TF Amethyst

TFA2 2.4 – Festive Meal Before The War

Buriek Guard Camp, Sandhur Beach

04:10, 21 Oct 2025

In the invasion on Sandhur Region, Akrei was one of the few who survived from TF Amethyst's airstrike over Lagra City. A devastating offensive that killed more than 400 thousand Buriek Guards in one sweep.

Fortunately, when the airstrike was launched, Akrei was already being sent to the rear line, as he suffered serious injuries in the battle to seize Castle Lagra at noon. Now, he was being appointed as a captain of a 900-man detachment in charge of securing wooden dock in Sandhur Beach.

As usual, long before the sunrise Akrei was already wide awake. Then, shortly after he came out of his courtyard, Akrei saw five young sentries were running and leaving their post, as if their life was depended on it.

'Damn cowards!' 

As he cursed inwardly, Akrei swore that the coward sentries would receive a memorable punishment. However, at the same time he also understood why they were so terrified.

The location where his detachment and the other two detachments set up their camp was a fishing village whose residents were being slaughtered by his old unit. So, it was natural that the area was full with the remnants of negative sentiment from its old residents.

For example, a group of headless children who loved to invite the sentries to play with them, just a few hours before their night duty ended. Sometimes, a personnel also saw a group of women who fetched water from a well, but when the personnel approached them, he found that the women's faces didn't have eyes or noses.

Whispers of some women sometimes were also heard from a corner of the room, but not a single woman was visible over there. Or, the sounds of children running around on the street while laughing cheerfully, but none of the children were seen.

Some accidents such as personnel who fell from a horse, fell into the well, or the fire that burned the kitchen to the ground were also associated with the appearance of the villager's ghost.

According to the monk from Nemo Temple, the souls of the dead villagers had crossed into the afterlife. What's left was only their lingerie sentiment and it would take a long time before it disappeared, depending on how dark the sentiment was. The only thing that Buriek Guard's personnel could do was sending a pray for the sake of cleaning the negative sentiment.

Therefore, every morning before sunrise, Akrei would pray for a woman and her baby whom he killed on the first day of the invasion. Akrei never expected forgiveness for his actions. He only deeply hoped that the woman and her baby could find peace and happiness in the afterlife.

As soon as he arrived at the location where he beheaded the woman and her baby, Akrei immediately closed his eyes and sent his prayer. Usually, he would pray until the sun completely rose without anyone dared to disturb him. Considering that in the area where he stood right now, usually there was a headless woman who cradled a headless baby.

But today it seemed like someone had some courage, as a few minutes after he started his prayer he heard footsteps approaching.

Akrei immediately opened his eyes and turned back, his gaze then met with a young Buriek Guard's lieutenant whose face was as pale as a corpse.


"S-s-sir, b-b-b-hind y-ou…" 

"I know," Akrei casually replied. 

Akrei realized the scared young lieutenant wouldn't be able to talk normally if he didn't leave the place, so he immediately walked to the camp. Wasting no time, the scared young lieutenant followed Akrei while relieved filled his face to the brim.

The Lieutenant then told Akrei that Castle Lagra had just sent a retreat order. All elements of Buriek Guard at Sandhur Beach had to withdraw to Lagra City. Meanwhile, TF Amethyst would build a new defensive line in Railev Pass, or more precisely in the choke point between Levsait and Raisait.

"It seems like TF Amethyst wants to let Makai Kingdom's contingent execute the beach landing," Akrei said as he looked at a long truck convoy that approached Buriek Camp.


Defensive Point LS-01, Levsait

06:20, 21 Oct 2025

At the southern tip of Levsait, where the waves that hit the cliffs were heard continuously, Major James and Lieutenant Cameron stood on the head of an MTV.

As he looked at the vast blue of Guise Sea, Major James said, "We only have 600 pieces of 155 mm shell, so the howitzer team will prioritizing the big ships in the area of impact."


The Major then turned to a wide sandy plain that spread over between Levsait and Raisait before continuing, "As for the opposing landing element, we will hit them with 120 mm mortar. We have more than 5000 pieces of 120 mm shells, so be generous to our guests."

Lieutenant Cameron grinned before replying "Understood."

A moment later, Major James deeply sighed before saying regretfully, "Unfortunately, Stinger Team only gets 150 pieces of stingers, so let's hope the Ripper Team and M2HB Team will be able to give us adequate air cover."


Major James and Lieutenant Cameron then went back to mapping the area of impact for 155 mm M777 Howitzer and 120 mm M120 Mortar.

Meanwhile, in the surrounding area around them, people were busy building the firing nests for Howitzer 155 mm, Mortar 120 mm, Stinger, Ripper Station, M2HB, and various other weapons along with its ammunition stash.

Also, the number of M1151 Ripper and M1151 M2HB deployed in Levsait was increased by several times. This Humvee Armament Carrier would take the role as Mobile Air Defense to defensive points that were being overwhelming by opposing Rider.

The intense preparation was also being carried out in Raisait, Railev Pass, and other areas. In short, all preparations that could be done to thwart the invasion from Kingdom of Makai were done as much as possible.


Duke Phelite's Mansion, Buriek Royal City.

07:10, 21 Oct 2025

Since its founding, Kingdom of Buriek had a tradition to celebrate the New Year with Commoners Festival. In this festival, the Royal Family and Nobles would hold a courtyard banquet for commoners. The gate to the main courtyard in the Royal Palace or noble mansion would be widely open, and every commoner was free to enter and enjoy every available dishes.

In Commoners Festival, nobles would wear plain clothes while commoners wore their best, and then they would sit at one table to enjoy the festival together.

However, Commoners Festival had to be turned into a simple chicken porridge breakfast twelve years ago, as Kingdom of Buriek's economy plunged into lowest level. This situation made King Buriek XII unable to sleep well every night. Given that failing to maintain the tradition of the ancestors was a great sin for a king.

Fortunately, this year the Commoners Festival could be continued and King Buriek XII advanced its date to be today, not at the end of the year.

Of course, after Kingdom of Makai's intention to launch an invasion was discovered, King Buriek XII almost canceled the Commoners Festival, but Lt. Colonel Slane confidently guaranteed that it could be held on schedule.

Moreover, Lt. Colonel Slane already drafted a plan to send a huge amount of specially prepared dishes, so Buriek's people could enjoy the festival to the fullest. Therefore, it was almost impossible to cancel Commoner Festival.

In the main courtyard of Duke Phelite's Mansion, King Buriek XII was busy manning three huge grillers. He proudly wore a chef jacket and red bandana on his head. And every time he looked at dozens of children who drooled as they watched the barbeque skewer in the grillers, a grin immediately appeared in his lips.

Most adults would went from one mansion to another to taste various delicacy, and they were amazed with roasted turkey, cheese burger, paella, kebab, pasta, apple pie, cheesecake, blueberry tart, strawberry pudding, cider, coke, Amur beer, and other delicacy sent by Amethyst Merchant.

Meanwhile, the majority of the kids were mesmerized by barbeque skewers. The main ingredients for the barbeque skewer were only ordinary beef, chicken, shrimp, corn, mushroom, and paprika. 

But the BBQ Sauce was made specifically by Chef Bianca according to the preference of children in Magwurt City. So it was natural that the kids got hooked by it after their first try.

Since the beginning, King Buriek XII had arranged that the barbeque skewer must be distributed through Duke Phelite's Mansion. Then, early in the morning he sneaked out of Royal Palace. As for the banquet at Royal Palace, he handed it over to the Queen and Prince Meriek.

Once he arrived in Duke Phelite's Mansion, King Buriek XII smoothly joined the Cooks who would manning the grilling stations. Other than Duke Phelite, no one knew his identity. 

However, King Buriek XII never thought that from ten grilling stations in the courtyard, only his grilling station was surrounded by the kids.

"Handsome Uncle Cook, give me two pieces of delish skewer."

Without realizing that the Uncle Griller in front of her was The Majesty King Buriek XII, a six or seven year old girl, where on her lips there was a trace of barbeque sauce happily submitted her order.

Then, the other kids followed her example.

"Me too, Handsome Uncle Cook, give me one beef skewer and one shrimp skewer."

"Handsome Mister, for me two chicken skewers."

"Uncle, why did it take so long?"

"Mister Cook, please hurry!"

. . . 

. . .

. . .

"Uncle Cook, we will cry super loudly if you do not hurry."

'These kids...' King Buriek XII muttered as a smile bloomed in his lips.

Even if the children in front of him suddenly became fussy and demanding, King Buriek XII was not angry. Instead, he was very happy.

"Kiddo, you need to be a little patient. If I take it too early it would not be as delicious as it should be."

""""Really?"""" The children asked in unison.

"Yes, really." King Buriek XII widely smiled before explained, "When I went to Magwurt City, I was fortunate enough to study a grilling technique from the world best griller, so believe in me."


The children immediately nodded a few times like a school of chicks pecking at rice, and King Buriek XII happily went back to manning the grillers as if his life was depended on it.

Actually, King Buriek XII didn't lie when he said that in Magwurt City he studied a grilling technique from one of the best grillers he had ever met, and that griller was Chef Bianca.

Somehow, Chef Bianca understood King Buriek XII’s sentiment, who wanted to cheer his people by delivering a good delicacy for them, and if possible he wanted to serve them directly even if in a small quota.

Chef Bianca then sincerely whipped King Buriek XII for three weeks in order to drill the Basic Technique of Grilling and Frying into his body and mind. She even instructed King Buriek XII to become an intern at Green Bamboo Stall in the South Food Avenue.

King Buriek XII shuddered for a moment when he remembered the inhuman training that he had to went through under Chef Bianca's dictatorship, but it was only for a moment.

'My suicidal hard work is not wasted.' 

As he smiled from ear to ear, King Buriek XII distributed the barbeque skewers which had just been perfectly cooked to the children before him.

"Kiddo, here are your serving, careful it's hot."

""""Mhm, thank you Uncle Cook.""""

The kids cheerfully received the barbeque skewer before going to the row of empty benches in one of the corners. There, they happily enjoyed the barbeque skewers.

As King Buriek XII looked at the children, he muttered softly, "War will come and go, but I will make sure these kids will have a better future."

In the invasion attempt on Sandhur Region, Kingdom of Buriek lost more than 700 thousand personnel. So of course, among the kids who happily enjoyed barbeque skewers there must be someone who loses a grandfather, a father, or some older brothers.

Therefore, after seeing the kids' happy smiles, the crushing tightness in King Buriek XII's heart was lessened up considerably.

Then, without delay King Buriek XII put another batch of marinated barbeque skewers on the grillers. It would be only a few minutes before the kids returned for the next serving, so he must hurry.


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