TF Amethyst

TFA2 22.2 – Escape

TFA2 22.2 – Escape

70 km south of Ronno, 80 Riders and Weapon Officers from 72nd Mohican Regiment casually glided across the blue sky. In the leading position, Brigadier Torri couldn’t hide his smile as 300 blips suddenly appeared on the display tablet. A second later, a radio call came in.

[Charlie Hotel to Bravo 0-1, please remembers, finish the aerial fight as quick as possible and then immediately attack opposing ground elements. As for their warships, let the non-Tom Gun graduates to have them.]

Brigadier Torri immediately pressed PTT button. “Bravo 0-1 to Charlie Hotel, received and understood.”

[Copy, Charlie Hotel over and out.]

As a fellow of Tom Gum’s graduates, Brigadier Torri was actually rather jealous when he heard Brigadier Ugla and his unit managed to eliminate more than 200 Makai Riders in one salvo. Fortunately, 72nd Mohican Regiment would have similar opportunity.

After calming his heart Brigadier Torri pressed PTT button one more time. “Bravo 0-1 to All 7-2, let’s throw a big net on the first merge.”

Without delay Riders from 72nd Mohican Regiment assumed a neat attack formation. At the same time, every Weapon Officer prepared the first salvo of 40 mm sub-munition round. A few second later, huge number of black dots appeared in the distance and closing in rapidly.

Unfortunately, Brigadier Torri’s wish to neutralize opposing Riders as many as possible on the first merge couldn’t be done. Without warning the opposing Riders suddenly spread over to all direction.

‘Damn!! They have grasped our main tactic from versus contact with 7-1.’ After heaving a deep regret, Brigadier Torri then ordered his men to switch into a quick hunt and kill.


Command Center, Ronno Island

As soon as crystal sensor detected that 80 unknown Riders were approaching from the south, Count Zerb immediately sent 300 Riders to welcome them. Then, with a pounding heart he observed the crystal sensor.

Even if the opposing side sent only 80 Riders, Count Zerb did not dare to underestimate them. This morning, he had witnessed more than 200 Makai Riders suddenly disappeared from crystal sensor just before their formation met with Buriek Riders. After that, the remaining Makai Riders disappeared one by one in rapid interval.

Therefore, Count Zerb ordered his Riders to avoid forming a big pack when they fought Buriek Riders. He hoped it would prevent his Riders from getting wiped out in one swoop, and gave them the opportunity to adapt to Buriek Riders’ new tactic. Unfortunately, Count Zerb’s wish got destroyed a few minutes later.

‘What the…’ 

Count Zerb’s eyes widely opened as blips on the crystal sensor disappear one by one in rapid interval. As the crystal sensor couldn’t distinguish between friend and foe, Count Zerb normally wouldn’t able to conclude whether the disappearing blips were Makai Riders or Buriek Riders. However, he got a feeling that Makai Riders were being slaughtered.

Unfortunately, Count Zerb hunch was correct. Eight minutes after the aerial combat started, the blips on the crystal sensor shrank into 80 blips and all of them flew to the north at high speed. At the same time, one of crystal communicator’s operators turned his head to Count Zerb and gave him a complicated gaze.

Count Zerb immediately asked the operator, “Do we lose all contact with Riders?”

“Yes, Ser. We also receive some updates. It’s…”

Seeing the operator of crystal communicator losing his composure, Count Zerb immediately said, “Say it or I will execute you for delaying vital information.”

“Yes, Ser.” The operator of crystal communicator immediately straightened his back. “Riders who fought in north of Ranna got wiped out to the last man, while new groups of opposing Rider are attacking our warships on the outer perimeter.”

“Fuck.” In reflex Count Zerb clenched his fist. “What kind of trick that Buriek Riders employ to dominate the fight so easily?”

Throughout his life, never did Count Zerb imagine that someday he would lose 300 Riders in less than eight minutes. It was too hard for him to accept it as without support from Rider, warships and ground elements under his command would become easy prey for Buriek Riders. Unfortunately, Count Zerb could do nothing other than showed his men a steel determination.

After taking a deep breath Count Zerb ordered, “Send my message to every officer in this island. They have to defend their perimeter at all cost.”

“At once Ser,” Wasting no time the operator of crystal communicator relayed the order.


Once he got order to defend his perimeter at all cost, Captain Wark instantly realized that Makai Riders had lost the aerial fight. Wasting no time, he immediately ordered ballista crews and bowmen under his command to get ready.

A moment later, tens of black dots appeared in the southern sky and they were closing in rapidly. In a flash, they had arrived and casually glided above the first perimeter.

Captain Wark’s heart started to pound loudly, but his expression remained calm. The opposing Riders were still beyond the effective range of ballista or longbow, but he wasn’t worry at all. He was ready to sacrifice his men, while sooner or later the opposing Rider would run out of arrows. At that time, they would dive to attack using Cloud Hawk’s claw, and Captain Wark would exploit this moment to kill them as many as he could. 

“Get ready. Even if you can’t kill the Cloud Hawks, at least kill the Riders.”

“””””Aye Sir!!!”””””

Then, Captain Wark and his men were bravely waiting for the incoming rain of arrows. However, the rain that hit them a few second later was something that beyond their expectation or understanding. 


Tens of explosions suddenly filled the air almost at the same time, followed by rain of steel darts. In an instant, humans, horses, dogs, and other living things that were hit by the deadly steel darts fell to the ground and didn’t wake up anymore. One salvo and twenty crews of ballista along with hundreds of seasoned bowmen under Captain Wark’s command were destroyed.

After that, Captain Wark who happened to be standing outside of the deadly rain, could only helplessly witnessed how the opposing Riders continued their massacre towards next ballista company, longbow squadron, or infantry columns. 

The opposing Riders always used the same tactic. They launched a rain of steel darts that killed every living thing inside its impact radius. No doubt, it was one of hell effective and efficient massacre. In less than ten minutes, more than 4000 combatants in first perimeter met with their end. Their bodies were scattered on the ground as far as the eye could see. 

Meanwhile, a small number of survivors could only standing silently in their place. Shock and despair were clearly reflected in their eyes. It was as if they silently said, ‘We definitely pick a fight with a fucking wrong opponent.’


Command Center, Renne Island.

As soon as he heard that Riders under his command suffered a crushing defeat, Prince Dellan instantly realized that the destruction of Battle Group C was only a matter of time. However, he refused to show any sign of weakness. His determined expression remained strong, even when report regarding the sink of warship or destruction of ground element under his command continued to flood Command Center from all direction. Then, he finally received a report about Buriek Guard’s landing attempt.

“So this is the end of my journey,” Prince Dellan calmly said.

Seeing a determination to fight to the death flashed on Prince Dellan’s eyes, Count Rahel, the second highest-ranking officer in Renne immediately said, “Your Highness, as long as you survive and managed to escape, Kingdom of Buriek will not able to fully claim their victory.

We still have enough combatants to defend this Command Centre at all cost. Meanwhile, your bodyguards can escort you to the hidden Cloud Hawk’s stable, and then you can fly to closest Region in Amstell Continent.”

“Count Rahel, do you want me to run like a coward?”

Count Rahel firmly replied, “Yes, I do. Then, by using your massive fortune, you can reform Battle Group C and pay back today humiliation in full.”

After contemplating for a moment Prince Dellan finally asked, “If I leave, who will lead the final resistance?”

“This servant will make sure the opposing side pay a dearly price for every attempt to seize this command center.”

In an instant Prince Dellan deeply looked at Count Rahel, “Count Rahel, no matter what happen, do not betray me and I will guarantee the safety and prosperity of your family for the next three generation.”

“This servant will put his life to honor Your Highness’ generous heart.”

After slightly nodding his head, Prince Dellan and his bodyguards then changed their clothes into regular infantry’s outfit. After that, they were sneaking their way into a hidden Cloud Hawk’s stable in west of Renne.

In the sky, some Riders from 72nd Mohican Regiment detected their movement, but they ignored this small group. They had received an order to support the landing attempt, so they put every drop of their attention on this new objective.


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