TF Amethyst

TFA2 22.1 – Air Superiority

Not long after sunrise, 80 Riders and Weapon Officers from 74th Mohawk Regiment took off and left Lumark City. They flew to the south in medium speed, 50 meter above the ground.

On the back of each Cloud Hawk, eight crates of Molotov cocktails were tightly strapped. In an air raid, one Cloud Hawk usually was able to carry 18 crates of Molotov cocktail. However, because they had to fight Makai Riders after the air raid at Camp Forrez, then the payload for this mission were reduced.

In the leading position, Brigadier Ugla occasionally would check the update from Poseidon, but the display tablet was remained clear of unidentified blips. Fortunately, until they reached a distance of 20 km from Camp Forrez, the sky was still free from the presence of Makai Riders.

Meanwhile, three hours ago two divisions of Buriek Guards had arrived at behind small hill located 3 km to the east of Camp Forrez. Currently, they were fully ready to launch the decisive strike. As for Hunter Killer Platoon from Tuscan Guard, they had eliminated sentries that were scattered around Camp Forrez. Therefore, Battle Group C's elements in Camp Forrez were oblivious to the incoming air raid or the presence of two divisions of Buriek Guard.

At a distance of 2 km from Camp Forrez, Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button. “Assume attack formation."

Wasting no time, every Rider was spreading over to their designated position. In an instant, the long line of Buriek Riders turned into four lines of 20 Riders each, which extended into 200 meters long. The Raid Formation then climbed up to an altitude of 300 meters while increasing their speed. 

Panic and chaos immediately descended on Camp Forrez as a flight of unidentified Rider suddenly appeared in the distance, but it was too late. The Raid Formation reached the center of Camp Forrez before the defender could organize a proper defensive measure.

Without delay Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button. “Send the package in one, two, three… Now!”

In a neat and simultaneous maneuver, every Rider took their Cloud Hawk to climb up vertically. Then, every Weapon Officer released the slings that hold eight wooden crates of Molotov cocktails. In an instant, the wooden crates left the Cloud Hawk’s back, fell almost vertically, and breaking apart as soon as it hit the ground. After that, every Weapon Officer fired a 40 mm flare round to the ground. 

As soon as 40 mm flare round hit the ground, wild fire rose and spreading into all direction. In an instant, fire engulfed Camp Forrez. At the same time, each Rider took their Cloud Hawk into happy hunting. They skillfully placed their Cloud Hawk so that their Weapon Officer could easily hit every big target they spotted using 40 mm sub-munition round.

The result was devastating. The survivor of air raids couldn't fight back and their numbers decreased rapidly. It was a mass slaughter

As for Brigadier Ugla, he took Weapon Officer Berrik to attack warehouse on the backyard of Command Center. After a few shots of 40 mm high-frag round, fluid full of white bubbles was flooding out from the warehouse and spread over to all direction. And it turned the area around the warehouse into a big patch of campfire.

“The ale is truly flammable like fuel," Weapon Officer Berrik calmly said.

“Good, let them enjoyed it to the fullest then.”


Without delay, Brigadier Ugla then scanned the ground for the next target. Unfortunately, as soon as he found a fat and nice target, around 300 hundreds unidentified blips suddenly appeared on the display tablet. At the same time, a radio call came in.

[Charlie Hotel to 7-1, be advised, you have big pack of inbound bandits, 14 clicks to your west and approaching fast.]


[I say again, 7-1, you have big pack of inbound bandit, 14 clicks to your west and approaching fast.]

As he looked at the west horizon Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button, “Receive and understood. We will welcome them.”

[Go get them, Charlie Hotel over and out.]

After taking a deep breath Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button one more time, “Alpha 0-1 to all 7-1, regroup and assume attack formation. Let's use maximum fire power to welcome incoming bandits.”

All Riders from 71st Mohawk Regiment immediately stopped their hunt and regroup to form an attack formation. Even though each Weapon Officer had only fired a few 40 mm submunition round, it was more than enough to destroy combat effectiveness of Camp Forrez. The ground element would easily finish them off.

Right now, they had to focus their attention on incoming Makai Riders. They had to finish them off as fast as they could, because their own Cloud Hawk was not in their peak after the long journey from Lumark City.

In a tight and neat formation, Riders from 71st Mohawk Regiment took their Cloud Hawk to the west, where 300 hundreds black dots started filling the sky. Meanwhile, every Weapon Officer loaded a ready to fire 40 mm sub-munition round to their HK M320 Grenade Launcher.

At first glance, the huge numbers of Makai Riders was very intimidating. However, Riders and Weapon Officers from 71st Mohawk Regiment confidently welcomed them. Then, at a distance of 500 meters before the merge, every Weapon Officer fired their HK M320 Grenade Launcher at high angle. 

The 40 mm sub-munition round smoothly left the barrel, making a high arc, and exploded at a distance 100 meters after muzzle exit.


The result was devastating. Rain of deadly steel darts hit Makai Riders’ main formation fatally. Of the 300 Makai Riders, more than 250 met an instant death along with their Cloud Hawk. Their body then fell to the ground like a rain.

Throughout his life, never did Brigadier Ugla imagine he would witness so many Riders and Cloud Hawks would fall at once. However, his amazement last only for a moment. Wasting no time, he pressed PTT button.

“Alpha 0-1 to All 7-1, leave no one."

Wasting no time, Riders and Weapon Officers from 71st Mohawk Regiment carried out the order. They were fully aware that if the situation was reversed, Makai Rider would not hesitate to hunt them up to the last Rider and Cloud Hawk. Therefore, they show no mercy on the remaining Makai Riders.

A few minutes later, Brigadier Ugla found that his display tablet was clear of unidentified blips. As his Cloud Hawk hovering above the clouds, he then used his long-range scope to observed cluster of warship to the north of Ronno Island. After checking his Cloud Hawk's condition, he then pressed PTT button.

“Alpha 0-1 to Charlie Hotel, do you copy?”

[Charlie Hotel to Alpha 0-1, loud and clear, go ahead.]

“Requesting permission to engage opposing warships to the north of Ronno Island, confirm”

[Alpha 0-1, Are you sure your unit is still able to fight effectively?]

"I'm. We will able to fight for about 15 minutes, and then immediately retreat after that."

After a moment of silence, a reply finally came in.

[Charlie Hotel to Alpha 0-1, you have green to engage opposing warship to the north of Ronno Island, but for only 10 minutes, do you copy?]

“Loud and clear, Alpha 0-1, over and out.” After slightly smiling, Brigadier Ugla immediately led his men glided to their new prey.


Command Center, Castle Harra, Haldon City.

In a calm mood, Marshal Ducie and Colonel Harper supervised the diversion launched by 71st Mohawk Regiment. As they expected, 71st Mohawk Regiment managed to wipe out the opposing Riders, while the ground elements easily seized Camp Forrez. 

And after he gave 71st Mohawk Regiment a green to attack opposing warships on the north of Ronno Island, Marshal Ducie immediately ordered 72nd Mohican Regiment to join the fight from the south. If they managed to dominate the sky, the remaining Buriek Riders would then hunt and destroy opposing warships as many as they could.

In a glance it was simple tactic, but actually it hold important factor to enable the next phase. In summary, the more Buriek Riders neutralized the opposing elements, the easier the landing attempt on Renne, Ranna, and Ronno.

A moment later, one of communication staff gave the whole room a warning, “The opposing side scrambles their Riders, 300 Riders to welcome 7-1, and another 300 to welcome 7-2.”

In an instant, a thin smile appeared on Marshal Ducie’s lips. “Ser Harper, it seems they send every Rider they have in disposal.”

“It seems so,” replied Colonel Harper briefly.

After taking a deep breath Marshal Ducie calmly said, “I hope everything goes as we expected.”


Marshal Ducie and Colonel Harper then silently observed how the aerial battle between Buriek Riders and Makai Riders took place. 


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