TF Amethyst

TFA2 2.3 – Widely Open Gate

Port of Wellmoss, Wist Region

17:50, 20 Oct 2025

Port of Wellmoss, a trading port that was located at the west end of Amstell Continent or more precisely in Wist Region. Its size and class was similar to Port of Ursu, which was one of the largest trading ports in Kingdom of Makai. The majority citizen of Wist Region also had similar occupation to citizen of Sutt Region. They were sailor, fisherman, or pirates.

A day after the departure of Battle Group B from Port of Ursu, more than 4000 various ships left Port of Wellmoss and sailed directly to the south. This convoy that was led by 23th Makai Fleet under Duke Velker’s command was Battle Group C.

Unlike 11th Makai Fleet whose strength was being focused on destroyer attack group, the 23th Makai Fleet focused its strength on Rider, both for sea control and land attack, and of course also for air superiority.

Therefore, even if the number of ships was smaller than Battle Group B, the Battle Group C still had power that could not be underestimated. In total it had 90 thousand sailors, 300 thousand landing forces, and 1500 Riders.

In the war strategy room at carrier ship Solera-01, Duke Velker explained to Prince Dellan. "Three days to the south, five days to the east at medium speed, and at dawn of the ninth day our targeted island would appear in the horizon. And along the journey we would eliminate every Buriek Navy’s patrol."

"Uncle Velker, I know nothing about sea operation, so I will entrust that part to you."

"Understood." Duke Velker smiled before continuing, "In general, we have Riders on Combat Air Patrol up to a radius of 500 km from dawn to dusk.

So, we only need to worry about a night ambush, and before the landing, we will make sure that the sky above the targeted islands are fully under our control."

"I see."

"And after we seize the targeted islands, we will immediately launch the landing operation on Buriek Mainland as Prince Dellan wishes."

In an instant a wide grin appeared in Prince Dellan lips. "Well, First Brother and Second Brother think that Battle Group C is only a diversion force, but we will use this diversion force to launch the main attack while TF Amethyst and Kingdom of Buriek busy fighting the other two battle groups."

"Understood, this humble servant will support your wish with his utmost," Duke Velker firmly replied.


Main Meeting Hall, Makai Intelligence Service Quarter, Makai Guard HQ

18:10, 20 Oct 2025

While Battle Group C left Port of Wellmoss, three people stood before the giant map of Amstell and Buriek Continent. The Three were King Makai XXII, Grand Commander Migal, and Trade Minister Bellu.

King Makai XXII calmly asked, "What do you think, who will get the highest score in this competition?" 

"Your Majesty, it's hard to say. The three princes are all competent field commanders and their operation plans are solid," Grand Commander Migal respectfully replied.

"Well, this servant also had difficulty in giving assessment, but the three princes have an overwhelming force so it's unlikely that they will suffer a defeat. Though, a draw due to the difference in fire power with TF Amethyst may occur," Trade Minister Bellu calmly replied.

"I see," King Makai XXII nodding slightly.

As a king, having three competent sons were blessings as well as disasters. It could be a blessing if the three sons could get along. However, if the throne struggle turned into a bloody conflict and one party tried to wipe out the other sides, Kingdom of Makai would then not only weaken, but it was very likely to be destroyed.

Bloody conflict was very likely to arise, considering that the relationship between the three camps was increasingly tapering, and each side continued to build military force. But fortunately, an external enemy that could be used to vent the bloodlust from the three princes' supporters appeared.

"Uncle Migal, give me the update for disruption operation to Regions around Desolate Land's entrance?"

"The contingent already departed and a few days after the three princes start the offensive, they will launch the first wave of disruption."

King Makai XXII immediately nodded in satisfaction. "Then, let us alert Makai Royal Navy and Air Corps, they had to be ready to depart at any time if the worst scenario occurs.

Also, other than the Regions that helped Duke Arasmus maintain the northern border, ask the neutral Regions in the throne competition to send their Riders to be placed under the command of Royal Air Corps."

""Understood,"" Grand Commander Migal and Trade Minister Bellu replied in unison.

After some small talk, King Makai XXII then invited his two most trusted subordinates to a dinner.


Woodcutter Settlement, Penna Hill, 7 km east of Makai Royal City.

18:15, 20 Oct 2025

The surface of Penna Hill was a half-limestone where the only plants that could grow on it were Black Pine. The peak was at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, elongated from north to south 6 km long, and had an average width of 2 km. 

Since four months ago a woodcutter settlement was being opened at western tip of Penna Hill's peak. It was quite famous among timber companies, construction companies, or shipyard owners in Makai Royal City because of its accuracy in meeting the promised schedule. Not to mention, in Kingdom of Makai there were only a few woodcutters who were able to cut Black Pine and turn it into a semi-processed material.

And to this day, nobody knew that woodcutter settlement in Penna Hill actually was Forward Operating Camp Jack Sparrow, and 200 Woodcutters who live in it were:

160 personnel of Ground Combat Group, 

18 personnel of Mobile Construction Group, 

12 personnel of Intelligence & Diplomacy Group, 


10 men from Settlement 116 who graduated from IDG's Intelligence Gathering Course.

From the ceiling of a log cabin at the peak of Penna Hills, Sergeant Spier and Sergeant Gaz calmly operated a laser-based long-range eavesdropping device. Their target was the Main Meeting Hall of Makai Secret Service.

Normally, a laser-based long-range eavesdropping device would not be able to reach a target 7 km away. However, the model used by TF Amethyst was a variant that had been improved into a whole new level.

"It seems Makai Royal Navy and Air Corps must be taken into account in the counter-invasion plan," Sergeant Spier calmly said.

"Yup," Sergeant Gaz gave a short reply.

"Well, ten minute before Reaper comes to pick up today's intel, and then let's get some beers and grilled sausage."


Of the 18 log cabins at the peak of Penna Hills, 14 were used as a post to eavesdrop on talks at Makai Royal City. The personnel who were tasked with it worked in a two-man team format with a duration of six hours for each shift.

Each post was equipped with three laser-based long-range eavesdropping devices. Therefore, they could run the operations for 24/7, with the main targets being important buildings or the residence of a high-ranking official.

And even if most of the important buildings in Makai Royal City did not have glass windows, these buildings had some roofs made of mosaic glass to allow sunlight entered as natural lighting in the day, so the eavesdropping team happily exploited this mosaic glass.

The results of the eavesdropping operation were quite various. Some were essential intelligence, while some others were only cheap gossip. No matter what it was, every intel would be relayed to home base through MQ-9 Reaper which came twice a day, once was after the sunset and the other was before the sunrise.


TF Amethyst's Command Center, Castle Lagra.

18:50, 20 Oct 2025

After reading the latest intel from FOC Jack Sparrow, Nate instantly frowned. If Makai Royal Navy and Air Corps had been alerted to support the retaliatory invasion, then he must change the outline of counter-invasion strategy he had arranged.

At present, smart ammunition that could be used by TF Amethyst for naval warfare were AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-65 Maverick, AGM-114 Hellfire, and Paveway II with a total number of 1150 units. From these numbers, Nate obtained a quota of 700 units.

Initially, Nate planned to launch a night airstrike to carrier ship, cruiser ship, and destroyer ship from both Battle Group B and C when they were 500 km away from their homeport.

Then, without adequate escort ships, the remaining warships would become easy prey for Buriek Navy, who would hunt with the help of intel from Poseidon.

However, if Makai Royal Navy were already in alert status, then they would be able to arrive in the ambushed location after a full night sailing at full speed. In this scenario, Buriek Navy had to retreat before they could sink enough ships to thwart the invasion.

After sighing deeply, Nate then turned towards General Khartoum and Viscount Issel. "It seems like we have to let Battle Group B and C enter our territory as deep as possible and execute a beach landing."

With a calm tone General Khartoum confirmed Nate's intention, "Does Ser Nate want to separate both Battle Group B and C with their reinforcement as far as possible?"

"Yeah. For now, it's the best option we have."

General Khartoum immediately nodded. He already saw how TF Amethyst used a similar strategy to trap Northern Coalition, so he firmly approved Nate's proposal. 

"I agree with Ser Nate's suggestion."

Without delay Viscount Issel added, "I also agree with Ser Nate's strategy. It was very effective when we used it to hold Buriek Kingdom's invasion."

"Thank you, for putting your trust in me."

Nate breathed a sigh of relief because both General Khartoum and Viscount Issel did not doubt his decision. But actually, Nate was very nervous because his strategy would put Sandhur Region in the middle of a pincer attack with a total strength of more than two million ground forces.

On paper, TF Amethyst was indeed capable of holding the invasion. However, one small mistake and Lagra City would face a massive siege. Not to mention that war always flowed in an unexpected direction.

'If only TF Amethyst has sufficient fire power,' Nate muttered in silence.

But Nate only lamented for a moment, he then called all staff officers under his command. A moment later, a long-range strategy meeting with Harley Quinn and Buriek Guard HQ was began.

And the next day, just two hours before sunrise, various deployment orders were being sent from Castle Lagra. 


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