TF Amethyst

TFA2 23.3 – SQ-04 Firebee

TFA2 23.3 – SQ-04 Firebee

Inside the war strategy room at frigate Toppo-01, Admiral Jarros sank in deep contemplation. Two days ago, he received a notification that combat element in Ranna, Renne, and Ronno had suffered a crushing defeat. Fortunately, Prince Dellan managed to escape and arrived in Tumbra Region safely. 

The next day, Prince Dellan sent him new order. He had to maintain the blockade on Sommer Island. Prince Dellan would send reinforcement as he had promised, but it would take a little longer than the planned schedule before they arrived.

After closing his eyes for a moment, Admiral Jarros turned his gaze towards a staff officer. “Is there any movement from Sommer Island?”

The staff officer replied, “No Sir, everything is calm and quiet.”

“Good. I hope we can have peaceful days until our reinforcement arrive.”

“Ser, I believe the opposing side uses a huge amount of resource to defeat our element in Renne, Ranna, and Ronno. They will need a strategic pause before they launch their next offensive.”  

“I know.”

Based on their long experience at military campaign, the assessment from Admiral Jarros and his staff officer was correct. Unfortunately, this time they were facing TF Amethyst.  A totally new opponent unlike any other they had faced before. And as if it was to destroy their assessment, a crystal communicator’s operator suddenly shouted a nervous warning.

“We have incoming, two groups of 80 Riders each, approaching us directly from south at 250 km/h.”

With ease Admiral Jarros concluded that the incoming Riders were bogeys, as Battle Group C’s Riders had been wiped out to the last man. Wasting no time he ordered, “Full retreat to Wellmoss. Save the ships and crews as many as possible.”

“At once Ser,” The operator of crystal communicator swiftly carried the order.


The opposing warships that surrounded Sommer Island were still beyond his visual range, but Brigadier Ugla could observe them via aerial footage from Reaper. He was fully realized that if the opposing side started their retreat before his regiment arrived, it was highly possible that large number of warships would manage to escape.

Even so, Brigadier Ugla didn’t increase the flying speed of his Cloud Hawk. He calmly waited the order from Command Center in Sommer Island to arrive. And before long, a radio call came in.

[Command to Alpha 0-1, do you read me?]

“Alpha 0-1 to Command, I read you loud and clear.”

[Alpha 0-1, take your unit to hit opposing warships on the east. Do you copy?]

“Copy, 7-1 will hit opposing warships on east of Sommer Island.”

[Happy hunting, Command over and out.]

Brigadier Ugla immediately led 71st Mohawk Regiment flew to the east of Sommer Island. In the middle of the flight, he heard Command Center ordered 72nd Mohican Regiment to hit opposing warships on the south of Sommer Island.

As for opposing warships on the north and west of Sommer Island, Brigadier Ugla didn’t give them any thought. He believed Command Center had a good plan for them. Without delay, he focused his body and minds to complete his objective.

A few minutes later, as soon as clusters of opposing warships entered his field of view, Brigadier Ugla pressed PTT button. “Alpha 0-1 to All 7-1, show no mercy.”

Wasting no time all Riders and Weapon Officers from 71st Mohawk Regiment commenced their air raid. The fight was one side massacre, like a fight between seasoned eagles against defenseless chicks. The chicks were running to all direction to save their dear life, but the eagles easily captured and tore them apart.


FRS Goblin did indeed have not received missiles which should become their primary weapon, but this station had been equipped with other weapon systems that were also being integrated to Aegis Combat System. These weapon systems were:

8 units Ripper Station

Each unit consisted of 2 x Chain-gun M230 30 mm, sandwiched by 19-cell Talon Launcher on the left and right. Each unit was stationed in rooftop of important building such as Command Center, ATC, or Ammo Depot.

When working in autonomous mode, Ripper Station would bypass IFF protocol and indiscriminately shooting down every aerial target in its effective range.

6 units Rapid Gun Mk.110 57 mm

Each unit was equipped with 1000-round magazine. By using low-cost high precision round, Rapid Gun Mk.110 could hit surface target up to 9.5 km and aerial target up to 5 km.


4 units Lighweight Gun Mk.45 127 mm

Each unit was equipped with 400-round ready-to-fire magazine, and secondary magazine loaded with 300 units suicide drone SQ-04 Firebee. Its standard ammo could hit surface target up to 36 km and aerial target up to 7 km, while the guided round could hit a surface target up to 70 km. As for SQ-04 Firebee, it could hit surface target up to 130 km.

In ordinary days, only 25% of weapon systems in FRS Goblin were in ready-to-engage status. However, as soon as a huge number of hostile warships approached Sommer Island, Lt. Colonel Gillray immediately activated all weapon systems in FRS Goblin. And today, the crews of Lightweight Gun Mk.45 would taste their first combat action. 

As soon as they received the order, the crews of Lightweight Gun Mk.45 immediately prepared the fire mission to eliminate the opposing warships on the west and north of Sommer Island. They swiftly switched the loading mechanism from ready-to-fire magazine to secondary magazine.

After Fire Control System finished calculating the firing solution, the loading mechanism then placed a SQ-04 Firebee into firing chamber. A moment later, the first SQ-04 Firebee left the barrel of Mk.45. It climbed up to altitude of 100 meters while spreading its folded wings and vertical stabilizer, and then flew to its intended target at a speed of 210 km/h. 

Unlike the 127 mm artillery round, Firebee was a super-low pressure projectile. It was very friendly to Mk.45’s barrel, and each crew could fire 300 Firebee in one long sustained fire without tactical pause to change the barrel. In summary, a total of 1200 Firebee were fired in 36 minutes. They flew in two separated group. One group flew to the north, while the second flew to the west.


In a calm gaze, Lt. Colonel Gillray and Rear Admiral Norrak observed the attempt of opposing warships to retreat. When the biggest warships reached a distance of 70 km from Sommer Island, Rear Admiral Norrak immediately turned his gaze towards Lt. Colonel Gillray.

“Ser Gillray, maybe we can allocate some of Buriek Riders to attack opposing warships on the north and west.”

“No need, they are still inside our reach,” Lt. Colonel Gillray confidently replied, and then he turned his head towards an officer of  Aegis Combat System, “LT, give me ETA for the first impact.”

“First wave will hit opposing warships in the north in ten minutes.”

“Good.”  Lt. Colonel Gillray nodded, and then he unconsciously recalled the details about Firebee.

SQ-04 Firebee was a cheap and simple concept designed by Boeing. US Navy rejected it as they prefer the 127 mm guided high-velocity round, which also could be used to intercept supersonic cruiser missile.

Physically, Firebee had a similar diameter to 127 mm artillery round but 20 cm longer. The shape was pretty similar to Tomahawk missile, and most of its body was made of advance polymer composite. It had an overall weight of 32 kg, carried 18 kg high-explosive warhead, could fly at 210 km/h, and reaching a surface target up to 130 km.

In short, Firebee didn’t have velocity to produce enough kinetic energy or carried enough explosive to harm a modern warship made of steel. Moreover, the close-in air defense system on a modern warship would easily neutralize Firebee. It was to be expected as Boeing didn’t design Firebee to kill modern warship. It was made to distract and deplete air defense system on targeted warships, or giving friendly ground element a long range air support. 

However, in a contest against a huge number of wooden warships, Firebee would become a super cost effective weapon system. With an acquisition price USD 14.000/unit, Firebee was much cheaper than 127 mm guided round while having longer effective range. And in its maximum capacity, Aegis Combat System could guide 60 Firebee towards 60 different targets simultaneously.

Then, Captain Flyood who stood next to Lt. Colonel Gillray suddenly said, “Sir, first impact is in ten seconds.”

“I see.” 

Lt. Colonel Gillray immediately put his attention back to the main screen and then calmly waiting for the first impact.


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