TF Amethyst

TFA2 23.4 – Nate and Lan Yan’er

TFA2 23.4 – Nate and Lan Yan’er

Bo-boom! Bo-booom! Bo-bobobobooommm!!!

The first swarm of Firebee simultaneously hit 60 cruisers and destroyers on the north of Sommer Island. And as expected, 18 kg high-explosive warhead was very effective to kill a wooden warship. It made a big hole in the hull and almost split the warship into two giant wooden chunks. Sea water immediately entered like a flood, and a second later every victims of Firebee started their journey to the seabed.

‘Damn! What a dangerous swarm.’

In the edge of frigate Sarmat-07’s deck, Lieutenant Tabei swallowed hard as 60 cruisers and destroyers he had to protect sank in matter of seconds. However, he didn’t have time to give it a further thought.

“Sir! The second swarm is approaching,” one of Lieutenant Tabei’s men said in an alarmed tone.

Wasting no time Lieutenant Tabei turned his gaze towards black dots in the distance. “Don’t let them passes our position at all cost!”

“””Aye Sir!”””

All bowmen and ballista crews on frigate Sarmat-07’s deck replied in unison. Without delay, they then took aim at the incoming dangerous swarm. Previously, they had only curiously watched as the swarm flew above their head, freely passing their position and then hit the cruisers and destroyers. But now, they would not let it happened again.

As he strengthening his resolve, cold gleam flashed on Lieutenant Tabei eyes. Then, he firmly gave his men the order they were waiting for.


Swoosh! Swoosh! Sw-wowowooossshhh!!!

In a blink of one eye, hundreds of arrows and dozens of ballista bolt left Sarmat-07’s deck and flew to the sky. It made a high arc before joining with arrows and ballista from other warships and blanketed the sky. As the dangerous swarm flew too low, there was no way it would escape the arrows and ballista bolts.

A smile slowly bloomed on Lieutenant Tabei’s lips as arrows and ballista rained down the dangerous swarm. However, the dangerous swarm easily passed the rain of arrows and ballista. It didn’t even slow down.

Lieutenant Tabei and his men could only drop their jaw as the dangerous swarm passed their position unhindered while making a loud buzz. 

At the same time, panic and chaos descended on the cruisers and destroyers in the main formation. Their bowmen and ballista crews launched a hasty salvo to stop the approaching swarm, but it was futile. The swarm continued its approach before making a sharp dive to their intended target.

Bo-boom! Bo-bo-booom! Bo-bobobobooommm!!!

Another 60 cruisers and destroyers got hit by Firebee fatally. A few seconds later, they had already sunk along with most of their crews.

‘Mighty Gods in high heaven please show us Your mercy,’ Lieutenant Tabei muttered as the third deadly swarm appeared in the distance and approaching his position fast.


‘What an insane fire power and precision.’ 

As he observed how the opposing warships sank in rapid interval, a chill was crept on Rear Admiral Norrak’s back. 

‘No wonder Admiral Errez kept saying only War God can match TF Amethyst’s insane fire power.’

Other than a dozen that missed, hit the sea surface and then disappeared, the remaining Firebee killed their intended target perfectly. At the same time, 71st Mohawk Regiment and 72nd Mohican Regiment had also spent their ammunition. In the end, only around 200s opposing corvettes managed to leave Sommer Island.

After taking a deep breath a few times, Rear Admiral Norrak proposed and idea. “Ser Gillray, maybe we can send some warships to help the opposing survivors.”

After glancing at the thousands of Makai sailor that scattered on the sea surface as far as they eyes could see, Lt. Colonel Gillray nodded. “It’s a good idea. Ser Norrak, can you organize it?”

“Consider it done.”

Wasting no time, Rear Admiral Norrak sent landing boats to help the opposing survivors. He also asked Buriek Navy to send frigates and transport ships to take the secured survivors into POW Camp.


Meanwhile, Lt. Colonel Gillray sent the initial report of the battle to Castle Lagra. As for the details report, he would need a few days to compile it


After receiving the report from Lt. Colonel Gillray, Nate immediately took a breath full of relief. Now, Battle Group C was no longer a threat. Meanwhile, Battle Group A and B quietly sat in their base and it seemed they would stay like that for the next a few days.

As for clandestine unit that was targeting Northern Coalition, IDG had warned the leaders of Northern Coalition and so far they didn’t ask for assistance. Therefore, Nate decided to take a short break before taking care of mountain of documents and reports in his office.

However, in the middle of his journey to the officer pub, Nate saw Lan Yan’er cheerfully led 14 former slave children who were living with her to second kitchen in Castle Lagra. Seira, Keira, Erlin, and Big Brown had also come along with her. 

After pondering for almost 20 minutes, Nate also went to second kitchen. As soon as he entered, he found the kids happily put the peanut cookies dough into owl, fish, bear, and others animals mold. Meanwhile, Lan Yan’er and the kitchen staffs were making the dough and handled the oven. 

It was lively and fun, but Nate couldn’t avoid the bitterness that slowly gripped his heart. In silent, Nate recalled that he was the one who gave the order that turned these children into orphan. Not to mention the order he gave also had indirectly sent hundreds of other children and slave women into bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, before Nate went deeper into his bitterness, his gaze met with Seira and it woke him up. Nate could only smiled helplessly, as with full of determination Seira bared her row of white teeth, as a sign that she was ready to bite him. At the same time, Big Brown who was lazing around in a corner rose to his feet and gave him a wary gaze.

‘Damn, now she even coax Mr. Brown into her cause,’ Nate bitterly muttered, but he kept walking over to Lan Yan’er who stood in the end of the long table.

“It’s lively here,” Nate cheerfully opened a conversation.

Lan Yan’er cheerfully nodded. “Yeah, the kids love the peanut cookies and want to help to make it. I hope it will ease their pain.”

“I see.”

After a pause Lan Yan’er asked, “Nate, is it okay for you to leave Command Center?”

“I’m in a short break.” Nate turned his gaze to Lan Yan’er as he continued, “If I may, can I ask you something personal?”

“You may,” Lan Yan’er casually replied. After washing her hand in the sink, she then took Nate into pantry.

Wasting no time Nate asked, “I heard you are staying in Vex’s living quarter in the east wing.”

Lan Yan’er nodded and answered, “Yes.”

“Do you plan to live together with Vex?”

“If what do you mean by living together is marriage, it’s absolutely no. But I and Vex are on same page regarding Seira, Keira, Erlin, and Kids on Settlement 116. I believed Vex will also support my approach regarding the 14 new kids who are staying with me now.”

“I see.”  

“Also, Vex doesn’t even know he have a living quarter here.”


As big question mark appeared in Nate’s forehead, Lan Yan’er explained, “It is Erlin, Seira, and Keira idea to prepare a living quarter for Vex in case he comes here. They are also the one who chose it. That’s why it’s very close to the inner garden but very far from Command Center.”

“I see. Umm…  maybe I should move my living quarter next to Vex’s.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Lan Yan’er casually said.

“Why…?” Nate weakly asked as if Lan Yan’er objection was a death sentence for him.

“Well, Keira has placed you as her arch enemy. Every morning she shows your picture to Big Brown while saying, ‘Brownie, remember, you can’t trust him. He is a super duper bad dude’, 

And it seems Big Brown believe her. If you move your living quarter next to us, it will only increase Keira’s hostility.”

“That little girl truly knows how to hold a grudge.”

“Yupe, and I don’t want Big Brown bite you accidently.”

“I see.”

In the end, Nate canceled his intension to move his living quarter next to the Vex’s, but at least he was able to talk to Lan Yan’er again today. Moreover, he didn’t get the impression that Lan Yan’er tried to stay away from him. So, he wasn’t too disappointed. 


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