would inherit the title of Count from his father. So he didn't have to talk in a formal manner in front of Baron Shenill.

After checking the name tag on the chest of Lt. Colonel standing next to Baron Shenill, Brigadier Ugla immediately asked, “Ser Jackson, can you give me the detail about tomorrow offensive?”

Lt. Colonel Jackson smiled and then asked, “Are you sure you don't want to get some rest first?”

“No, I will not be able to calmly rest until I know the mission for my regiment.”

“Very well, let’s talk it in command center.”

After he ordered Lieutenant Ollek to make sure members of 71st Mohawk Regiment stayed in the barracks and not wandering into city, Brigadier Ugla then followed Lt. Colonel Jackson and Baron Shenill to Command Center.


“Camp Forrez,” Lt. Colonel Jackson said as he showed Brigadier Ugla a record of aerial reconnaissance. “Initially, it was a fisherman village. The opposing side was then enlarge it into a stronghold, and stationed around 45.000 combatant and 5.000 support personnel. 

Marshal Ducie directly ordered 71st to strike this camp, as a diversion for our main attack on Renne, Ranna, and Ronno.”

Brigadier Ugla nodded and asked, "How do we know the name of this camp?"

“Last night, a small cavalry patrol captured their scouts in a hill near to Haldon City, and managed to squeeze some juices.”

“I see.”

Lt. Colonel Jackson then switched the display on the main screen into a giant map. “It’s 300 km away from here to Camp Forrez, so after the strike the 71st will retreat to Haldon City.

Based on the development in the field, 71st maybe will also have to carry another combat sortie.” 

“No problem,” Brigadier Ugla firmly replied as he turned his gaze towards Haldon City, a big city located 90 km east of Camp Forrez, and also the city where his family held the highest authority.

Meanwhile, Lt. Colonel Jackson pointed his finger on the biggest building on Camp Forrez, which located next to an intersection. "And this is their Command Center. Previously, it was an inn and we deliberately left 12 barrels of 600 liters ale in its warehouse.

It was cheap ale that easily to burn, so Molotov cocktail will be an ideal choice to flood the whole camp in fire.”

After slightly nodding his head Brigadier Ugla asked, “Ser Jackson, have you prepared our ammo?"

"I have." TF Amethyst had a fuel and ammunition depot in Lumark City. Therefore, Lt. Colonel Jackson firmly added, “We have plenty of it.”

“Glad to hear that.”

In a calm tone, Lt. Colonel Jackson then continued, “We estimate the opposing side is still has around 900 Riders. They are stationed in Renne, Ranna, and Ronno, and need only two minutes to arrive in Camp Forrez. So, 71st will have to face them.”

“No problem, 71st will destroy Camp Forrez and kill Makai Riders as many as possible before retreat to Haldon City.” After pausing for a moment Brigadier Ugla asked, “But how is Sommer Island's situation right now?"

“They just thwarted the landing attempt perfectly, and continue to receive additional ammunition as we speak.”

In an instant, relief filled Brigadier Ugla's mind to the brim. "I will brief my men and plan the attack then. Before dinner, I will give Ser Jackson the detail.”


Wasting no time Lt. Colonel Jackson gave Brigadier Ugla every pieces of intelligence he had.


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