TF Amethyst

TFA2 24.3 – No Go for CVN and SSN

After 10 hours and 30 minutes of direct flight from Central African Federation, Vex finally arrived at Jackson-Evers International Airport, Mississippi. Then, he took 1 hour and 15 minutes of helicopter flight, before landed on a helipad on the rooftop of Global Express’ branch office.

As soon as he exited the helicopter, Vex immediately saw Admiral Reed had waited for him. “Sir, we meet again.”

Admiral Reed nodded before asking, “I believe you have heard about what happened on Randal.”

“Yeah, he sent me urgent messages to my mail box in Central African Federation as soon as he lost his position, but unfortunately I could only open them a few days ago.”   

“Do you have solution for it?”

“I’m considering some possibilities.”

“Good. Of all the first purchase, we had sent only 40% so far. We have to ship the rest immediately.”

“Yes, and moreover our situation on the other side is not bright. We have inevitable conflict with local authority,” Vex said in a heavy tone. “As a temporary solution, I made a deal to buy some stuff from Central African Federation, under the name Amethyst Security Group. Can you spare some freighter for the shipment?”

“Give me the detail. Romeo Westward will take care of the rest.”

“Thank you. We will also start the second and third purchase, along with the shipment of Amphibious Strike Group.”

“No worry,” Admiral Reed calmly replied. “I have estimated you will speed up our schedule as soon as you know Randy lost his position.

75% of Amphibious Strike Group’s asset is ready for shipment. We can start it in two days. But before that, you need to know some adjustment I had to make.”

Vex was silence for a moment, and then asked, “Sir, last time I was on this side, we had met a few times. You could tell me about this adjustment at that time.”


“Sorry Vex, at that time I hadn’t finished it yet.”

“I see.”

“I had prepared your old room. Get some rest, and after that we will talk about the adjustment at 23:30.”



After three hours of sleep and a nice bath, Vex ordered double cheese burger, french fries, spicy chicken wings, chocolate doughnut, and a big glass of orange juice. After that, he took his dinner to the meeting room in 2nd Underground Floor.

As soon as he entered the room he found Shimamura Heiko was sitting in one end of the long table. She was wearing a knee-high skirt, T-shirt, and a thin cardigan. It was plain clothes, but it didn’t lessen her beauty. 

In her profile Heiko was 29 years old, but her appearance was no different from a model for female underwear at early twenty. She tied her long jet black hair on a bobtail and it exposed her long and show white neck. And even if she sat casually, Vex could clearly saw she had a golden ration for her well-tuned body.

Other than her physical appearance, Vex actually didn’t know much about Heiko. This was his first meeting with her. Vex only had heard a few things about shipbuilding she lead.

Newport News Shipbuilding was the sole designer and builder of US Navy aircraft carrier, one of main contractors who built Los Angeles-class and Virginia-class submarine, and also contractor who responsible to refuel nuclear assets of US Navy. And under Heiko, Newport News Shipbuilding reached its top performance in the history.

“Good night, Mrs. Shimamura.” Vex say hello as he put his dinner on the table and sat across Heiko.

“Mr. Vex, please just call me Heiko.” 


In a glance Heiko then checked Vex’s dinner. “What a heavy dinner.”

“Before I separated with my wife, every time I returned from overseas my daughter will prepare these foods as welcome party.” Vex took a big bite of chocolate doughnut before continuing, “As a result it becomes a habit, but I have to buy it myself now.”

Heiko nodded, and then in a curious tone she asked, “Mr. Vex, on Amstell, do we face significant problem when developed industrial complex for commercial stuffs?”

“No.” Vex happily explained. “It makes MCG super busy with various constructions, but they have almost 4000 personnel, adequate heavy equipment, and plenty of hardworking local labors. 

Also, there is no interference to the flow of construction equipment and materials from earth. Everything will going smoothly as long as engineers, technicians, and other specialist from MCG carry their objective as if their dear life is depended on it.”

“I see.” Heiko looked at Vex for a moment before asking, “May I know, how we will transport Nouel from Amstell?”

Sooner or later Heiko would know about it, so Vex didn’t mind to explain it. It just that he couldn’t mention Claire’s role, as even Admiral Reed had no clue about her. So Vex replaced Claire’s deed as General O’Neil’s.

“General O’Neil and Bob had prepared it from 2011.” 

“That far?” In an instant shock was reflected in Heiko eyes. “It was a few years before Admiral Reed recruited me.”

“I believe General O’Neil also hadn’t invited Admiral Reed at that time.” After taking another mouthful of coke, Vex started telling Heiko the story. 

At early 2011, by using fabricated identity of a crazy rich eccentric, General O’Neil built four huge football stadiums, 800 meters below the surface in four different spots in Antarctica. When the basic structure of the stadium was completed, Bob issued a fake report about unknown natural gas that almost killed some of the construction workers.

Bob then issued another fake assessment that the project had to be canceled and the stadium had to be destroyed and sealed to prevent the deadly gas from going up to the surface. Of course, the destruction of the stadium was only in paper. In reality it was just permanently sealed by destroying the entry access.


By using another fake identity, General O’Neil then bought the land where the stadiums lay and founded Mekar Corporation. After winning exploration right for some oil and natural gas field in Brazil and Mexico, Mekar Corporation then slowly but surely secured exploration right in the whole Antarctica.

Other global player in energy industry mocked at Mekar Corporation’ bet, but they would stop their laugh. In a week, Mekar’s exploration team would found four natural reserves for new type of crude oil. The crude oil was not entirely black, but a slightly bluish. It also had far higher combustion potential compared to ordinary crude oil, but very environmentally friendly.   

As she tilted her head Heiko said, “I bet the oil reserves are located on the half-constructed underground football stadium, but people from Mekar Corporation don’t realize it.”

“Yes, from the beginning the stadiums are to be used as underground tank for crude Nouel, and people from Mekar Corporation only know that their drill hit a 100% natural reserve for new type of crude oil.”

“Mr. Vex, you still hadn’t replied my primary question.”

Vex nodded before cassualy replied, “The crude Nouel from the other side flow to the underground tank through a pipeline. The pipeline network is huge as it also connected to our own Nouel storage, located 300 hundred meters below the surface, and at some point it passed the entry gate.”

“Do the construction workers know about it?”

“No, only three senior engineers and the architect know that the pipeline extended beyond the entry gate.”

“What method did they employ to trick the construction worker?”

“It’s the same method they use to trick the construction workers who built the football stadium. They rig the compass and blueprint. Therefore, when the workers think the go to the east, they actually go to the south, and when they go to the south, they actually go to the west.”

“Never did I imagine our project is a few times bigger than what I had estimated.”

“Yeah.” After gulping down another mouthful of coke, Vex asked, “Do we have complex of warehouse in other locations?”

“Have you never visited the other warehouses?

“I don’t even know they are exists.”

Heiko nodded her head a few times and then she said, “The other warehouses are in Bath Maine, Newport News Virginia, Marinette Wisconsin, Long Beach San Diego, and Gulfport Mississippi. Actually, Romeo Westward HQ is in Gulfport.”

“I see.”

Vex didn’t surprise that Admiral Reed never took him to Romeo Westward HQ, while from the location of other warehouses he could speculate the contractors who participate in project to build assets of Amphibious Strike Group.

“Marinette Marine, Ingalls Shipbuilding, Bath Iron Work, Newport News Shipbuilding, and Long Beach Shipbuilding, I believe we are working with them.”

“Correct,” Heiko casually replied. “We also work with Raytheon, Electric Boat and Integraph Corporation. As for foreign contractor, we are working with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Kawasaki Shipbuilding, Rolls Royce, Babcock International, Damen Schelde, and Fincantieri.”

“I never thought we would invite six foreign contractors.”

“Well.” Heiko took a sip of her tea before continuing, “Even though we have good harvest from USN Decommissioned Asset Maintenance Facility, we still had to produce a huge number of components secretly.”

“And so we invited foreign contractors.”

“Yes.” Heiko slightly nodded as she continued, “Rolls Royce and Babcock built the engine and propulsion for all surface ship. Kawasaki Shipbuilding and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry are main contractors for submarine, while the rest working together to produce the hull and other component.

But don’t worry, for weapon systems, network centric, electronic warfare suits, radar, sensor, and combat managements, we use domestic products so our sailors will be able to operate every ship effectively in no time.”

“Wait.” As a big question mark appeared in his mind, Vex asked, “As far as I know, Kawasaki Shipbuilding and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry don’t have experience in building nuclear-powered submarine.”

“Mr. Vex, Admiral Reed canceled the plan to acquire nuclear-powered submarine.”

“Huh?” In an instant Vex dropped his jaw.

“He also canceled the procurement for nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Heiko shook her head and then firmly said, “No.”

“What the…” Vex whispered as the shock in his eyes deepened.


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